Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 1 June 2016

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Chalmers Community Board






Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Mel Aitken

Peter Cole


Ange McErlane

Cr Andrew Noone


Raewynne Pedofski



Senior Officer                               Nicola Pinfold Group Manager Community and Planning


Governance Support Officer      Jenny Lapham




Jenny Lapham

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Chalmers Community Board meeting - 20 April 2016                                 6     

Part A Reports (Chalmers Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          Library Activity Report                                                                               12

7        Funding Applications                                                                                  17

8        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           44

9        Board Representatiion and Other Responsibilities                                            50

10      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 52

11      Council Activities

12      Notification of Agenda Items             



Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

An apology has been received from Cr Mel Aitken.


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Cr Mel Aitken.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report.


Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Chalmers Community Board meeting - 20 April 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 20 April 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Chalmers Community Board meeting  held on 20 April 2016





Chalmers Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 20 April 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Peter Cole



Ange McErlane



Raewynne Pedofski



Cr Andrew Noone





Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Inspector Jason Guthrie (New Zealand Police) and Graeme Hall (Journey Manager, NZTA)


Governance Support Officer      Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


2       Apologies

An apology was received from Mel Aitken.


Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Andrew Noone): that the Board


Accepts the apology.


Motion carried


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson): that the Board


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/001)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


5       Confirmation of Minutes


Moved (Deputy Trevor Johnson/Cr Andrew Noone): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 9 March 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (CCB/2016/002)


Part A Reports

6       Policing Issues Update


Inspector Jason Guthrie, New Zealand Police provided an update on Policing matters within the area, including the staffing of the local police station. 


A discussion took place on the use of volunteers with Inspector Guthrie advising that the changes to the Health and Safety Law had impacted on the ability to use volunteers.


It was suggested that the local community be advised of a specific time that the Port Chalmers Police Station would be staffed, which would allow the public to contact them if they had an issue to raise.




7       NZTA Update


Mr Graeme Hall (Journey Manager, NZTA) provided an update on the proposed St Leonards to Port Chalmers cycleway.  Mr Hall tabled a press release and a question and answer sheet, which advised that it could take up to 2 years to complete the cycleway, subject to funding and appropriate consents being granted. 


Members expressed their concern regarding the delay and the proposed alterations to the design.


Mr Hall suggested that a workshop be held with the Board in June to discuss progress.  He advised that he would report back to the Board in July or August. 




8       Governance Support Officer's Report


In a report from Civic an update was provided on matters of interest including:

·      Moller Memorial

·      Sawyers Bay War Memorial

·      Project Fund

·      Elected Member Remuneration

·      Health and Safety matters

·      Representation Review

·      Updated Action list


Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Notes the report

Motion carried (CCB/2016/003)


9       Draft 2016/17 Annual Plan Submission


The Board noted that due to time constraints a submission had been sent to the Council on the Draft 2016/17 Annual Plan.  It was noted that members had made comments regarding matters to be included via e-mail.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Approves the submission to the draft 2016/17 Annual Plan. 

Motion carried (CCB/2016/004)


10     Board Representation and Other Responsibilities


Board members reported back on their various representative roles and other responsibilities. 


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Angela McErlane provided an update on matters of interest including the sculpture garden which is looking run down, the Committee are trying to determine who is responsible for the maintenance of the garden.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson advised that there hadn't been a meeting and had nothing to report.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


The Chairperson advised that a meeting had been held recently but there was nothing which impacted on the Chalmers Community. 


d)     Facebook


No report due to Mel Aitken's absence.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole advised that the AGM had been held and some new members had joined the group.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Noone) advised that a meeting would be held in mid-June.


g)     Funding Application Report Back


                                                                                                    Raewynne Pedofski advised that there had been no new reports received.



Moved (Deputy Trevor Johnson/Member Raewynne Pedofski): that the Board


a)     Notes the report

Motion carried (CCB/2016/005)


11     Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on the following matters:

·      A rubbish bin would be put in place at Albertson Avenue.

·      He had attended the Zone 6 Community Board meeting which he had found useful.

·      He had attended the Community Assessment Group meeting for Civil Defence.

·      The Annual Plan drop-in centre was a good event with most Board members attending.

·      He had attended the farewell for Helen Evans who had worked in the library for 25 years.

·      That a second removal of sycamores would take place from the Ravensbourne fire station to Jessie Street.  He advised that Kiwi Rail would finance the removal of sycamores along the railway line.

·      In regards to the Sea Cadets/Maritime Youth Trust he advised that a member of the Sea Cadets had been appointed to the Maritime Youth Trust committee.


Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Member Raewynne Pedofski): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/006)


12     Council Activities


The Ward Councillor provided an update on matters of interest including:

·      He had held a meeting with the Purakaunui Amenities Society regarding the installation of a public toilet.  The society was consulting with the community and considering 3 different sites.  A meeting would be held with staff and further discussions would take place.

·      The Infrastructure Services Committee would be considering the report on flooding.

·      In regards to the erosion at Te Ngaru he had heard back from the Department of Conservation and they had advised that the use of tyres was not appropriate but had acknowledged that something needs to be done to protect the road.


Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Chair Steve Walker): that the Board


        a)     Notes the report.


        Motion carried


13     Notification of Items for consideration by the Chairperson


The Group Manager Transportation be asked to provide a report on the tidying up of the fencing along the State Highway.






The meeting concluded at 6.50 pm.










Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



Part A Reports


Library Activity Report

Department: Services and Development






1      This report provides a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 February to 30 April 2016, with a focus on the activities of the Port Chalmers Library and Service Centre.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.



Operational and Project Activities


2      Total loans for the period 1 July 2015 - 31 March 2016 were 1,135,160 representing an increase of 3,892 or 0.3% of loans compared to the same period in 2014/15. Increased loans were recorded at the City Library (0.9%) and on the Bookbuses (4.2%) while loans decreased at all other libraries.

3      A total of 98,314 reference enquiries were received during this period representing a decrease of 15,141 enquiries or15.4% compared to the same period in 2014/15. Decreased reference enquiries were recorded at all libraries and on the Bookbuses.

4      There were a total of 900,074 visits to libraries over this period representing an increase of 24,546 or 2.8% of total visits compared to the same period in 2014/15. Increased visits were recorded at the City Library (7.2%) while decreased visits were recorded at the community libraries and on the Bookbuses.

Gig City Dunedin

5      Planning continues for the launch of the Gig City Hub on the ground floor of the City Library in June 2016. This space will include Gig-speed free public Wi-Fi, information showcasing the potential of ultra-fast broadband and a “shop front” for enquiries from local residents, businesses and visitors to the city.

6      Work is also underway on establishing an additional 11 Gig-speed free public Wi-Fi hotspots around the city over the next 12 months. Sites chosen include the Mosgiel and Port Chalmers Libraries.

Director Appointed for City of Literature

7      With the appointment of a Director an important milestone has been reached in the development of the City of Literature status Dunedin was awarded by UNESCO in December 2014. Nicky Page, currently an Academic Manager in the Division of Health Sciences at the University of Otago starts her new role on 16 May 2016.

He Purapura Marara – Scattered Seeds

8      The new Community Digitisation Centre and digital archive was launched at the City Library on 27 April 2016. This resource has been made possible by a generous donation from the Cedars of Lebanon Club on behalf of the Lebanese community of Dunedin. The archive will collect and make available digitally the memories, mementos and stories from the various groups of people that have made Dunedin their home.

Service Centres at Coastal Libraries

9      The Library now has approval to implement Service Centre functions at the Waikouaiti and Blueskin Bay Libraries and work will start shortly on installing the Council’s cash receipting system, training staff and confirming cash collection arrangements, in advance of the launch date of Monday 4 July 2016.


Holiday Programme

10    Holiday programme events at the Port Chalmers Library during the April school holidays including a Dr Wholympics and a Rock Choir event held by the Bedford School of Music. 21 children and 10 adults attended the Dr Wholympics while 9 children enjoyed the Rock Choir.

Lego Fun

11    Port Chalmers Library hosted its first Lego event in the April School Holidays with 39 children and adults in attendance. This is a new initiative with Lego clubs now up and running at several libraries, including the City Library. Lego has been purchased with funds provided by the Dunedin Public Library Association (Friends of the Library). The club will run monthly during school terms.

Creative Writing at Port Chalmers Library

12    A 6 week creative writing course taken by local writer and 2014 Burns Fellow Majella Cullinane ran at the Port Chalmers Library in March and April 2016. The course was limited to 10 people and the Library has had positive feedback from several attendees.


Storytime at the Library

13    At the Port Chalmers Library twice weekly preschool story times ran over this period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Tuesday story time continues to be very popular with 20 to 40 children and adults in attendance, while numbers on Thursdays have ranged from 5 to 13 children and adults.

School Visits.

14    Over this period Port Chalmers Library staff have visited Purakanui, St Leonards and Port Chalmers School, reading stories and promoting library membership and events.

After School Book Club

15    The After School Book Club ran monthly at the Port Chalmers Library over this period with numbers ranging from 10 to 25 children attending. Local author and illustrator David Elliot read from his book Pigtails the Pirate at the March meeting to an enthralled audience of 20 children.

Book Share

16    Monthly meetings of the Port Chalmers Library book discussion group ran over this period with numbers attending ranging from 7 to 10 people. Book groups provide an opportunity for people to share their reading experiences and to discover new books. Library staff also attend and discuss their own reading and publicise new and recent acquisitions.


17    There are no options as this report is for information purposes only.


18    There are no next steps as this report is for information purposes only.




Mike Collett - Manager Customer Experience


Bernie Hawke - Group Manager Arts and Culture

Simon Pickford - General Manager Services and Development 






Library Statistics July 2015-March 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report relates to providing a public service that is considered good-quality and cost-effective.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

The information provided in this report supports the Social Wellbeing Strategy by the role of libraries in promoting ‘Connected People’ and “Vibrant and Cohesive Communities’; the Economic Development Strategy by providing library resources and services that support ‘Business Vitality’ and ‘Alliances for Innovation’ as well as providing library collection resources and public programmes that support the Arts and Culture Strategy.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


The matters raised in this report are considered low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

There has been no internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no identified risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is no known conflict of interest.

Community Boards

The purpose of this report is to provide information to the Community Board.



Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016








Library Usage Indicator





+/- %

Blueskin Bay Library


        Reference Enquiries




















        Reference Enquiries


















City Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Mosgiel Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Port Chalmers Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Waikouaiti Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Dunedin Public Libraries


        Reference Enquiries






















Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




Funding Applications

Department: Civic






1      This report provides a copy of the grant applications and scholarship applications which have been received for the Chalmers Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The four grant applications have been received from non-profit organisations and were received within the required timeframe.

1      The two scholarship applications have been received from secondary school students. An amount of up to $500 is allowed for each scholarship, and $1000 per year.  The board has already allocated one scholarship in the current financial year.

3      $4,021.04 remains in the Project Fund of $10,000.00. The total of the grant applications received is $3,083.30. The scholarship applications do not ask for a specific amount, but request a contribution towards the cost of travel overseas to study.


That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the grant application from the West Harbour Beautification Trust for $924.30.

b)     Grants/declines the grant application from the Port Chalmers Golf Club for $1099.

c)     Grants/declines the grant application from the Port Chalmers Kindergarten for $560.

d)     Grants/declines the grant application from the West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust for $500.

e)     Grants/declines a community board scholarship of (amount to be decided by the Board) to Annabelle Latta to go towards a Spanish Language Study Trip.

f)     Grants/declines a community board scholarship of (amount to be decided by the Board) to James (Jimmy) Robinson to go towards a Young Shakespeare Company Study Trip.





Arlene Goss - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Grant application West Harbour Beautification Trust



Grant application Port Chalmers Golf Club



Grant application Port Chalmers Kindergarten



Grant application West Harbour Arts Trust



Scholarship application Annabelle Latta



Scholarship application James Robinson





Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      The purpose of this report is to update the Board on action undertaken on its behalf since the last meeting and other matters of on-going interest including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Election Timetable

e)     Action List



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report




Project Fund

2      The balance of the Project Fund stands at $4,021.04.  The following grants have been made so far this financial year:

Meeting Date



8 July 2015


Pioneer Opportunities and Resources Trust

8 July 2015


West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust

8 July 2015


Rothesay news $116.70 per month x 11

30 September 2015


T Johnson – refund of BBQ purchase

30 September 2015


S Walker – Refund food for pool open day

30 September 2015


Grant – FoodShare Charitable Trust

30 September 2015


Grant – St Leonards School – West Harbour Sports Day

18 November 2015


Purakanui Amenities Society – fire extinguisher

18 November 2015


Scholarship application – trip expenses to United States and Canada

9 March 2016


Graham's Bush Trapping Project





Election Timetable

3      Preparations are in progress for the local elections later in the year.  Key dates are as      follows:


Friday 15 July

Nominations open

Electoral rolls open for inspection

Friday 12 August

Nominations close (12.00 noon)

Electoral rolls close

Friday 16 September to Wednesday 21 September

Delivery of voting documents

Saturday 8 October

Election Day.  Voting closes at 12.00 noon.


Nomination forms and candidate information handbooks will be supplied prior to nominations opening.


Action List

4      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.




Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Action List





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants made are within budget.


There are no significant decisions related to this report.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area



Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




Chalmers Community Board Action List

Meeting Date 1 June 2016



Date of Meeting/


Action Requested

Report Back to the Board


Status/Due Date

Moller Memorial


Item 5

Staff to investigate the relocation of the Moller Memorial


Report approved at April Community and Environment Committee for the removal of the Moller Park Arch and the relocations of a memorial to Mr Moller.

Staff will work with affected parties, Rotary, Ravensdown and the Moller Family on timeframes and an appropriate future memorial.

Parks and Recreation

Project plan in place with definitive timelines for removal and installation by end of June.

Port Chalmers Centennial

Garden -Skateboard area


Item 14 (h)


Staff to investigate the lease and condition of the skateboard area

Discussion on the lease are continuing. 

Parks and Recreation

No due date for this item is available at this time.

Aramoana Wharf - restoration


Staff to investigate the proposal from the Aramoana League


A meeting will be held with the Aramoana League in May with a report to follow for the Community and Environment Committee.

Parks and Recreation



Report to Community and Environment Committee in July for options for the future of the wharf.

District Road, Roseneath


Staff to investigate safety concerns with people cutting corners along District Road

Transportation advises District Road and Slant Street priority is under review to be have investigation completed in March.


An update will be provided at the May meeting.

Parking George Street


Item 12

Parking Bays to be painted on George Street

Investigation of problems and issues that has prompted the request will be undertaken in November


An update will be provided at the May meeting.

Ellesmere Street


Item 10

Traffic Count

Request traffic count to be undertaken at either end of Ellesmere Street to see how many cars are using the part that is not being gritted.


2015 traffic estimates:

Gritted section (186 AADT)

Non gritted section (152 AADT)


20 April 2016

Gorse on Private Land

9 March 2016 Item 8

Removal of Gorse


Rural Fire Authority

Awaiting response

Fencing on SH 88

9 March 2016 Item 12 (h)

Improvement of fencing

Fencing matter raised with NZTA and discussions commenced.


20 April 2016.



Blueskin Road


Item 8

Staff to carry out traffic engineer's risk assessment on Blueskin Road

Transportation advises investigations are continuing.  Initial advice was sent to passenger transport providers in September reminding them of the axel length restriction on Blueskin Road.  Continue to monitor activity.

April 2016

Police advised to consider during Cruise ship season. Continue to monitor activity.


An update will be provided when/if new information is available.









Sawyers Bay Memorial


Item 11

Staff to investigate the relocation of the Sawyers Bay War Memorial


The memorial has been put in place.

Parks and Recreation









Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




Board Representatiion and Other Responsibilities

Department: Civic






Reports from Board members on their various representative roles and other responsibilities. 


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Angela McErlane will provide a verbal update.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson will provide a verbal update.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful



d)     Facebook


In Mel Aitken's absence the Chairperson will update.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole will provide a verbal update.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Noone) will provide a verbal update.


g)     Funding Applications – Report Back


          Raewynne Pedofski will provide a verbal update.



That the Chalmers Community Board:

a)     Notes the <Title of report>






Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Chalmers Community Board

1 June 2016




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






1      The Chairperson will provide an update on the following matters:

·           Annual Plan Submission Update

·           Geese at Watson Park

·           Swimming Pool Mural

·           Roading Update – Railway Crossing

·           Next Board meeting change of date

·           Native Tree Planting – State Highway 88

·           Fencing – State Highway 88

·           Policing Update



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report








There are no attachments for this report.