Sustainability Audit Subcommittee



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee held in the Mayor's Lounge, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 11 July 2016, commencing at 9.30am





Janet Stephenson


Deputy Chairperson




David Benson-Pope

Dave Cull


Gael Ferguson

Jinty MacTavish



Brett Tomkins




Simon Pickford (General Manager Services and Development), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), John Christie (Manager Enterprise Dunedin), Fraser Liggett (Economic Development Programme Manager), Tracey Tamakehu (Digital Services Manager), Sandy Graham (Group Manager Corporate Services).


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


2       Apologies

Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Jinty MacTavish) that the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee:

Accepts an apology for lateness from member Gael Ferguson.



3       Confirmation of agenda



The agenda was agreed without addition or alteration.




4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. There were no declarations of interest.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Sustainability Audit Subcommittee

 meeting - 18 April 2016


Cr MacTavish asked for an update on the sustainability indicators. Nicola Pinfold will follow up. August will be the last meeting before the election. The chair would like an update on the climate adaptation work at the next meeting.


Moved that the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee (Cr Jinty MacTavish/Mayor Dave Cull):


Confirms the minutes of the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee meeting held on 18 April, 2016, as a correct record.



Part A Reports

6       Sustainability in Enterprise Dunedin



John Christie and Fraser Liggett joined the table to speak to their report. Their work with media was outlined. This promotes Dunedin as a place to work and live. A request was made to disseminate this more widely. They plan to educate local people on current media campaigns so there is more awareness in this area. Will also report back to council on the results.


Gael Ferguson joined the meeting at 9.43am.


Sustainability is core to our economic efforts. Discussion was held on the transition of Enterprise Dunedin from being focussed on large industry to a more refined approach in attracting business and growing the city.


Councillor MacTavish asked about the absence of the energy plan in the report. A new coordinator has just been appointed. This was included in the policy team presentation to the committee.


A question was asked on the scale of waste and markets for waste. Has there been any exploration in this area? Not just recycling but the re-use of waste. The committee suggested pulling Enterprise Dunedin together with the waste team. Enterprise Dunedin has access to funding and needs to link people with ideas into the commercial space. Also engage with employers and the Chamber of Commerce and run workshops with them to explore further.


It would be good to have more defined KPIs for Enterprise Dunedin. The current goals are not defined. John Christie said there was a discussion around the setting of the aspirational goals. They are currently identifying where to see that growth and how to achieve it.

There is a strategic focus on other cities. Council has a dedicated Project China coordinator. Looking to expand that market. There has also been recent engagement with South American visitors on education and study opportunities.


Discussion was held on creative activities in the city.


The chair asked about the impact of sea level rise on south Dunedin. How can council plan for urban renewal? What are the opportunities, both physical and in terms of investment, to provide a sustainable future for the city. She asked Enterprise Dunedin to work with other areas of council engaged on this issue.


7       Sustainability within Information Services Activities



Sandy Graham and Tracey Tamakehu joined the table. Sandy Graham outlined recent investments in information services. This includes disaster recovery and systems behind the scenes. Discussion was held on the advantages and disadvantages of a cloud-based data warehouse. Current investigations are underway.  What are the data risks to the council? Risks are legal, financial and reputational.


Sandy Graham said Council is fully committed to open data. A question was asked on whether a pilot programme could be done on a set of data so the community can see where we are going. People are limited by the hardware they have out in the community. Problems with the 2GP software were discussed. Regarding e-waste, the council does not have a lot of old e-waste due to leasing and recycling old equipment to community groups and schools.


Data is crucial in helping the committee understand trends. The question of how data is used to measure sustainability indicators was considered. Work on this is currently underway.



8       Items for Consideration by the Chair


Brett Tomkins suggested at the next meeting the committee takes a look back and asks the question 'did they achieve anything?' This would guide the next council in making a decision on whether to continue with the committee.


It was suggested that those parts of council who have come and spoken to the committee be asked whether the process has been helpful. Have people gained insights and taken them back to their departments and done things differently?

Is the committee sustainable?


The committee would also like to see a number of open motions completed.



Moved that the Sustainability Audit Subcommittee (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope):


Notes both the reports considered at the meeting – Sustainability in Enterprise Dunedin and Sustainability within Information Services Activities.





The meeting concluded at 11.08am.


