Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 30 June 2016

Time:                            10.00 am

Venue:                          Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Otago Peninsula Community Board






Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Pope



Lox Kellas

Hoani Langsbury


Christine Neill

Cr Neville Peat


Edna Stevenson



Senior Officer                               Richard Saunders (Group Manager Parks and Recreation)         


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Pam Jordan

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Opening                                                                                                   4

2        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2.1   Board Scholarship Recipient - Iona Hibbert                                              4

2.2   Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group - Partnership Proposal                          4

3        Apologies                                                                                                  4

4        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

5        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

6        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

6.1   Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 26 May 2016                         6     

Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

7          New Zealand Police Update

Inspector Jason Guthrie, Area Commander, Otago Coastal, will be present to discuss matters of interest with the Board.

8        Dunedin's Strategic Framework

Members of the Council's Corporate Policy Team will attend to discuss this with the Board (refer to item in Governance Support Officer's Report).

9        Local Government New Zealand Update

Malcolm Alexander, Chief Executive, Local Government New Zealand, will be present to provide an update on issues to the Board.

10      Funding Applications                                                                                  15

11      Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           22

12      Community Plan

Delegated projects from the Community Plan.

13      Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates

a)   Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)   Rural Roads Update

c)   Area Updates

14      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 36

15      Council Activities

Verbal Update from the Ward Councillor, Neville Peat.             



Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



1     Opening

Christine Garey will open the meeting with a reflection.

2     Public Forum

2.1  Board Scholarship Recipient - Iona Hibbert

Iona Hibbert, Board Scholarship recipient, wishes to address the meeting concerning her Spirit of Adventure voyage.

2.2  Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group - Partnership Proposal

Cathy Rufaut and Brendon Cross, Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group, wish to address the meeting concerning a proposed partnership with the Dunedin City Council.

3     Apologies

An apology has been received from Christine Neill.


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Christine Neill.

4     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report. 

Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 26 May 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 26 May 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting  held on 26 May 2016





Otago Peninsula Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 26 May 2016, commencing at 10.00 am





Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Pope



Lox Kellas

Hoani Langsbury


Christine Neill

Cr Neville Peat


Edna Stevenson





Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture) and Sharon O'Loughlin (PR and Communications Advisor, Enterprise Dunedin)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan



1       Opening

Christine Neill opened the meeting with a reflection.

3       Apologies

Apologies were received for lateness from Lox Kellas, Hoani Langsbury and Cr Neville Peat.


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Accepts the apologies.


Motion carried


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Confirms the agenda:


·           with the deletion of the current Scholarship Application;

·           noting that Board Scholarship Recipient, Iona Hibbert, would speak at the Public Forum of a future Board meeting;

·           noting that the remaining Public Forum would be held once Rebekah Langsbury arrived at the meeting.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/010)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 14 April 2016


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Deputy Chairperson Paul Pope):


That the Board


Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 14 April 2016 as a correct record.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/011)

Part A Reports

7       Library Activity Report


A report from Services and Development provided a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 February to 30 April 2016 with a focus on the activities of the Bookbuses.


There was discussion on the Bookbus services, the appointment of the City of Literature Director who would work with groups across the city, and the digitisation centre.  It was noted that community groups would be able to digitise their archives and it was suggested that the Portobello Museum could be involved in the digitisation project.  It was also suggested that the City of Literature Director could attend a future Board meeting.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Deputy Chairperson Paul Pope):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/012)


8       Enterprise Dunedin Marketing Update


Sharon O'Loughlin (PR and Communications Advisor, Enterprise Dunedin) provided an introduction for the Board on the work of Enterprise Dunedin, which was formed through the merger of Tourism Dunedin, the Council's Economic Development Unit and i-Site.  Enterprise Dunedin was charged with delivering the Council's Economic Development Strategy and to promote Dunedin as a place to live, work, visit, study and do business.  It marketed Dunedin as a tourism destination through various platforms, including websites, and communications with local and external sources. 


Hoani Langsbury entered the meeting at 10.23 am.


Ms O'Loughlin noted that Enterprise Dunedin would like to engage with groups and would like to know questions that she could take back for discussion.


During the course of discussion the Board raised the following issues:


·           The need for those leading initiatives to consider people at the grass roots level, and to take people with them, given the increase in tourism numbers.

·           Whether Enterprise Dunedin worked with other Council departments on infrastructure projects eg a toilet for Sandfly Bay.

·           Enterprise Dunedin's involvement with tourism-related requests the Board had provided to the Council in the past in its Community Plan and Annual Plan submissions.

·           Provision of a more level playing field between city attractions that were essentially competing with each other, some of which were attractions for which visitors were required to pay and which paid rates, and others which were provided to visitors free of charge and received rates funding.  (Hoani Langsbury declared an interest in relation to this question as Manager of the Royal Albatross Centre).

·           Input that community boards could have into the Tourism Strategy.

·           How to access the funding recently announced by the government for provision of toilets.

·           Whether Enterprise Dunedin was working with Parks and Recreation over opportunities to partner over recreational/biodiversity elements in tourism.

·           How Enterprise Dunedin worked with Dunedin Host.

·           The need for Enterprise Dunedin to work more closely with Community Boards.


Ms O'Loughlin advised that she would take the Board's questions back to Enterprise Dunedin for response.  Enterprise Dunedin would also like to know about events in the community so they could promote them.


2       Public Forum

2.1    Board Scholarship Recipient - Rebekah Langsbury


Rebekah Langsbury, recipient of a Board scholarship, addressed the meeting about her World Challenge trip to India.  The organisation took school groups to third world countries and the groups organised the trips and raised money themselves for both the trip and the projects they undertook.

Lox Kellas entered the meeting at 10.45 am.

Rebekah commented on the travel experience including the places visited, a visit to a local school, the trek the group went on for five days and the terrain covered, the food they experienced, and helping out at an orphanage.

Cr Neville Peat entered the meeting at 10.45 am.

The group also visited the Kerala backwaters, Jaipur and Agra.  She outlined the challenges she and the group faced and the possibilities the trip had opened up to do further volunteer work there or elsewhere.

Rebekah thanked the Board for the opportunity the scholarship had provided.


9       Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic updated the Board on activities relevant to the Board area including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Election Timetable

d)     Action List


The Chairperson noted that the Scholarship Fund was in the process of changing from a calendar year to a financial year and although the amount appeared to have been overspent, this was not the case.


There was discussion on the following Action List items:


·           Advice was awaited from Parks on when the Portobello Pontoon liftout would take place.  In the meantime this was to be deleted from the Action List.

·           Tomahawk School expression of interest documents were about to be made available publicly.

·           The memorial seat location had been determined and this was to be deleted from the Action List.

·           It had been determined that the Macandrew Bay Pontoon belonged to the Macandrew Bay Boating Club and this was to be deleted from the Action List.  The Boating Club was dealing with Parks over this matter.

·           The Asset List was in hand.

·           The Camp Road tree removal had been escalated to the two General Managers to resolve.  It was noted that this needed to be addressed prior to the start of the next tourist season.

·           The Te Rauone footpath issues would be dealt with as part of the road widening project.  There was then discussion about the repairs to the top of the sea wall and achieving consistency throughout.  There was discussion on whether this should be dealt with as part of the contract maintenance and the need for clarification on this matter.

·           The tender for the repair to the Highcliff Road slip would close on 13 June.  A request was made for more communication to those affected and the need to have this completed prior to the start of the tourist season was stressed.

·           Repairs to other slips were also being tendered in June.

·           Lox Kellas advised that directional arrows would be painted side by side rather than apart.  This was to be deleted from the Action List now this project was underway.

·           Lox Kellas noted that the signage for pull over areas would be done at the same time.  Board members were asked to provide location suggestions to Lox Kellas.  A suggestion was made for a pull over area at the top of Castlewood Road.

·           Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project – the Chairperson advised that staff were working hard in the background but it was important that the Council communicated to the community where this project was up to.  A consultant had been chosen and would be developing a plan.  There would be consultation on the detail of the plan for items such as seat location.

·           The Hatchery Road slip was part of a repair tender and was to be deleted from the Action List now this process was underway.

·           In regard to the Tidewater Drive drainage issue the Group Manager Water and Waste reported that the report was complete and there now needed to be information given to the community.  Upgrading culverts would not help as the problem was the high tide.  However maintenance would be increased.  The Board asked for resolution of this ie communication with the person who first raised it and the wider community as appropriate by the next meeting and the Group Manager would discuss this with the Asset and Commercial Manager.  She noted that actions might include making sure septic tanks were properly sealed and did not mix with flood waters and there was discussion on whether other things such as plantings might assist.

·           In regard to the Bayne Terrace steps, the gradient was less steep than anticipated.  The community representatives had been asked to do a Health and Safety Plan which they were concerned about and Edna Stevenson would speak to Merrin McCrory to seek the Council's assistance for this part of the project.

·           Consultation would take place on the bus stop review at an appropriate time.

·           Turnbulls Bay Quarry was to be removed from the Action List and was to be added to the List for the Safety Improvement Project.

·           Te Rauone sea wall resource consent variation - this was no longer applicable and was to be deleted from the Action List.

·           Maintenance of sea walls – the Chairperson advised that an assessment had been completed and a programme of works had been arranged.  Christine Neill commented on an area at Papanui Inlet which she would log with Customer Services and draw to the attention of relevant staff.

·           Issues relating to road edges had been raised with staff and they were aware of these problems.  The issue would be addressed for the long-term as part of the Safety Improvements Project.

·           Members were asked to look at the email circulated recently regarding road closures to ensure that the distribution list was current and to provide any changes to the Chairperson.

·           The Conway Street culvert matter was with Transport and Laura McElhone would follow this up to ensure that both the school and playcentre had been contacted as agreed.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Edna Stevenson):


That the Board



a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.


b)     Updates the Action List with the following items and notes that they are either underway or have been transferred to other lists as appropriate:


§ Portobello Pontoon liftout to be deleted.

§ Memorial seat to be deleted.

§ Macandrew Bay Pontoon to be deleted.

§ Tagging removal to be deleted.

§ Directional arrows to be deleted.

§ Hatchery Road slip to be deleted.

§ Turnbulls Bay Quarry to be deleted.

§ Te Rauone sea wall resource consent variation to be deleted.

§ Camp Road tree removal to be dealt with prior to next tourist season.

§ Highcliff Road slip remediation to be dealt with prior to next tourist season and more communication to take place with affected residents.

§ Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project consultation on plan details.

§ Tidewater Drive resolution update to be provided.

§ Bayne Terrace Steps Health and Safety Plan assistance to be requested.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/013)


10     Scholarship Application


This item had been withdrawn.


11     Community Plan


The Chairperson asked members to report on areas for which they were responsible.


Edna Stevenson reported that a positive meeting had been held about Te Rauone.  Progress was being made towards a resource consent application being made by the end of September.  The Chairperson extended congratulations to the Committee.


The Chairperson noted that work on ownership of the road parallel to Portobello Road past the cemetery was proceeding well.  The Ministry of Education owned part of the road and this matter was still to be resolved.


In terms of road safety in Portobello Lox Kellas reported that a 40 km/h sign was to be installed outside the school.  At some stage in the future a school patrol or electronic sign would be considered.


Paul Pope reported that he had met with the Hereweka-Harbour Cone Trust and the walking track issues were progressing well.


The Portobello boat ramp had been raised in the Board's Annual Plan submission to the Dunedin City Council, along with the Board's support for the Coastguard.


Hoani Langsbury commented that hopefully a public toilet for Seal Point Road would be in the next year's Council work plan.  Members were asked to provide any feedback from the community to Hoani.  There was discussion on monitoring traffic in terms of numbers of visitors and collecting information on vehicle counts to support Board submissions to the Annual Plan.


Edna Stevenson advised that there was no money available for playground upgrades in the next three years.  It was agreed, however, that this should be kept in the Community Plan.


12     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)      Keep Dunedin Beautiful




Paul Pope reported on tagging and graffiti issues that were creeping into the area, Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week to be held in September, and a national meeting in Auckland in October.




b)      Rural Roads Update




Lox Kellas reported that roads were in good condition for the time of year and some had been recently gravelled.


Christine Neill advised of a speedy response to an incident she had reported.


Hoani Langsbury reported on the collapse of cliffs by the tank traps which had created an overhang which was also likely to collapse.


The Board requested a report following the Council's arborist looking at a tree audit on the Peninsula.





c)      Area Updates




Board members provided updates from their areas of responsibility.


It was reported that the wash out of the rock wall at Macandrew Bay would be addressed as part of the contract for the Safety Improvement Project.


Christine Neill advised that rubbish was still being dumped at the Pukehiki recycling site and the community was doing its best to address the problem.


Hoani Langsbury reported that the new rock wall at Te Rauone had been undermined.


13     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson updated the Board on the following matters of interest since the previous meeting:


·           Te Rauone

·           Next Visitor Season

·           Community Boards' Executive Committee

·           Car advertisements – moving images/wrong side or road

·           Upcoming elections

·           Meetings/events attended

·           Diary dates


The Chairperson also reported on the meeting she had attended with Lois Scott from Neighbourhood Support.  The matter of training for Board members had also been raised at the regular meeting with the Mayor.  She also advised of possible attendees at the next Board meeting.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Writes to Michael Harrison thanking him for his work for the Board and Otago Peninsula Community.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/014)



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Cr Neville Peat):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/015)


14     Council Activities


Councillor Neville Peat reported on the following items:


·           The Council meeting held earlier in the week and the adoption of the Dog Control Bylaw

·           The Council's Environment Strategy.



Moved (Cr Neville Peat/Chairperson Christine Garey):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Ward Councillor.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/016)



The Chairperson thanked Board members for the way they were working with staff on their delegated projects.




The meeting concluded at 12.00 noon.










Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



Part A Reports


Funding Applications

Department: Civic






1      This report provides copies of the funding applications which have been received for the Otago Peninsula Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The funding applications were from the Ocean Grove Community Trust for a year's worth (12 editions) of "Hawk Talk" and from the Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee for the printing of updated promotion booklets.

3      Both the funding applications have been received from non-profit organisations and were received within the required timeframe.

4      $1,316.78 of $10,000.00 remains in the Project Fund.  The total of the funding applications received is $1,764.55.



That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the funding application from the Ocean Grove Community Trust for $618.00.

b)     Grants/declines the funding application from Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee for$1,146.55.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer








Ocean Grove Community Trust Application



Te Rauone Coast Care Committee Application



Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Dunedin Strategic Framework

d)     Action List.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

2      $1,316.78 remains in the Project Fund.  The following grants/other expenditure have been made so far this financial year:

Meeting Date



2 July 2015


Caselberg Trust

2 July 2015


Portobello Coronation Hall Committee

13 August 2015


Broad Bay Boating Club

13 August 2015


Otago Peninsula Museum and Historical Society

24 September 2015


Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust

12 November 2015


Tomahawk-Smaills Beachcare Trust

12 November 2015


Ariki Athletics Club

12 November 2015


Scholarship Isla Benham (refer below)

November 2015



28 January 2016


Scholarship Iona Hibbert (refer below)

3 March 2016


Hereweka Junior Football Club

14 April 2016


Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community Inc

14 April 2016


Ocean Grove Community Trust

14 April 2016


Plaque for Memorial Seat

14 April 2016


Anzac Day Wreath





Scholarship Fund

3      The separate Scholarship Fund held by the Board has now been exhausted following the awarding of the first two scholarships in the current financial year. 

Meeting Date



2 July 2015


Beth Clearwater

24 September 2015


Solomon Baldock



Funded from Scholarship Fund


The following two scholarships were funded from the Board's Project Fund:


Meeting Date



12 November 2015


Isla Benham

28 January 2016


Iona Hibbert



Funded from Project Fund



Dunedin Strategic Framework

4      Corporate Policy staff will be in attendance to provide an update on the City's Strategic Framework in relation to the Board's Community Plan, the 2017/18 Annual Plan and the 2018/19 - 2027/28 Long Term Plan.  A copy of the Dunedin Strategic Framework is attached for your information (Attachment A).

5      Staff will also provide an update on projects that they are working on and in particular community engagement leading up to the 2018/19 - 2027/28 Long Term Plan.


Action List

6      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment B.




Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Graham McKerracher - Council Comms and Marketing Manager 






Dunedin Strategic Framework



Action List 30 June 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016




Otago Peninsula Community Board Action List

30 June 2016





Resolution No

Action Requested

Report Back to the Board



Due Date

Tomahawk School

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on open days and expressions of interest.

Two community open days have been held during the six week expression of interest process.  There has been good public interest in these.  Assessment of submissions will occur after the closing date with a report to be prepared for the Community and Environment Committee

Parks and Recreation

Update on submission numbers at next Board meeting

Tomahawk Beach Access

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

Update requested.

Further signs to be erected at the beach access following the stranding of cars. In addition to these signs, Water Safety message signs have recently been installed to Tomahawk and Smaills Beaches (completed in conjunction with Surf Life Saving NZ). 


Investigations continuing into legal status of Tomahawk Beach and access to it across the Reserve.  No update has been received from Council's legal team to date. 

Parks and Recreation

Written update on legal status of beach access to be provided to the Board when received.

No further progress on this matter.

Roadside weed control

Request from Chairperson

Request for contract specifications.

New contracts are currently being negotiated.  Staff will prepare a summary of specifications and distribute this to the Board.

Parks and Recreation

Summary of specifications to be provided to Community Board.

Camp Road Tree Removal

24 September 2015

Item 10

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on consent process for tree removal.


Request from Board to address prior to start of 2016 tourist season.

Anticipating a decision in the coming week. 

Parks and Recreation/ Transport

Board will be updated through the Chair when a decision is received.

Repair to Dropout on Highcliff Road near Seal Point Road (two car slip)

2 July 2015

Item 5

13 August 2015

Item 9(24)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Updates requested until complete.


Board requested email updates to be provided to affected residents.


Meeting with affected residents/ key holders to be held.


Request to ensure 477 4000 can be used for after-hours enquiries.


Request from Chair to provide update on how current traffic management is working/timing of repairs and plan for management of multiple repairs/update on consultation with the community.


Request for completion prior to the 2016 tourist season.

Two Cars Slip tenders closed 13 June.  A physical works programme will be available after tender award.


Tenders have closed and are being evaluated.  Recommendations to be presented to Tenders Board in early July for approval to proceed with physical works.


Repairs should take approximately 10-12 weeks from commencement.


Ongoing communication with the community continues to be a priority.





Provision of more pull-over areas: Highcliff Road and Portobello Road and request for signage alerting motorists to pull over areas (including existing pull overs)


13 August 2015

Item 9(9)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Board considers urgent for tourist season.


Board requested more urgency to be given to this.


Board requests budget provision.


Chairperson requested an area near the top of Castlewood Road.

Staff to consider during budget preparation for 2017/18 budgets. 


Portobello Road pull off areas can be investigated as designs are prepared for the Peninsula widening.


Locations for new pull off areas had been conveyed to Lox Kellas.


Signage for existing and new pull off areas to be dealt with together.


July 2016

Portobello/ Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project

13 August 2015

Item 9(22)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Advice to be provided on approximate start of project.

Brief for this project includes new stage plus "tidying up" the whole length.


Professional Services tendered 20 May and closes 27 June.  Award will take place in July/August.



Consultant to be chosen

Consultant develops detailed plan

Community meetings/details of design eg location of seating etc discussed (as part of this process a reference group to be formed by Council – urban design/artistic features/environmental mitigation/lighting etc.


Update when available

Slip at Hatchery Road, Portobello

13 August 2015

Item 11(b)

24 September 2015

Item 9(c)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Slip has increased and requires checking.

Designs for the remaining sites are complete and being peer reviewed.  Works are being tendered following peer review in June as part of a package of four sites.


Four sites are:

1.  Soldiers Monument

2.  Hatchery Road

3.  Seven Sisters

4.  Highcliff Road at Sandymount


Tender documents for all sites are being prepared for release on 4 July and will close on 25 July; physical works programme will be available after this date.


June 2016

Tidewater Drive Drainage Issue

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested.


Board to be advised when communication with affected residents has been carried out.  Importance of on-going maintenance noted.

Options report is in progress and will be reported to Chair in March. 


Water and Waste are working with their consultant – a report and a letter to residents are pending.


Report substantially complete.  Site visit to meet resident to take place in the next fortnight.










Board report in May

Bayne Terrace Steps

24 September 2015

Item PF(a)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

Options requested.

Options for re-establishing access at a reasonable price are under investigation.  Greg Sligo to be the community liaison person.  Community members are prepared to assist with carrying out work to the necessary standard.  Community to write a proposal to submit to Council.


Council awaiting draft Health and Safety plan and design plan for review and to meet on site for sign off.  Assistance to be sought from staff for this part of the project.



50 km/h signage between Otakou and Harington Point

Request from Chairperson

26 May 2016

Item 9

Request for update on progress to reinstate removed sign

Sign replacement has been actioned to be installed in week of 11-15 April.


Need to clarify what needed to be considered for extra 50 km/h signs.


Monitoring on this stretch of road is completed.  Board awaits outcome of this data gathering.



Maintenance of sea walls eg repairs to wash outs on the sea walls around Hoopers Inlet on Allans Beach Road

eg repairs to road edges – top of sea walls

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on undermining

Assessment of all seawalls has been completed and a programme of works is being prepared (August).  Known problem areas are being monitored.


Board asked to phone in any new and specific issues as they occur.


July 2016

Conway Street Culvert

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Insufficient size of pipe – to be discussed with Macandrew Bay School

Grate replaced.  Total cost of work $600,000; the majority of work required was upgrade of private pipe and this would not happen.


OPCB provided contact details and Group Manager Water and Waste agreed to follow up to ensure communication with affected parties.


School has been contacted.  Staff to contact playcentre.



Road adjacent to Portobello Cemetery and School

Request from Chairperson

Road legalisation/ownership issues

This will be carried out as part of the Portobello/Harington Point Road safety project.




Installation of rubbish bins between Macandrew Bay and Glenfalloch

Request from Chairperson

Update requested

Solid Waste have confirmed that bins are available and will be installed in the area requested.  The Board Chair will be advised when this is complete.

Water and Waste

Early July


Portobello Pontoon liftout timing

24 September 2015

Item 10

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Implications of leaving project until after Easter 2016 to be reported back.

Importance of completing lift out before next summer season noted.


Parks to advise Board Chair when lift out date confirmed.

Parks and Recreation

Maintenance to be carried out.  Update to be provided following planning.

Freedom Camping

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

26 May 2016

Item 9

Operational update requested.


Board requested larger maps to be made available.


Request to contact Harwood Hall Committee to clarify NZMCA status re camping at Harwood Hall.

Otago Peninsula no camping signs are to be updated to make them easier to understand.


Report to Planning and Regulatory Committee in June to update on full Freedom Camping season.


Board members gave feedback for report to Council. 


Board asked to phone/email Customer Services with specific issues in future.


Dialogue has been established with Harwood Hall representatives.

Parks and Recreation


Memorial seat

3 March 2016

Item 9a

26 May 2016

Item 9

Progress report on location.

Seat pad has been installed and plaque is ready.  The due date for seat order is the end of June with installation in early July.


Edna Stevenson to liaise with The Star regarding a profile on Robert George and Edna Stevenson to coordinate unveiling event.

Parks and Recreation


Ownership of Macandrew Bay Pontoon

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Ownership to be determined.

Owned by Macandrew Bay Boating Club.  Club member Pieter Besuijen put in direct contact with Parks staff.

Parks and Recreation


Harbour recreational facilities asset list

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Asset list and responsibility for them to be compiled.

This list will be compiled by staff by the end of 2016.  Moved to Community Plan.

Parks and Recreation


Tagging removal on infrastructure

Discussion with Chairperson, May 2016

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested.

All tagging enquiries/complaints on DCC land/assets should be submitted to DCC Customer Services, via 477 4000.  Tagging on Parks assets is currently managed through the building maintenance contract.  From 1 July 2016 this will be managed via the Green Space Southern contract and associated response team.


Undertaking given by staff that graffiti on tank traps to be removed in new financial year – prices currently being sought.

Parks and recreation


Te Rauone – footpath


13 August 2015

Item 9(17)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

26 May 2016

Item 9

Nowhere now for cars to pull off road to check location of Penguin Place/conflicting signage.

Options will be developed for consideration when the Professional Services Tender is let for the remaining Peninsula Widening project.


Issue moved to the OPCB List relating to the final stage of the Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project.


September-October 2016

Request for more directional arrows along with input of local knowledge

13 August 2015

Item 9(11)

24 September 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Board considers urgent for tourist season.


Board requested more urgency to be given to this.

Staff now have an NZTA draft guideline for installing tourist arrows, which will be used to review tourist routes in the Otago Peninsula area.  Staff are evaluating appropriate locations. 


Lox Kellas is working with staff to review and discuss locations.


Locations finalised.  Work orders placed.








June 2016

Bus Stop Review

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested.

An audit of stops and a programme of consultation is planned for later in 2016 by the Otago Regional Council at which time Board will be consulted.




Old quarry at Turnbulls Bay

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

Suggestion that this area could be tidied up/replanted.  Also request for parking for people wishing to access Harbour Cone.

Further consideration on road network needs required.  Include with Peninsula Road Safety Improvement community reference group. 


Update when available

Variation to resource consent re sea wall related to Te Rauone project

Request from Chairperson

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested

Application for consent variation lodged with ORC.  Awaiting a response.


Final advice from marine engineer to DCC staff – smooth sea wall not a problem in relation to the Te Rauone Project.


Update is possible May 2016

Sweeping etc in relation to cycling safety

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested

Part of new maintenance contracts.



Email lists for road closures

Discussion with Chairperson, May 2016

26 May 2016

Item 9

Have they been updated and any new processes in place.

Email list had been circulated to Board and Chair to send back reviewed list to staff.


Staff in consultation with contractors regarding message boards.





Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






1      A report from the Chairperson is attached which updates the Board on matters of interest since the previous meeting.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.











Chairperson's Report - 30 June 2016



Otago Peninsula Community Board

30 June 2016





If there is one issue that has kept me awake at night, it is the matter of overseas drivers and the potential for tragedy on our local roads.  The question is, as community leaders, how can we effect change?


While no visitor comes here on the "trip of a lifetime" to have an accident and injure others, themselves, or their families; they have been involved in accidents at an alarming rate in other tourist destinations around New Zealand in recent times.  Thankfully, not on the Otago Peninsula, …….. yet but there have been plenty of "near misses".  We have all experienced them and heard accounts of these incidents around the Board table. 


The chances of an accident involving an overseas driver are high, given the increasing number of visitors here and the experiences of the past season.  As the predictions are for visitor numbers to substantially grow next season, especially FITs, so too will the numbers of visitors from all corners of the globe, driving on the Peninsula.  Our roads can be challenging at the best of times but especially for drivers unused to rural, narrow, winding and/or gravelled roads, not to mention the challenges of driving on the opposite side of the road to their home country. 


Multiple agencies are working on many excellent initiatives educating our visitors to NZ before the border and then once they arrive here.  However, the Otago Peninsula has not triggered particular attention because near misses don't count in the statistics.  It is only once there has been a tragedy, that there will be a focus on our area and efforts ramped up to prevent such accidents.


The Board has always tried to be proactive in these matters rather than wait for a tragic accident to occur.  We have done what we can: highlighted the issue at every opportunity, lobbied various agencies including AA, NZTA, Government, LGNZ - and we have had successes.  We have successfully lobbied our parent council for additional directional arrows painted on the road, additional signage for pull off areas, and currently we are negotiating extra pull off areas for Peninsula roads.  The various Peninsula roading projects are already bringing lower accident statistics overall.  The Board has advocated the use of the *555 system but with patchy cell phone coverage this has its limitations on the Peninsula.  Also, our sole charge officer can not cover the whole area and respond 24/7 to these calls but if city police respond there is an unavoidable time delay.


While we understand Government is set to roll out initiatives at a local level amongst tour operators next season, everyone in the community needs to take a lead in this situation.  Whether it's the person pumping petrol or serving coffee or hosting visitors in their B&B, there are many opportunities to be part of the solution as we interact with visitors.  It can be as simple as ensuring local road conditions and realistic travel times are well understood and all is communicated, as any good host would do, positively.  There is no excuse for rudeness or intolerance.  The challenge is how do we make our visitors feel welcome and ensure they drive safely?  We all need to be part of the solution to this problem.


I don't have the answers but I know there are a great number of people working on this and that there is still much to do.  The next Board will need to continue to be proactive around this issue to change the odds and save lives.


Standing for Election and Voting

As we approach the time for nominations for the upcoming elections, and following what we learnt from the recent Representation Review, it is important that there is a range of candidates standing for election for community boards throughout Dunedin.


Please continue to approach members of our community to stand for election for our Board. If they haven't been to one of our meetings, invite them along to our last meeting on 11 August.  Introduce them to other Board members who may give another perspective on serving on a community board.  Voter turnout is typically low for local government elections and so our other challenge is to encourage people to vote.


Let's make sure our community has a range of candidates to choose from and that they vote.  In this way we strengthen the Otago Peninsula Community Board – it was hard won and we want to make sure the Board is there for the future.


Loose Ends

As the triennium draws to a close we are all working on "tying up loose ends".  We have all worked hard at this task and we're making considerable progress on many fronts - both on the bigger delegated projects and smaller issues which are still important in the lives of our residents.  Thank you for your considerable efforts – you have done an excellent job and it has been noticed.  The way you have worked with staff on the delegated projects, following the laid out protocols, has been appreciated by staff and commented on a number of times in recent weeks.  Great job everyone! 


Since the last meeting I have attended to the following matters:

¨     a safety issue with a spring in Castlewood Road - has damaged the seal and has water pouring over the road which is a hazard in frost.  This has been marked out and will be repaired soon (Andrew Lord).

¨     there has been an issue with the toilet sign at the Portobello Hall sending people to the hall rather than the public toilet at the back of the Happy Hens building – Hall Committee/DCC tenants will be consulted regarding new signage (DCC Property staff).

¨     residents have raised the issue of speed and noise issues around the first speed bump on Harington Point Road approaching from Portobello and a letter written from one household has been passed on to staff to address (Hjarne Poulson/Edna Stevenson).

¨     conditions for the liquor licence have now been met and signed off for the renewal of the the liquor licence at Macandrew Bay Store and is expected before 30 June.  Many thanks to Kevin Mechen, DCC, for his patience and efforts in this matter and the Bellamys for their considerable work on this – have a look at the art work on the shop next time you're passing.

¨     issues of faded signage eg at Broad Bay beach reserve re no dogs being permitted in that area.  These signs are to be upgraded and enforcement improved.  The community has been asked to report dog owners who ignore the bylaw.

¨     Broad Bay residents raised the issue of noise created by the street cleaning machine working in the middle of the night recently which it does once a month – atmospheric conditions, still night, the likely cause.  Residents have been encouraged to log any further issues with CSA if it's still a problem next month (Peter Standring).

¨     the email list for road closures has now been updated and is back with Transport. 

¨     request has been logged for Camp Road water tables to be cleared. 

¨     request has been logged re further wash outs to sea wall on Back Bay roads.

¨     request has been logged for cliff overhang at Taiaroa Head to be assessed.  

¨     directional arrows and other road markings are being repainted throughout the Peninsula - some issues with quality now dealt with.  

¨     undermining of sea wall  in several places has been checked as at 20 June and will be addressed in due course (Bruce Wood).

¨     while the issue of road edging failing and seawall blowouts will be addressed in the design phase of the project, the unsightly nature of the largely superficial  damage to the edging, needs to be addressed prior to October; it cannot be left as it is.  (ACTION: ask Richard Saunders to take this back to staff).

¨     following the ODT article re Elsie Evans Project – FYI the Board has granted a total of $3,622.70 over ten years and four trienniums to the project.  Enterprise Dunedin have recently had contact with the group.

¨     excellent handover with Diana Munster prior to her departure – Diana has updated all documents around the safety measures in the area around Portobello School.  Excellent feedback received about the new signage Diana implemented.

¨     another of Diana's earlier initiatives, the Safer Speeds Group, recommended that the largest employer on the Peninsula, Larnach Castle, run a defensive driving session for staff pre winter after a spate of accidents.  Such a course was recently organised for staff. 

¨     amendments have been made to the letter scholarship recipients receive to ensure they have a something to take to their school around absences to attend the school presentation and OPCB meeting.

¨     Civil Defence advises that in the new triennium Community Boards should set up a generic Board email address that upon receiving an email, it is automatically sent out to all Board members.  This can then be used for Civil Defence purposes.  For the remainder of this triennium the current Board Chairs email will be used in each case.  (ACTION: please note GSO/Board Chair for new triennium).

¨     ORC advise bus stop review is planned for later this year.

¨     Freedom camping report was sent out to OPCB following our last meeting.

¨     Michael Harrison thanked the Board for our letter of appreciation for his services.

¨     Request for letter of support for Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group as per public forum request.  (ACTION: recommend a letter of support be written for OPBG).


Update - Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvements Project

¨     the professional services tender is currently out - a design consultant will soon be appointed.

¨     a reference group will be asked to advise on aspects of the design.

¨     the community will have the opportunity to input into the design - Peninsula drop in sessions have been suggested with OPCB, staff in attendance and plans and concept drawings so people can visualise the design and comment on details e.g. placement of the steps, seats etc

¨     following the approval of the design, there will be a tender (expected to be early 2017) for a contractor to carry out the physical works.

¨     construction is expected to begin in March/April 2017 (goal for completion is still the end of 2018).

¨     issues that have arisen in already completed sections will be addressed as part of this project e.g. edging, as well as making the whole length consistent as far as layout etc.

¨     non reclamation sections e.g. the cutting at Broad Bay will be constructed later in the project as these areas are considered to require more time for further investigation before the design can be completed (but still as part of the goal of a 2018 completion).

¨     expect multiple work sites.





Caselberg Trust - gathering for artist in residence, Becky Cameron and her exhibition (themed around Hereweka Harbour Cone)



Lisa Wheeler

Diana Munster


Meetings with:

John Christie

Diana Munster/Hjarne Poulson/Lox Kellas

Gareth Evans/Glenn O’Connor



2GP (Paul)



¨     Portobello Blues Festival dates 10-12 March 2017

¨     LGNZ Conference 24-26 July 

¨     Unveiling of Robert George memorial seat date TBC

¨     Local Government election nominations open 15 July – close 12 August, 12.00 noon

¨     Voting 16 September – 8 October

¨     Next OPCB meeting 11 August

¨     CBEC meeting 17/18 August

¨     End of triennium lunch Bay Café 14 Sept 12.30 pm - 2.00 pm date TBC


Next Meeting: 11 August 2016 will be attended by

¨     Nicky Page, Director, City of Literature

¨     John Christie, Enterprise Dunedin – to discuss questions from our May meeting

¨     Glenn O'Connor/Gareth Evans re further update on Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project.