Infrastructure Services Committee



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Infrastructure Services Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 26 April 2016, commencing at the conclusion of the Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting.





Kate Wilson


Deputy Chairperson

Mike Lord



David Benson-Pope

John Bezett


Hilary Calvert

Doug Hall


Aaron Hawkins

Jinty MacTavish


Neville Peat

Richard Thomson


Lee Vandervis

Andrew Whiley


Dave Cull





Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Ruth Stokes (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks), Simon Pickford (General Manager Services and Development), Sandy Graham (Group Manager Corporate Services), Kristy Rusher (Manager Civic and Legal), Graham McKerracher (Manager Communications and Marketing), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste), Tom Osborn (Asset and Commercial Manager), Grant Fisher (Transport Planner), Gerard Collings (Chairman of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board).


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




1       Public Forum

There was no public forum.   


2       Apologies


Moved (Deputy Chairperson Mike Lord/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Committee


Accepts the apologies from Cr Andrew Noone and Cr Chris Staynes.


Motion carried (IS/2016/001)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Mike Lord/Cr Doug Hall) that the Committee


Confirms the agenda with the following addition, alteration and deletion:

The chairman of the Waikouaiti Community Board, Gerard Collins, will join the debate on Item 7; Item 8 will be moved to Part A reports; and Item 9 has been withdrawn from the agenda.


Motion carried (IS/2016/002)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

There were no declarations of interest.      

Part A Reports

5       South Dunedin Public Infrastructure Performance during June 2015 flood event follow up



Ruth Stokes apologised for management failures related to the issue of mud tank maintenance.


The committee was advised that although the report under discussion was about the South Dunedin catchment, flooding had also occurred in other areas including Mosgiel and Green Island.


Laura McElhone advised on measures being taken to improve the stormwater system since the flood. Information from the Otago Regional Council showed that at the time of the flooding, groundwater levels were raised due to previous rain events. Staff are working with ORC to pull together a complete picture of the infrastructure in the South Dunedin area. Any solutions will require significant investment.


Regarding mud tanks, the maintenance failures may be a problem city-wide. Staff will be working with Fulton Hogan to ensure compliance city-wide.


Regarding a communications plan for South Dunedin residents, this will be ready by the middle of the year. The council and the regional council need to have a clear picture on the nature and complexity of the scale of what they are dealing with, and after that have conversations with the community on the options.


Mayor Dave Cull left the meeting at 2.43pm and returned at 2.45pm.


Cr Lord left the meeting at 3.11pm and returned at 3.12pm.


The Mayor put the following motion to the committee and it was seconded by Cr Lord:


That staff report back to the Infrastructure Services Committee by July an update on progress against the 30 year Infrastructure Strategy noting particularly:


·         South Dunedin Stormwater and Sewerage infrastructure

·         Mosgiel Stormwater and Sewerage Infrastructure

And possible measures to ensure that the stormwater system in South Dunedin is capable of preventing and/or mitigating flooding caused by severe rain events.


The Mayor spoke to his motion. He said Dunedin should expect more severe stormwater events and more flooding in the future. To reassure the community staff are addressing areas that did not perform as well as they should. The pump screens blocked and these will be replaced by July. Mud tanks are being cleaned out at the moment, so all of that should enable the system to operate optimally, however if the city had another event like last June it would still have a flood.


Cr MacTavish asked for a subsequent motion that the communications plan be advanced as a matter of urgency.


The Mayor seconded the motion from Cr MacTavish and said he was happy for her motion to be put at the same time as his.




Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Deputy Chairperson Mike Lord) that the Committee:


a)     Notes the report and asks staff to report back to the Infrastructure Services Committee in July an update on progress against the 30 year Infrastructure Strategy noting particularly:

• South Dunedin Stormwater and Sewerage infrastructure

• Mosgiel Stormwater and Sewerage Infrastructure


And a timetable for updates on possible measures to ensure that stormwater management in South Dunedin is capable of preventing and/or mitigating flooding caused by severe rain events.


 Motion carried (IS/2016/003)




Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Mayor Dave Cull) that the Committee:

Agrees that communications with South Dunedin residents be progressed as a matter of priority with regular reports back to the Council as the communications plan is implemented.

Motion carried (IS/2016/004)


Adjournment of meeting


Moved (Chairperson Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins): that the Committee

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (IS/2016/005)


The meeting adjourned from 4.15pm to 4.30pm.



Cr David Benson-Pope left the meeting at 04:16 pm.

Cr John Bezett left the meeting at 04:18 pm


6       Recycling Markets and Bin Contamination



Laura McElhone answered questions on details in the report. The committee was advised of initiatives to change recycling behaviour and reduce contaminated waste. Contaminated material includes items that are potentially recyclable but contaminated, for example an empty pizza box, and items that were never able to be recycled, for example a baby's nappy. All recyclable material is recycled unless it is heavily contaminated.



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Mike Lord/Mayor Dave Cull) that the Committee


a)     Notes the Recycling Markets and Bin Contamination report.

Motion carried (IS/2016/006)


7       Northern Wastewater Schemes' Options


The chairman of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board, Gerard Collings, joined the table for this item.


Tom Osborn, Asset and Commercial Manager, answered questions on the report. A number of environmental impact assessments have been done to date, with more due to happen as part of the consenting process.


Cr Richard Thomson left the meeting at 04:47 pm.


Cr MacTavish requested a resolution to reflect that the cultural and environmental impacts be studied for each option. Staff suggested narrowing it down to a preferred option and then doing this work.


Cr MacTavish drafted four motions and put them to the committee. Motions number 1,2, and 4 were seconded by Cr Calvert. They are that the committee:


1.Approves the proposal to upgrade the existing Waikouaiti/Karitane, Seacliff and Warrington wastewater treatment plants on their current sites over a period of 10 to 12 years to meet a ‘medium’ consent conditions scenario at an estimated cost of $5 million.

2.Notes that the next phase of investigation includes consideration of the cultural and ecological impact of the proposal.

4.Expresses a preference that staff prepare budgets based on existing delivery timeframes for projects in the "Wastewater – Augmentation and Efficiency" budgets.


Cr Hawkins seconded motion number 3. This is that the committee:

3. Notes a subsequent report to ISCOM will outline options to maximise cultural and ecological gains, in line with Te Aro Turoa, the Council's Environmental Strategy.


The chair requested a short adjournment to seek advice on how to proceed further.

This adjournment was moved by Cr Lord and seconded by Cr Wilson. The meeting adjourned for a few minutes then re-convened.


Cr MacTavish spoke to the motions and then other committee members also spoke.

The chairperson then requested an amendment to motion number 3.



Moved (Chairperson Kate Wilson/Mayor Dave Cull) that the Committee:


          Amends motion number 3 to replace the word "for" with the words "to maximise".

Motion carried (IS/2016/007)


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Hilary Calvert) that the Committee:

Approves the proposal to upgrade the existing Waikouaiti/Karitane, Seacliff and Warrington wastewater treatment plants on their current sites over a period of 10 to 12 years to meet a ‘medium’ consent conditions scenario at an estimated cost of $5 million.

Motion carried (IS/2016/008)



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Hilary Calvert) that the Committee:


Notes that the next phase of investigation includes consideration of the cultural and ecological impact of the proposal.

Motion carried (IS/2016/009)



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Hilary Calvert) that the Committee:

Expresses a preference that staff prepare budgets based on existing delivery timeframes for projects in the "Wastewater – Augmentation and Efficiency" budgets.

Motion carried (IS/2016/010)



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Committee:

Notes a subsequent report to ISCOM will outline options to maximise cultural and ecological gains, in line with Te Aro Turoa, the Council's Environmental Strategy.

 Motion carried (IS/2016/011)


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board chairman Gerard Collings did not vote.



8       Resolution to stop a portion of Peel Street, Allanton



Grant Fisher attended the meeting to speak to this report.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Mayor Dave Cull) that the Committee


a)     Notes that no objections were submitted during the notice period.

b)     Resolves that under Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974 the portion of road reserve described as Section 1 SO 442818 is stopped, with costs being met by the applicant as per the 2011 Infrastructure Services Committee resolution.

c)     Authorises public notice of the road stopping.

Motion carried (IS/2016/012)


Part B Reports


9       Road Name - Three Hills Subdivision



This item was withdrawn from the agenda.




10     Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chair


The following item was suggested for consideration by the chair:

·         E-waste and recycling of televisions, in particular at landfill, and the costs of this, for annual plan discussions.



The meeting concluded at 6.07 pm.



