Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 13 July 2016

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Chalmers Community Board






Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Peter Cole

Ange McErlane


Cr Andrew Noone

Raewynne Pedofski


Senior Officer                               Nicola Pinfold Group Manager Community and Planning


Governance Support Officer      Jenny Lapham




Jenny Lapham

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Public Forum                                                                                     4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Chalmers Community Board meeting - 1 June 2016                                  6     

Part A Reports (Chalmers Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          NZTA - Shared Path update

A representative from NZTA will be in attendance to update the Board.

7        Extraordinary Vacancy - Chalmers Community Board                                      14

8        Funding Applications                                                                                  18

9        Wickliffe Terrace

Angela McErlane to provide a verbal update.  Photos will be circulated at the meeting.

10      Governance Support Officers Report                                                            27

11      Board Representation and Other Responsibilities                                             34

12      Council Activities

The Ward Councillor will provide an update on Council activities.

13      Chairperson's Report             



Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




1     Public Forum

1.1  Public Forum

Warren Lewis, wishes to address the meeting concerning Back Beach Public Car Park.

2     Apologies

An apology has been received from Deputy Trevor Johnson.


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Deputy Trevor Johnson.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report.


Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Chalmers Community Board meeting - 1 June 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 1 June 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Chalmers Community Board meeting  held on 1 June 2016





Chalmers Community Board



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 1 June 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Peter Cole

Angela McErlane


Cr Andrew Noone

Raewynne Pedofski




Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture) and Ainslie Heather (Community Librarian Port Chalmers)


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


2       Apologies


There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson) that the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition or alteration:


·      An apology from Mel Aitken was removed from the agenda.

·      An additional, late funding application from Ravensbourne School was added to Item 7.

·      Trevor Johnson requested to discuss the redaction of personal details from funding applications and the chairman added this to the items in his chairman's report.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/007)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Declarations of interest were raised during the discussion of funding applications at Item 7, and are recorded in the minutes of that item.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Chalmers Community Board meeting - 20 April 2016


Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson): that the Board


Confirms the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 20 April 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (CCB/2016/001)


Part A Reports

6       Library Activity Report



The report provided a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 February to 30 April 2016, with a focus on the activities of the Port Chalmers Library and Service Centre.


Bernie Hawke and Ainslie Heather were present at the meeting to speak to this report. Mr Hawke drew the board's attention to the highlights contained in his report. The installation of Gig wifi is expected to happen within the next couple of months.


The chairman congratulated Mr Hawke on a product called 'Press Display' available in the libraries that allows people to get newspapers from around the world. It includes a translation service so people can read these in their own language.


Ms Heather said complaints have been received regarding a shortage of parking outside the library, especially with road works happening. The subject of disability car parks was discussed and Ms Heather will continue to monitor this situation.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone) that the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/009)


7       Funding Applications



Consideration was given to funding applications:


a)     West Harbour Beautification for planting in the West harbour area


b)     Port Chalmers Golf Club for a refrigerator


c)     Port Chalmers Kindergarten for storage shed


d)     West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust for a sculpture project


e)     Scholarship fund – Annabelle Latta


f)     Scholarship fund – James Robinson


A further funding application received on the day of the meeting from Ravensbourne school for an area of native bush was also tabled and read by the community board.


As only two scholarship applications can be given away each year and one has already been given, the Chair suggested the community board give a $500 scholarship to James Robinson and let the application from Annabelle Latta lie on the table until the next meeting, which falls within the next funding round.


The chairman declared a conflict of interest in the applications for the West Harbour Beautification Trust and the Port Chalmers Golf Club. He indicated he would step back from the table when these are discussed.


Discussion was held on whether there were other projects that the board might consider to be worthwhile. It was decided that the applications currently before the board would take priority.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Member Ange McErlane) that the Board:


          Grants the grant application from the West Harbour Beautification Trust for $924.30.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/010)


The chairman declared a conflict of interest and stepped back from the table during the consideration of this grant.



Moved (Member Ange McErlane/Member Raewynne Pedofski) that the Board:

        Grants the grant application from the Port Chalmers Golf Club for an amount less than what was requested, the amount to be $800.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/011)


The chairman and Cr Noone declared a conflict of interest and stepped back from the table during the consideration of this grant.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Member Ange McErlane) that the Board:

        Grants the grant application from the Port Chalmers Kindergarten for $560.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/012)



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Member Peter Cole) that the Board:

        Grants the grant application from the West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust for $500.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/013)


Member Trevor Johnson asked for his vote against the motion to be recorded.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Chair Steve Walker) that the Board:

        Defers the consideration of a community board scholarship of $500 to Annabelle Latta until the next meeting of the community board.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/014)



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Member Raewynne Pedofski) that the Board:

        Grants a community board scholarship of $500 to James (Jimmy) Robinson to go towards a Young Shakespeare Company Study Trip.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/015)



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone) that the Board:

Grants the grant application from Ravensbourne School for funding towards an area of native bush for an amount less than what was requested, the amount to be $736.74.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/016)


8       Governance Support Officer's Report



In a report from Civic an update was provided on actions undertaken on behalf of the Board or other matters of on-going interest including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Election Timetable

c)     Action List


The following matters were raised in the discussion of the report:


·      Remove the item "District Road, Roseneath" from the action list.

·      The chairman requested a report on the item "Blueskin Road" to come to the next meeting.

·      The chairman will take the item "Ellemere Street Traffic Count" to Ruth Stokes for action, as the community board is not happy with the response provided by staff.

·      Regarding gorse on private land, there is some confusion over who is responsible for taking action. Cr Noone offered to follow up on this matter.

·      No action has taken place on the Moller Memorial. The staff member who was planning to take action has resigned from Council.

·      Angela McErlane asked why the gardens at Port Chalmers are not going to be planted seasonally any more. She would like to know if this is true and the reason.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Deputy Trevor Johnson) that the Board:


Appoints Deputy Trevor Johnson to be the board contact person for the Moller Memorial removal, and if he is not available the chairman Steve Walker will be his replacement.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/017)


9       Board Representation and Other Responsibilities



Board members provided an update on their various representative roles and other responsibilities. 


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Angela McErlane said she was not able to attend the last meeting. The chairman read a letter from Port Otago asking the community board to appoint a second person to this committee. Angela McErlane was delegated to find someone for this role.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson reported that it is business as usual for this group.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


The chairman said it was worth noting that the 'trees for families' project was successful at the harbour side.


d)     Facebook


No report.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole did not have anything to update.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Noone) said there will be a meeting on the 23 June at 3pm.  Graeme Hall and Roy Johnson will meet with board members and members of the SHW88 group.


g)     Funding Applications – Report Back


Raewynne Pedofski has received feedback regarding grants. There are no accountability reports outstanding at present.




Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Deputy Trevor Johnson) that the Board:


a)     Notes the reports provided by board members.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/018)


10     Chairperson's Report



The chairperson read out a letter from Mel Aitken to inform the board of her resignation.


The chairperson provided an update on the following matters:

·           Annual Plan Submission Update – The chairperson has attended the annual plan hearing on behalf of the community board.

·           Geese at Watson Park – This is a hot topic on the Port Chalmers Facebook group. The chairman provided an update on the geese situation to members.

·           Swimming Pool Mural – The chairman has met with Bob Scott who will co-ordinate the painting of a mural.

·           Roading Update – Railway Crossing – KiwiRail has upgraded the crossing, but did not reinstate the footpath. The chairman has been involved in discussions on this issue and reported back to the board. Peter Cole requested that a site meeting be added to the action list, including himself, the chairman and representatives of each party. Nicola Pinfold offered to set up this meeting.

·           Next Board meeting change of date – The next community board meeting will take place on the 13 July, 2016, instead of the 6 July as previously planned.

·           Native Tree Planting – State Highway 88 - The replanting has now been done.

·           Fencing – State Highway 88 - The state of the fencing was raised at the annual plan hearing and Cr Wilson offered to follow this up. This fence needs to be replaced rather than patched.  She now has NZTA talking to the council about this issue.

·           Policing Update – The Board has not heard feedback from Jason Guthrie regarding an enquiry about hours. The chairman requested that this be followed up by the GSO.

        The chairperson has been contacted by the SPCA regarding their building in Opoho. They are starting a fundraising programme to replace this and seek a letter of support ffrom the board. The members agreed they were happy to do this.

        Trevor Johnson raised the issue of redactions in the agenda. The personal contact details of applicants has been blacked out to protect their privacy. Raewynne Pedofski  said she needs to have the contact details to follow up on the applications. It was agreed that the GSO will bring original copies of application to meetings to allow access to contact details by community board members.


Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone) that the Board:


a)     Notes the report

Motion carried (CCB/2016/019)



Moved (Deputy Trevor Johnson/Cr Andrew Noone) that the Board:


Requests that the board chairman responds to Mel Aitken's resignation letter thanking her for her efforts and wishing her well for the future.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/020)


11     Council Activities


The Ward Councillor provided an update on matters of interest including:

·      The dog control bylaw has been amended and passed.

·      During the annual plan deliberations Cr Noone raised the issue of hard-to-maintain sections of the gravel road network and whether a budget for seal extensions should be introduced.  A report will come back to Infrastructure Services committee on this.

·      The Purakaunui Amenities Society will hold an AGM and will be discussing the public toilet.  Cr Noone will attend this.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone) that the Board:


a)     Notes the report

Motion carried (CCB/2016/021)



12     Notification of Agenda Items


·      NZTA to report back on alternative plans for cycle/walkway.

·      Trevor Johnson put in an apology for the next meeting.

·      Report to be requested from Jason Guthrie, NZ Police, on hours.

·      Angela McErlane requested that the subject "Wickliffe Terrace footpath, Port Chalmers" be added to the next agenda. She said this needs attention and will bring photos to the next meeting.




The meeting concluded at 7.17pm.








Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



Part A Reports


Extraordinary Vacancy - Chalmers Community Board

Department: Electoral Officer






1      An extraordinary vacancy has been created on the Chalmers Community Board as a result of the recent resignation of Mel Aitken.  In accordance with Clause 117(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 the Chief Executive has notified the Community Board of the vacancy and the Board must decide whether or not to fill the vacancy.


That the Board:

a)     Decides whether the extraordinary vacancy on the Chalmers Community Board should be filled.



2      The recent resignation of Mel Aitken has resulted in an extraordinary vacancy on the Chalmers Community Board.


3      As the vacancy occurs within 12 months of a triennial election, the Board is required to make a decision either to appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy or to leave the position unfilled (refer Section 117 LEA below).

4      117(2)      If a vacancy occurs in the office of a member of a local authority or in the office of an elected member of a community board 12 months or less than 12 months before the next triennial general election, the Chief Executive of the local authority concerned must notify the local authority or community board of the vacancy immediately.

5      117(3)      On receiving notice under subsection (2), the local authority or community board members must, at its next ordinary meeting (other than an extraordinary meeting) or, if that is not practicable, at its next subsequent meeting (other than an extraordinary meeting), determine by resolution –

a)     that the vacancy will be filled by the appointment by the local authority or community board of a person named in the resolution who is qualified to be elected as a member; or

b)     that the vacancy is not to be filled.

6      An election is not an option as the vacancy did not occur at least 12 months prior to the next triennial election.

7      Following the current meeting there is one more meeting of the Board scheduled prior to the triennial election in October.



8      If the Board wishes to make an appointment to fill the vacancy, it may wish to consider a process of seeking suitable candidates including but not limited to:


a)     Advertising for suitable candidates to put their names forward for consideration (however in this case there is insufficient time to achieve this, given the timing of the next meeting).

b)     Board members putting forward suitable names.

c)     Any other means considered appropriate by the Board.


9      There is no prescribed process in the legislation as to the means of obtaining suitable persons for the filling of vacancies. 


Setting Selection Criteria and Public Notification of Resolution


10    If the Board decides to fill the vacancy, Section 118(1) requires that:


If, under Section 117(3)(a) a community board resolves that a vacancy will be filled by the appointment of a person by the community board, it must immediately give public notice of –

a)  the resolution; and

b)  the process or criteria by which the person named in the resolution was selected for appointment.


11    The Act is silent on what the process or criteria should be.  This means that the Board would need to determine its own process and criteria.


12    Section 118(2) then requires: The community board must, at a meeting held not later than 30 days after the date of public notification, by resolution confirm the appointment described in the resolution under subsection (1); and the person appointed is for all purposes to be treated as having been elected to fill the vacancy on the date on which that resolution is made.


13    If the Board fills the vacancy a meeting will need to be held within 30 days of notification to confirm the appointment.  This timeframe means that if the Board wishes to appoint someone it could only do so at this (13 July) meeting and any appointee would only be sworn in at the final meeting for the triennium.


Leaving the Position Vacant


14    Board members should note that Section 119 of the LEA also requires public notification of the resolution if the decision is not to fill the vacancy.



Option One – Not Fill the Vacancy


·           Given the short timeframe prior to the triennial election it is not considered practical to fill the vacancy by appointment.


·           None identified, as there is only one more meeting scheduled prior to the triennial election.

Option Two – Fill the Vacancy by Appointment


·           The Board would have a full membership for the final meeting of the triennium.


·           This could be seen as providing an advantage to a potential candidate at the triennial election.


15    If the Board wishes to make an appointment a process needs to be agreed.  If the Board decides it does not want to make an appointment, public notice needs to be given.




Pam Jordan - Electoral Officer


Sandy Graham - Group Manager Corporate Services 


There are no attachments for this report.




Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


There are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


This is consistent with the Sustainability Policy.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no implications (apart from a slight saving in remuneration if no appointment is made).


This decision is considered of low significance in terms of the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

There has been no internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is no known conflict of interest.

Community Boards

This has an implication for Chalmers Community Board membership for the final meeting of the triennium.



Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




Funding Applications

Department: Civic






1      This report provides a copy of the grant application and scholarship application which have been received for the Chalmers Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The grant application from the Port Chalmers Historical Society has been received from a non-profit organisation and was received within the required timeframe.

3      The scholarship application was deferred from the meeting held on 1 June 2016 and is presented again for consideration.

4      The Project Fund balance is $10,000.00.


That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the grant application from the Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc. for $900.00

b)     Uplifts the Community Board Scholarship application from Annabelle Latta

c)     Grants/declines a Community Board Scholarship of (amount to be decided by the Board) to Annabelle Latta to go towards a Spanish Language Study Trip.






Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Scholarship application Annabelle Latta



Port Chalmers Historical Society





Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




Governance Support Officers Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Dunedin Strategic Framework

c)     Action List.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance support Officer's Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.



Project fund

2      The balance of the Project Fund stands at the end of the financial year was $4,021.04.  $10,000 has been allocated for the 2016/17 year.  The following grants were made in the 2015/16 financial year:

Meeting Date



8 July 2015


Pioneer Opportunities and Resources Trust

8 July 2015


West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust

8 July 2015


Rothesay news $116.70 per month x 11

30 September 2015


T Johnson – refund of BBQ purchase

30 September 2015


S Walker – Refund food for pool open day

30 September 2015


Grant – FoodShare Charitable Trust

30 September 2015


Grant – St Leonards School – West Harbour Sports Day

18 November 2015


Purakanui Amenities Society – fire extinguisher

18 November 2015


Scholarship application – trip expenses to United States and Canada

9 March 2016


Graham's Bush Trapping Project

1 June 2016


West Harbour Beautification Trust

1 June 2016


Port Chalmers Golf Club

1 June 2016


Port Chalmers Kindergarten

1 June 2016


West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust

1 June 2016


Scholarship – J Robinson

1 June 2016


Ravensbourne School





Dunedin Strategic Framework

3      Corporate Policy staff will be in attendance to provide an update on the City's Strategic Framework in relation to the Board's Community Plan, the 2017/18 Annual Plan and the 2018/19 – 2027/28 Long Term Plan.  A copy of the Dunedin Strategic Framework is attached for your information (Attachment A).

4      Staff will also provide an update on projects that they are working on and in particular community engagement leading up to the 2018/19 – 2027/28 Long Term Plan.

 Action List


5      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment B.




Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Dunedin Strategic Framework



Action List





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016



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Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




Chalmers Community Board Action List

Meeting Date 13 July 2016



Date of Meeting/


Action Requested

Report Back to the Board


Status/Due Date

Moller Memorial


Item 5

Staff to investigate the relocation of the Moller Memorial


1 June 2016


Trevor Johnson to be point of contact for Moller Memorial emoval.

Parks and Recreation

Draft design options available, family to approve. Discussions with Rotary and a meeting scheduled with Ravensdown late July around costs.

Port Chalmers Centennial

Garden -Skateboard area


Item 14 (h)


Staff to investigate the lease and condition of the skateboard area

Discussions on the lease are continuing. 

Parks and Recreation

No due date for this item is available at this time.

Aramoana Wharf - restoration


Staff to investigate the proposal from the Aramoana League


Report to follow for the Community and Environment Committee.

Parks and Recreation



Report to Community and Environment Committee in August for options for the future of the wharf.

Planting of Gardens

1 June 2016 Item 8 (c)

Are gardens being planted seasonally, if not why not.


Parks and Recreation

As part of the budget process for 2015-16 the level of service was reviewed for the annual bedding plots.  Of 21 sites across the City, 10 sites had been identified for permanent displays as opposed to annual plots. Port Chalmers Centennial Garden is one of these 10 sites.  


Parking George Street


Item 12

Parking Bays to be painted on George Street

Investigation of problems and issues that has prompted the request will be undertaken in November


The Chairperson will provide an update at July Meeting

Ellesmere Street


Item 10

Traffic Count

Request traffic count to be undertaken at either end of Ellesmere Street to see how many cars are using the part that is not being gritted.


2015 traffic estimates:

Gritted section (186 AADT)

Non gritted section (152 AADT)


1 June 2016


Chairperson to discuss with General Manager Infrastructure and Networks


The Chairperson will provide an update at July Meeting

Gorse on Private Land

9 March 2016 Item 8

Removal of Gorse

Cr Noone will follow this up.

Rural Fire Authority

Cr Noone to provide update

Fencing on SH 88

9 March 2016 Item 12 (h)

Improvement of fencing

Fencing matter raised with NZTA and discussions commenced.


Chairperson to provide update

Footpath Rail Crossing – Beach Street

1 June 2016

Request a meeting to discuss the safety of the footpath/rail crossing by the tunnel entrance. 

Meeting will be held with Kiwi Rail, DCC, NZTA and Port Company

Group Manager Community Planning to Co-ordinate

Report on progress at July meeting.



Blueskin Road


Item 8

Staff to carry out traffic engineer's risk assessment on Blueskin Road

Transportation advises investigations are continuing.  Initial advice was sent to passenger transport providers in September reminding them of the axel length restriction on Blueskin Road.  Continue to monitor activity.

April 2016

Police advised to consider during Cruise ship season. Continue to monitor activity.


An update will be provided when/if new information is available.






















Chalmers Community Board

13 July 2016




Board Representation and Other Responsibilities

Department: Civic






Reports from Board members on their various representative roles and other responsibilities. 


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Angela McErlane will provide a verbal update including additional community representation.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson will provide a verbal update.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful



d)     Facebook


The Chairperson will  provide an update.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole will provide a verbal update.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Noone) will provide a verbal update.


g)     Funding Applications – Report Back


          Raewynne Pedofski will provide a verbal update.




That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.







There are no attachments for this report.