Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee will be held on:


Date:                             Monday 11 July 2016

Time:                            9.30am

Venue:                          Mayor's Lounge
Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Sustainability Audit Subcommittee








Deputy Chairperson




David Benson-Pope

Dave Cull


Gael Ferguson

Jinty MacTavish


Janet Stephenson

Brett Tomkins


Senior Officer                               Nicola Pinfold, Group Manager Community and Planning


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




Arlene Goss

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting - 18 April 2016                         7     

Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

6          Sustainability in Enterprise Dunedin                                                              11

7        Sustainability within Information Services Activities                                         18

8        Items for Consideration by the Chair             



Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report.  

Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting - 18 April 2016




That the Committee:

Confirms the minutes of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting held on 18 April, 2016, as a correct record.









Minutes of Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting  held on 18 April 2016





Sustainability Audit Subcommittee



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee held in the Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 18 April 2016, commencing at 3.03 pm





Janet Stephenson


Deputy Chairperson




David Benson-Pope

Dave Cull


Jinty MacTavish







Simon Pickford (General Manager Services and Development), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Maria Ioannou (Corporate Policy Manager), Brendon Shea (Team Leader Customer Services Agency), Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services).


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


2       Apologies

Moved that the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee (Member Janet Stephenson/Cr Jinty MacTavish):


Accepts apologies from Gael Ferguson and Brett Tomkins.


Motion Carried


3       Confirmation of agenda



Cr MacTavish requested an update on sustainability indicators and both the chairperson and Cr MacTavish indicated they would like to inform the committee about upcoming visits of experts.




Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Jinty MacTavish): that the Committee


Confirms the agenda with the addition of an update on sustainability indicators from Maria Ioannou, and discussions on the upcoming visit to Dunedin of Professor John Thwaites and Jed Brookman.


Motion carried (SA/2016/001)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting - 18 April 2016


Cr MacTavish complimented the minutes and appreciated the detail that had been recorded. She asked how the committee would be drawing on the expertise of the finance team in terms of the value of carbon credits. Nicola Pinfold noted this.


Moved (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Member Janet Stephenson) that the Committee


Confirms the minutes of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting held on 23 February, 2016, as a correct record.


 Motion carried (SA/2016/002)

     Part A Reports

6       Update on the Climate Change Adaptation work



Maria Ioannou summarised the key points of the report for the committee members.


The chairperson asked if there are ways for university staff  to assist. University experts have come up with a list of what they think the broad issues might be. There are some very important legal issues. Maria Ioannou suggested university staff could attend a DCC staff internal working group meeting in June to discuss.


The Mayor asked what the internal working group was focusing on. Staff advised that the focus is on ensuring that all staff are on the same page and contributing from their specific areas. There was a decision made three years ago to look at protection options and this has been done. Now there are plans to work with the community on non-protection options and what they might be.


Discussion was held on the timelines and the difficulties in setting deadlines. Cr Benson Pope said the timelines suggested in the report were too far out. Maria Ioannou agreed and advised that a set of key communication messages for elected members and staff will be finalised over the next couple of weeks.


The chair asked if any work has been done determining "what is the community?".  Maria Ioannou outlined the work that has been done on collecting demographic information. Staff have a good idea of the population demographic in that area. Discussion was held on there being two distinct communities in the area - those who own the properties and those who rent/live there.


Cr MacTavish asked whether the formation of stakeholder groups could be brought forward. Staff noted this is not just a challenge for South Dunedin, it is a city issue. The stakeholder group needs to reflect this.


The chairperson asked about the involvement of the Otago Regional Council on this issue. They are part of the working group and working with council.


Maria Ioannou was asked to follow up with local MPs to update them on the issues and it was agreed that she would discuss this with the Mayor and CEO.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope) that the Committee


a)     Notes the update on the Climate Change Adaptation work and requests that the update goes to the next meeting of the Community and Environment Committee.

Motion carried (SA/2016/003)


6a     General business and updates



A verbal update was given on the work of the "Compact of Mayors".


The chairperson noted that Professor John Thwaites was planning to visit Dunedin on May 4 and asked if there was interest from the council on engaging him in some way. Discussion was held on this. The chair asked staff to follow up.


Cr MacTavish said Jeb Brookman is coming to Dunedin from  Melbourne in late July.



7       Sustainability within Customer Services Agency activity



Adrian Blair, Group Manager Customer Services Agency, said the CSA team supports the other departments of council and is supportive of sustainability across council.  They are talking to other councils about shared services and shared contact centres are one option for this.


They also spoke on how the CSA team engaged with civil defence during events, access to phones when the power is out, the consistency of public messages and communication with the public.


The chairperson asked whether there was any way the physical environment in the plaza reception area could reflect the sustainability principles of the organisation, so visitors see that sustainability is something that is important to the city. It was generally agreed that this is a good idea with some cautions over the content of the messages portrayed.


Discussion was held on the need for service centres offering a face to face service, as well as the ability to conduct business online.


The committee would like to hear back in a year on how the changes have gone in CSA.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Jinty MacTavish) that the Committee


a)     Notes the Customer Services Agency Sustainability Report.

Motion carried (SA/2016/004)


8       Wellington City Council Energy Calculator


The chairperson tabled some information about this calculator and discussion was held on whether it would be a useful tool.




9       Items for Consideration by the Chair


Sustainability indicators – the chairperson asked when an update would be coming back to the committee. Staff advised that an update would be available for the August meeting.






The meeting concluded at 4.41pm.









Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016



Part A Reports


Sustainability in Enterprise Dunedin

Department: Enterprise Dunedin






1      The purpose of this report is to review sustainability within Enterprise Dunedin.

2      The report summarises the relationship between Enterprise Dunedin activities and sustainability in a local and national context.


That the Sub Committee:

a)     Notes the Enterprise Dunedin Sustainability report.




3      The Sustainability Audit Subcommittee (SASC) is working to assess the Council’s progress toward embedding sustainability into business as usual.

4      There are three reasons that it is necessary for sustainability to be embedded:


·        Local Government Act Purpose (Section 10):

The purpose of local government as set out in the LGA includes ‘meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure, local public services and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses’. The Act also enables local authorities to play a broad role in promoting community well-being, taking a sustainable development approach.


·        Local Government Act Principles (Section 14):

The legislation requires that, in performing its role, a local authority must act in accordance with a number of principles including the need to take a sustainable development approach, where a local authority should take into account the:


a.  Social, economic, and cultural interests of people and communities; and

b.  Need to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment; and,

c.  Reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations.


·        Within the Dunedin City Council strategic framework, sustainability is a key principle that underpins all Council activities.


5      The following report considers Enterprise Dunedin's activities and direction in the context of:

·           Cost effectiveness

·           Support for the social, economic and cultural interests of the community

·           Impact on the quality of the environment

·           Provision for the needs of future generations


6      Enterprise Dunedin was established on 1 July 2014. The new structure brought together the Economic Development Unit, Visitor I-SITE and Marketing Dunedin to the support a vision of "Dunedin one of the world's great small cities".

2015-25 Long Term Plan

7      Enterprise Dunedin contributes to the 2015-25 Long Term Plan outcome of developing a thriving and diverse economy. The group of activities which Enterprise Dunedin belongs to includes:


Enterprise Dunedin

Economic Development

b)     Visitor centre

c)     Marketing Dunedin

d)     Dunedin Centre                       Led by Dunedin Venues Management Limited

Goals and Objectives

8      The Economic Development Strategy (EDS) is the key strategy for Enterprise Dunedin and has the goal of:

a)     10,000 jobs over 10 years (requiring 2% growth in employment per annum)

b)     An average of $10,000 extra income for each person (requiring 2.5% GDP growth per annum).



Enterprise Dunedin Business model

9      Enterprise Dunedin's activities are informed by the following EDS themes and objectives:

Strategic Theme

Business vitality

Alliances for innovation

A hub of skills and talent

Linkages beyond our borders

A compelling destination


2.  Improve the ease of doing business


Grow the value of exports

3.  Improve linkages between industry and research

4.  Increase the scale in innovative and tradable sectors



Increase retention of graduates


Build the skill base

Grow migrant numbers

Increase international investment


Establish strategic projects with other cities

Enhance the city centre and environs


Increase the value derived from tourism and events

Improve the understanding of Dunedin's advantage


10    As of June 2016 Enterprise Dunedin employed 28 full time equivalents (including seasonal fixed term roles) across economic development, destination marketing and visitor i-SITE activities.

11    The Enterprise Dunedin business model supports sustainability through a range of activities including: red carpet not red tape, growth of innovative industries, energy, education and employment, self-employment pathways, business investment and destination marketing.

12    All of the services provided by Enterprise Dunedin take account of the requirements set out under Section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 to meet current and future needs of households and business in a cost effective way.

13    Many of the activities delivered through Enterprise Dunedin are governed through the Grow Dunedin Partnership which includes Dunedin City Council (DCC), the Otago Chamber of Commerce (OCCI), Otago Southland Employers Association (OSEA), the Otago Polytechnic, University of Otago and Ngai Tahu. The Grow Dunedin Partnership oversees a number of Enterprise Dunedin activities such as Study Dunedin and Project China to ensure social, economic, cultural and environmental considerations are addressed.

Social Benefit

14    Enterprise Dunedin contributes to social wellbeing via the EDS themes of business vitality and hub for skills and talent. Activities such as the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and Callaghan Regional Business Partnership (RBP) programme, Start-Up Space and Sexy Summer Jobs (SSJ) have a direct relationship with the following priorities under the Social Wellbeing Strategy (2013):

a)     Dunedin offers a range of employment opportunities for all

b)     Dunedin people can afford to exercise genuine choices

c)     Dunedin people have great work life balances. 

15    Enterprise Dunedin delivers other social benefits beyond employment opportunities. For instance, funding provided through the GigCity Plan for Success supports a range of community projects, while the proposed Gig Living Hub will provide an opportunity to create a learning space within the Dunedin Central Library.

16    Enterprise Dunedin contributes to the social outcomes in the Ara Toi Otepoti strategy. Current and planned activity builds on the work of economist and social scientist Richard Florida who notes creative vibrant cities are characterised by "the three Ts": Talent, Tolerance and Technology.

17    The food resilience programme also contributes to the Social Wellbeing Strategy (2013) through measures that help meet the expectation that all Dunedin residents should have the basic necessities of life such as adequate food, clothing, housing and transport (refer: Food Resilience Discussion document).

Economic Benefit

18    Dunedin's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year to March 2016 was $4.6 billion. Based on provisional estimates the economy grew by 2.0% to the year ending March 2016 bringing it close to the national average of 2.3% (refer: Infometrics March 2016). 

19    The EDS has identified the most likely drivers of growth and related projects such as Study Dunedin, Gig City, Business Development, Callaghan Innovation (research and development), Ara Toi and Food Resilience to meet the goal of 10,000 jobs and $10,000 extra income over ten years.

Key Economic Development Activities

20    Enterprise Dunedin activities such as the Regional Business Partnership (RBP) directly contribute to business activity through the provision of research and development funding, capability vouchers and mentoring services. This activity is further supplemented by projects such as SSJ which has worked with 110 businesses since 2009. 

21    Study Dunedin aims to maximise economic opportunities in the $545 million Dunedin education and research sector (refer: BERL 22 December 2015). A key priority is the development of the international student market through agreements such as JJL China which contributes an estimated $165 million to the Dunedin economy annually.

Destination Marketing Economic Activities

22    Enterprise Dunedin marketing and destination activities contribute to the EDS via the strategic theme of 'a compelling destination'. Tourism activities contributed $240 million to the Dunedin economy in 2015 (refer: BERL 22 December 2015).

i-SITE Economic Activities

23    The i-SITE provides visitors with booking and information service from a central city office, on cruise days at a satellite site at Port Otago and for special events from a desk at the event site. The intention is to encourage spend (through extended stays) and meet customer expectations.



Cultural Benefits

24    The Ara Toi coordinator has been based with Enterprise Dunedin since late February 2016. The post holder has worked with the arts and culture sector to encourage training, work and businesses growth. This activity has included collaboration and relationship building with organisations such as the OCCI, the Film Commission and wider Arts and Culture sector.

25    Enterprise Dunedin also contributes to the development of international cultural linkages through Project China. While the focus of Project China is the development of two way investment opportunities other cultural benefits including exchanges with the Otago Museum and Public Library have been realised through agreements with cities such as Shanghai.

Environmental Benefits

26    In December 2013 Council identified food resilience as a strategic priority. Since late February 2016 a part time Food Resilience coordinator has been based in Enterprise Dunedin with the aim of developing a resilient and sustainable food system.

27    One part of this role is 'food rescue' which aimed at diverting food away from the landfill. The Food Resilience project aligns with Council's strategic framework particularly the EDS. It also has a relationship with the Environmental Strategy through the issue of climate change, development of the Second Generation District Plan (2GP) and choices regarding land-use and the Waste Minimisation and Management Plan. 

28    The development of a Destination Dunedin Plan is a key priority for Enterprise Dunedin. The plan will take account of the environment principles outlined in the Tourism Industry Association (TIA) Tourism 2025 document which have a clear relationship with Council's Environment Strategy including the management and protection of Dunedin's distinctive environment, biodiversity and landscape.  

29    The i-SITE Visitor Centre has a role in educating and guiding freedom campers to designated and alternative commercial camping sites in Dunedin. The i-SITE assists freedom campers understand regulatory requirements regarding 'self-contained' status and contributes to the Environmental and Parks and Reserve Strategies.

30    Enterprise Dunedin will continue to work and liaise with industry partners regarding carbon offsetting programmes. This issue will be further addressed as part of the Destination Dunedin Plan and Energy Plan.


31    Not applicable for an update report

Next Steps

32    A key priority over the next twelve months is the implementation of the Energy Plan. Enterprise Dunedin will work with the coordinator who has now been appointed in the policy team to progress this work.

33    Further work is also underway on the development of a monitoring and reporting framework. This is intended to improve the measurement of Enterprise Dunedin activities against the themes and priorities set out in the EDS.

34    This work will provide a means of assessing Enterprise Dunedin's activities against the requirements under Section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 in particularly the delivery of efficient and effective local public services in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses.




Fraser Liggett - Economic Development Programme Manager




There are no attachments for this report.





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report provides information that relates to providing a public service which is considered good-quality and cost-effective through the range of sustainable approaches outlined in the report.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua


This report outlines and discusses the direction and activities of Enterprise Dunedin in regard to sustainability

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

The current LTP 2015/16 to 2024/25 and Annual Plan 2016/17 includes current and proposed directions, levels of service and activities for Enterprise Dunedin

Financial considerations

This report makes no recommendations with financial implications that are not already included in the current LTP 2015/16 to 2024/25 and Annual Plan 2016/17.


The implications of this report are assessed as low in respect of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement related to this report

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has been undertaken with the Enterprise Dunedin Team.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known health and safety, legal, social or environmental risks related to this report.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest related to this report.

Community Boards

This report has no identified implications for Community Boards



Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

11 July 2016




Sustainability within Information Services Activities

Department: Corporate Services






1      This report details the sustainability framework and practices within the Information Services activity of the Dunedin City Council (DCC). 

2      While Information Services have not consciously focussed on sustainability issues, there are a number of outcomes that have been delivered that have a positive effect on sustainability at DCC. 

3      Information Services continuously reviews its processes and makes incremental changes to improve aspects of service delivery.  This approach will continue and sustainability outcomes will be considered during those reviews. 


That the Committee:

a)     Notes the "Sustainability within Information Services Activities" Report.




4      The Sustainability Audit Subcommittee (SASC) is working to assess the Council's progress toward embedding sustainability into the day to day activities of Council.

5      The reasons for embedding sustainability are articulated in both sections 10 and 14 of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Council has further recognised sustainability as a key principle that underpins its strategic framework.

6      The Information Services activity is a corporate activity that supports the business areas in the delivery of the strategic framework.  It is responsible for the provision and maintenance of technology solutions, with the aim of helping ensure the Council delivers on its Long Term Plan (LTP) outcomes. 

7      In May 2015 the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) approved the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Plan 2015-19.  The approved plan outlines the required growth and development required in the DCC ICT environment over a four year period.  Contained in this plan are a number of initiatives where sustainability is considered as a priority. 

8      This report details those key activities that support the delivery of sustainable information services.


9      The Information Services activity, alongside other corporate activities such as the Communications and Governance teams, has responsibilities for supporting the operational business units to deliver on the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan.  

10    The Information Services team facilitates the above by providing technology solutions including hardware, software and information to support efficient and effective decision making, service delivery and community engagement.

11    Previously sustainability was not a key consideration in ICT Planning or procurement.  While some positive sustainability outcomes have been achieved, these have been a by-product of other Council strategies, rather than a deliberate outcome of a sustainability focus.



12    In 2015 a review of the Information Services function identified that as a diverse information and service provider, the only sustainable long term delivery model for DCC is as a smart, connected digital service provider. This will mean developing ICT systems that connect staff and information from the field with efficient central processing teams supporting a wide range of user self-service.

13    The key strategic objectives of the plan which relate directly to sustainability are:

a)     Provide a stable, modern, resilient but agile ICT infrastructure

In the development of this infrastructure DCC will position itself to take advantage of cloud services that allow infrastructure which may be used only on demand, rather than a permanently ready state, contributing to both financial and environmental sustainability. 

The first step of the ICT Plan 2015-19 was the migration to Infrastructure as a Service.  The DCC's production environment is now hosted offsite on a modern, reliable platform. 

Information Services is now working on phase two which is to move the non-production environment into a cloud-based solution.  This will allow the DCC to flex on demand to business needs in a cost effective way, and shut down systems when they are not in use, contributing to financial savings.

b)     Accelerate the delivery of digital services, information and open data

'Digital by default' is a government initiative to encourage organisations to phase out non-digital paper or manual channels and services.  Users are directed to a digital service allowing for increased collaboration options, ease of accessibility and improved customer response times.

To accelerate digital services a review of the DCC's current electronic document management system (EDRMS) is underway to provide the Council with options on how it may make the best use of the current EDRMS or options around migration to an alternative ERMS solution.  The review will also provide options around accelerating the digitisation of property records.


14    The use of mobile devices (such as phones and tablets) is driving changes in customer’s expectations of local government:

a)     Allowing customers to interact with council how and when they choose is becoming standard across councils in New Zealand.  DCC has a large amount of information available to customers however most of the information is still in paper format.  The digitisation of property records is critical in making more online services available.

b)     Access to Council information on the internet via tablets and smart phones is now a basic expectation of the community.

15    Smart devices can be used for work tasks, video communication, surveys, image capture, documentation and training.  DCC has started to utilise these technologies to consult its stakeholders, engage with the community via social media (The Gigatown competition and Flashback Friday being popular recent examples) providing online presentations and communications and to work more closely with the community and other public sector agencies to collaborate on projects and services.

16    DCC has commenced a project to implement a mobility solution for Regulatory Services.  This will greatly improve efficiency and create a seamless working environment for staff in Environmental Health and Animal Services. Staff will be able to complete inspections/audits/complaints/permits in the field with no need to return to the office and re-key data. They will be able to seamlessly share precise location, photographs and details from the field either in real time or via the central systems.

17    This will increase the efficiency of inspectors and reduce the amount of travel and time double handling of this data and reduce the amount of travel needed for inspectors.

18    The plan is that in the future, citizens will be able to access this data online and track the progress of their application or interaction with the DCC.


19    The All of Government (AOG) initiatives were the first steps council took toward collaboration.   Collective buying and capped pricing contracts set up by AOG are in place for the DCC's copiers, Microsoft licensing, purchasing and mobile communications.

20    Dunedin Archives are collaborating with other local collection holders, collectively known as GLAM (Galleries, Libraries and Museums) preserving heritage collections and, addressing or planning for disaster recovery.


21    The volume of digital data, both structured and unstructured, continues to grow.  Information Services is focussing on how information as an asset can serve as the basis for innovation, insight and continuous improvement. 

22    The Government Chief Information Officer in 2008 initiated an Open Data Programme.  This programme aimed to:

a)     make non-personal government-held data and information more widely available and discoverable, easily usable and compliant with open government data principles within the NZ legal context; and

b)     facilitate agencies’ release of the non-personal government-held data and information that people, communities, and businesses want to use and re-use.

23    DCC has signed up to the Open Data Programme. As a collector, custodian and analyser of information and data, DCC is well placed to harness the potential of open data tools.

24    This will enable DCC to add value to the information it holds, providing insights and data to both internal and external stakeholders to drive performance improvements, and providing information and services which add value to the wider community.

25    An Information Architect has been recruited to organise and develop a Master Data Framework to ensure the DCC information and data is readily accessible, accurate and has the correct security levels applied. Information Architecture will allow council information to be managed appropriately and audited to enable enhanced business reporting and public access to information.


26    A recent 'what adds customer value' exercise identified that digitisation of property records could be improved.  Digitisation has previously been carried out by scanning files shelf by shelf, room by room without considering demand, use or customer expectations. 

27    Information Services now assess which property records are likely to be requested by customers by identifying triggers such as if a property is listed for sale.  This allows IS, Customer Services, Building Consents and Resource Consents to collate, remediate and digitise that property as a priority. 

28    This change has improved DCC’s ability to produce the 250 LIM requests per month and represents the first step on the path to producing a “push button” LIM without the need for staff involvement. 

29    In the month since this change was made there has been a significant improvement in customer service and feedback has been positive from both internal and external customers.


30    DCC displays a variety of information via its GIS platform. Recent examples of this are the Second Generation Plan (2GP) and new Bylaws where the changes were displayed visually allowing citizens to better understand and engage in the consultation process.

31    A new GIS Viewer solution which uses “google search” type functionality and a more customer-focused user interface is being implemented in 2016. Further improvements planned for 2017 will combine multiple sources of council geospatial information into a single place and improve the ability of internal and external users to access this information. 


32    Information Services recently implemented a digital agenda management system for the Civic area to achieve efficiencies around public meetings and to make it easier for the community to engage in the democratic process.  The Governance Support Officers are now able to produce agendas and reports in both digital and paper formats. The new system is fully searchable online making public accessibility fast and transparent.

33    To further complement the digital agenda management system a digital distribution application was launched simultaneously.  This application allows users to view and annotate their agenda on any device of their choice.

34    The two systems have enabled the reduction of paper, postage, staff time, consumables and electricity.  It makes the information more accessible and aids transparency.



35    Virtual meetings are promoted by improved teleconferencing facilities.  Corporate use of video and video conferencing is now mainstream. Key uses of collaboration tools for enterprises like DCC will be in community consultation and timelier and closer working practices between council staff, customers and suppliers. The DCC has made significant progress in this area with the development of initiatives such as the People's Panel and online communication tools such as e-plan and Consult 24.

36    There is now the opportunity to look at expanding collaboration technologies further to drive closer integration with customers and staff and suppliers especially for staff working in the field in order to drive service improvements and efficiencies.


37    A range of smaller operational matters has been implemented to make Information Services more sustainable:      

a)     There has been a focus on waste minimisation and recycling, notably of paper and card.

b)     Hardware which has reached end of life through council’s hardware agreements, but is still in good working order, is sold on TradeMe or donated to local education providers.

c)     Photocopier toner and obsolete hardware are disposed of in an ecologically responsible manner.


38    The Information Services activity continuously reviews its processes and makes incremental changes to improve aspects of service delivery.  This approach will continue and sustainability outcomes will be considered during those reviews. 




Tracey  Tamakehu  - Digital Services Manager


Sandy Graham - Group Manager Corporate Services 


There are no attachments for this report.





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report supports democratic decision making and action by, and on behalf of, communities, by providing an update of the sustainability practices within the IS activity.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


The Information Services activity supports delivery of all elements of the strategic framework and delivers on the ICT Plan 2015-19

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


This report outlines and discusses the activities in place to promote Information Services sustainability across Council.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

Not applicable – reporting only.


The information in this report is assessed as low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement in preparation of this report.

Engagement - internal

There has been no internal engagement in preparation of this report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

Sustainable practices within IS are applicable to Community Boards.