


Confirmed minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Dunedin City Council held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 20 June 2016, commencing at 1.00 pm




Acting Deputy Mayor (Chairperson)

Cr Andrew Noone



Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr John Bezett


Cr Hilary Calvert

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Jinty MacTavish


Cr Neville Peat

Cr Richard Thomson


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson (via audio link)




Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Grant McKenzie (Group Chief Financial Officer), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Karilyn Canton (In-House Legal Counsel), Michael Tannock (Transport Network Team Leader) and Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan





1       Apologies


Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Cr Doug Hall):


That the Council:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Mike Lord, Cr Chris Staynes and Mayor Dave Cull.


Motion carried (CNL/2016/046)


2       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Cr John Bezett):


That the Council:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (CNL/2016/047)



3       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest made or conflicts of interest declared.


4       Temporary Road Closure for Event: The Octagon


A report from Transport advised that the combined hospitality businesses had applied to close the lower Octagon on the weekend of the All Blacks vs Wales Rugby Test.  The proposed temporary road closure was from 6.00 am on Friday 24 June 2016 until 11.00 am on Sunday 26 June 2016.  The report sought Council approval to approve the road closure or otherwise. 

The Road Stopping Subcommittee heard an objection to the temporary road closure on 17 June 2016, after the Council report was finalised.  Minutes of the meeting had subsequently been circulated.  The Subcommittee had recommended:

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Notes the objection.

b)     Recommends the Council approves, pursuant to section 342(1)(b) and clause 11(e) of schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 the temporary closure of:

•      The lower Octagon, from George Street, to Stuart Street and the lower Octagon from Stuart Street to Princes Street

•      Stuart Street from Bath Street to the Lower Octagon

•      Stuart Street from Moray Place to Bath Street (closed Octagon bound direction only);

from 6.00 am Friday 24 June 2016 until 11.00 am Sunday 26 June 2016.

c)     Recommends that the Council investigates options at an early opportunity for facilitating use of public space for major events.

Subcommittee members commented on what had taken place at the hearing and staff spoke to the report and answered questions from Councillors.  It was noted that the Regent Theatre, the objector to the proposal, had stated at the hearing that its objection was lodged in order to generate discussion about the process followed for approving activities in the Octagon.  The views of the Police were also outlined.


Cr Andrew Whiley withdrew from the meeting at 1.22 pm.



Moved (Cr John Bezett/Cr Doug Hall):


That the Council:


a)     Notes the objection.

b)     Approves the recommendation of the Road Stopping Subcommittee of 17 June 2016, pursuant to section 342(1)(b) and clause 11(e) of schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 the temporary closure of:

•      The lower Octagon, from George Street, to Stuart Street and the lower Octagon from Stuart Street to Princes Street

•      Stuart Street from Bath Street to the Lower Octagon

•      Stuart Street from Moray Place to Bath Street (closed Octagon bound direction only);

from 6.00 am Friday 24 June 2016 until 11.00 am Sunday 26 June 2016.

c)     Investigates options at an early opportunity for facilitating use of public space for major events.

There was further discussion on the recommendations.

Motion carried (CNL/2016/048)



Cr Andrew Whiley returned to the meeting at 1.31 pm.

Minutes of Committees

5       Road Stopping Subcommittee - 17 June 2016


Moved (Cr Doug Hall/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Council:


a)     Notes Part A items (1-3) of the minutes of the Road Stopping Subcommittee meeting held on 17 June 2016.

b)     Approves the following Part B item of the minutes of the Road Stopping Subcommittee meeting held on 17 June 2016: 

Item 4:     Temporary Road Closure for Event: The Lower Octagon and Stuart Street.  

Motion carried (CNL/2016/049)




The meeting concluded at 1.32 pm.





