Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 11 August 2016

Time:                            10.00 am

Venue:                          Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Otago Peninsula Community Board






Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Pope



Lox Kellas

Hoani Langsbury


Christine Neill

Cr Neville Peat


Edna Stevenson



Senior Officer                               Kristy Rusher (Manager Civic and Legal)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Pam Jordan

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 30 June 2016                        6     

Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          City of Literature

Nicky Page, Director, City of Literature, will be present to discuss this with the Board.

7        Enterprise Dunedin Update

John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Ryan Craig (Destination Dunedin Manager) and Fraser Liggett (Economic Development Programme Manager) from Enterprise Dunedin will be present to update the Board.

8        Harington Point Road Safety Improvements Update

Gareth Evans (Transport Projects Team Leader) and Glenn O'Connor (Bomisch) to provide an update for the Board.

9        Chief Executive Officer

Sue Bidrose, Chief Executive Officer, to provide a triennium round-up.

10      Funding Applications                                                                                  14

11      Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           31

12      Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates

a)   Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)   Rural Roads Update

c)   Area Updates

13      Community Plan                                                                                       40

14      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 41

15      Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Christine Garey                                  46

16      Poroporoaki

Hoani Langsbury to lead a Poroporoaki             



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

An apology has been received from Cr Neville Peat.


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Cr Neville Peat.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report. 

Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 30 June 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 30 June 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting  held on 30 June 2016





Otago Peninsula Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 30 June 2016, commencing at 10.00 am





Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Pope



Lox Kellas

Hoani Langsbury


Cr Neville Peat

Edna Stevenson




Richard Saunders (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Inspector Jason Guthrie (Area Commander, Otago Coastal, NZ Police), Malcolm Alexander (Chief Executive, Local Government New Zealand), Maria Ioannou (Corporate Policy Manager) and Anne Gray (Policy Analyst)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan



1       Opening

Christine Garey opened the meeting with a reflection.

2       Public Forum

2.1    Board Scholarship Recipient - Iona Hibbert


Iona Hibbert, Board Scholarship recipient, provided feedback to the Board about her Spirit of Adventure voyage.  A group from her school went on the voyage around the Hauraki Gulf islands and competed against another three schools.  She outlined the team building activities undertaken which had pushed participants' boundaries.  She had found the voyage inspiring and had developed increased confidence from being able to learn new things and live with others for a week.


2.2    Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group - Partnership Proposal


Cathy Rufaut, Brendon Cross and Sarah Irvine from the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group, attended to speak to the meeting concerning a proposed partnership with the Dunedin City Council.  Cathy Rufaut noted that the group's vision statement long-term was to enhance biodiversity.  The group had been catching possums for five years and was trying to reduce numbers so almost all of the Peninsula was possum-free to the urban boundary.  It was a goal to reduce possum numbers to very few by 2018.  The group's mission statement flagged partnerships.  People had been involved from the beginning and were built into the group's work and included as beneficiaries, as well as wildlife.  Work had evolved from a manager and contractors catching possums to use of community volunteers more often.  There were 70-75 regular volunteers involved.  The group was proud of the buy-in from large landowners and 152 people were signed up to give access or to support the group's work.

Brendon Cross reported that the group was looking to collaborate more with other groups on the Peninsula.  The group could manage what it was doing and had got some good results.  It was looking at partnering with other groups as well as the Dunedin City Council such as the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust, Department of Conservation, Otago Regional Council, Otago Peninsula Trust etc.  If a partnership model could be worked on it would give a point of contact with the city.  He commended the recent decision by the Council to appoint a Biodiversity Officer.

The speakers responded to questions from Board members.  The Board offered a letter of support if required.  It was noted that the Otago Regional Council was offering support and the group had received funding from that source recently.



3       Apologies


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Lox Kellas):


That the Board:


Accepts the apologies from Christine Neill (for absence) and Hoani Langsbury (for lateness).


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/017)



4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Lox Kellas/Edna Stevenson):


That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the funding applications to be taken following the confirmation of minutes.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/018)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 26 May 2016


Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Paul Pope):


That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 26 May 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2016/019)

Part A Reports

10     Funding Applications


A report from Civic appended funding applications from the Ocean Grove Community Trust for a year's worth (12 editions) of "Hawk Talk" and from the Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee for the printing of updated promotion booklets.  It was noted that $1,316.78 remained in the Project Fund for the financial year.



Edna Stevenson declared an interest in the Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee application and withdrew from the meeting at 10.29 am.



Moved (Lox Kellas/Paul Pope):


That the Board:


a)  Grants the funding application from the Ocean Grove Community Trust for $500.00.

b)  Grants the funding application from Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee for $816.78.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/020)




Edna Stevenson returned to the meeting at 10.31 am.


7       New Zealand Police Update


Inspector Jason Guthrie, Area Commander, Otago Coastal, provided an update on policing issues in the Otago Coastal area and related to the Otago Peninsula.  He commented on crime statistics for the area and those reported at the Portobello Station.  In response to the Board's wish for a commitment to resident policing on the Peninsula he said that while he could not give an iron-clad promise, there was no intent to withdraw policing services from Portobello because of its geographical isolation, and this had not been discussed at any level.  There was a contingency in place to deploy someone to Portobello full time if needed in the event of the resident sole charge police officer being on leave and cover could be provided from South Dunedin when necessary.


Issues related to tourism were raised including increasing numbers of visitors and *555 calls.  Inspector Guthrie noted that these reinforced his thinking about the importance of maintaining the sole charge position on the Peninsula.  Tourism numbers were increasing greatly here and in Central Otago and this contributed to decisions about staff employment.


Board members offered to assist with raising the profile of the police in the community.


8       Dunedin's Strategic Framework


Maria Ioannou (Corporate Policy Manager) and Anne Gray (Policy Analyst) thanked Board members for their support during the Annual Plan process.  Policy staff were currently speaking to Boards about the Strategic Framework during this meeting round and she commented on the key strategies.


Anne Gray commented that the vision for Dunedin was to be one of the world's great small cities and eight strategies contributed to this.  Most had now been adopted, while the Parks and Recreation Strategy was in development.


Maria Ioannou advised that it was hoped that Community Plans could be programmed so they fed into the budget process better.  She also suggested workshops with Community Boards. 


9       Local Government New Zealand Update


Malcolm Alexander, Chief Executive, Local Government New Zealand, thanked the Board for the invitation to attend and noted that it was part of his role to visit the membership.  He made a presentation to the Board which covered the role of the LGNZ National Council, key priorities and new projects, key policy issues, fairness issues such as whether ratepayers should support tourism infrastructure, community policing issues and the installation of security cameras by some councils to support the work of the police.  Mr Alexander also commented on matters such as LGNZ's Excellence Programme, the upcoming local body elections, the forthcoming LGNZ conference in Dunedin, and engagement with the community. 


There was discussion on the funding of tourism infrastructure including the imposition of tourist levies such as those in place at Stewart Island.  The Chairperson also advised that there had been concerns from the community around tourism growth, freedom camping, wildlife poaching etc, and these needed to be managed.


11     Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic updated the Board on activities relevant to the Board area including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Dunedin Strategic Framework

d)     Action List.


There was discussion on the following Action List items:


·      Tomahawk School – the open days had gone well and it was hoped that high quality expressions of interest would be received.

·      Roadside weed control – specifications could be released to boards in the next couple of weeks and new contracts would commence on 1 July.  Downers was the new roading contractor.  City Care was the parks contractor for the Peninsula area and would attend the next meeting.

·      A decision on the Camp Road tree removal was expected the following week.

·      The Chairperson emphasised the importance of communication to the community over the Highcliff Road dropout repair.  The Group Manager advised that a report on tenders was currently being prepared.

·      Portobello Road/Harington Point Road safety improvements – the project manager, Glen O'Connor, and Transport Projects Team Leader, Gareth Evans, would attend the next meeting.

·      An update on the various slip repairs would be provided to the next meeting.

·      Tidewater Drive – a suitable time would be found to meet with the resident.

·      Bayne Terrace Steps – the Council had offered assistance with the health and safety plan.

·      Signage and on road marking between Otakou and Harington Point was being assessed.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Cr Neville Peat):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/021)


12     Community Plan


The Chairperson congratulated Board members for the way they had worked with staff on their delegated projects and noted that most of the projects were now in train.  She suggested holding a workshop before the next Board meeting to update the Community Plan.


13     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)      Keep Dunedin Beautiful




Paul Pope commented on the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Week to be held in September.




b)      Rural Roads Update




Lox Kellas reported that roads were in good condition for the time of year.  He advised of the poor quality of grates being installed in roads, which were brittle.  The Group Manager advised he would follow up this matter.  He also commented on the work that had started in front of the new retaining wall at Broad Bay and the traffic management plan.  The Group Manager was asked to liaise with Lala Frazer over the Smiths Creek spawning area for native banded kokopu in relation to the Turnbulls Bay work.




c)      Area Updates




Board members provided updates from their areas of responsibility.


Paul Pope advised that over 60 people had attended the Tomahawk School open days.  He commented on the Portobello Jetty ramp.  He also noted that he had made two presentations to the Council's 2GP hearings on behalf of the Board.  The Portobello Market Day would be held on 17 July.


Edna Stevenson commented on arrangements for the unveiling of the plaque for the Robert George memorial seat.  She also advised the Board of a recent very positive meeting of the Te Rauone Beach Coast Care Committee with Beca and noted that Port Otago was still on track with the resource consent application by the end of September.



15     Council Activities


Hoani Langsbury entered the meeting at 11.52 am.


Cr Neville Peat reported on the Council meeting held earlier in the week that had:


·      adopted the Annual Plan

·      adopted amendments to the Dog Control Bylaw

·      adopted a revised Beauty Therapists, Tattooists and Skin Piercers Bylaw

·      heard from residents of Warrington at the public forum about the impact of freedom camping on the community.


Cr Peat advised that he would not be able to be present for the last meeting of the Community Board for the triennium but had enjoyed his time as the Council's representative on the Board and paid tribute to the work of Board members.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Hoani Langsbury):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Ward Councillor.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/022)



Area Updates (Continued)


Hoani Langsbury here provided his area update on speed humps, the overhanging trees above the tank traps which were being dealt with, and tagging on the tank traps.


14     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson updated the Board on the following matters of interest since the previous meeting:


·      Overseas Drivers

·      Standing for Election and Voting

·      "Loose Ends"

·      Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvements Project

·      Meetings/Events Attended

·      Upcoming Meetings/Events



The Chairperson considered that the Board needed to encourage people to put their names forward as candidates for the Board in the forthcoming election.  She also commented on a meeting regarding Coronation Hall signage, the renewal of the Macandrew Bay Store liquor licence, repair of road edges, the establishment of a Board email address, and a water seepage issue at Broad Bay.



Moved (Chairperson Christine Garey/Lox Kellas):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/023)




The meeting concluded at 12.05 pm.









Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



Part A Reports


Funding Applications

Department: Civic






1      This report provides copies of the funding applications which have been received for the Otago Peninsula Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The funding applications were from Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community (Inc) for a portable marine radio and from the Portobello Blues Festival 2017 Committee for lighting and sound (the Event Plan for this application has been circulated separately).

3      Both the funding applications were received within the required timeframe.

4      A new financial year has commenced so $10,000.00 remains in the Project Fund.  The total of the funding applications received is $1,798.00.



That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the funding application from Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua (Inc) for $798.00.

b)     Grants/declines the funding application from Portobello Blues Festival 2017 Committee for$1,000.00.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer








Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community Inc Funding Application, August 2016



Portobello Blues Festival Committee Funding Application, August 2016



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Coming Into and Vacation of Office

d)     Action List.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

2      A new financial year has commenced and the Board has $10,000.00 available.


Scholarship Fund

3      No scholarships have been awarded in the new financial year. 


Coming Into and Vacation of Office

4      For local authority elections (including community boards) where an election is required, a member comes into office on the day after the day on which the official result of the election is declared by public notice (section 115 Local Electoral Act).  Official results are usually received around the Thursday following the election and the public notice usually appears on the Saturday following the election.


5      Where an election is not required (i.e. because the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies), those unopposed candidates are declared elected at the close of nominations and they come into office at the same time as the other elected candidates (i.e. the day after the official result of the election is declared by public notice).

6      It is important to note, however, that no person is capable of acting as a member of any local authority until he or she has made a declaration as required by clause 14, Schedule 7, Local Government Act 2002.  This is done at the first meeting of the board after the local authority elections. 

7      Current members vacate office when members elected at the election come into office.


Action List

8      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.




Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Otago Peninsula Community Board Action List - 11 August 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




Otago Peninsula Community Board Action List

11 August 2016





Resolution No

Action Requested

Report Back to the Board



Due Date

Tomahawk Beach Access

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

Update requested.

Further signs to be erected at the beach access following the stranding of cars. In addition to these signs, Water Safety message signs have recently been installed to Tomahawk and Smaills Beaches (completed in conjunction with Surf Life Saving NZ). 


Investigations continuing into legal status of Tomahawk Beach and access to it across the Reserve.  No update has been received from Council's legal team to date. 


Parks and Recreation

Written update on legal status of beach access to be provided to the Board when received.

No further progress on this matter.

Camp Road Tree Removal

24 September 2015

Item 10

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on consent process for tree removal.


Request from Board to address prior to start of 2016 tourist season.

The consent has been granted for the removal of 18 of the 26 trees.  Following further assessment the remaining trees will be retained.  Work is now commencing on the removal process and will include conversations with key stakeholders.


Board will be updated through the Chair when a decision is received.

Repair to Dropout on Highcliff Road near Seal Point Road (two car slip)

2 July 2015

Item 5

13 August 2015

Item 9(24)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Updates requested until complete.


Board requested email updates to be provided to affected residents.


Meeting with affected residents/ key holders to be held.


Request to ensure 477 4000 can be used for after-hours enquiries.


Request from Chair to provide update on how current traffic management is working/timing of repairs and plan for management of multiple repairs/update on consultation with the community.


Request for completion prior to the 2016 tourist season.

The tender assessment has been completed.  Negotiations are occurring with the preferred tenderer and an announcement should be made shortly.


Repairs should take approximately 10-12 weeks from commencement.


Ongoing communication with the community continues to be a priority.





Provision of more pull-over areas: Highcliff Road and Portobello Road and request for signage alerting motorists to pull over areas (including existing pull overs)


13 August 2015

Item 9(9)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Board considers urgent for tourist season.


Board requested more urgency to be given to this.


Board requests budget provision.


Chairperson requested an area near the top of Castlewood Road.

A number of pull-off areas have been identified on both Portobello Road and Highcliff Road.  Some of these are existing and some will require physical works to form them.


A new sign plan is being developed for the existing pull-offs and these will be installed prior to the summer tourist season.


New pull-off areas will be considered during the design stage for the Portobello Road widening and a review of additional areas on Highcliff Road and associated physical works will also continue.   


July 2016

Portobello/ Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project

13 August 2015

Item 9(22)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Advice to be provided on approximate start of project.

The professional services tender has been evaluated and the successful tenderer should be announced in the coming fortnight.


A detailed project plan and associated communication plan will then be developed and can be shared with the new Board.



Update when available

Slip at Hatchery Road, Portobello etc

13 August 2015

Item 11(b)

24 September 2015

Item 9(c)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Slip has increased and requires checking.

Designs for the remaining sites are complete and being peer reviewed.  Works are being tendered following peer review in June as part of a package of four sites.


Four sites are:

1.  Soldiers Monument

2.  Hatchery Road

3.  Seven Devils

4.  Highcliff Road at Sandymount


Tender documents for all sites are being prepared.


There were design issues for one of the sites which have delayed the release of the tender documents.  These are expected to go out in the next fortnight.


Staff are aware of the need to plan works around the busy tourist season.


June 2016

Bayne Terrace Steps

24 September 2015

Item PF(a)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

Options requested.

Options for re-establishing access at a reasonable price are under investigation.  Greg Sligo to be the community liaison person.  Community members are prepared to assist with carrying out work to the necessary standard.  Community to write a proposal to submit to Council.


Council awaiting draft Health and Safety plan and design plan for review and to meet on site for sign off.  Assistance to be sought from staff for this part of the project.


Staff are awaiting further contact from the community group




50 km/h signage between Otakou and Harington Point

Request from Chairperson

26 May 2016

Item 9

Request for update on progress to reinstate removed sign

Signs have been installed.  Speed data shows there is still an issue with vehicle speeds in this area.  Staff are reviewing further options to reduce speed.  These options will be reported to the Board before installation.




Maintenance of sea walls eg repairs to wash outs on the sea walls around Hoopers Inlet on Allans Beach Road

eg repairs to road edges – top of sea walls

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on undermining

A citywide programme for sea wall works is being completed currently and will then be tendered. Staff are monitoring known problem sites and action can be taken if issues arise.


Board asked to phone in any new and specific issues as they occur.


Staff will provide a verbal update on the edging issue.


July 2016

Completed (or underway)

Tomahawk School

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested on open days and expressions of interest.

Nine individual submissions and seven letters of support/endorsement for some of these proposals were received.  Staff are still reviewing the proposals and will be contacting submitters individually if more information is needed.  It is expected that the review process will have finished by the end of September, at which stage staff will let submitters know the next steps.  The future of the site is expected to be considered by the new Council later this year.


Parks and Recreation

Update on submission numbers at next Board meeting

Roadside weed control

Request from Chairperson

Request for contract specifications.

New contract to be tendered.  Specifications and work schedules are currently being developed.  It is anticipated that tendering will be complete by September 2016.  In the interim, one-off maintenance work will be completed on a case-by-case basis.


Staff will provide specifications to OPCB when available.


Parks and Recreation

Summary of specifications to be provided to Community Board.

Conway Street Culvert

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Insufficient size of pipe – to be discussed with Macandrew Bay School




Road adjacent to Portobello Cemetery and School

Request from Chairperson

Road legalisation/ownership issues

Has been added into the Board's list for the Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project.




Installation of rubbish bins between Macandrew Bay and Glenfalloch

Request from Chairperson

Update requested


Water and Waste

Early July

Tidewater Drive Drainage Issue

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

Update requested.


Board to be advised when communication with affected residents has been carried out.  Importance of on-going maintenance noted.

A meeting has been held with the affected resident.  Additional work will occur at the outlet end.  This is currently being programmed and the owner will be kept informed.










Board report in May



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016



Community Plan



Draft 2017/18 Community Plan for consideration has been circulated.


To be moved:

That the Board:

a)     Endorses the updated Community Plan and refers it to the incoming Otago Peninsula Community Board for adoption following the election.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






1      A report from the Chairperson is attached which updates the Board on matters of interest since the previous meeting.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson.

b)     Sends the letters of thanks to Lyn Cameron-Manu, Peter Standring and Diana Munster, as detailed in the report.

c)     Provides a letter of support to the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group.

d)     Requests that a safety audit be carried out on trees adjacent to roads on the Peninsula and the report be shared with the Board.











Chairperson's Report - 11 August 2016



Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016





The Past

As this triennium draws to a close, I have been reflecting on the hard work carried out by my predecessors, Irene Scurr and John Bellamy and the Boards they so ably led.  Their work laid the foundation for us to successfully secure the accelerated programme for the completion of the Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvements Project, and to successfully appeal to the Local Government Commission, the move to diminish our community board.  


The Present

The community has shown strong support for our Board during this triennium.  We have demonstrated on numerous occasions that we can work through difficult challenges, such as the freedom camping issue and arrive at a positive outcome for our community.  We have continued to build a positive relationship with staff, working in partnership with them, understanding that we can challenge one another and disagree but always with respect. We have established clear protocols to work within and standards to adhere to and in so doing, our Board has earned respect from many quarters.  We have proven ourselves to be a resource to Council – a resource that has further potential.


Our sincere thanks to Council staff for the work they have carried out for our community during this triennium.  The city is well served by these staff who are true professionals, committed to delivering the very best outcomes for our community. A special thank you to CEO, Sue Bidrose for her leadership and support.


I would like to record the Board's appreciation to Cr Neville Peat, Richard Saunders and Pam Jordan in their respective roles.  They have been outstanding to work with and we thank them most sincerely for all they have done for the Otago Peninsula and for the Board.  


I want to congratulate each of you for the contribution you have made to our community in your role as a member of the Otago Peninsula Community Board.  Your hard work has resulted in many positive outcomes for our community.  I thank you for your collegiality and support as I have carried out my role as Chair – it has been greatly appreciated.  I know that each of you has the support of your families – please convey our sincere thanks to them.  I would personally like to acknowledge my family's wonderful support and patience over the past three years; I could not have carried out my busy role as Chair without their support and encouragement. 


The Future

There is still much work to be done by our Board around:

¨     the benefits and challenges of the growth of tourism in our area and the need to protect the quality of life for the people who live here, and the wildlife  that brings people to visit this special place 

¨     the impact of climate change which we are already experiencing; an urgent consideration

¨     the need to ensure our communities are connected and resilient into the future

¨     the importance of continuing to recognise and work with our Treaty partner, Ōtākou Rūnaka 

¨     the importance of working towards a more inclusive community, with newcomers to our area from all parts of the globe. 


And to the future of the Board…… it is in good heart and has a bright future effectively advocating for the Otago Peninsula community.  I wish you all well as you continue to serve our community in various roles.  It has been a privilege to have worked with you and learnt from you. 

- Chris




Local Government Conference

I felt great pride to be from Dunedin when I attended the LGNZ Conference. There were Mayors, CEOs, elected representatives and MPs from around the country who all spoke very highly of the city during their stay, despite the gloomy weather.  



There were excellent presentations at the Conference.  For me the standout was that by Peter Kageyama, entitled "Engaging our communities and telling our stories" and his master class "Customer-centric services and innovative engagement – how community leaders can be intentional about creating a more emotionally engaging place."  Inspiring stuff!

Issues Highlighted:

¨     Local Government Amendment Act – this piece of legislation means it would be possible for the Local Government Commission to impose Council controlled companies on a community without a poll.  It was seen by many as potentially leading to local authority amalgamation by stealth.

¨     on Radio NZ over the weekend of the Conference there was an excellent interview relating to work going on around trying to resolve freedom camping issues nationally – LGNZ working with the Government.  Astonishingly there are currently 70 different bylaws across the country!

Key Networking:

¨     Gerard Linstrom, Chorus - re the issues in getting a decision from Government regarding the Rural Broadband rollout and which areas will be included.

¨     Cameron Madgwick/CEO PEPANZ (petroleum industry) NB individual attendees were approached by this organisation.

¨     Andrew Little, Leader of the Labour Party - follow-up re tourism issues. 


Matters dealt with since last meeting:

¨     Coronation Hall – signs expected to be installed this month/repairs to halls awaiting further painting quotes (DCC Property).

¨     Macandrew Bay Liquor Licence has been renewed and no appeal was lodged 

¨     Castlewood Road water/tarseal issue addressed (Andrew Lord).

¨     Kerbing and channelling issues in Macandrew Bay and drainage issues in Broad Bay have been dealt with (Andrew Lord).

¨     feedback from residents was extremely complimentary re Andrew Lord's work - passed on to the CEO/Andrew.

¨     memorial seat dedication to Robert George - thank you to all Board members who played a part in this project/ event (Edna, Lox, Paul) and to the funders, Keep Dunedin Beautiful and Macandrew Bay Residents' Association.  This project brought a great deal of comfort to the family and was a fitting tribute to Robert.

¨     we have had reports of remnants of sand sausage being washed up on Allans Beach and elsewhere.  Council staff report that a number of pieces have been collected over the last year or so and ccontractors working on the new sand sausages are removing debris as they uncover it.  As they get closer to the sea wall, all of the old material will be removed from the dunes and taken away for disposal so there will be no further risk of it contaminating the environment.  However, we have been asked that if pieces of material are found, please tell people to phone into Council on 477 4000 to log it so that any remnants can be removed by the contractors.

¨     issues around road maintenance on Karetai Road have been passed on to the contractors and Richard Saunders.  We need to continue to remind residents to log any issues with Council they become aware of - these are then sent through to the contractor.  Even when a matter is escalated, it still needs to be logged.

¨     Macandrew Bay jetty ownership.  It has been clarified upon reference back to the original consents that the Club owns the one closest to the city and DCC owns the one closest to Macandrew Bay.  The Community Plan asset list has been updated accordingly.  The Club is dealing directly with DCC.  However, this situation does add weight to the urgent need for an accurate register of harbour assets.

¨     Turnbulls Bay work – ramp only created- nothing bigger.  Lala Frazer has been contacted and has allayed concerns raised.

¨     Advice has been received from Richard Saunders that issues with the faulty grates are being addressed.

¨     Macandrew Bay pedestrian issue re crossing the intersection at Greenacres Street - first stage of work and markings are expected to be completed within the next month (ACTION:  Staff please keep Lox in the loop on this matter). 

¨     Bus service changes – these will take some time to bed in and for users to get used to the transfer system and other changes.  Any queries – please ask any residents who contact you with concerns about the changes, to contact ORC directly.

¨     A resident concerned about the rabbit problem on the Otago Peninsula has been referred to Sam Neill.

¨     A resident contacted me re the issue of local drivers, not just visitor drivers (following the ODT article picked up from my Chair's Report 30 June) – this matter was referred to local police.

¨     Broad Bay Boating Club has received its non- notified consent to rebuild their club house and at their AGM they unanimously voted to proceed with the project.  

¨     Te Rauone updates received (Edna will give us an update at the meeting).

¨     Lox and I will soon meet with the newly appointed Harbour Master and Deputy Harbour Master who are putting the framework in place, ready for the position to be advertised for a full time, named Harbour Master.

¨     letters of thanks, as decided by Board, have been sent to Lyn Cameron-Manu (30yrs service as Postie), Peter Standring and Diana Munster in their respective roles (ACTION: move formally).

¨     Letter of support requested by Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group for upcoming funding applications (ACTION: move).

¨     It seems that there has been some confusion re a tree safety audit to be carried out on the Peninsula (ACTION: The Board requests that a safety audit be carried out on trees adjacent to roads on the Peninsula and the report be shared with the Board).


Delegated Projects

All delegated projects have been brought back to the Chair with the exception of:

¨     Bayne Terrace steps (Edna/Merrin McCrory)

¨     Tomahawk School redevelopment (Paul/Jendi Paterson)

¨     Rural roads maintenance (Lox/Transportation Operations)

¨     Roadside weed control specs (Paul/Hamish Black)   

¨     Pukehiki recycling station (Christine/Catherine Irvine)


Other than these projects, as per normal protocols, all other matters are to come via the Chair until the end of the triennium, rather than raised with staff directly please.  As always log any issues with DCC Customer Services – this continues to be the best way to ensure operational matters are addressed.


¨     Also, in the case of the public ramp at the Portobello jetty which was consented at the time of the jetty/reclamation – there have been offers of fundraising support and in kind.  Portobello Inc has kindly agreed to take this project on, with support from OPCB, through to completion.  I consider this is the best way to achieve this project's completion in the short term (Paul, Portobello Inc/Lox Kellas OPCB)





¨     Webinar - Local Government Amendment Act 

¨     Broad Bay Boating Club AGM

¨     Dedication of memorial seat to Robert George

¨     LGNZ Conference

¨     Caselberg Trust Fundraiser


Meetings with:

¨     Nicky Page, Director, City Of Literature

¨     Steve Larking, Team Leader, Southern Highway Patrol

¨     Richard Saunders, Acting Group Manager Transport

¨     Lyz Harvey, Manager of Customer Solutions  DCC



¨     Election nominations close 12 August @ noon

¨     Next Community Boards Executive Committee 17/18 August - any agenda items? (Chris)

¨     Hereweka Junior Football Club Prizegiving 20 August (Chris) 

¨     End of triennium lunch Tuesday 13 September 12.00 - 1.30 pm Bay Café

¨     KNZB Clean up Week 12 - 18 September


Upcoming (this triennium)

¨     New Harbour Master/Deputy Harbour Master  (Chris/Lox) 19 August

¨     Steve Larking/Enterprise Dunedin TBC

¨     2GP Hearings (Paul)


Upcoming (new triennium)

¨     Isla Benham to report back to OPCB, once back from exchange (Edna)

¨     next meeting OPCB - new staff (Parks/Transportation Operations) to be introduced, and a request for organisational lines of reporting to be clarified

¨     request to promote establishment of Neighbourhood Support throughout the Otago Peninsula for Civil Defence purposes

¨     next meeting OPCB - date TBC post election 

¨     2GP Hearings (Paul)




Otago Peninsula Community Board

11 August 2016




Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Christine Garey

Department: Civic







That the Board:

Records its sincere thanks to Christine Garey for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Otago Peninsula Community Board for the 9 year period 2007 to 2016.

Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer




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