Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Road Stopping Subcommittee will be held on:


Date:                             Friday 17 June 2016

Time:                            11.00 am

Venue:                          Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers,

                                      The Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Road Stopping Subcommittee






Kate Wilson


Deputy Chairperson




Doug Hall

Mike Lord


Senior Officer                               Richard Saunders, Group Manager Parks and Recreation


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Pam Jordan

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Road Stopping Subcommittee

17 June 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                4       

Part B Reports (Committee  has power to  recommend only on these items)

5          Temporary Road Closure for Event: The Lower Octagon and Stuart Street            5            



Road Stopping Subcommittee

17 June 2016




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

4     Declaration of Interest

There were no new declarations of interest.


Road Stopping Subcommittee

17 June 2016



Part B Reports


Temporary Road Closure for Event: The Lower Octagon and Stuart Street

Department: Transport






The combined hospitality businesses have applied to close the lower Octagon on the weekend of the All Blacks v’s Wales Rugby Test. The proposed closure is from 6am on Friday the 24 June 2016 until 11am on Sunday the 26 June 2016. This report seeks a recommendation on the proposed temporary closure from the Road Stopping Subcommittee. The proposed closure was publically notified.  Four submissions were received with three in support and one objecting to the proposal. The New Zealand Police were consulted and are in support of the proposal in the interests of public safety.  Following a review of all submissions, staff recommend closing the road in accordance with the application.


That the Subcommittee:

a)     Notes the objection.

b)     Recommends The Council approves, pursuant to section 342(1)(b) and clause 11(e) of schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 the temporary closure of:

•      The lower Octagon, from George Street, to Stuart Street and the lower Octagon from Stuart Street to Princes Street

•      Stuart Street from Bath Street to the Lower Octagon

•      Stuart Street from Moray Place to Bath Street (closed Octagon bound direction only);

from 6am Friday 24 June 2016 until 11am Sunday 26 June 2016.



1      Council has received a joint application from a number of hospitality businesses located adjacent to the Octagon to temporarily close the lower Octagon and a portion of lower Stuart Street on the weekend of the All Blacks v’s Wales Rugby Test. The proposed closure is from 6am on Friday the 24 June 2016 until 11am on Sunday the 26 June 2016.

2      The hospitality businesses have received approval to extend their licensed areas after an application to the District Licensing Committee.  It is anticipated that large numbers of people will gather in the Octagon before and after the Rugby Test.

3      The proposal was publicly notified in the Otago Daily Times on Saturday the 4 June 2016.

4      Four submissions were received by the closing date of Friday 10 June 2016. Of these, one objected to the proposal. The submissions are included as Attachment A.


5      The Road Stopping Subcommittee does not have the power to approve the road closure but can hear the submissions and make a recommendation to the Council.  The Council is able to approve or decline to approve the temporary road closure under Schedule 10 clause 11(e) of the Local Government Act 1974.


6      The Regent Theatre has objected to the proposal on the grounds that the use of the Octagon by the bars to extend their licensed area ‘normalises the consumption of alcohol’, is for private benefit and precludes use of the Octagon by community family friendly activities at this time. Additionally, the Regent has raised concerns about the safety of the public including families and those attending the All Blacks event.

7      The Regent has an event on Saturday the 25 June 2016 commencing at 8.30pm and finishing at 10.10pm. It is expected that 1000 people will attend this event. The Regent has raised concerns about patrons exiting their event into the road closure area. The Director of the Regent wishes to speak to their submission.

8      Submissions received in support of the proposal include three written submissions from the combined hospitality businesses, including Octagon Village (representing the northeast quadrant bars), Dunedin Hospitality Macs Brew Bar and Di Lusso, and The Craic.  Points raised in these submissions are:

a)     their general support for other events in the Octagon,

b)     the road closure being a key element of their safety planning,

c)     their provision of an event space for the public,

d)     that along with the accommodation and visitor industry their event space brings economic benefits to the city,

e)     the event space closure supports Dunedin as ‘event friendly’ for large events; and

f)     they have privately invested money in the process on the assumption that a road closure will be approved.

Consultation with Emergency Services and New Zealand Transport Agency

9      Consultation has been undertaken with the NZ Police, the NZ Fire Service, the Order of St John and the New Zealand Transport Agency.  The NZ Police have advised that they are aware of the Regent’s event on Saturday 25 June 2016 and “believe that a road closure during this time is essential to help maintain public order in what will be a very busy time for Police staff”.  The New Zealand Transport Agency, the NZ Fire Service and the Order of St John have no objection to the proposed temporary road closure.

Closure of the Octagon

10    The lower Octagon has been closed periodically since 2008 by the combined hospitality businesses in the Octagon, in conjunction with the extended licensed area to cater for associated crowds.  The lower Octagon is regularly closed by the NZ Police using different legislation during busy nights for safety reasons.  The Octagon has also been closed by the Council during periods when there are major sporting events such as during the Rugby World Cup.

11    The Octagon is also closed regularly for other events, including New Year celebrations, Thieves Alley, processions and other events.


Option One – Recommended Option –


12    That the Subcommittee recommends to the Council that it approve, pursuant to section 342(1)(b) and clause 11(e) of schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 the temporary closure of:

•      The lower Octagon, from George Street, to Stuart Street and the lower Octagon from Stuart Street to Princes Street

•      Stuart Street from Bath Street to the Lower Octagon

•      Stuart Street from Moray Place to Bath Street (closed Octagon bound direction only);

from 6am Friday 24 June 2016 until 11am Sunday 26 June 2016


·           The temporary road closure for the event contributes to the DCC’s Economic Development Strategy.

·           The temporary road closure is a key means of reducing risks to event participants and others, and is supported by the NZ Police.


·           There may be reduced access to businesses and other events in the road closed area.

Option Two – Status Quo

13    That the Subcommittee recommends to Council that it not approve the temporary road closures outlined in this report.


·           Access provisions will remain unchanged.


·           This option does not support the Economic Development Strategy

·           This option may impact the city’s reputation of welcoming large events

·           It is likely emergency services will enact an unplanned closure which would be reactive and less desirable than a planned and co-ordinated approach.


14    The recommendation of the Subcommittee will be presented to the Council meeting set down for the 20 June 2016.




Michael Tannock - Transport Network Team Leader


Richard Saunders - Group Manager Parks and Recreation 






Submission on Temporary Octagon Road Closure






Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision/report/proposal relates to providing a regulatory function and it is considered good-quality and cost-effective.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


The event contributes to the economic strategy themes of: a compelling destination, linkages beyond our borders, and business vitality.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


Road closures for events support social and economic sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

The cost of the proposed event road closure is to be met by the applicant.


Under the Significance and Engagement policy this is considered of low significance.

Engagement – external

The community has been engaged with as per the relevant legislation, also the Emergency Services and New Zealand Transport Agency.

Engagement - internal

There has been limited internal engagement.  There has been separate planning, licensing and building services applications under different legislation for other aspects of the activity.  The In-House Counsel were consulted in the drafting of this report.  

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

Proactive management of the transport network for the event supports the health and safety planning of the event organiser, Emergency Services.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards.



Road Stopping Subcommittee

17 June 2016