Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 18 August 2016

Time:                            3.30 pm

Venue:                          Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Saddle Hill Community Board






Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Pam Jemmett



Mr John Christie

Keith McFadyen


John Moyle

Leanne Stenhouse


Jonathan Usher

Cr Andrew Whiley


Senior Officer                               John Christie, Director Enterprise Dunedin


In Attendance                               Mayor Dave Cull; Dr Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Public Forum                                                                                     4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              6

5.1   Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 7 July 2016                                  6     

Part A Reports (Saddle Hill Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Triennium Roundup                                    12

7        Funding Application - Big Rock Netball Jnr                                                      13

8        Funding Application - ChatBus Trust                                                             17

9        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           21

10      Enterprise Dunedin Update                                                                         28

11      Board Updates                                                                                         29

12      Community Plan                                                                                       30

13      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 31

14      Council Update                                                                                         33

15      Acknowledgement of Retiring Member -
Jonathan Usher                                                                                        34             



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




1     Public Forum

1.1  Public Forum

Big Rock Netball Junior Funding Application

Ms Hale-Pauley will address the meeting in support of the funding application from Big Rock Netball Junior.


Chatbus Funding Application

Averil Pierce will address the meeting in support of the funding application from Chatbus.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



Declaration of Interest





Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There are no attachments for this report.


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



Confirmation of Minutes

Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 7 July 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 7 July 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Saddle Hill Community Board meeting  held on 7 July 2016





Saddle Hill Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Staff Room, Fairfield School, Sickel Street, Fairfield, Dunedin on Thursday 07 July 2016, commencing at 3.30 pm





Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Pam Jemmett



Leanne Stenhouse

Cr Andrew Whiley





John Christie (Director, Enterprise Dunedin)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson



1       Public Forum

1.1    Karen Hale-Pauley


Ms Hale-Pauley postponed her request to speak to the Board until the August meeting when her funding application would be considered.

  2     Apologies


Moved (Pam Jemmett/Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


Accepts the apologies from John Moyle, Jonathan Usher and Keith McFadyen.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/010)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Pam Jemmett): that the Board


Confirms the agenda with the addition of confirmation of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 2 June 2016 to be taken as item 4a.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/011)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Scott Weatherall and Leanne Stenhouse declared an interest in Item 5 – Funding Application for Big Rock Netball Junior.


  4a   Confirmation of the Minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board Meeting – 2 JUNE 2016.


Moved ( Scott Weatherall/ Pam Jemmett): that the Board


Confirms the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 2 June 2016 as a correct record.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/012)


Part A Reports

5       Funding Application - Big Rock Netball Jnr



It was agreed that the funding application from Big Rock Netball Junior be laid on the table until the next meeting as with the declaration of interests from the Chair and Ms Stenhouse, there were not enough eligible members present to conduct a robust discussion of the application.



Moved (Pam Jemmett/Cr Andrew Whiley): that the Board


a)     lay the funding application from Big Rock Netball Junior on the table until the meeting to be held on 18 August 2016.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/013)


6       Board Updates


Keep Dunedin Beautiful             

Jonathan Usher joined the meeting via phone link to provide an update on the Walton Park Mural.  It was agreed that whilst the Board preferred Option 3 of the designs supplied, they acknowledged that the Fairfield School pupils had been asked to provide concept designs and therefore they should choose the design to be painted on the toilet block at Walton Park.  The Board agreed that they would fully support the choice of the children and requested Mr Usher contact the Fairfield School as soon as possible to seek their preferred design.


Mr Usher spoke of the Clean up New Zealand week and encouraged members to provide suggestions on suitable sites to the next meeting.



Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/Cr Andrew Whiley): that the Board


a)      Requests that Mr Usher contact the Fairfield School to seek their preferred design for the Walton Park Mural.

b)      Agrees that the Board will endorse the design that the pupils choose for the Walton Park Mural.

c)      Agrees that the Clean up New Zealand week be discussed at the next meeting.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/014)




Community Cuppa and Conversation

Leanne Stenhouse commented on the Community Cuppa and Conversation morning tea which had been held in Fairfield. She advised that there had been only 15 people in attendance but it had been a worthwhile exercise. 


Ms Stenhouse commented that Greater Green Island was progressing well and that they were working on communications with the newsletter and website. She enquired whether the Board would like a page on the website to promote and include any information relevant to the Saddle Hall Community Board at a cost of $40.00 per annum.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Pam Jemmett): that the Board

a)      Approves the inclusion of a Saddle Hill Community Board page on the Greater Green Island web site at a cost of $40.00 per annum to be paid from the project fund.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/015)


7       Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from the Governance Support Officer (Lynne Adamson) provided an update on items of interest including:


Project Fund



Dunedin Strategic Framework

Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), and Anne Gray (Policy Analyst) provided an update on the City’s Strategic Framework in relation to the Board’s Community Plan, the 2017/18 Annual Plan and the 2018/19 – 2027/28 Long Term Plan.


There was a discussion on the community plan and how it would feed into the strategies and vision for Dunedin.  The Chairperson advised that a workshop would be held prior to the next meeting and requested that policy staff attend to provide help align the plan within the budget and with the strategies.


It was agreed that the Board would meet at 2.00 pm prior to the next meeting to work on the draft Saddle Hill Community Board plan.



Triennial Elections



Action List

Creamery Road – the Chair advised that he had not received an update on Creamery Road and it was agreed to renew the request for an update on erosion sites at high risk of further deterioration.


Taieri Mouth Road – the Chair advised that he would be meeting with the Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) and would be discussing this issue.


Brighton Parking – the Board noted that the Action List reflected the parking issues in relation to the South Seas Gallery whereas they were infact requesting community consultation regarding footpaths in the Brighton settlement.  They requested that the action list be updated to reflect this.  It was agreed that Queen Street and Brighton Road be included in the consultation.  The Chair will circulate dates for consideration for a community meeting.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Cr Andrew Whiley): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)     Approves the addition of items to the Action List.

c)     Approves the removal of items from the Action List.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/016)


8       Chairperson's Report



The Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) provided an update on items of interest including:


Fairfield Community Meeting

The Chair thanked members for attending the meeting and the delivery of fliers to local households.  There was a discussion on the emergency management plan and it was agreed to have an overarching plan for the whole area with pages relevant to each particular suburb at the back of the document.


It was agreed that Mr Weatherall be reimbursed the $105.00 he had spent on the catering for the meeting.


Transportation Update

The Chair advised that he would undertake a drive around of the area with the Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) on Thursday 21 July and invited any interested members to participate.


Scott Weatherall spoke of the problems with the Westwood ditch and advised that this too would be viewed in the drive around.


Scott Weatherall also advised that he had met with the Safety Team Leader (Hjarne Poulsen) earlier in the day regarding safety issues at the Scroggs Hill Road and Scroggs Hill-Allanton Road intersection.  He commented that there had been an incident earlier in the day and that along with the three crashes over the last few weeks had highlighted the need to have the issue addressed.


LGNZ Conference

The Chair expressed his disappointment in the cost of the LGNZ Conference which affected his ability to attend.  He noted that the local representative, Mrs Christine Garey would be attending and report back on items of interest. 


Mr Christie advised that there may be a possibility to swap attendances and asked Mr Weatherall to advise of any presentations he would like to attend.


Saddle Hill Quarry

The Chair advised that the Board was unable to submit to the court process.  Following discussion it was agreed that the Board would write a letter of support and appreciation to Council for the work they have undertaken and are continuing to in respect to stopping the quarrying.


Rural Roads

The Chair advised that he had been asked for the three top priorities for road sealing within the Board area.  He had consulted the Community Plan and provided the three top roads with these being: McMaster Road, Chain Hills Road and Green Island Bush Road. 


Scott Weatherall advised that a resident had requested that a speed review be undertaken on McMaster Road.  The Board agreed to request that this be undertaken and include Chain Hills Road.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


a)      Notes the Chairperson’s Report

b)      Approves the reimbursement of $105.00 to be paid to the Chairperson from the project fund.

c)      Requests that Transportation undertake a speed review on McMaster and Chain Hills Roads.

 Motion carried (SHCB/2016/017)

9       Council Activities


Councillor Whiley provided an update on Council activities including:


Dog Bylaw

Councillor Whiley noted there had been misconception in the community about the bylaw which had caused initial angst however he was hopeful this would decrease with time.


Freedom Camping

Councillor Whiley advised that a paper had been presented to the Planning and Regulatory Committee on the success of the summer season.  He commented that Council was still moving forward to improve where they could and noted the issues in the Warrington area.


Parks and Recreation Contract



The 2GP hearings have commenced.


Road Gritting

In response to a comment that Saddle Hill Road and Chain Hills Road had not been gritted in the heavy frost, Councillor Whiley advised members to phone the Council with any concerns they had with road gritting to enable the calls to be logged.



The following items were notified for consideration:

·              Enterprise Dunedin – a presentation to the next meeting providing a brief overview and including an update on the installation of fibre in the Board area.



The meeting concluded at  4.38 pm.









Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



Part A Reports


Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Triennium Roundup

Department: Civic






1      The Mayor (Dave Cull) and Chief Executive Officer (Dr Sue Bidrose) will provide a brief triennium roundup.

2      The Mayor and/or Dr Bidrose will present Jonathan Usher with his certificate of acknowledgment for nine years service to the Saddle Hill Community Board.








Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Funding Application - Big Rock Netball Jnr

Department: Civic






1      An application for funding from the Big Rock Netball Junior was laid on the table at the previous meeting.

2      The funding application now needs to be uplifted from the table and consideration given to the funding request for $1,000.00 towards the cost of the purchase of new uniforms including netball dresses for the girls and shorts and tops for the boys and jackets for all the children.



That the Board:

a)     Uplifts the Big Rock Netball Jnr funding application from the table.

b)     Approves the funding application from the Big Rock Netball Junior.


c)     Declines the funding application from the Big Rock Netball Junior.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer








Big Rock Netball Jnr Funding Application



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



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Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Funding Application - ChatBus Trust

Department: Civic






1      An application for funding has been received from ChatBus Trust requesting $3,500.00 towards the cost of providing a mobile counselling service to children under 14 years in Dunedin and Mosgiel including pupils at the Big Rock and Fairfield schools.



That the Board:

a)     Approves the funding application from ChatBus Trust.


b)     Declines the funding application from ChatBus Trust.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer








ChatBus Trust Funding Application



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



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PDF Creator

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Saddle Hill Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Community Cuppa and Conversation

c)     Coming into and vacation of Office

d)     Action List


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.



Project Fund

2      There is $10,000.00 available in the Project Fund.


Community Cuppa and Conversation

3      As it is a new financial year, the Board may wish to consider whether they still wish to support the Community Cuppa and Conversation morning teas. 

4      With the new accounting guidelines at Council, funding needs to be paid into a registered bank account.  Therefore it is suggested that to align with the funding process the Greater Green Island Community Group complete a funding application form seeking support with the provision of a bank account number. 



Coming Into and Vacation of Office

5      For local authority elections (including community boards) where an election is required, a member comes into office on the day after the day on which the official result of the election is declared by public notice (section 115 Local Electoral Act).  Official results are usually received around the Thursday following the election and the public notice usually appears on the Saturday following the election.

6      Where an election is not required (i.e. because the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies), those unopposed candidates are declared elected at the close of nominations and they come into office at the same time as the other elected candidates (i.e. the day after the official result of the election is declared by public notice).

7      It is important to note, however, that no person is capable of acting as a member of any local authority until he or she has made a declaration as required by clause 14, Schedule 7, Local Government Act 2002.  This is done at the first meeting of the board after the local authority elections. 

8      Current members vacate office when members elected at the election come into office.

Action List

9      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.  The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will be present to provide an update on transport items.

10    The Parks Operations Manager (Hamish Black) will be present to provide an update on parks items.




Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Saddle Hill Community Board Action List - August 2016





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities by advising progress on activities that are of interest to this community.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to this report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Saddle Hill Community Board Action List

Parks, Recreation and Aquatics

August 2016





Item No

Action Requested

Report back to the Board


Due Date

Walton Park Track


Item 9

The Board would like an update on the surfacing of the track at Walton Park

Subject to weather and ground conditions the final tracks will be surfaced prior to the end of the calendar year.  Gravel specifications will be increased to 2m wide and 75mm deep to provide an enhanced track coverage.

Hamish Black will attend the meeting to provide an update



Taylors Creek


Chair’s Request

An update has been requested on the work required to restore the bank and avoid further erosion.

Discussions with the Otago Regional Council have determined that the erosion work does not require immediate action.

Consequently, the job will be planned for summer when water levels are lower.  However, clearance channel work of Taylors Creek is programmed for this winter.  This job will focus on the removal of reeds near the road bridge.  This channel work will help mitigate any potential flooding issues upstream.

Noted that an update was provided to the July meeting and work will commence in summer.

Walton Park


Item 9

The Board approved up to $700 funding from the project fund to pay for materials for the painting of the mural

Funds have been transferred to Parks and Recreation budgets.  Parks and Recreation will make this contribution to mural funding when the project commences.

Noted that an update was provided to the July meeting.  Work to commence when mural identified.



Saddle Hill Community Board Action List


August 2016





Item No

Action Requested

Report back to the Board


Due Date

Main South Road, Brighton Road Intersection


Item 5

The Board requested investigation be undertaken into the installation of a roundabout at the Main South Road, Brighton Road intersection

A report on the intersection has been received and is being reviewed by staff.  An update is to be provided to the Chair following assessment of the report.

To be discussed with Chair in mid July 2016.

Creamery Road


The Board is concerned about the state of Creamery Road which became almost unusable on the second week of May 2016.

They acknowledge that contractors responded quickly however they would like to know why/how this was allowed to occur.

The Board would like an update on when the road was last inspected and when it had any maintenance carried out. 

Staff were made aware of a change of use of Creamery Road, as this activity is deemed to be a legitimate use of the road we have asked our contractor to keep a closer watch on the state of the carriageway. The surface requires extra attention the contractor is obliged to send resources to maintain it in a safe and trafficable condition.


Staff will endeavour to provide an update to the Chair on inspection and how deterioration occurred prior to the meeting.


The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will attend the meeting to provide an update.

Contractor to observe and maintain in acceptable condition.



Staff to provide update to Chair prior to the meeting.



Item 7

The Board requested an update on Creamery Road and would like an update on erosion sites at high risk of further deterioration.

The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will attend the meeting to provide an update.

Group Manager to attend August meeting

Brighton/Taieri Mouth Road


Chair’s request

An update on the erosion sites that the Board had requested an engineer visit and inspect that are at high risk of further deterioration.

The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will attend the meeting to provide an update.

Group Manager to attend August meeting



Item 7

The Chair was to meet with the Group Manager Transport on site.  The Board would like an update

The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will attend the meeting to provide an update.

Group Manager to attend August meeting.

Brighton Parking


Item 9

The Board would like staff to undertake community consultation regarding footpaths in Brighton.  The Board will provide support for this.

Group Manager Transport to discuss this with the Chair and develop a plan for consultation.

Discuss with Chair in early July.





Item 7

The Board would like community consultation in relation to footpaths in the Brighton settlement especially Queen Street and Brighton Road.

The Chair to discuss dates with staff for consideration for the meeting

No community consultation will occur prior to elections. This matter is on the work plan for Transport and staff will work with the new board to arrange consultation with the community.

Update provided

Transportation Update


Item 8

The Board would appreciate an update on the drive around that the Chair was undertaking with the Group Manager Transport on Thursday 21 July.

The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) will attend the meeting to provide an update.

Group Manager to attend August meeting



The Board would like an update on the problems with Westwood ditch which would have been viewed on the drive around.

The Transport Safety Team are reviewing options to alter this area and make ingress/egress safe for residents.  A recommendation will be sent to the Group Manager Transport for final approval and physical works programmed.  Residents will be kept informed.

Works will be programmed in the 16/17 financial year.



The Board would like an update on the Scroggs Hill Road – Scroggs Hill/Allanton Road safety issue solutions.

The Transport Safety Team are developing options to adjust the camber of the road and improve safety.  This will also include changes to the verge to improve this.

Works will be programmed in the 16/17 financial year.



The Board would like a speed review to be undertaken on McMaster and Chain Hills Road

This has been noted.  The Transport Safety Team will include this in their programme.

Work to be programmed



Ocean View Flooding


The Board have expressed their concern with potential flooding issues in Ocean View should there be heavy rainfall and would like confirmation that staff will continue to monitor and upgrade/clear vegetation as necessary

Staff will monitor the site and will also be able to respond to any concerns from the board or the community that overgrown vegetation risks exacerbating flooding

Community Board members to advise of overgrown vegetation needing attention


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



Enterprise Dunedin Update



John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), and the team from Enterprise Dunedin will be present to update the Board.


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016



Board Updates



a)  Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)  Greater Green Island Community Network



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Community Plan

Department: Civic






1      The draft 2017/18 Community Plan has been circulated under separate cover for changes and updating.



That the Board:

a)     Endorses the updated Community Plan and refers it to the incoming Saddle Hill Community Board for adoption following the election.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report provides an update on issues raised with the Chair and matters not covered by other reports on the agenda


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Chairperson’s Report.



2      To be honest this last month has just ticked over – certainly not extremely busy but steady just the same.

Brighton Footpath Meeting

3      I indicated that I was keen to get the project underway and hold a meeting with Brighton Residents in regards to the Footpath Development from Big Rock School heading south on Brighton Road.  This was pretty much set ready to invite the community but due to advice received regarding staff assisting with the meeting, it was not allowed due to the time frames prior to the election.  I genuinely feel that given last year’s challenges with this programme, it is imperative that this is a combined Community Board and staff presented community meeting therefore we need to postpone the meeting until the new Board is in place.

Drive around with Staff

4      On Thursday 21 July a drive around of our area was undertaken with Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport) and Tom Dyer (Group Manager Parks and Recreation).  The drive around was really beneficial as indicated in my email and agreed the areas of concern we travelled to, discussed and reviewed.  Richard hopes to be at the meeting and provide a work plan to move forwards with some of the work/concerns identified.

5      It was also a really good opportunity to go to some of our main reserves and talk Tom through plans of work completed as well as potential future developments and work required.

Community Response Plans

6      I still need to tidy up and update post our meeting with the community in June.  I plan to have this done prior to the end of our term.  Any assistance would be gratefully received. 

7      I intend attending the Mosgiel/Taieri Coastal Community Response Planning Meeting in early September.

Discretionary Fund

8      It would be great if Board members championed new projects going forward and we can look to allocate funds to help them take off.

Local Body Elections

9      As I am sure we all have, I have been talking to and encouraging a number of very good prospect nominations from within our communities to consider standing for election.

10    I wish all candidates the very best for the pending elections.

Thank you to Jonathan

11    Jonathan – thanks for all you have done for the past nine years – your commitment, enthusiasm, community connections and networks have been invaluable for this Board.

12    We wish you all the very best for your other community and professional projects.

Final thoughts

13    A huge thanks to Lynne, John and all staff whom have supported our Community Board over the past three years.

14    Thanks so much Pam, Keith, Jonathan, Leanne, John and Andrew for your time, passion and commitment over the past three years. 

15    I would also like to extend a huge thank you to your wives, husbands and partners as well as your families’.  I know the community appreciate all the work you have undertaken.

16    I would like to wish you all the very best for the pending election.  Just a thought for the new Board, it would be great to see a higher level of engagement and participation on some Community Board agreed projects and programmes.  I think this would ensure that great things happen and it would also help with a higher level of community engagement and interest in what the Board is up to.




Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Council Update

Department: Civic






1      Councillor Andrew Whiley will provide a verbal update on Council Activities.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from Councillor Whiley.





Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 August 2016




Acknowledgement of Retiring Member -
Jonathan Usher

Department: Civic






1      After nine years of service, Jonathan Usher has advised that he is retiring from the Saddle Hill Community Board.

2      The Mayor and Chief Executive Officer will present Mr Usher with a certificate of acknowledgement of service.



That the Board:

a)     Records its sincere thanks to Jonathan Usher for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Saddle Hill Community Board for the 9 year period 2007 to 2016.

b)     Extends its sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.