Grants Subcommittee



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 24 May 2016, commencing at 9.00 am





Jinty MacTavish


Deputy Chairperson

Kate Wilson



John Barkla

Aaron Hawkins


Sze En Lau

Bridie Lonie


June Mills

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe


Andrew Whiley

Desiree Williams




Craig Monk (Manager, Events and Community Development), Marilyn Anderson (Community Events Advisor), Cara Paterson (Community Advisor - Arts), Craig Monk (Community Advisor - Arts), Paul Coffey (Community Advisor), Katie Whelan (Community Advisor), Garreth Kyle (Research and Monitoring Officer), Wai Piggott (Financial Analyst) and


Governance Support Officer      Greg Sligo



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   

2       Apologies

An apology for lateness was received from Councillor Andrew Whiley and an apology for early departure was received from Sze En Lau (Community Representative).



Moved (Chairperson Jinty MacTavish/Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson):


That the apologies be accepted.


Motion carried (GS/2016/001)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Jinty MacTavish/Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson) that the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration

Motion carried (GS/2016/002)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Cr MacTavish declared an interest in Applications to the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund.  Cr Wilson took the Chair.

Part A Reports

5       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Applications to the April 2016 Funding Round



A report from the Research and Monitoring Officer (Garreth Kyle) advised that nine applications had been received when applications closed on 20 April 2016. The total funding amount requested was $31,916.29 which was more than the funding available ($31,366.17). Six projects either adjoined or  were within Areas of Significant Conservation Value (ASCV), QEII covenants or other protected land. All applications and supporting documentation were appended to the report and had been assessed against the fund and prioritisation criteria.



During the discussion Paulette Tamati-Elliffe entered the meeting at 9.18 am.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Mr John Barkla) that the Committee:



Approves the allocation of funding to the applicants as per the table appended to the report from the Research and Monitoring Officer and set out below):


Landscape Connections Trust                             $5000.00

Graham Parker                                               $4975.00

Waitati Beach Society                                      $2000.00

Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust                      $4450.00

John and Moira Parker                                     $1459.38

Orokonui  Sanctuary                                        $5000.00

Shaun and Helen Murphy                                    $481.51

Blueskin Farm                                                $5000.00

Quarantine Island                                            $3000.00


Motion carried (GS/2016/003)


6       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Final Reports on Completed Projects


A report from the Research and Monitoring Officer (Garreth Kyle) provided a summary of the grants that had been completed since the 30 September 2015 funding round.  Six project reports had been received.  The total funding amount that had been requested by the applicants ($51,794.62) was more than the funding allocated for each funding round ($30,000).  All applications had been assessed in relation to the fund criteria and the prioritisation criteria to assist the Committee in considering the applications and allocation of grants. 



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson/Mr John Barkla) that the Committee:


a)     Receives the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund – final reports on completed projects.

b)     Approves the grant release from the DECT.

c)     Notes the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund – final reports on completed projects.

Motion carried (GS/2016/004)


Cr MacTavish took the Chair at this point.

Desiree Williams entered the meeting at 9.32 am.

7       Application from Otago Racing Club and Forbury Park Trotting Clubs for Rates Relief Grants


The Otago Racing Club and Forbury Park Trotting Club  had both applied for a Rates Relief Grant.  There was discussion on the level of use by community groups, and the level of rates paid by community groups generally.


The Otago Racing Club and Forbury Park Trotting Club had both applied for a Rates Relief Grant.  There was discussion on the Local Government (Rating) Act (2002) treating racing activity separately from other open space and the benefits from use by community groups conflicting with the harm caused by gambling.




Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Ms Desiree Williams) that the Committee:


Declines the application for Rates Relief Grants for The Otago Racing Club and Forbury Park Trotting Club.

Motion carried (GS/2016/005)


8       Grant Applications


a)     Events Grants


The Committee reviewed the applications, the total project cost, amount applied for, and the amount recommended for the grant.


During the discussion Cr Whiley entered the meeting at 10.06 am.



Moved (Chairperson Jinty MacTavish/Ms Sze En Lau): that the Committee


Approves the funding for Events grants as follows:


Dunedin-Edinburgh Sister City Society                     $3000

Otago/Southland Amateur Fencing Council               $2500

Mountain Biking Otago Inc.                                   $2500

Circulation Community Inc                                    $3000

Squash Otago Inc                                               $1000

Dunedin Bird Club                                               $2000

Southern Heritage Trust                                       $4000

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust                      $1000

Rape Crisis Dunedin Inc                                        $1393

Samoan Advisory Council                                       $950

Otago Fish and Game                                          $1317

Dunedin Open Gardens Association                         $1000

Otago Malaysians' Student Association                    $1000

South Dunedin Business Association                        $4000


Motion carried (GS/2016/006)




The meeting adjourned at 10.47 am and reconvened at 11.00 am




b)     Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Dunedin Scheme


Cr Hawkins and Bridie Lonie withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the application from the Back Beach Writers' Group.

Ms Lonie also stepped back for application for the Art and Space project. 

Cr MacTavish withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the application from Jan Oliver Lucks.


It was agreed that the application from Poems in the Waiting Room would not be approved, but staff would encourage the applicant to reapply when the proposal had been tightened up and refined further.


The meeting adjourned at 12.40pm and resumed at 1.03pm.


Councillor Hawkins withdrew from consideration of the application from Aroha Novak.


       The Committee reviewed the applications, the total project cost, amount applied for, and the amount recommended for the grant.




Moved (Chairperson Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Committee:


        Approves the following Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Dunedin Scheme grant applications:


                   Art and Space Project                                              $3000

               Kimberley McAlevey                                                 $2500

               Louise Kewene-Doig                                                 $3500

Dunedin Performing Arts Competitions Soc                    $500

Friends of the Globe Theatre                                       2500

Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society                   $2670

Circulation Community Inc Society                              $2000

West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust                             $2500

Just Atelier                                                             $3277

The Back Beach Writers Group                                  $3080

Aroha Novak                                                          $4000

Southern Heritage Trust                                           $4300

Creative Arts Trust                                                  $1830

IHC New Zealand Inc                                               $3500

Yellow Eye Ltd                                                        $5000

Gasp Dance Collective Inclusive Dance Class                 $1750

Jan Oliver Lucks                                                      $5000

Connected Media Charitable Trust                               $2000

The Vogel Street Party Charitable Trust                       $3250

Dunedin Chinese Art/Instrument Assn.                        $1320


Motion carried (GS/2016/007)




c)     Dunedin City Council Arts Grants


During discussion on this item Councillor Wilson left the meeting at 1.18pm and returned at 1.27pm.


        The Committee reviewed the applications, the total project cost, amount applied      for, and the amount recommended for the grant.


        Discussion took place on the need to have a 'not-for-profit' criterion for grant         applications.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Chairperson Jinty MacTavish): that the Committee


Approves the following Dunedin City Council Arts Grants applications:


Daniel Belton and Good Company                               $4950

City Choir Dunedin (Dunedin Choral Society)                $5585

Yarn                                                                     $5000

Chamber Vulgarus                                                  $3000

Gasp! Dance Collective                                             $2353


Motion carried (GS/2016/008)



d)      Community Grants 2016


During discussion on Applications 9 and 15 (the applications from the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa and Te Hou Ora Otepoti Inc) Desiree William stepped back from discussion.



Moved (Chairperson Jinty MacTavish/Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson) that the Committee:


          Approves the following Community Grants applications:


Anglican Family Care                                               $3800

South Dunedin Festival Steering Group                        $3800

YWCA Dunedin Inc                                                   $3800

East Taieri Church                                                   $3800

Te Whare Ponunamu Dunedin Women's Refuge           $4712

Dunedin Collaboration Against Family Violence             $2442

Catholic Social Services                                            $3800

Foodshare Limited                                                   $4712

Te Hou Ora Otepoti Inc                                             $3800

Pregnancy Help Inc (Dunedin Branch)                         $3800

The Dunedin Curtain Bank                                         $3800

Taieri Christian Care Trust                                        $4510

Salvation Army Oasis Centre Big Value Christmas          $1704

The Parenting Place                                                 $4068

Congregational Christian Church of Samoa                   $2500

The Straight Up Trust -Rock Solid                               $4712

The Scout Association of New Zealand                        $3800

Age Concern Otago                                                 $3800

Parent to Parent Otago                                            $4000

Carers' Society Otago                                              $4712

Asthma Otago                                                        $3800

Servants Health Centre                                            $4712

Arthritis Foundation of New Zealand Inc                      $3800

Dunedin Community Care Trust (CCT)                         $3800

Aspire Kids – Tamariki Matana                                   $2000

Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) Dunedin and Districts $3800

North Dunedin Shed Society Inc                                 $700

North End Rowing Club                                             $2000

Brockville Community Trust                                       $1500

Dunedin City Petanque Inc                                        $2000

Prison Fellowship New Zealand (NZPF)                        $1224

Dunedin North Community Patrol Charitable Trust         $1000

Dunedin South Community Patrol                               $2000

Rate My Flat                                                          $2000

Mosgiel Memorial RSA                                                $990


Motion carried (GS/2016/009)


9       Small Project Grants and Neighbourhood Matching Grants


A report from the Community Advisor (Paul Coffey) outlined details of the applications approved by the Chairperson for grants under $500  from May to November 2015.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson) that the Committee:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (GS/2016/010)


The meeting concluded at 3.13pm.




