Mosgiel Taieri Community Board



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board held in the Downes Room, Mosgiel Service Centre, Hartstonge Avenue, Mosgiel on Tuesday 31 May 2016, commencing at 12.00 pm





Bill Feather


Deputy Chairperson




Sarah Nitis

Martin Dillon


Cr Kate Wilson

Maurice Prendergast







Kristy Rusher, Manager Governance and Legal, Bernie Hawke, Group Manager Arts and Culture, Linda Roxburgh, Mosgiel Librarian.


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss



1       Opening

Inspector Jason Guthrie, Area Commander, and other members of the New Zealand Police were invited to attend the meeting and speak at the beginning. However they gave notice that they were running late.


Adjournment of Item


Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Board:

Adjourns the visit of members of the New Zealand Police until later in the meeting.

Motion carried

2       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


3       Apologies


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Sarah Nitis) that the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board:


Accepts the apologies of members Mark Willis and Blackie Catlow.


Motion Carried MTCB/2016/001



4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Maurice Prendergast) that the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration except as noted in item 1 above.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/011)


5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Mosgiel Taieri Community Board meeting - 19 April 2016


Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Member Sarah Nitis) that the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board meeting held on 19 April 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (MTCB/2016/012)

     Part A Reports

7       Library Activity Report



The chair invited Bernie Hawke and Linda Roxburgh to the table to speak to the library activity report. Bernie drew their attention to page 12.  The new director of City of Literature has started. Also noted the new digital archive for the Lebanese community under item 9 on page 12.

Discussion was held on the use of library Wifi. There is a mixture of travellers and local people using this facility. Exploring providing Wifi hot spots on library buses.

Noted that an attachment is missing. To be circulated to members by the GSO.


The chairman thanked them for their report.



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/013)


1       visit from New zealand police


District Commander Mike Pannet, Coastal Area commander Jason Guthrie, and Local manager Alistair Dickie were welcomed to the meeting.


The chairman has requested the officers to talk about youth initiatives. Mike Pannet said there is a lot of opportunity for police to work with youth. It's an area worth investment.


He spoke about plans to renovate the police station in Mosgiel. There are opportunities around upgrading or re-building. They would prefer to stay in the same location.


A high level overview of crime in Mosgiel was presented to the board. 538 offenses were recorded this year, a 10% reduction on last year. A survey has shown a reduction in crime and victimisation. Youth crime has peaks and troughs. A very small number of youth offenders. Police have school community officers across the area. One effective package delivered to schools is family violence prevention.


Mosgiel is a safe place to live overall. There are some youth support programmes in the city that are doing good work. Community board members asked questions about youth bullying and updated the officers on a recent grant they have made towards an anti-bullying programme in the high school.


Martin Dillon talked about speed problems on his street. He requested greater police visibility. There has been a recent spike in crashes in Mosgiel, 11 this month. People are driving into parked cars or crashing at intersections.


Officers requested feedback from the members on what is causing concern to people. This helps them to deploy their resources.


The chairman was impressed by the reduction in crime since 2008 given the growth in population in Mosgiel.


Cr Wilson asked about the 2015 flood event and police resourcing. There are things happening with Civil Defence and lessons learned by agencies in the South Dunedin floods. The Mosgiel police are given credit for their work with Civil Defence.


Regarding people driving who shouldn't be - is there enough support and alternatives for those people? Discussion was held on this question. There are a lot of opportunities to encourage people onto buses.


A question was asked on whether a mobility scooter can go on the road at Wingatui, as there is no footpath. Jason Guthrie offered to find a definitive answer and send it to the chairman.


The chairman thanked the officers for their presentation.



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:


a)        Notes the presentation from the New Zealand Police.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/014)


8       Review of Mosgiel/Taieri Community Plan



Kristy Rusher advised that the plan did not need to be completed until after the coming elections. At the last election the plan was prepared in draft by the outgoing board and was confirmed by the newly elected board. A community plan developed this year will come into effect in 2017/18.


Discussion moved to the need to consider the strategies in the Community  Plan when making decisions on actions. It was agreed that Kristy Rusher would request a template to assist the community board with the alignment of strategies and actions. This is to be added to the action list.


Kristy Rusher offered to ask policy staff to recommend a template that would assist with the need to capture the LTP and different strategies within the Community Plan.


Sarah Nitis would like to incorporate the work of Neighbourhood Support into the plan. This is something the community board could drive. She also suggested the board sponsors an essay competition on local historical matters.


The chairman said the plan needs to reflect what the community board is capable of achieving.


Cr Wilson suggested hosting refugee families in the area. The chairman said he has been guided by social services and the Red Cross.



9       Governance Support Officer's Report



The board considered the grant application guidelines. Kristy Rusher suggested starting with a set of principles regarding grants and circulating this to all boards, with each board able to add its own local content. She noted a request for quotes to be included with funding applications. This is to be added to the action list.


The board discussed allocating the residue of the projects fund to Mr Ferguson. The board decided that the money left in the projects fund should instead go to a previous applicant who they had been unable to fully fund. A resolution was passed (below).  


The following changes were requested to the action list:

·         Access to Gigatown – The board would like a date for when this will occur in Mosgiel.

·         Gordon/Factory Road Pocket Park – Sarah Nitis to follow up.

·         Project Fund Grants – GSO to follow up on accountability reports.

·         Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee – Cr Wilson to go on the email list and receive meeting dates for this committee.

·         New action – Information to be requested from NZTA about planting on the roundabout island on SHW87.

·         Website correction – The name of the community board is incorrect on the DCC website. To be corrected.



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:


a)  Notes the report.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/015)



Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Member Maurice Prendergast) that the Board:


Approves a grant of $140.75 from the projects fund to East Taieri School.


 Motion carried (MTCB/2016/016)


10     Chairperson's Report



The chairman has raised the issue of training for elected members and the Mayor has asked council staff to look into aspects of training and what might be put in place for incoming new members, and re-elected old members. Any community board member can request training at any time.



Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Member Maurice Prendergast) that the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/017)


11     Board Projects/Community Engagement



The chairman provided an update from the Festival of the Plain annual general meeting.


The Mosgiel sign has been removed and this project has been taken over by a public benefactor who is covering the cost of this.


Economic Development Manager John Christie is to be invited to the next meeting to speak about economic development. The chairman would like to know how his work impacts on this area. The chairman asked the board members if they have any other specific things they would like to ask him about. Cr Wilson spoke about the need for Mosgiel to be promoted as a place to live, work, play and study.



12     Council Activities


Cr Wilson said things are going well in the city compared with six years ago. She is concerned that storm water issues are considered to only happen in South Dunedin, when there are also issues in other areas including Mosgiel. She would like an education project to let people know more about this issue.



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Sarah Nitis) that the Board:


Notes the report.


Motion Carried MTCB/2016/018



13     Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chair


There were no items notified.





The meeting concluded at 2.24pm.



