Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 17 August 2016

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Chalmers Community Board






Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Peter Cole

Ange McErlane


Cr Andrew Noone

Raewynne Pedofski


Senior Officer                               Nicola Pinfold Group Manager Community and Planning


Governance Support Officer      Jenny Lapham




Jenny Lapham

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Public Forum                                                                                     4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Chalmers Community Board meeting - 13 July 2016                                  6     

Part A Reports (Chalmers Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          NZTA - Shared Path update

A representative from NZTA will be in attendance to update the Board.

7        Library Report                                                                                         13

8        Parking Issue - Roseneath

Raewynne Pedofski to update.

9        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           19

10      Board Representation and Other Responsibilities                                             26

11      Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Mel Aitken                                         29

12      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 30

13      Council Activities             



Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




1     Public Forum

1.1  Public Forum

James Robinson, wishes to address the meeting concerning his scholarship grant.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report.


Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Chalmers Community Board meeting - 13 July 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 13 July 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Chalmers Community Board meeting  held on 13 July 2016





Chalmers Community Board



Unconfirmed Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 13 July 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker



Peter Cole

Ange McErlane


Cr Andrew Noone

Raewynne Pedofski




Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Joy Gunn (Manager Events and Community Development), Anne Gray (Policy Analyst)


Governance Support Officer      Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

1.1    Public Forum


Warren Lewis, spoke to the Board in regards to the public car park at Back Beach.  He was concerned that there was an intention to remove some of the parks and reduce access to the public in this area. 

He commented that this area is a public space for all to use and it should not be fenced off.   He said that this area does provide access for emergency service, including marine search and rescue and any reduction in the space will comprise these activities.  


2       Apologies


Moved (Steve Walker/Ange McErlane): that the Board


Accepts the apology from Trevor Johnson for absence and Cr Noone for lateness.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/013)


3       Confirmation of agenda



The Chairperson advised NZTA was no longer attending the meeting as they were still working on the project. It was hoped to report to the August meeting. 


He also advised that as staff were in attendance to discuss item 3, Dunedin Strategic Framework, the item in the Governance Support Officer's report would be brought forward to become item 6. .




Moved (Steve Walker/Peter Cole): that the Board


Confirms the agenda noting that item 6 had been withdrawn and part of the Governance Support Officer's report would be brought forward to become item 6.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/014)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Chalmers Community Board meeting - 1 June 2016


Moved (Steve Walker/Raewynne Pedofski): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 1 June 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (CCB/2016/015)

Part A Reports

6       Dunedin Strategic Framework


The Group Manager Community and Planning (Nicola Pinfold) and Policy Analyst (Anne Gray) spoke to the Board about the Dunedin Strategic Framework.


Mrs Pinfold provided a background to the development of the Dunedin Strategic Framework and in particular the vision for Dunedin and the eight Strategies.  The Board was provided with set of strategies and a check list of priorities from the strategies for use in its forward planning.


Ms Gray explained the "Community Outcomes" in particular the importance of the Community Plans, Annual/Long Term Plans in relation to these outcomes.  She suggested that the Board give consideration to  moving the timing of their Community Plan to align with the Council budget process deadlines.


The Manager Events and Community Development, Joy Gunn, was introduced to the Board.  Ms Gunn gave an overview of her background and the Events and Community Development team.





7       Extraordinary Vacancy - Chalmers Community Board



In a report the Electoral Officer advised that an extraordinary vacancy had been created on the Chalmers Community Board as a result of the recent resignation of Mel Aitken.  In accordance with Clause 117 (2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 the Chief Executive had notified the Community Board of the vacancy and the Board must decide whether or not to fill the vacancy.



Moved (Steve Walker/Peter Cole): that the Board


a)     Resolves that given the short time frame prior to the triennial election the vacancy not be filled.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/016)


8       Funding Applications



Consideration was given to an application for funding and also the application deferred at the previous meeting for a scholarship.



Moved (Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone): that the Board


a)     Grants application from the Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc. for $900.00.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/017)



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Member Ange McErlane): that the Board

a)     Grants application from the Rotary Club of Dunedin. for $1,000.00.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/018)



Moved (Steve Walker/Andrew Noone): that the Board

a)     Uplifts the Community Board Scholarship application from Annabelle Latta.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/019)



Moved (Ange McErlane/Steve Walker): that the Board

a)     Grant a Community Board Scholarship of $500 to Annabelle Latta to go towards a Spanish Language Study Trip.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/020)


9       Wickliffe Terrace


Angela McErlane tabled photographs of the footpath in Wickliffe Terrace.  She advised that the street was looking messy and unkempt and during the cruise ship season a lot of people walk this area. 


The Chairperson advised that he had meet with the Group Manager Transport on a number of matters and he advised to put all issues into the Action List. 


It was agreed that the issue be added to the Action List and that a site visit be arranged.




10     Governance Support Officers Report



In a report the Governance Support Officer provided an update on matters of interest including:


a)     Project Fund


b)     Dunedin Strategic Framework


c)     Action List


        A discussion took place on the action list and the Chairperson provided an update on his meeting with the Acting Group Manager Transport. He advised that Ellesmere Street would be placed on the gritting list.  Cr Noone advised that he had discussed the issue of gorse on private land and had been advised that  the Urban Fire District Bylaw should be used to deal with urban hazard.  He will discuss with the appropriate Council Officer.



Moved (Steve Walker/Andrew Noone): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/021)


11     Board Representation and Other Responsibilities


Board members provided an update on their various representative roles and other responsibilities:


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


          Ange McErlane provided an update on the activities of the Port Environment      Liaison Committee.  She advised that the Committee were recommending that Lana Oranje and Carolyn Leese be appointed to the Board as Community Representatives.




Moved (Ange McErlane/Steve Walker):


          That the Chalmers Community Board appoints Lana Oranje and Carolyn Leese to     the Port Environment Liaison Committee.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/022)



Ange McErlane also advised that it was intended to extend the A shed which would assist in the Cruise Ship season by providing additional cover and facilities for the passengers.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


There was no update as Trevor Johnson was not in attendance


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


The Chairperson advised that the first lot of tagging at the start of the cycleway had been cleaned but was re-tagged.  This has now been cleaned and to date the site had not been re-tagged. 

d)     Facebook


It was agreed that the Chairperson would be the administrator for the Board's face book page.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole advised that the organisation hadn't been able to get a quorum and therefore have not been able to meet.  However the matter was being resolved, with Ange McErlane being appointed as chairperson and himself as Vice Chair.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor that the group had met on 23 June and the next traffic counts were due in September.


g)     Funding Applications – Report Back


          Raewynne Pedofski advised that she would contact recipients for an update      on their projects.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Member Ange McErlane): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/023)


12     Council Activities


The Ward Councillor provided an update on matters of interest including:


·      Local Government Conference would be held in Dunedin 24/25 July.

·      Purakaunui toilet:  A meeting had been held with John Cox from MWH and Alana Reid from the council.  It was agreed that a Portaloo should be placed on the site to determine if there was a need for a permanent toile.

·      Prospect Lane Trees

·      Drainage Issues.


Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Chair Steve Walker): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/024)


13     Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest including:

·      Policing Port Chalmers – Jason Guthrie is working with the Local Policeman to ascertain which day and the hours the Police Station would be open.

·      Winter Gritting Ellesmere Street – this had been resolved.

·      Graffiti – Start of Shared Path – discussed in the Governance Support Officer's report.

·      Blueskin Road – That trucking companies and Cedar Farm had agreed to cease using  Blueskin Road and would now use the State Highway.

·      Geese Update – The Chairperson thanked Hamish Black and his team for the sensitive way in which they dealt with this issue.  It was also noted that the majority of the community had supported the process.

·      Speeding Boundary Road – Purakaunui – that an action plan was being put in place.

·      State Highway 88 Safety Work – Soft safety barriers would be put in place.

·      Car Park behind Mackies – a complaint had been received regarding people parking there all day.  It had been agreed that a 180 minute parking restriction would be put in place

·      Resignation of Peter Standring – the Board expressed their sincere appreciation to Peter of all his service over the years on behalf of the Board.



Moved (Chair Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/025)



14     Notification of Agenda Items

There were no items notified.



The meeting concluded at 6.53 pm.











Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016



Part A Reports


Library Report

Department: Services and Development






1      The report provides a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 May to 30 July 2016.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report




Operational and Project Activities


2      Total loans for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 were 1,409,068 representing a decrease of 113,907 or 7.5% of loans compared with the same period in 2014/15. Decreased loans were recorded at all libraries and on the Bookbuses. The decrease in loans between the current year and the previous one is partly attributable to a change in reporting systems during this period which resulted in inflated issues statistics in 2014/15. This calculation has now been corrected and issues have now been adjusted to accurately reflect borrowing over the 2015/16 year.

3      A total of 133,713 reference enquiries were received during this period representing a decrease of 13,488 or 9.1% compared to the same period in 2014/15. Decreased reference enquiries were recorded at all libraries and on the Bookbuses reflecting increased use of online information resources by Library customers.

4      There were a total of 1,196,004 visits to all libraries over this period representing an increase of 26,002 or 2.2% compared with the same period in 2014/15. Increased visits were recorded at the City Library (5.0%) and on the Bookbuses (1.3%) while Mosgiel recorded a very slight increase (less than 1%). Decreased visits were recorded at the other three community libraries.

Gig City Dunedin

5      Planning for the launch of the Gig City Living Hub on the Ground Floor of the City Library is entering its final phase, following Council approval to proceed with this new development. The facilities are modelled on those in other new libraries and will include digital displays and information on the potential of ultra-fast broadband as well as opportunities to test out Gig-speed Wi-Fi on a range of digital devices.

6      Work on establishing 12 new Gig-speed Wi-Fi hot spots across Dunedin continues with the City Library going live at the end of June 2016 and the Port Chalmers and Mosgiel Library’s expected to follow before the end of December 2016.


New Zealand Music Month 2016

7      New Zealand Music Month is celebrated in May each year with events around the library network. At the Port Chalmers Library events were spread over the month and included performances by Bob Scott, Leo LaDell and Humboldt County (25 people), classical guitarist Malcolm Honeychurch (10 people) and local band Sea Fog (15 people).

July School Holiday Programme

8      A diverse range of activities took place at the Port Chalmers Library over the July school holidays. The first week featured Super Inventor and Dinosaur Footprints discovery trails which were run in conjunction with the International Science Festival (15 children). The second week celebrated the Cadbury Chocolate Festival and included the ever popular Freddo Frog Chocolate Story Time with Storyteller Mandy Mayhem (20 children and 8 adults) and a Chocolate discovery trail (12 children).

Lego Club

9      Lego Club continued monthly in the Rolfe Room at the Port Chalmers Library. This is a new and very popular initiative with the number of participants averaging 30 to 40 children and adults at each session.

Spanish Cookery

10    A Spanish cooking event was held at the Port Chalmers Library in May 2016 with Carmen Aliberch demonstrating how to make paella to an enthusiastic audience of 20 people.

Nga Taonga: A Glimpse of the Archives

11    Lawrence Wharehau Programme Coordinator Maori at Nga Taonga Sound and Vision Archives presented a selection of films featuring Kai Tahu traditional food gathering, art practices and light entertainment from as early as 1921.


Preschool and School Visits

12    At the Port Chalmers Library twice weekly preschool story times were conducted over this period. These continue to be very popular with numbers averaging 30 to 40 children and adults each week. Over this period Library staff carried out a series of class visits to Sawyers Bay School and all classes from Port Chalmers School visited the Library for the school’s Book Week.

Book Share

13    Monthly meetings of the Port Chalmers Library book discussion group continued over this period with numbers averaging 10 to 12 people at each session. Book groups provide an opportunity for social engagement, with local residents getting together to talk about books and reading in a library environment.


14    There are no options as this report is for information purposes only.


15    There are no next steps as this report is for information purposes only.




Mike Collett - Manager Customer Experience


Bernie Hawke - Group Manager Arts and Culture

Simon Pickford - General Manager Services and Development 






Library Statistics July 2015 - June 2016



Service Centre Statistics May, June 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report relates to providing a public service and is considered good-quality and cost-effective.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

The information provided in this report supports the Social Wellbeing Strategy by the role of libraries in promoting ‘Connected People’ and “Vibrant and Cohesive Communities’; the Economic Development Strategy by providing library resources and services that support ‘Business Vitality’ and ‘Alliances for Innovation’ as well as providing library collection resources and public programmes that support the Arts and Culture Strategy.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


The matters raised in this report are considered low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

There has been no internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no identified risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is known conflict of interest.

Community Boards

The purpose of the report is to provide information to the Community Board.



Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016







Library Usage Indicator





+/- %

Blueskin Bay Library


        Reference Enquiries




















        Reference Enquiries


















City Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Mosgiel Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Port Chalmers Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Waikouaiti Library


        Reference Enquiries



















Dunedin Public Libraries


        Reference Enquiries























Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




May – June 2016





Large Rubbish Bags



Small Rubbish Bags






Water Rates



Animal Registration



Dog Reg Selected Owner



Rolfe Room



Sale of Poo Bags



Impounded Dogs



Impounded Stock



Dogs SPCA Pound Fee



Dog Kennel Licences



Dog Microchipping Fee



Dog Collars



Debtors Receipt



Parking Tickets



Bokashi Buckets


Recycle Bins



Compost Zing



Yellow Bins



LIM Residential










Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1.     This report is to inform the Chalmers Community Board of Activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)  Project Fund

b)  Rothesay News Advertisement

c)  Coming into and vacation of Office

d)  Action List


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Renews its commitment to Rothesay News advertising for the next financial year at a cost of $116.70 per month.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

1      The balance of the Project Fund stands at $7,600.00.  The following grants have been made in the 2016/17 financial year:

Meeting Date



13 July 2016


Port Chalmers Historical Society

13 July 2016


Rotary Club of Dunedin

13 July 2016


Scholarship – A Latta





Rothesay News Advertisement

2      It is suggested that as a new financial year has commenced, the Board may wish to reconfirm its commitment to its monthly expenditure of $116.70 for its Rothesay News advertisement.




Coming into and vacation of Office

3      For local authority elections (including community boards) where an election is required, a member comes into office on the day after the day on which the official result of the election is declared by public notice (section 115 Local Electoral Act).  Official results are usually received around the Thursday following the election and the public notice usually appears on the Saturday following the election.

4      Where an election is not required (i.e. because the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies), those unopposed candidates are declared elected at the close of nominations and they come into office at the same time as the other elected candidates (i.e. the day after the official result of the election is declared by public notice).

5      It is important to note, however, that no person is capable of acting as a member of any local authority until he or she has made a declaration as required by clause 14, Schedule 7, Local Government Act 2002.   This is done at the first meeting of the board after the local authority elections. 

6      Current members vacate office when members elected at the election come into office.

Action List

7      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.





Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Chalmers Community Board Action List - August 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




Chalmers Community Board Action List

Meeting Date 17 August 2016



Date of Meeting/


Action Requested

Report Back to the Board


Status/Due Date

Moller Memorial


Item 5

Staff to investigate the relocation of the Moller Memorial


1 June 2016


Trevor Johnson to be point of contact for Moller Memorial removal.

Parks and Recreation

Draft design options available, family to approve. Discussions with Rotary will be held in August as key people are on leave.

Port Chalmers Centennial

Garden -Skateboard area


Item 14 (h)


Staff to investigate the lease and condition of the skateboard area

Discussions on the lease are continuing. 

Parks and Recreation

No due date for this item is available at this time.

Aramoana Wharf - restoration


Staff to investigate the proposal from the Aramoana League


Report to follow for the Community and Environment Committee.

Parks and Recreation



Report to Community and Environment Committee in August for options for the future of the wharf.

Parking George Street


Item 12

Parking Bays to be painted on George Street

Request has been sent to the Maintenance Team and waiting for it to be programmed.


Will advise when have timeframe for implementation.

Gorse on Private Land

9 March 2016 Item 8

Removal of Gorse

Cr Noone will follow this up.


13 July


Cr Noone advised this type o hazard is dealt with under the Urban Fire District Bylaw.  He would contact the appropriate Council officer.

Rural Fire Authority

Cr Noone to provide update

Fencing on SH 88

9 March 2016 Item 12 (h)

Improvement of fencing

Fencing matter raised with NZTA and discussions commenced.


Awaiting report back on progress of discussions with NZTA

Footpath Rail Crossing – Beach Street

1 June 2016

Request a meeting to discuss the safety of the footpath/rail crossing by the tunnel entrance. 

Meeting will be held with Kiwi Rail, DCC, NZTA and Port Company


13 July 2016


Meeting has been arranged

Group Manager Community Planning to Co-ordinate

Report on progress at August meeting.

Wickliffe Terrace

13 July 2016 Item 9

General maintenance on street was poor

Chairperson to discuss with Group Manager Transport.


Update to be provided at August meeting.

Boundary Road, Purakuanui

13 July 2016 Item 13

Speed Count/Safety analysis of Boundary Road, Purakuanui




Car park, Mackies Hotel

13 July 2016 Item 13

Request 120 minute limit be placed on car park behind Mackies Hotel

Transport Department are liaising with the Parking Services Team  to have this installed.


Will advise when have a time frame for implementation



Blueskin Road


Item 8

Staff to carry out traffic engineer's risk assessment on Blueskin Road

Transportation advises investigations are continuing.  Initial advice was sent to passenger transport providers in September reminding them of the axel length restriction on Blueskin Road.  Continue to monitor activity.

April 2016

Police advised to consider during Cruise ship season. Continue to monitor activity.

July 2016


Most of the trucking companies have now agreed not to use Blueskin Road.


An update will be provided when/if new information is available.









Planting of Gardens

1 June 2016 Item 8 (c)

Are gardens being planted seasonally, if not why not.


Parks and Recreation

As part of the budget process for 2015-16 the level of service was reviewed for the annual bedding plots.  Of 21 sites across the City, 10 sites had been identified for permanent displays as opposed to annual plots. Port Chalmers Centennial Garden is one of these 10 sites.  


Ellesmere Street


Item 10

Traffic Count

Request traffic count to be undertaken at either end of Ellesmere Street to see how many cars are using the part that is not being gritted.


2015 traffic estimates:

Gritted section (186 AADT)

Non gritted section (152 AADT)


1 June 2016


Chairperson to discuss with General Manager Infrastructure and Networks


13 July 2016


Ellesmere Street has been added to the gritting schedule


The Chairperson will provide an update at July Meeting














Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




Board Representation and Other Responsibilities

Department: Civic






Reports from Board members on their various representative roles and other responsibilities. 


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Angela McErlane will provide a verbal update including additional community representation.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson will provide a verbal update.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful



d)     Facebook


The Chairperson will provide an update.


e)     Vision Port Chalmers


Peter Cole will provide a verbal update.


f)     SH88 Liaison Group


The Ward Councillor (Andrew Noone) will provide a verbal update.


g)     Funding Applications – Report Back


          Raewynne Pedofski will provide a verbal update.




That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.





Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal

Sandy Graham - General Manager Strategy and Governance


There are no attachments for this report.


Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Mel Aitken

Department: Civic






That the Board:

a)  Records its sincere thanks to Mel Aitken for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Chalmers Community Board for the 15 year period 2010 to 2016.

b)  Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the   future.





Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 


There are no attachments for this report.



Chalmers Community Board

17 August 2016




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






The Chairperson will raise the following matters:

·           Rail Crossing – Beach

·           Sycamore Update

·           Trucks On Blueskin Road

·           End of Triennum



That the Board:

a)     Notes the <Title of report>








Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 


There are no attachments for this report.