Council Annual Plan Deliberations



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Council Annual Plan Deliberations held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 10 May 2016, commencing at 9.00 am, Wednesday 11 May 2016 commencing at 9.04 am and Thursday 12 May 2016 commencing at 9.00 am





Mayor Dave Cull


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Chris Staynes



Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr John Bezett


Cr Hilary Calvert

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jinty MacTavish

Cr Andrew Noone


Cr Neville Peat

Cr Richard Thomson


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson




Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Grant McKenzie (Group Chief Financial Officer), Simon Pickford (General Manager Services and Development), Ruth Stokes (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks), Marian Rillstone (Group Manager Organisation Development and Performance), Sandy Graham (Group Manager Corporate Services), Kristy Rusher (Manager Civic and Legal), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Jane Nevill (Corporate Planner), Carolyn Allan (Senior Management Accountant), Jane Craigie-Read (Policy Support Assistant), Jessie Wu (Policy Support Assistant), Gavin Logie (Financial Controller), Kevin Taylor (Property Manager), Donna McTainsh (Assistant Accountant), Desley Anthony (Project Office Analyst), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste), Catherine Irvine (Solid Waste Manager), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Glen Hazelton (Team Leader Urban Design), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture), Cara Paterson (Community Advisor - Arts), Paul Coffey (Community Advisor), John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Ryan Craig (Destination Dunedin Manager), Fraser Liggett (Economic Development Programme Manager), Des Adamson (Business Relationship Manager), Lesley Marriott (GigCity Project Coordinator), Tammy Jackman (Events Special Projects Coordinator) and Wai Piggott (Financial Analyst)


Governance Support Officers     Andrea Barker, Wendy Collard, Arlene Goss, Pam Jordan and Jennifer Lapham




An outline was given of the procedures to be followed for the deliberations.  

2       Apologies


An apology was received from Cr Lee Vandervis (for lateness) on Tuesday 10 May 2016.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council


Accepts the apology from Cr Vandervis.

Motion carried (AP/2016/007)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition or alteration:


Addition of item 7A: an overarching resolution to set Council's desired rates level.


Motion carried (AP/2016/008)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

4A     Procedural Issues


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

a)         Suspends the requirement for Councillors to stand while speaking for the duration of the meeting.

b)        Suspends Standing Order 3.7.17 to allow Councillors to use electronic devices during the meeting.

Motion carried (AP/2016/009)


4B     Over arching recommendation


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That any resolution made in this section of the meeting may be subject to further discussion and decision by the meeting.


Motion carried (AP/2016/010)


Part A Reports

5       2016/17 Annual Plan Consultation


A report from Community and Planning provided a summary of feedback received from the public consultation on the 2016/17 Annual Plan.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Notes the 2016/17 Annual Plan Consultation results.

Motion carried (AP/2016/011)


6       2015/16 Financial Forecast


A report from Finance detailed forecasted end of year positions in relation to revenue, operating expenditure and the capital expenditure programme.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Notes the financial forecast to 30 June 2016 as part of the 2016/17 Annual Plan deliberations.

Motion carried (AP/2016/012)


7       Budget Changes


A report from Finance noted that since the draft 2016/17 budget was approved, a number of budget changes had been identified.  These changes should be considered by Council, and if approved, incorporated into the budgets and the 2016/17 Annual Plan.  The net impact of the changes was an additional funding requirement of $689,000 (increasing the proposed rates from 2.9% to 3.5%).



Comment was made on the report and staff responded to questions.


Cr Andrew Noone left the meeting at 9.48 am and returned at 9.50 am during the course of discussion.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope):


That the Council:


a)     Approves the identified budget changes, including carry forwards, as amended by the Council, for incorporation into the 2016/17 Annual Plan.

Motion carried (AP/2016/013)


Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 9.53 am.


7A     Rates Increase


The following resolution was passed at the Council meeting held on 25, 26 and 28 January 2016.


j)     Update on Financial Position


It was moved (Thomson/Staynes):


"That Council is resolved not to exceed its cap of 3% for rates increases in 2016/17.  Council is aware of some possible cost increase risks between the confirmation of the draft budget and the setting of a rate.  Feedback will be sought through consultation on the additional spending decisions taken during the January Annual Plan Council meeting to assist in prioritisation decisions should they become necessary."



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

a)     Reconfirms the rates cap of 3% decided at the January 2016 Annual Plan Council meeting, unless there are exceptional circumstances.


Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 9.57 am during the course of discussion.


Motion carried (AP/2016/014)



8       Spending Priorities


A report from Finance noted that feedback was sought from the community about spending priorities during consultation on the draft 2016/17 Annual Plan.



Cr Andrew Whiley left the meeting at 10.18 am during the course of discussion.


Cr Andrew Whiley returned to the meeting at 10.25 am.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Richard Thomson):


That the Council:


a)     Notes the feedback received on spending priorities.

Motion carried (AP/2016/015)


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Hilary Calvert:


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 10.45 am.

Motion carried (AP/2016/016)



The meeting adjourned from 10.34 am to 10.54 am.





The submissions received had been divided into topics, each of which was considered by the Council.  Additional staff reports were provided for some of the topics and were considered together with all submissions on the topic.


Carpark Leases


There was discussion on the current arrangements and return on leased carparks. 


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Risk Management


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Rating Policy



Moved (Cr Richard Thomson/Cr Hilary Calvert):


That the Finance Committee seeks reports for its meeting on 18 July 2016 on:

a)         Rating adjustment possibilities for:

·         retirement village licence to occupy houses;

·         Maori freehold land

b)        Consideration of rating policies for residential properties being used for short term commercial rental and/or multiple studio rooms.

Motion carried (AP/2016/017)


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


·                Debt – Support Strategy to lower debt

·                Rates Increase – Support

·                Rating Method - Support Changes

·                Stadium – Operating Model


Gasworks Museum – Financial Support from Council


This item was deferred until Cr Vandervis could be present at the meeting.


Hall Maintenance


Information provided by the Property Manager was read by the Chief Executive Officer in response to questions about hall maintenance. 


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Public Toilets


A request was made for a report on public toilets for places in the city affected by tourism and locations previously requested by community boards.  It was noted that a report was being prepared for consideration by the Council in June. 


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Cr Vandervis entered the meeting at 11.30 am, left again at 11.32 am and returned at 11.35 am during the course of discussion.


Social Housing


There was discussion on staff contact with tenants. 


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Gasworks Museum – Financial Support from Council


19     Dunedin Gasworks Museum


Cr Vandervis asked the Council to consider the potential purchases of land adjacent to the Dunedin Gasworks Museum to protect the existing Museum from unsympathetic development and allow room for expansion.  He noted the thousands of voluntary hours put into the Museum and the opportunity for a world class museum that was constrained by space.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Doug Hall):


a)     That City Property consider and report back on the possible purchase of the following land adjoining the Gasworks Museum:

·         No 1 Brandon Street (the Arthur Stone building)

·         No 8 and No 12 McBride Street.

b)     That Finance report on options for the source of funds to purchase the properties.

c)     That the report come back with other information on progressing the South Dunedin community hub.


Following discussion each part of the motion was taken separately.


Motion (a) was put and carried.


Motion (b) was put and carried.


Motion (c) was put and carried.


Motion carried (AP/2016/018)


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.




Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 12.35 pm.

Motion carried (AP/2016/019)



The meeting adjourned from 12.10 pm to 12.45 pm.



Infrastructure Improvements


Councillors were advised that priorities for infrastructure renewal had not changed and renewals should take priority over upgrades.  Information was provided on renewals backlogs, plans for completion and timing of the work.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Cr Andrew Whiley returned to the meeting at 12.58 pm following the adjournment.


Enviroschools Programme


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Flooding in Mosgiel


Bringing this area to an acceptable level of service would involve understanding the catchment and developing a holistic solution.  Investigations had not yet taken place into who would fund this and how much responsibility would be taken by Council or NZTA.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Mosgiel Infrastructure


It was noted that Carlyle Road and Woodland Avenue were regarded as problem areas and that Council had plans to address this; however this could only do it as fast as the budget was available to deliver the work.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Recycling Collection


Discussion was held on tendering for drop-off locations in the CBD and investigations into soft plastic collections.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Rubbish Collection


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Waste Management – eWaste


There was discussion on quantities of eWaste households disposed of annually.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Cr Bezett returned to the meeting at 1.26 pm following the adjournment.


Cr MacTavish suggested that the subsidising of eWaste disposal should be investigated further.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Neville Peat):


That the Council:

a)     Requests a report back to the Infrastructure Services Committee that quantifies, as accurately as possible from existing data, the amount of e-waste entering Green Island Landfill and/or being illegally dumped.

Motion carried (AP/2016/020)


Cr Vandervis recorded his vote against the motion.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Neville Peat):


That the Council:

b)     Requests a report back to the Infrastructure Services Committee that canvasses the costs and benefits of options that would reduce the amount of e-waste entering the landfill, including rates-subsidised recycling.

Motion carried (AP/2016/021)


Cr Vandervis recorded his vote against the motion.


South Dunedin Infrastructure


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


9       Potential Impact of ETS Costs on Landfill Charges


A report from Water and Waste sought to inform the Council of the increased costs related to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) due to anticipated changes to Government policy, and sought a decision as to how the costs might be recovered.  The focus of the report was on the 2016/17 financial year to address the immediate impact of additional ETS costs.  The 2016/17 draft budget for Landfill charges was based on a carbon unit price of $7, which at the time was considered a conservative projection.  A recent change in Government policy had stimulated the carbon market resulting in a price of up to $13.50 as at 28 April 2016.

It was not anticipated that a change to the Long Term Plan would be triggered as, in the context of the Council activity, the changes were not considered material or substantial.  The situation represented existing issues for which the quantity had changed.  There were three options presented to address the immediate budget shortfall, estimated to be $354,600.

Staff commented on the report and responded to questions from Councillors.  It was reported that staff aimed to have a report back from the carbon taskforce before the next budgeting round.  Staff had started to prepare a policy on carbon credits.

Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 1.52 pm following the adjournment.


Cr MacTavish suggested changes to the wording of the draft resolutions in the report. 

Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Andrew Noone):


That the Council:

a)     Approves an increase to the landfill Emissions Trading Scheme draft budget of $354,600 for inclusion in the 2016/17 Annual Plan.

b)     Considers an increase to landfill user charges (across the board by 6%) for those whose waste contributes to carbon emissions as detailed in Option 3.

c)     Approves the revised fees and charges schedule shown in Attachment A of the report for inclusion in the 2016/17 Annual Plan.

d)     Notes that staff are exploring a range of options to reduce the Emissions Trading Scheme liability in the long term (eg tree planting, waste reduction).

e)     Requests a report back from staff identifying options for reducing Emissions Trading Scheme liability, no later than December 2016.

Further changes were suggested to the motion.


A short adjournment was taken to take legal advice at 2.08 pm and the meeting reconvened at 2.09 pm.


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Andrew Noone):


That the Council:


Withdraws the previous Motions (a)-(e).


Motion carried (AP/2016/022)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Approves an increase to the Landfill Emissions Trading Scheme draft budget of $354,600 for inclusion in the 2016/17 Annual Plan.

Motion carried (AP/2016/023)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

b)     Approves an increase to landfill user charges for those whose waste contributes to carbon emissions as detailed in Option 2.

Motion carried (AP/2016/024)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

c)     Approves the revised fees and charges schedule shown in Attachment A of the report for inclusion in the 2016/17 Annual Plan.

Motion carried (AP/2016/025)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


d)     Notes that staff are exploring a range of options to reduce the Emissions Trading Scheme liability in the long term (eg tree planting, waste reduction).


Motion carried (AP/2016/026)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


e)     Requests a report back from staff identifying options for reducing Emissions Trading Scheme liability, no later than December 2016.


Motion carried (AP/2016/027)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Mayor Dave Cull):


That the Council:


f)     Requests that the Council actively communicates before implementation of the new charges the waste minimisation and recycling opportunities available in the city.


Motion carried (AP/2016/028)



Water Additives


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Water Quality Harbour


Discussion was held on how to educate people to maintain harbour water quality.  


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Water Quality Rivers


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (AP/2016/029)



The meeting adjourned from 2.53 pm to 3.08 pm.



10     A Change in Timing - Central City Plan


A report from Transport Group and Community and Planning advised that the proposed change in timing for the Central City Plan transport projects allowed for a further year of planning and consultation for both projects.  As a result, construction was delayed by one year.  The majority of submitters supported this change in timing.  There was now insufficient time to proceed with the original timeframe proposed in the Long Term Plan.  This would give Council a chance to consult with stakeholders and have a shared vision for the optimum outcome.


Moved (Cr Hilary Calvert/Mayor Dave Cull):


That the Council:


Approves that timing proceeds as proposed in the draft Annual Plan and planning in 2016/17 is funded from existing budgets.

Motion carried (AP/2016/030)


Central City Plan, Transport Improvements


Discussion was held on the challenge of connecting the city to the harbourside.  Council needed a solution that did not involve major capital expenditure.



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That the Council:

Requests staff to again approach the parties involved with a view to establishing safe, at-grade pedestrian access across the rail corridor on the lower Rattray Street alignment adjacent to the Chinese Garden.

Motion carried (AP/2016/031)


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the topic.


Cycle Safety


Councillors wished to make it clear to submitters that, whatever the solution NZTA suggested, Council would endeavour to get the best possible outcome.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the topic.


11     A change in scope - Cycleways


A report from Transport Group provided a summary of feedback received through the 2016/17 Annual Plan consultation on the proposed change of scope for cycleway delivery.  Two potential options were presented regarding the change in scope. 




Cycleways, All Topics


Staff reported on each matter raised by submitters, and additional matters raised by Cr MacTavish in an email she circulated to staff.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Kate Wilson):


That the Council:


a)     Notes that staff are progressing as a priority matter the re-scoping of Strategic Cycle Network budget priorities, in line with the Strategic Cycle Network Plan adopted in 2011.

b)     Notes that this process will involve engagement with Spokes and other stakeholders, and take into account the priorities identified by the cycling community through the Spokes submission.

c)     Notes that the outcome of this will be reported back to Council by September 2016.

d)     Notes that remediation of the Portobello Road cycleway, and work around the Wharf Street/Roberts Street intersection are being progressed separately.


Motion carried (AP/2016/032)


Cr Vandervis recorded his vote against the motion.


Footpaths Improvements or Additions


Action would be taken on individual footpaths as part of the footpath maintenance programme.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Mudtanks Increase Service Levels

·                Parking New Areas or Changes to Existing Areas

·                Public Transport Bus Shelters/Stops


Public Transport Resourcing


Staff had talked to the Otago Regional Council in the past week regarding prioritising this collaboration.  Action had been taken on the Bus Hub.  Councillors requested that submitters be provided with details in response to their submissions.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Road Safety General Improvements

·                Road Maintenance General

·                Sea Walls (Excluding St Clair) Improvements



Seal Extensions Improvements or Additions


Cr Noone requested a budget to be made available to deal with problem gravel roads. Staff suggested reallocating money already held in the minor improvements budget. Discussion was held on this being a safety issue rather than a maintenance issue.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Cr Mike Lord):


That the Council:


Requests that staff report on the benefits of having a seal extension budget to deal with difficult-to-maintain sections of the gravel roading network.


Motion carried (AP/2016/033)


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 9.00 am on Wednesday, 11 May 2016.

Motion carried (AP/2016/034)



The meeting adjourned at 5.00 pm until Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 9.00 am.



Street Lighting LED


Staff advised they would be looking at street lighting as a whole for the city, noting what Council wanted to achieve in each part of the city.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the topic.


State Highways Request for Improvements


Councillors noted an intersection involving a rail crossing in Mosgiel that needed improvement.  NZTA was aware of the issues.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments on the topic.


Tertiary Precinct Safety


Councillors noted some areas in the precinct requiring work to improve student pedestrian safety and traffic safety.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments made on the topic.


Crs Lee Vandervis and Richard Thomson entered the meeting at 9.12 am following the adjournment.


Transportation Infrastructure


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



St Clair Seawall Project


Staff were asked to include the link to the website with updates on this project in the response to submitters.  Staff were relying on experts for advice on whether to extend the sand sausages to cover a larger area.  Sand was consistently being lost from the St Clair seawall area and ways to encourage/retain sand were being looked at.  Options would be provided for the Council to consider.


Council gave consideration to the submissions and staff comments made on the topic.


Te Rauone Breakwater


This project had a budget of $50,000 in the current year.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Town Belt Traverse


Progress had been made on engaging with the Dunedin Amenities Society on this issue.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Community Gardens


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Freedom Camping Bylaw Review


Staff were complimented on the work carried out to date.  The Mayor believed this issue would be revisited at a South Island or national level.  The increased numbers were not sustainable.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Freedom Camping Resourcing for Existing Sites


Three community boards had issues regarding this matter.  Communication around facilities could be improved.  A report was being prepared for the Council in June on the options.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Garden Plots

·                Living Assets Funding


Mosgiel Pool


Discussion was held on the budget for this project.  If the Council decided to proceed with the pool, it would possibly need more than $6 million.  This was to be reflected in the comments to submitters.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Motor Sport Development


The Southern Festival of Speed was provided as an example of the city already supporting motor sport.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Parks and Recreation Strategy

·                Pest Management

·                Regional Facilities Strategy


Sportsfields and Reserves


Cr Andrew Whiley and Ruth Stokes, General Manager Infrastructure and Networks, withdrew for this item.


A request had been made for a new hockey turf by Otago Hockey and King's High School.  Staff commented that consideration could be given by Council to contribute to this project.


Cr Andrew Noone left the meeting at 9.52 am.


A proposed motion was tabled by the Chief Executive Officer after Councillors had indicated that they wished to support the project subject to end of year debt levels and other qualifying financial matters.


Cr Andrew Noone returned to the meeting at 9.57 am.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Richard Thomson):


That the Council:


Agrees to make a one-off grant of up to $500,000 to the Otago Hockey Association for the development of an artificial hockey turf at King's High School, South Dunedin, together with a $10,000 per annum grant for 10 years towards the maintenance of the Hockey Turf.  Both grants are conditional on the following:


a)     The Council having term debt in the 2015/16 financial year lower than forecast as part of the Annual Plan 2016/17 ($220 million).

b)     A report from the Chief Executive Officer at the end of the financial year 2015/16 confirming finance for the capital project is available.

c)     The Council is satisfied that an appropriate set of terms and conditions for public use is in place.

d)     Identification of a method for Council to fund the ongoing maintenance contribution.

e)     The annual maintenance grant will commence on completion of construction of the hockey turf.

f)     The Ministry of Education formally agreeing with the Otago Hockey Association on the terms and conditions for the location and construction of the hockey turf at King's High School.

g)     The Council Parks and Recreation staff, in planning for the development, work with all departments to ensure that infrastructure can support increased demands in this area.



Further discussion and debate centred on priorities for spending and the details contained in the motions.  


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 10.45 am.

Motion carried (AP/2016/035)



The meeting adjourned from 10.00 am to 10.49 am.



Following further discussion the motion was put.


Motion carried (AP/2016/036)


Sportsfields and Reserves (continued)


Councillors asked questions regarding the request from Otago Cricket for $100,000 for a new scoreboard.



Moved (Cr John Bezett/Cr David Benson-Pope):


That the Council:

Supports Otago Cricket to the sum of $70,000 plus GST towards a new scoreboard, subject to staff confirming the scoreboard is up to standard.

Motion carried (AP/2016/037)


Councillors then discussed the application for funding from Football South.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Doug Hall):


That the Council:

Requests staff continue discussions with Football South to develop plans for their needs consistent with Council's strategic goals, and report back for the 2017/18 Annual Plan.

Motion carried (AP/2016/038)


Council returned to the discussion of topics on the agenda run sheet raised by Annual Plan submitters.


Sycamore Tree Removal


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Walking Tracks Additional


Questions were asked on the renewal of walking tracks.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Playgrounds

·                Coastal Erosion Ocean Beach Investigation Funding

·                Dunedin Markets

·                GIS Imagery Improvements


Information Technology Improvements


Questions were asked about information technology improvements.  Open data technology was a work in progress.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.




Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Questionnaire Only


Questionnaire results were noted.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Advocacy for District Health Board Services

·                Civic Functions


Community Boards


A question was asked about a training budget for community board members, which was part of the budget for elected members generally.  Community board members had been made aware of this.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Feedback Councillor Consideration

·                Dog Control Bylaw Review



Housing Warrant of Fitness


Staff provided background information on this issue.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Liquor Ban


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Parking Enforcement


Staff responded to questions about parking pay and display machines and systems in place if machines were not working.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Libraries Resourcing


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


South Dunedin Library


Staff were requested to provide more information to submitters than was noted in the staff comments.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Stained Glass Heritage


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Entry Fees


The staff comments were discussed.  This issue was debated in 2014 and there were no further plans for review.


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Chairperson Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes)


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (AP/2016/039)



The meeting adjourned at 12.07 pm and reconvened at 1.10 pm.



Staff responded to questions on Toitū staffing.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Cr Lee Vandervis returned to the meeting at 1.15 pm following the adjournment.




Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Biodiversity Fund


Councillor Neville Peat withdrew from the meeting at 1.20 pm.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That staff prepare a report reviewing the $5,000 limit currently in place on grants from the Biodiversity Fund.


Motion carried (AP/2016/040)


Councillor Neville Peat returned to the meeting at 1.35 pm.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Central City Plan


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


18     2016/17 Additional Funding Request for City Marketing in Australia and New Zealand


A report from Enterprise Dunedin noted that following the draft Annual Plan meeting in January 2016, the Council requested a plan on how the requested additional city marketing funding ($300,000) would be spent.  The report outlined the city marketing plan for Australia and New Zealand.  It also detailed how the plan aligned with the Economic Development Strategy 2023 (EDS) strategic framework, the target markets, alliance partners, proposed campaigns, measures of success and next steps.

Staff responded to questions on the report.


Cr Neville Peat left the meeting at 1.44 pm.


Cr Neville Peat returned to the meeting at 1.47 pm.


Cr John Bezett returned to the meeting at 1.49 pm following the adjournment.


Cr Aaron Hawkins left the meeting at 1.57 pm.


Cr Aaron Hawkins returned to the meeting at 2.04 pm.


12     Looking After Arts and Culture


A report from Services and Development and Community and Planning set out the community feedback and staff commentary regarding topics related to 'Looking After Arts and Culture', including Ara Toi Ōtepoti, City of Literature, South Dunedin Community Complex, Toitū Otago Settlers Museum and Dunedin Public Libraries.  The report provided background to each topic and a summary of the key community feedback.

Staff responded to questions on the report and there was discussion on budgets.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Ara Toi Ōtepoti Implementation

·                Ara Toi Ōtepoti Implementation – Economic Development Aspects

·                City of Literature Implementation

·                Supporting Arts and Culture


Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 2.24 pm.


13     Dunedin Heritage Fund Budget


A report from Community and Planning updated the Council on the financial situation following the Dunedin Heritage Fund's commitment to support the re-use and restoration of the Priory building.

Support for the Priory project had constrained the budget of the Heritage Fund for the 2016/2017 year at a time when the number of heritage re-use projects throughout the city continued to grow.  The report presented Council with options to consider regarding whether, and how, to address this constraint.

Staff responded to questions on the report and the consequences for the Fund.


Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 2.27 pm.


Cr Kate Wilson withdrew from the meeting at 2.27 pm, leaving the meeting room at 2.32 pm and returning at 2.35 pm during the course of discussion.



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Andrew Noone):


That the Council:


a)     Allocates additional funding of $100,000 (if required) to the Heritage Fund budget to provide support for the Priory in the 2016/2017 financial year.


During the course of discussion Councillors were keen to ensure that this important building was retained and reused.  An explanation was given of proposed funding arrangements whereby some money would be returned to funders if a profit was made on the sale of the building.  The Group Chief Financial Officer also advised that there was a possibility this could be funded from the current year's cash surplus.


Motion carried (AP/2016/041)


Cr Kate Wilson returned to the meeting at 2.52 pm.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Heritage Fund

·                Heritage Re-use

·                Heritage Streetscape

·                Harbourside Development


14     Looking after the environment


A report from Community and Planning and Parks and Recreation provided Councillors with a summary of feedback from the Annual Plan consultation process on the theme 'Looking after the Environment', and provided staff comments on the issues raised in the feedback.


There was discussion on the report.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Groundwater and Sea Level Rise

·                Looking after the Environment

·                Te Ao Tūroa Implementation Funding

·                Climate Change – Consultation

·                Consultation Processes


Dark Skies


Cr Richard Thomson left the meeting at 3.02 pm.



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Refers the issue of formal designation through the International Dark Skies Association to the Dark Skies Advisory Panel.

Motion carried (AP/2016/042)


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (AP/2016/043)



The meeting adjourned from 3.04 pm to 3.20 pm.


Cr Richard Thomson returned to the meeting at 3.20 pm.


Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 3.20 pm during the adjournment.


Coastal Erosion


There was discussion on working with the Otago Regional Council on this issue.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                General Comments

·                Late Submissions




A question was asked about progress with a smokefree Octagon and the Chief Executive Officer advised that staff would provide an update.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Sustainability

·                City Beautification

·                Disability Issues Advisory Group




There was discussion on whether the amount allocated for this was sufficient, coordination across the organisation, programmes operating in other centres and coatings that might allow graffiti to be more easily removed from brick buildings.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Keep Dunedin Beautiful – Murals

·                Keep Dunedin Beautiful – Hanging Basket Funding


15     Supporting the community


A report from Community and Planning provided an overview of community feedback relating to supporting the community.  There had been significant community support for all three proposals: increasing the budget for City Service and City Project Grants by $100,000, increasing the budget for Small Events Grants by $20,000 and providing $90,000 to support for community groups.

Staff responded to questions on the report.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                City Service and Projects Grants

·                Small Events Grants Funding


Support for Place-based Community Groups


There was discussion on the areas these covered.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Supporting the Community


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


16     Youth Participation Funding Update


A report from Community and Planning provided an update on funding discussions as requested by the Community and Environment Committee.  Options for providing on-going support for the Dunedin Youth Council were presented.


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That the Council:


a)     Notes the youth participation funding update and;

b)     Approves additional funding of $10,000 to contract a facilitator to support the Dunedin Youth Council.

Motion carried (AP/2016/044)


During discussion thanks were conveyed to Anna Parker and Michael Laufiso for their work in activating the Youth Council.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Taskforce Green

·                Sister Cities


Tourism – Baldwin Street


There was discussion on the provision of public toilets, which the Chief Executive Officer advised were at the top of City Property's list.


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


Tourism - General


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.


17     Supporting Economic Development


A report from Enterprise Dunedin provided Councillors with a summary of feedback from the Annual Plan consultations process on the theme 'Supporting Economic Development', and provided staff comments on the issues raised in the feedback.


Staff responded to questions on the report.  There was discussion on major events and the need to work with Enterprise Dunedin as the two areas aligned.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Gigatown/Gig City Increased Spend

·                Supporting Economic Development

·                City Marketing Increased Spend


Energy Plan Delivery Funding


There was discussion on electric vehicles in the Council's fleet and the Chief Executive Officer provided information on the capital and operating costs of these vehicles.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

a)      That the Chief Executive Officer adjusts the Council vehicle procurement plans to ensure that the DCC owns 20 fully electric vehicles within five years, and reports back annually on progress towards this target, and on petrol/carbon savings achieved each year.

b)     That Council agrees to cooperate in sharing e-vehicle usage and other data with the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic to assist in their research on electric vehicle use.

c)      That the Council notes that the Chief Executive Officer has advised that these resolutions can be carried out within current operational budgets as per the details provided.


Following discussion a division was requested.



For:          Mayor Dave Cull, Crs Chris Staynes, David Benson-Pope, John Bezett, Hilary Calvert, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Mike Lord, Jinty MacTavish, Andrew Noone, Neville Peat, Richard Thomson and Kate Wilson (13).

Against:     Nil

Abstention: Cr Andrew Whiley (1) (as he needed more information)


The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 0 with 1 abstention


Motion carried (AP/2016/045)


Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the topic.



Council gave consideration to all the submissions received and staff comments on the following topics:


·                Food Resilience Funding

·                Major Events Plan Development

·                Economic Development Grants Funding

·                Economic Development Initiatives



Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until Thursday 12 May 2016 at 9.00 am.

Motion carried (AP/2016/046)



The meeting adjourned at 4.50 pm and reconvened on Thursday 12 May 2016 at 9.00 am.



19A   Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillors John Bezett, Jinty MacTavish and Lee Vandervis (for lateness) and Councillor Mike Lord (for absence).



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Accepts the apologies.

Motion carried (AP/2016/047)


20     Final Recommendations


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


1.    Agrees that the recommended actions and staff comments for submission topics as shown in the Annual Plan database/decision booklet, or amended during annual plan decision-making, are approved:


a)         for the purposes of providing feedback on Annual Plan decision-making to submitters and the wider community;


b)        for inclusion in the final 2016/17 Annual Plan document, as appropriate;


c)         for further follow-up or action by staff, if required.


Motion carried (AP/2016/048)


Mayor Cull commented on the feedback that had been received from the community as a result of the consultation of the draft 2016/17 Annual Plan.  He advised that the feedback had been positive and had endorsed the projects that had been consulted on, however there had been additional expenditure that Council had agreed to as a result of unforeseen circumstances such as the June 2015 flood event.  Mayor Cull advised that he had requested staff to prepare a budget which ensured that Council remained within the rates cap that had been consulted on and gave consideration to the additional expenditure.


The Group Chief Financial Officer tabled a revised budget spreadsheet (ECM 4151531) for consideration. Mr McKenzie commented on the revised budget that staff had prepared and advised that staff had been unable to make across the board pro-rata reduction as some of the budget lines were for items such as staff resources and one-off projects. 


There was a detailed discussion on each of the budget lines and the implications which included reduction of funding, staff recruitment and timing of projects.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Approves the budget changes in the spreadsheet be incorporated in the 2016/17 Annual Plan for adoption by the Council on 27 June 2016.

Motion carried (AP/2016/049)



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Council:


1      Agrees that the Gigatown/Gig City budget be reduced by $65,000 given that $65,000 is available for Gig City projects that have a clear Economic Benefit within the GDP Budget

2      Agrees that the $50,000 from the Gig City budget be applied to the City Marketing budget, taking it to $250,000 with $15,000 being applied to the City Service Grants Budget.

3      Agrees that the funding of projects which were no longer going ahead be moved to the City Marketing budget and other one-off projects.  The budget of $50,000 to be moved to specific one-off spends.  The $300,000 from the underspend to be used for debt reduction.


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 10.00 am.

Motion carried (AP/2016/050)



The meeting adjourned from 9.50 am to 10.00 am.



Following discussion Cr Staynes requested that his resolution relating to the Gig City Project be withdrawn and Cr Whiley (seconder) agreed with the withdrawal. 



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:

a)      Agrees that the resolution which related to the Gig City Project be withdrawn.

Motion carried (AP/2016/051)



Moved (Cr Richard Thomson/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Council:

a)     Agrees that the Gigatown/Gig City budget be reduced by $65,000 given that $65,000 is available for Gig City projects that have a clear economic benefit within the Grow Dunedin Partnership budget.

b)     Agrees that the Planning Groundwater Rise and Analysis of Coastal Erosion spend are funded from "Avoided Cricket Light Spend".

c)     Agrees that $15,000 be added back into "Increase City Service Grants".

d)     Agrees that a budget of $25,000 be allocated to "Environment Strategy Implementation" and $75,000 to "Arts and Culture Strategy Implementation", to be allocated against specific one off projects in the 2016/17 year.

e)     Agrees that the proposed reduction in City Marketing spend of $100,000 is reinstated.

 Motion carried (AP/2016/052)


There was discussion on the funding that had been allocated to the Otago Cricket Association for the lighting for the University of Otago Oval in the 2015/16 – 2024/25 Long Term Plan and the reallocation of some of the funding to the draft 2016/17 Annual Plan budget.


Councillor Hall left the meeting at 10.13 am and returned at 10.20 am.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Approves the budget changes in the amended spreadsheet to be incorporated in the 2016/17 Annual Plan for adoption by the Council on 27 June 2016.

Motion carried (AP/2016/053)


Councillors Vandervis and MacTavish entered the meeting at 10.39 am as the motion was being put.


The Mayor commented that this was a good outcome and there had been rigour and transparency in the DCC budget and was a credit to staff.


It was noted that the proposed rate increase would be 2.95%.



Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Mayor Dave Cull):


That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting until 11.00 am.

Motion carried (AP/2016/054)



The meeting adjourned from 10.44 am and reconvened at 10.58 am.



There was discussion on the implementation of the Environment Strategy budget and the inclusion of a further $25,000 to the budget which would reinstate it to the original $150,000 that had been consulted on.



Moved (Cr Neville Peat/Cr Kate Wilson):


That the Council:

a)         Restores $25,000 to the Environment Strategy budget.

Motion carried (AP/2016/055)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


a)     Approves the budget changes in the amended spreadsheet [ECM 4151531] (total funding as follows) to be incorporated in the 2016/17 Annual Plan for adoption by the Council on 27 June 2016:

Supporting Economic Development

i)      Gigatown/Gig City                                             $185,000

ii)     City Marketing                                                 $300,000

iii)     Major Events                                                   $50,000

iv)    Energy Plan                                                     $100,000

v)     Food Resilience                                                $40,000

Supporting Arts and Culture

vi)    Arts and Culture Strategy Implementation              $245,000

vii)    City of Literature Implementation                         $50,000

Supporting the Community

viii)   Increase City Service Grants                               $60,000

ix)    Increase Small Grants                                        $20,000

x)     Support Community Groups                                $90,000


Looking after the Environment

xi)    Implementation of Environment Strategy               $150,000

xii)    Planning Groundwater Rise                                 $100,000

xiii)   Ocean Beach and St Clair Seawall Erosion               $100,000

xiv)   Analysis Coastal Erosion                                     $75,000

Motion carried (AP/2016/056)




Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That all decisions made at this meeting be incorporated into the final 2016/17 Annual Plan, for adoption by the Council on 27 June 2016.


Motion carried (AP/2016/057)




The meeting concluded at 11.22 am.





