Grants Subcommittee



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Mayors Lounge, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre,  The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 12 July 2016, commencing at 9.00 am





Jinty MacTavish


Deputy Chairperson

Kate Wilson



John Barkla

Aaron Hawkins


Sze En Lau

Bridie Lonie


June Mills

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe


Andrew Whiley

Desiree Williams




Joy Gunn (Events and Community Development Manager), Cara Paterson (Community Advisor Arts), Craig Monk (Community Advisor Arts) Jendi Paterson (Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager), Felicity Sime (Recreation Business Performance Co-ordinator), Katie Wheelen (Community Advisor), Paul Coffey (Community Advisor, Community)


Governance Support Officer      Doug Jackson




1       Public Forum

Messrs S Grant, President, and Ms H Catchpole, Chief Executive  of the Otago Racing Club addressed the Committee on the Club’s appeal on the decision to decline the Club’s application for Rates Relief.   


Ms Catchpole highlighted the number of Community Groups that use various facilities within the Wingatui complex and highlighted the fact that a number of these groups are not charged for such use. Ms Catchpole also stressed that the area was used extensively by members of the public on a daily basis such as walkers, runners and members of the public walking their dogs. The Club also used volunteer groups to assist the Club at various functions and made grants to these organisations for their services.


Ms Catchpole pointed out that the facilities were very accessible and were used for weddings, celebrations and funerals with charges being kept at a minimal rate for such functions.


Mr Grant addressed the items in the paper which had been circulated to the Committee including the contention that the facilities encouraged gambling and questioned whether any evidence had been presented on this issue to the Committee when considering the Club’s application for Rates Relief. Mr Grant contended that the Local Government Rating Act should include areas such as the Otago Racing Club’s grounds and believed that the decision to decline was unfair. He encouraged the Committee to grant Rates Relief for the current rating year on the basis that the matter will be fully canvassed in any application for rates relief in the following year.


Forbury Park Trotting Club – Rates Relief Appeal


Mr R Moore addressed the Committee on the Club’s appeal on the decision to decline the Club’s application for Rates Relief.   


Mr Moore stated that he felt the Racing Industry had been singled out for problem gambling and contended that this does not apply to his Club. He noted that the Forbury Park Trotting Club was a Not for Profit organisation and any surplus goes back in to improving Club facilities. Mr Moore believes that there should be a wider discussion on the Racing Industry asking the Committee to note that both the Otago Racing Club and the Forbury Park Trotting Club had been in existence for at least 100 years.


Mr Moore also advised the Committee that the Bendigo Valley Trust that ran the gaming machines at the course distributed significant grants to various organisations and Community Groups within the Dunedin area.   

2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Subcommittee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (GS/2016/013)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


The Chair, Jinty MacTavish declared an interest in the applications from The Malcam Charitable Trust, the Landscape Connections Trust and the Sustainable Dunedin City Food Network.


June Mills declared an interest in the Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust application.


Kate Wilson declared an interest in the Keep Dunedin Beautiful application.      

Part A Reports

5       Otago Racing Club Rates Relief Decline Appeal additional information for presentation



A report from Paul Coffey, Community Advisor on the appeals lodged by the Otago racing Club and the Forbury Park Trotting Club, which had been circulated was noted.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Subcommittee


a)     Notes the additional information from Otago Racing Club for its appeal to decline of Rates Relief Grant.

Motion carried (GS/2016/014)


6       Consideration of Applications


Discussion took place on the applications for funding.  During the discussion the meeting adjourned at 12 noon and resumed at 8.30am on Wednesday 12 July in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers.


During the discussion the chairperson left the meeting at 9.25am and returned at 9.50am.


Paulette Tamiti-Elliffe left the meeting at 9.55am.



The following grants were approved for the following amounts:


Malcam Charitable Trust


Ignite Consultants          


Dunedin Night Shelter Trust


Dunedin Community Accounting


Dunedin Council of Social Services


Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust


Citizens’ Advice Bureau Dunedin


Victim’s Support


Methodist Mission Southern 


Hills Radio Trust/Otago Access Radio


Volunteering Otago


Dunedin Opera Company Inc T/A Opera Otago 


Blue Oyster Arts Trust


City Choir Dunedin  


Connections Trust


Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc. t/a Dunedin Symphony


Fortune Theatre Trust


Keep Dunedin Beautiful 


Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust


Sustainable Dunedin City and Our Food Network


Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Cost Energy Advice)


Blueskin Youth and Communities Amenities Association 


Landscape Connections Trust


NZ Salmon Anglers Association Otago Branch


Dunedin BMX Club  


Mountainbiking Otago Inc  





The following application was declined because it did not meet the funding criteria, in that it was not a 'Not For Profit' organisation.  It was suggested that they continue to work with Gig City to develop a stronger concept and business plan. :

·         AI Systems Research

In declining other applications, the Subcommittee acknowledged the difficulties organisations face with respect to funding.  The applications considered in this funding round were of a high quality and represented a range of projects across sectors.  For this round the Subcommittee had $531,700 available to distribute, and received 38 applications seeking a total of $1,236,737.  Applications were declined as the fund was oversubscribed and some applications did not meet the criteria as strongly as others. 


The following applications were declined due to competition for funds:

·         Anglican Family Care

·         Dunedin/Mosgiel Combined Community Patrols

·         Servant’s Health Centre

·         Dunedin Gasworks Museum Trust

·         Otago Art Society Inc

·         Port Chalmers Historical Society

·         Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust (DMCT)

·         Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Climate/Safehousing)

·         Mountainbiking Otago Inc (Signal Hill Road and Carpark Development)

·         Balmacewan Bowling Club


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins) that the Subcommittee:


a)     Request DVML review the model and apportionment of its Community        AccessFund, with specific attention given to the effect this is having on        community groups who traditionally use the Dunedin Town Hall.


b)     Offer the Chair or Deputy Chair to meet with any review team, to express the        concerns and difficulties the Committee has had in dealing with the implications        of the Fund’s allocation.


c)     Ask that the review is undertaken as soon as possible, to best inform Council’s                         Festival & Events Strategy review.


 Motion carried (GS/2016/015)

Part B Reports




The Subcommittee considered the appeals from the Otago Racing Club and the Forbury Park Trotting Club to the declining of the Rates Relief for their respective organisations.


The Committee noted the additional information provided by both Clubs in the Public Forum section of the meeting on Tuesday 12 July.


There was a lengthy discussion held on the issues raised in the appeals and in particular to the Clubs being largely operating for the purpose of gambling.



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Kate Wilson/Mrs June Mills) that the Subcommittee:

a)        Recommend to council that the Otago Racing Club and the Forbury Park Trotting Club be granted one year's relief of rates at the current percentage.

b)        Seek clarity from Council before May 2017 on the aspect of Rates Relief Grant relating to racing and gambling.

c)         Note that a timely complete review of the Rates Relief Grant should be scheduled for no later than 2018/19 Long Term Plan.

 Motion carried (GS/2016/016)


The meeting concluded at 10.45 am.



