Saddle Hill Community Board



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Thursday 2 June 2016, commencing at 3.30 pm





Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Pam Jemmett



Keith McFadyen

Leanne Stenhouse


Cr Andrew Whiley





John Christie (Director, Enterprise Dunedin), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture), Inspector Jason Guthrie (Area Commander) and Constable Fred Jansen, NZ Police


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




1       Public Forum

Amanda Reid – Greater Green Island Community Network

Ms Reid introduced herself and advised that she had recently been appointed the Greater Green Island Community Worker for Green Island.  She would work alongside Ms Stenhouse who was employed for 10 hours per week by the Network.  They would be based at the Green Island Police Station between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm on Monday and Wednesdays and at the Presbyterian Support premises in Moray Place at other times.


Ms Reid advised that a survey on the perceptions of neighbourhoods, amenities and facilities and key issues had been undertaken with approximately 1200 households across the greater Green Island area.  They hoped for the results to be finalised by August at which time a community meeting would be held to advance some of the ideas that had been raised.  Ms Reid spoke of the monthly community newsletter which was being produced and offered the Board the opportunity to place items of interest in it.  She commented that they hoped to launch the website in August.



Neil Kennedy – Ocean View Domain 

Mr Kennedy advised that whereas he now resided in Waikouaiti, he had strong ties with the area having lived a lot of his life in Brighton. 


Mr Kennedy commented on Freedom Camping and advised that he had been a member of the Motor Caravan Association for the past 24 years and explained that people did not understand the difference between self-contained and non-self-contained vehicles.  He commended the Board for their proactive attitude with respect to campers at the Ocean View Domain.  Mr Kennedy commented that in his opinion the campers should pay a fee to camp at the Domain.


Mr Kennedy felt that it was time for Council to look outside the square with respect to the identification of appropriate camping sites as the grounds at Ocean View and Warrington were overcrowded. 


2       Apologies


Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


Accepts the apologies from John Moyle and Jonathan Usher.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/005)


3       Confirmation of agenda





Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/ Pam Jemmett): that the Board


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/006)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Ms Stenhouse advised that she had accepted a position working 10 hours per week as a Community Worker for the Greater Green Island Community Network. She advised that some of the work of the Community Board and Greater Green Island Community Network did overlap which she saw as an advantage for her role on the Board.  Ms Stenhouse advised that any costs she sought reimbursement for from the Saddle Hill Community Board would be used for Board functions only.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 21 April 2016


Moved (Pam Jemmett/ Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 21 April 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (SHCB/2016/007)

Part A Reports

6       Update from NZ Police


Inspector Jason Guthrie (Area Commander) and Constable Fred Jansen provided a high level overview of crime over the Otago area and advised that overall Dunedin was a safe place to live.  Inspector Guthrie advised that the Police supported a proactive approach to policing whereby their strategy was prevention first.


They commented on the recent robbery of the Brighton Store and Constable Jansen advised that he had visited the store a week earlier to provide advice on how to handle such incidents.  They spoke of the incident when a child had been approached in Fairfield and praised the child for their quick thinking and alert behaviour.  Constable Jansen commented on the continual proactive approach by the Fairfield community to ensure their children remained safe. 


The Board raised concerns with the rising problem of animal carcasses being dumped in the Brighton area which was noted by Inspector Guthrie and Constable Jansen. 


The Chair thanked Constable Jansen for his ongoing work in the community and thanked them both for their valuable input.


The Chair requested that their congratulations and thanks be passed on to Inspector Mel Aitken and Sergeant Steve Aitken for their contribution to the Dunedin policing and for their community work and wished them well with their new posts at the West Coast.



7       Confirmation of Agenda


It was noted that this item had been covered as Item 3.


8       Library Activity Report



The Group Manager Arts and Culture (Bernie Hawke) provided an update on library activities across the city and in specific items of interest in the Board area. 


Mr Hawke commented on the appointment of Nicky Page as Director for City of Literature and advised that she would be happy to attend a meeting if the Board wished.  They confirmed they would welcome the opportunity for Ms Page to meet the Board and provide any relevant information. 


Mr Hawke spoke of the launch of the Library’s new Community Digitisation Centre and digital archive which took place on 27 April 2016.  He commented that the resource had been made possible by a generous donation from the Cedars of Lebanon Club on behalf of the Lebanese community of Dunedin.  Mr Hawke encouraged community groups, organisations and family groups to digitise their information and advised that there was no cost for this service.  He commented that they were seeking volunteers to write information provided and attach to the photographs.


There was a discussion on the book bus and the downturn in use in the Fairfield area.  The Board queried whether more advertising or different stops would help, they also questioned the temporary location of the book bus stop in Brighton.  Mr Hawke advised that he would have the Mobile and Home Services Team Leader liaise with the Board on these matters.



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/Cr Andrew Whiley): that the Board


a)        Notes the report

b)        Requests that Nicky Page attend a meeting

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/008)


9       Governance Support Officer's Report



The Governance Support Officer provided an update on items of interest including:


·         Project Fund – The Board agreed that the remaining funds be contributed towards the purchase of materials required for the painting of the mural at Walton Park.

·         Election Timetable

·         Walton Park Mural – The Board considered the options provided for the mural and agreed that their preference was option 3.  It was agreed that they would provide the school with the options and seek an opinion from the children involved.

·         Action List – The Board requested that the surfacing of the track at Walton Park be placed back on the action list.  They requested that staff update the issues identified as a result of the drive around with the road safety team and noted that the Brighton parking issues identified were not related to the South Seas Gallery parking problems.  They stressed their preference for consistency and would like a community consultation to be undertaken on Brighton Footpaths.  The Board spoke of their nervousness regarding potential flooding issues in Ocean View should there be heavy rainfall and commented they would like staff to continue to monitor and upgrade/clear vegetation as necessary.

·         Fairfield Community Meeting – A meeting to discuss the development of a Community Response Plan would be held at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 28 June 2016 in the Fairfield Community Hall.  Members would distribute flyers to all households.  It was agreed that the $65.00 printing charge would be funded from the Project Fund.


Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report

b)     Approves Option 3 as the approved design for the Walton Park Mural.

c)     Approves up to $700.00 being the remainder of the project fund be allocated to be used towards the purchase of materials for the Walton Park Mural project.

d)     Approves the addition of items on Brighton parking and Ocean View flooding issues to the Action List and the change of the Brighton Parking from completed to current.

e)     Approves the cost of $65.00 for printing of flyers for the upcoming Community Meeting in Fairfield.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/009)




Cuppa and Conversation


Ms Stenhouse and Mr McFadyen advised that 30-35 people had attended the Brighton Cuppa and Conversation morning tea held on Wednesday 1 June.


11     Chairperson's Report


The Chair (Scott Weatherall) provided a verbal update on items of interest including:


·         Youth Ambassador Award – The Chair commented that he was endeavouring to arrange a suitable time for Madeline Guthrie to speak to pupils at Fairfield School.  He noted that due to her school commitments this needed to be when Fairfield School was open and a teachers only day for her school.

·         Saddle Hill Quarry – There was a discussion on the Saddle Hill Quarry and the Chair advised that there was an opportunity for the Board to present a submission.  It was agreed that there must be a lot of local information on the history of the quarrying and that it would be beneficial to identify the best means to gather the information.

·         Local Government NZ Conference

·         Freedom Camping – it was noted that a report providing an update on Freedom Camping would be presented to the Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday 7 June 2016.

·         Fairfield Community Meeting – Mr McFadyen advised that he would be an apology for the meeting.

·         Illegal Dumping – this was becoming more prevalent in the community and it was agreed that Council staff would be asked if “No Dumping” signs could be installed.

·         Resignation of Lisa Wheeler – Ms Wheeler had resigned from the Council following 28 years of services in the Parks and Recreation Team.  The Board noted their appreciation of all the work and support she had provided to the community.





12     Council Activities


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Whiley) provided an update on the following Council activities:


·         2GP – the hearings had commenced

·         Dog Control Bylaw – the bylaw had been adopted at the last Council meeting.

·         Parks and Reserves and Cemetery Maintenance Contracts – Cr Whiley advised that City Care had been awarded the contract for parks and reserves and explained the changes with the main benefit of all work being undertaken in one visit.  He commented that Delta had been awarded the cemetery maintenance contract.

·         Tree maintenance








The following items were identified:

·         A list of significant trees in the Board area

·         Mr Christie commented on the structure of Enterprise Dunedin and advised that they would provide an update at any time suitable to the Board.






The meeting concluded at 5.00 pm.








