Community and Environment Committee



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Community and Environment Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Wednesday 27 April 2016, commencing at 1.00 pm





Cr Jinty MacTavish


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Neville Peat



Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr John Bezett


Cr Hilary Calvert

Mayor Dave Cull


Cr Doug Hall

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson (via Skype)








Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Ruth Stokes (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks) and Simon Pickford (General Manager Services and Development), Grant McKenzie (Group Chief Financial Officer), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Maria Ioannou (Corporate Policy Manager), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste) and  Patricia McLean (Policy Analyst)


Governance Support Officer      Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Neville Peat): that the Committee


Accepts the apologies from Cr Andrew Noone, Cr Chris Staynes, Cr Richard Thomson and Cr Lee Vandervis for absence and Cr Hilary Calvert for early departure.


Motion carried (CE/2016/001)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Deputy Cr Neville Peat): that the Committee


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (CE/2016/002)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Minutes of Committees

5       Toitu Otago Settlers Museum Board - 13 April 2016


Moved (Cr John Bezett/Cr Aaron Hawkins): that the Committee


a)     Notes Part A items (1-6) of the minutes of the Toitu Otago Settlers Museum Board meeting held on 13 April 2016.

Motion carried (CE/2016/003)


6       Sustainability Audit Subcommittee - 23 February 2016


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Mayor Dave Cull): that the Committee


a)     Notes Part A items (1-9, 11-12) of the minutes of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting held on 23 February 2016

b)     Approves the following Part B item of the minutes of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting held on 23 February 2016:    

Item 10:   Sustainability Principle – Considerations to Assist Staff Delivery

Motion carried (CE/2016/004)


Part A Reports

7       Moller Park Memorial Arch - Outcome of Public Consultation on Replacement Options



In a report from Parks and Recreation an update was provided on the results of a public consultation process to identify options for the replacement of the existing Moller Park Memorial Arch.


A total of 53 submissions were received, with 34 expressing support for the demolition of the existing memorial and the construction of a new commemorative memorial located alongside the west harbour shared path.


The report recommended that the memorial arch be removed and a design panel be established to develop a recommendation on a suitable design and location for a new memorial to Mr Hagbarth Ernest Moller.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Hilary Calvert): that the Committee


a)     Approves the removal of the Moller Park Memorial Arch and construction of a new commemorative memorial to Mr Hagbarth Ernest Moller.

b)     Approves the establishment of a working group made up of a Chalmers Community Board representative, Council staff and a Dunedin Rotary Club representative.

c)     Notes that the design panel will consult with a representative of the Moller family prior to confirming the design and location of a replacement commemorative memorial.

d)     Notes that the demolition of the existing memorial arch will be funded by Ravensdown and that staff will work to identify external funding for a new memorial including seeking further support from Ravensdown.

Motion carried (CE/2016/005)


8       Submission on the New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme Review 2015-16


In a report from Community and Planning and Water and Waste a proposed  submission was attached in response to the Ministry for the Environment discussion document, New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme Review 2015-16.   Submissions were due by 30 April 2016.


The draft submission stated that Dunedin city Council would support a staged removal of the current effective 50% discount on the surrender of New Zealand emission units (NZUs), to moderate pricing impacts on landfill customers.  More generally the submission recommends measures which will promote NZU price certainty.


A discussion took place on the effect the Emissions Trading Scheme would have on the Council, and the cost of implementation.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr David Benson-Pope): that the Committee


         a)     Adjourn the meeting.


Motion carried (CE/2016/006)



The meeting adjourned at 1.45 pm and reconvened at 1.50 pm.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr David Benson-Pope): that the Committee

a)     Approves the recommended submission in response to the Ministry for the Environment’s discussion document, New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme Review 2015-16, with following amendments:

1)     Insert after Question 13 and 14: The Council supports the principle of     all polluters paying for their emissions.  Free allocation rates are effectively a subsidy for some businesses and industries, which creates an inequitable distribution of our collective responsibility for carbon emission reduction.  We support the phased introduction of all industries to the Emissions Trading Scheme starting no later than 2020.


2)     Insert after Question 18: Dunedin city council has a preference for encouraging domestic abatement.  If international units are to be included we support the need for an independent auditing regime to verify these.


A request was made to take each item separately.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Mayor Dave Cull): that the Committee


               a)     Adjourn the meeting.


                       Motion carried



The meeting adjourned at 2.12 pm until 2.22 pm.


Cr Hall left the meeting at 2.12 pm



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Committee:


1)     Insert after Question 13 and 14: The Council supports the principle of     all polluters paying for their emissions.  Free allocation rates are effectively a subsidy for some businesses and industries, which creates an inequitable distribution of our collective responsibility for carbon emission reduction.  We support the phased introduction of all industries to the Emissions Trading Scheme starting no later than 2020.



That the Committee


Votes by division.


For:          Crs Jinty MacTavish, Neville Peat, David Benson-Pope, John Bezett, Aaron Hawkins and Dave Cull (6).

Against:     Crs Hilary Calvert, Mike Lord, Andrew Whiley and Kate Wilson (4).


The division was declared CARRIED by 6 votes to 4


Cr Hall returned to the meeting at 2.24 pm



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Kate Wilson):


2)     Insert after Question 18: Dunedin City Council has a preference for encouraging domestic abatement.  If international units are to be included we support the need for an independent auditing regime to verify these.


Motion carried with Cr Lord voting against




The substantive motion was moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Kate Wilson) was put:



That the Committee


Votes by division.


For:          Crs Jinty MacTavish, Neville Peat, David Benson-Pope, John Bezett, Aaron Hawkins and Dave Cull (6).

Against:     Crs Hilary Calvert, Doug Hall, Mike Lord, Andrew Whiley and Kate Wilson (5).


The division was declared CARRIED by 6 votes to 5


 Motion carried (CE/2016/007)


9       Submission from Dunedin City Council to the Otago Regional Council Draft Annual Plan 2016/17


The report attached the draft submission from the Dunedin City Council to the Otago Regional Council on its Draft Annual Plan 2016/17.


During the discussion Cr Hilary Calvert left the meeting at 2.46 pm.


A discussion took place on the submission with the following amendments being suggested.


1      That the Dunedin City Council supports the appointment of a dedicated and suitable qualified Harbour Master for Otago Harbour with responsibility for promoting safety, ensuring the good condition of navigation aids in responding to incidents and public enquiries


                   Agreed to include


2      Council add in a submission supporting resourcing work understanding the groundwater system and need for protection for the  Middlemarch water supply in order to mitigate any potential need for a reticulated system 


                   Agreed to include


        3      Council welcomes Otago Regional Council support and commitment to work                collaboratively on South Dunedin and coastal erosion issues.


                   Agreed to include


        4a    That Council indicates its support for Option 2 in wilding trees.


                Agreed not to include on the casting vote of the Chairperson


4b    Further that we support a more hands on management of wilding pines by the Otago Regional Council actively managing this as part of it Pest strategy 


                   Agreed to include


5      That Council support the completion of a network of effluent disposal sites in Otago and that the Otago Regional Council discuss with New Zealand Transport Agency an approach to operational costs of those facilities that recognises their regional and national importance and benefits


        Agreed to include


6      That Council request Otago Regional Council resource work looking into mechanisms to use flood banks on public land within their flood control work for access for recreational purposes.


                   Agreed to include


7      That we encourage the ORC to use its ownership of Port Otago and associated companies to further enhance Dunedin's waterfront and harbour surrounds.


          Agreed to include


8      That DCC supports the Otago Regional Council's on going biodiversity funding in 2016/17.  Further, we request that the two councils work collaboratively in the Dunedin city area to make sure our biodiversity investments are complementary.


        Agreed to include


9      The DCC would like to emphasise the importance of the proposed central city bus hub to our central city Plan.  As such we request closer communication and collaboration with the Otago Regional council during each stage of this project's development.


        Agreed to include




Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Mayor Dave Cull): that the Committee


a)     Approves making a submission, as amended from Dunedin City Council on the Otago Regional Council Draft Annual Plan 2016/17 in the form of Attachment B.

Motion carried (CE/2016/008)


10     Enabling Volunteering - Progress Update


The report provided the council with a progress update on the council's work to facilitate volunteering and ensure a consistent and legally compliant approach across council towards engaging volunteers.



Moved (Cr John Bezett/Cr Neville Peat): that the Committee


a)     Notes the progress on improving processes and consistency in Council’s interactions with volunteers and the proposed milestones for 2016.

Motion carried (CE/2016/009)


Part B Reports

11     Te Ao Tūroa - Dunedin's Environment Strategy


The report outlines Te Ao Turoa – The natural World (Dunedin's Environment Strategy) development, summarised key changes from the consultation document, identified proposed funding and recommend that the Strategy is approved for Council adoption.



Moved (Cr Neville Peat/Cr Aaron Hawkins): that the Committee


a)     Recommends to the Council the Strategy be adopted at its meeting on 27 June 2016.

Motion carried (CE/2016/010)




Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins): that the Committee


a      Notes that the Council  Business As Usual Reviews would be reported back to         Council by the end of 2017


b      Notes that milestone targets for the strategy would be reported back to Council      by the end of 2017.


Motion carried (CE/2016/011)

Part A

12     Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chair


There were no items notified.





The meeting concluded at 3.37 pm.





