Otago Peninsula Community Board



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 26 May 2016, commencing at 10.00 am





Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Pope



Lox Kellas

Hoani Langsbury


Christine Neill

Cr Neville Peat


Edna Stevenson





Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture) and Sharon O'Loughlin (PR and Communications Advisor, Enterprise Dunedin)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan



1       Opening

Christine Neill opened the meeting with a reflection.

3       Apologies

Apologies were received for lateness from Lox Kellas, Hoani Langsbury and Cr Neville Peat.


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Accepts the apologies.


Motion carried


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Confirms the agenda:


·                with the deletion of the current Scholarship Application;

·                noting that Board Scholarship Recipient, Iona Hibbert, would speak at the Public Forum of a future Board meeting;

·                noting that the remaining Public Forum would be held once Rebekah Langsbury arrived at the meeting.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/010)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 14 April 2016


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Deputy Chairperson Paul Pope):


That the Board


Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 14 April 2016 as a correct record.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/011)

Part A Reports

7       Library Activity Report


A report from Services and Development provided a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 February to 30 April 2016 with a focus on the activities of the Bookbuses.


There was discussion on the Bookbus services, the appointment of the City of Literature Director who would work with groups across the city, and the digitisation centre.  It was noted that community groups would be able to digitise their archives and it was suggested that the Portobello Museum could be involved in the digitisation project.  It was also suggested that the City of Literature Director could attend a future Board meeting.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Deputy Chairperson Paul Pope):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/012)


8       Enterprise Dunedin Marketing Update


Sharon O'Loughlin (PR and Communications Advisor, Enterprise Dunedin) provided an introduction for the Board on the work of Enterprise Dunedin, which was formed through the merger of Tourism Dunedin, the Council's Economic Development Unit and i-Site.  Enterprise Dunedin was charged with delivering the Council's Economic Development Strategy and to promote Dunedin as a place to live, work, visit, study and do business.  It marketed Dunedin as a tourism destination through various platforms, including websites, and communications with local and external sources. 


Hoani Langsbury entered the meeting at 10.23 am.


Ms O'Loughlin noted that Enterprise Dunedin would like to engage with groups and would like to know questions that she could take back for discussion.


During the course of discussion the Board raised the following issues:


·                The need for those leading initiatives to consider people at the grass roots level, and to take people with them, given the increase in tourism numbers.

·                Whether Enterprise Dunedin worked with other Council departments on infrastructure projects eg a toilet for Sandfly Bay.

·                Enterprise Dunedin's involvement with tourism-related requests the Board had provided to the Council in the past in its Community Plan and Annual Plan submissions.

·                Provision of a more level playing field between city attractions that were essentially competing with each other, some of which were attractions for which visitors were required to pay and which paid rates, and others which were provided to visitors free of charge and received rates funding.  (Hoani Langsbury declared an interest in relation to this question as Manager of the Royal Albatross Centre).

·                Input that community boards could have into the Tourism Strategy.

·                How to access the funding recently announced by the government for provision of toilets.

·                Whether Enterprise Dunedin was working with Parks and Recreation over opportunities to partner over recreational/biodiversity elements in tourism.

·                How Enterprise Dunedin worked with Dunedin Host.

·                The need for Enterprise Dunedin to work more closely with Community Boards.


Ms O'Loughlin advised that she would take the Board's questions back to Enterprise Dunedin for response.  Enterprise Dunedin would also like to know about events in the community so they could promote them.


2       Public Forum

2.1    Board Scholarship Recipient - Rebekah Langsbury


Rebekah Langsbury, recipient of a Board scholarship, addressed the meeting about her World Challenge trip to India.  The organisation took school groups to third world countries and the groups organised the trips and raised money themselves for both the trip and the projects they undertook.

Lox Kellas entered the meeting at 10.45 am.

Rebekah commented on the travel experience including the places visited, a visit to a local school, the trek the group went on for five days and the terrain covered, the food they experienced, and helping out at an orphanage.

Cr Neville Peat entered the meeting at 10.45 am.

The group also visited the Kerala backwaters, Jaipur and Agra.  She outlined the challenges she and the group faced and the possibilities the trip had opened up to do further volunteer work there or elsewhere.

Rebekah thanked the Board for the opportunity the scholarship had provided.


9       Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic updated the Board on activities relevant to the Board area including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Election Timetable

d)     Action List


The Chairperson noted that the Scholarship Fund was in the process of changing from a calendar year to a financial year and although the amount appeared to have been overspent, this was not the case.


There was discussion on the following Action List items:


·                Advice was awaited from Parks on when the Portobello Pontoon liftout would take place.  In the meantime this was to be deleted from the Action List.

·                Tomahawk School expression of interest documents were about to be made available publicly.

·                The memorial seat location had been determined and this was to be deleted from the Action List.

·                It had been determined that the Macandrew Bay Pontoon belonged to the Macandrew Bay Boating Club and this was to be deleted from the Action List.  The Boating Club was dealing with Parks over this matter.

·                The Asset List was in hand.

·                The Camp Road tree removal had been escalated to the two General Managers to resolve.  It was noted that this needed to be addressed prior to the start of the next tourist season.

·                The Te Rauone footpath issues would be dealt with as part of the road widening project.  There was then discussion about the repairs to the top of the sea wall and achieving consistency throughout.  There was discussion on whether this should be dealt with as part of the contract maintenance and the need for clarification on this matter.

·                The tender for the repair to the Highcliff Road slip would close on 13 June.  A request was made for more communication to those affected and the need to have this completed prior to the start of the tourist season was stressed.

·                Repairs to other slips were also being tendered in June.

·                Lox Kellas advised that directional arrows would be painted side by side rather than apart.  This was to be deleted from the Action List now this project was underway.

·                Lox Kellas noted that the signage for pull over areas would be done at the same time.  Board members were asked to provide location suggestions to Lox Kellas.  A suggestion was made for a pull over area at the top of Castlewood Road.

·                Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project – the Chairperson advised that staff were working hard in the background but it was important that the Council communicated to the community where this project was up to.  A consultant had been chosen and would be developing a plan.  There would be consultation on the detail of the plan for items such as seat location.

·                The Hatchery Road slip was part of a repair tender and was to be deleted from the Action List now this process was underway.

·                In regard to the Tidewater Drive drainage issue the Group Manager Water and Waste reported that the report was complete and there now needed to be information given to the community.  Upgrading culverts would not help as the problem was the high tide.  However maintenance would be increased.  The Board asked for resolution of this ie communication with the person who first raised it and the wider community as appropriate by the next meeting and the Group Manager would discuss this with the Asset and Commercial Manager.  She noted that actions might include making sure septic tanks were properly sealed and did not mix with flood waters and there was discussion on whether other things such as plantings might assist.

·                In regard to the Bayne Terrace steps, the gradient was less steep than anticipated.  The community representatives had been asked to do a Health and Safety Plan which they were concerned about and Edna Stevenson would speak to Merrin McCrory to seek the Council's assistance for this part of the project.

·                Consultation would take place on the bus stop review at an appropriate time.

·                Turnbulls Bay Quarry was to be removed from the Action List and was to be added to the List for the Safety Improvement Project.

·                Te Rauone sea wall resource consent variation - this was no longer applicable and was to be deleted from the Action List.

·                Maintenance of sea walls – the Chairperson advised that an assessment had been completed and a programme of works had been arranged.  Christine Neill commented on an area at Papanui Inlet which she would log with Customer Services and draw to the attention of relevant staff.

·                Issues relating to road edges had been raised with staff and they were aware of these problems.  The issue would be addressed for the long-term as part of the Safety Improvements Project.

·                Members were asked to look at the email circulated recently regarding road closures to ensure that the distribution list was current and to provide any changes to the Chairperson.

·                The Conway Street culvert matter was with Transport and Laura McElhone would follow this up to ensure that both the school and playcentre had been contacted as agreed.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Edna Stevenson):


That the Board



a)        Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.


b)        Updates the Action List with the following items and notes that they are either underway or have been transferred to other lists as appropriate:


§  Portobello Pontoon liftout to be deleted.

§  Memorial seat to be deleted.

§  Macandrew Bay Pontoon to be deleted.

§  Tagging removal to be deleted.

§  Directional arrows to be deleted.

§  Hatchery Road slip to be deleted.

§  Turnbulls Bay Quarry to be deleted.

§  Te Rauone sea wall resource consent variation to be deleted.

§  Camp Road tree removal to be dealt with prior to next tourist season.

§  Highcliff Road slip remediation to be dealt with prior to next tourist season and more communication to take place with affected residents.

§  Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project consultation on plan details.

§  Tidewater Drive resolution update to be provided.

§  Bayne Terrace Steps Health and Safety Plan assistance to be requested.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/013)


10     Scholarship Application


This item had been withdrawn.


11     Community Plan


The Chairperson asked members to report on areas for which they were responsible.


Edna Stevenson reported that a positive meeting had been held about Te Rauone.  Progress was being made towards a resource consent application being made by the end of September.  The Chairperson extended congratulations to the Committee.


The Chairperson noted that work on ownership of the road parallel to Portobello Road past the cemetery was proceeding well.  The Ministry of Education owned part of the road and this matter was still to be resolved.


In terms of road safety in Portobello Lox Kellas reported that a 40 km/h sign was to be installed outside the school.  At some stage in the future a school patrol or electronic sign would be considered.


Paul Pope reported that he had met with the Hereweka-Harbour Cone Trust and the walking track issues were progressing well.


The Portobello boat ramp had been raised in the Board's Annual Plan submission to the Dunedin City Council, along with the Board's support for the Coastguard.


Hoani Langsbury commented that hopefully a public toilet for Seal Point Road would be in the next year's Council work plan.  Members were asked to provide any feedback from the community to Hoani.  There was discussion on monitoring traffic in terms of numbers of visitors and collecting information on vehicle counts to support Board submissions to the Annual Plan.


Edna Stevenson advised that there was no money available for playground upgrades in the next three years.  It was agreed, however, that this should be kept in the Community Plan.


12     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)      Keep Dunedin Beautiful




Paul Pope reported on tagging and graffiti issues that were creeping into the area, Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week to be held in September, and a national meeting in Auckland in October.




b)      Rural Roads Update




Lox Kellas reported that roads were in good condition for the time of year and some had been recently gravelled.


Christine Neill advised of a speedy response to an incident she had reported.


Hoani Langsbury reported on the collapse of cliffs by the tank traps which had created an overhang which was also likely to collapse.


The Board requested a report following the Council's arborist looking at a tree audit on the Peninsula.





c)      Area Updates




Board members provided updates from their areas of responsibility.


It was reported that the wash out of the rock wall at Macandrew Bay would be addressed as part of the contract for the Safety Improvement Project.


Christine Neill advised that rubbish was still being dumped at the Pukehiki recycling site and the community was doing its best to address the problem.


Hoani Langsbury reported that the new rock wall at Te Rauone had been undermined.


13     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson updated the Board on the following matters of interest since the previous meeting:


·                Te Rauone

·                Next Visitor Season

·                Community Boards' Executive Committee

·                Car advertisements – moving images/wrong side or road

·                Upcoming elections

·                Meetings/events attended

·                Diary dates


The Chairperson also reported on the meeting she had attended with Lois Scott from Neighbourhood Support.  The matter of training for Board members had also been raised at the regular meeting with the Mayor.  She also advised of possible attendees at the next Board meeting.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Writes to Michael Harrison thanking him for his work for the Board and Otago Peninsula Community.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/014)



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Cr Neville Peat):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/015)


14     Council Activities


Councillor Neville Peat reported on the following items:


·                The Council meeting held earlier in the week and the adoption of the Dog Control Bylaw

·                The Council's Environment Strategy.



Moved (Cr Neville Peat/Chairperson Christine Garey):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Ward Councillor.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/016)



The Chairperson thanked Board members for the way they were working with staff on their delegated projects.




The meeting concluded at 12.00 noon.





