Saddle Hill Community Board



Confirmed Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Thursday 18 August 2016, commencing at 3.30 pm





Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Pam Jemmett



Keith McFadyen

John Moyle


Leanne Stenhouse

Jonathan Usher


Cr Andrew Whiley





John Christie (Director, Enterprise Dunedin), Mayor Dave Cull, Dr Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer) and Hamish Black (Parks Operations Manager)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




1       Public Forum

6       Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Triennium Roundup


Mayor Dave Cull and Dr Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer) provided an overview on Council activities over the past triennium.  They spoke of debt reduction; the low level of rates increases; Dunedin economy; the strategic framework; and future challenges including the future of local government and climate change.


The Mayor and Dr Bidrose thanked the Chair and Board for their service and proactiveness in the community over the past triennium.  They specifically noted their thanks for the support provided in the June 2015 floods and the Saddle Hill fire in October 2015.






1.1    Public Forum


Serious Safety Issues on Morris Road, Fairfield

Susan Wyngaarden-Low addressed the meeting on the safety issues on Morris Road, Fairfield and advised that she had lived in Morris Road, Fairfield for the past twenty years. 


Mrs Wyngaarden-Low advised that she had contacted the Group Manager Transport with her concerns and now wanted to draw the Board’s attention to the serious safety issues on Morris Road of which she tabled photographs in support of her concerns. 

Mrs Wyngaarden-Low commented that the area of road had slumped and deteriorated over the past two years and she was concerned about the safety issues this posed for cyclists and walkers.  Mrs Wyngaarden-Low advised that both sides of the road have slipped and in her opinion, it would continue to slip unless remedial action was urgently taken.

She further commented that when travelling from Fairfield to Mosgiel, the right hand side of the road had slipped to the white side line which did not allow enough room for a car and cyclist or walker to be on the road together.  The result would be that the cyclist and walker would be forced into a half metre ditch.

Mrs Wyngaarden-Low expressed her fear that should the road be left in the current state of continuing to slip, there could be serious health and safety issues such as somebody breaking an ankle or a cyclist being knocked off their bike and being seriously hurt or killed.

Mrs Wyngaarden-Low responded to questions and advised that in her opinion the road was in such a poor condition that it needed to be removed and reinstated. 

Chatbus Funding Application

Jonathan Usher declared an interest in the item and withdrew from the discussion.

Averil Pierce addressed the meeting in support of the funding application from Chatbus.  She advised that the operation had started with one bus, one counsellor and three schools however they had quickly outgrown themselves and now had three buses, additional counsellors and serviced 16 schools including Big Rock and Fairfield schools. 

Ms Pierce advised that there had been an increase in demand for the service this year and in response to a question on referrals, advised that 53% of students were self-referred; 25% referred by staff; 20% by parents and 2% by other means.  She commented that New Zealand had one of the highest rates of youth suicide and child abuse in the world which showed that help and support was needed therefore a goal of Chatbus was to normalise counselling and let children know it was okay to ask for help.

Ms Pierce provided information on the type of concerns raised by children and commented on a sample case study. 

In response to a question on funding, Ms Pierce advised about the grants they applied for. She commented that they had a number of funders who provided regular funding however they did not receive support from the government and they still had an urgent need for support.  She commented the service cost approximately $5,000 per annum to provide  Chatbus to a school for half a day per week.

Big Rock Netball Junior Funding Application

Scott Weatherall (Chairperson) declared an interest in the item and withdrew from discussion and the Deputy Chair (Pam Jemmett) assumed the Chair.

Leanne Stenhouse declared an interest in the item and withdrew from discussion.

Ms Hale-Pauley addressed the meeting in support of the funding application from Big Rock Netball Junior for new netball uniforms.  Ms Hale-Pauley commented that it was the first year the school had a netball team which was under the school umbrella but run independently.  She advised that it was hoped they would have two teams for the next season with the inclusion of boys which would require additional uniforms.  Ms Hale-Pauley advised that whilst the application was in the name of Big Rock Netball, the funding would need to be paid to Big Rock School.

There was a discussion on fundraising undertaken for the project and the ownership of the uniforms.  Ms Hale-Pauley advised that the uniforms would be at the school however should they raise enough funding for personalised jackets or for any part of the uniform able to have the student’s names on, the uniform would become the property of the student.

Scott Weatherall assumed the Chair.


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda





Moved (Pam Jemmett/Chairperson Scott Weatherall): that the Board


Confirms the agenda with the following addition or alteration:


1.    That the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer’s Update be taken prior to the Public Forum.

2.    That Item 14 be taken before Item 12 to allow Councillor Whiley to attend a prior commitment if required.

3.    That John Moyle be added to Item 15 – Acknowledgement of Retiring Members.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/005)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Jonathan Usher declared an interest in the Chatbus Trust funding application and Scott Weatherall and Leanne Stenhouse declared an interest in the Big Rock Netball Junior funding application.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 7 July 2016


Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/ Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 7 July 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (SHCB/2016/006)

Part A Reports

7       Funding Application - Big Rock Netball Jnr


Scott Weatherall (Chairperson) and Leanne Stenhouse withdrew from this item and the Deputy Chair (Pam Jemmett) assumed the Chair.



Moved (John Moyle/Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Uplifts the Big Rock Netball Jnr funding application from the table.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/007)



There was a discussion on the application from Big Rock Netball Junior for funding to provide netball uniforms for students on the team.  The Board agreed that the application did not fit the criteria set for funding applications therefore they were unable to fund the project.


The Board noted that the application was in the name of Big Rock Netball Junior yet the funding if approved, would be paid to Big Rock School which was also inconsistent with the criteria. 



Moved (John Moyle/Keith McFadyen): that the Board

Declines the funding application from Big Rock Netball Junior 

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/008).



The Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) assumed the Chair.

8       Funding Application - ChatBus Trust


Jonathan Usher withdrew from this item.


There was a discussion on the application from Chatbus Trust for funding towards the cost to provide the service.


The Board were very supportive and noted the achievements of Chatbus however they were unable to provide funding towards salaries as this was inconsistent with the criteria set for funding applications.


The Board agreed that they would provide funding towards counselling materials and running costs for the project.







Moved (Pam Jemmett/ Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


a)     Approves a grant of $1,500 to Chatbus Trust towards the cost of counselling materials and running costs.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/009)

9       Governance Support Officer's Report


In a report from Civic, the Governance Support Officer (Lynne Adamson) provided an update on activities relevant to the Board including:


Project Fund


Community Cuppa and Conversation


Transport Update

An updated report from the Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) was tabled.  The report provided an update on Creamery Road; Brighton/Taieri Mouth; Morris Road, Fairfield and a summary of the drive around.  It was agreed that the update would be incorporated into the Action list.


There was a discussion on the Morris Road slippage and the Board expressed their concern with the safety issues and that the problem had reoccurred.  They agreed that an urgent solution was required and it was appropriate for an updated report to be presented to the next Board meeting.



Parks Update

The Parks Operations Manager (Hamish Black) was in attendance to provide an update on items relevant to the Board.


Mr Black advised that transport had assumed responsibility for the maintenance of parks and reserves sealed car parks with the parks team being responsible for gravel car parks.  Transport would address the issues with the Walton Park carpark.


Mr Black advised that pricing had been sought for gravel car parks in the Board area including the Brighton Domain; Travis Memorial; Ocean View freedom camping; Braids Hill and smaller car parks by the beach.  It was expected that these would be completed over the next few weeks. 


There was a discussion on the Walton Park mural and Mr Usher advised that the Fairfield School pupils had approved option two.  Mr Black commented that consent had been approved for option three however it would be updated for option two.  He advised that he would obtain a timeline for the work to be completed and relay the information to the Chair.


Mr Usher left the meeting at 4.59 pm and returned at 5.03 pm.


There was a discussion on Walton Park and Mr Black advised that one of the walking tracks had been gravelled last March and it was anticipated that the remainder would be completed before the end of the year.  He requested that the Board give consideration to getting suggestions and feedback on the naming of the tracks. 


Mr Black advised that signage would be installed at the car park and then at each main entrance and agreed that the signs would reflect that a cycle helmet was compulsory.


Mr Black commented on the new parks and trees maintenance contracts and advised that City Care had been allocated the southern sector which included the Saddle Hill Community Board area and that he would bring representatives from City Care to the next meeting.


Mr Black commented on the spring renovation programme for sports fields which including priorities and forward planning.  He discussed the Sunnyvale complex and advise that he was confident there would be an improvement in the levels of service provided. 

Mr Black sought feedback that the Board wanted to continue with the mixed recycling bins installed at the freedom camping site.  The Board agreed that they would like the recycling continued and would like additional bins installed in places such as the Brighton Domain if possible.


The Chair thanked Mr Black and his team for their work and support over the triennium.



Moved (Keith McFadyen/Jonathan Usher): that the Board


a)        Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report

b)        Approves Option 2 as the preferred design for the Walton Park mural.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/010)


10     Enterprise Dunedin Update


It was agreed that this item would be deferred until the new triennium.



11     Board Updates


Greater Green Island Community Network


Ms Stenhouse provided an update on the Greater Green Island Community Network.  She advised that the survey results had shown that the residents supported the current work which included the push for a local playground; areas for youth; cafes and the Lilliput libraries. 


Ms Stenhouse commented that the Lilliput Libraries were extremely popular and that whilst the Greater Community Network had funded them, there was an opportunity for the Board to support the project if they desired.  There was a discussion on the location of the libraries and health and safety concerns were raised over the Scroggs Hill Road placement.  The Board agreed that the funding could be addressed by the new Board.


Keep Dunedin Beautiful


Suggestions for locations for the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Clean Up Week was set for 12-18 September had been placed on Facebook.  The suggestion of the Kaikorai Estuary by the golf club had been the only one received. 


There was a suggestion of sponsorship of a skip if local community organisations wanted to be involved and it was agreed that guidance would be sought from the Water and Waste Department prior to the booking.  The Chair offered to liaise over the skip placement.


There was a discussion on the most suitable date and it was agreed that this would be investigated and agreed on by email. 


Mr Usher commented that the challenge was to maintain membership for the Keep Dunedin Beautiful meetings as the 10.00 am meeting time on a Monday was difficult for many people.  He advised that his recommendation to the new Board would be to establish if somebody was available to attend and if not, to identify a new method such as inviting the coordinator to a couple of meetings a year to enable communications with them.




Moved (Keith McFadyen/Cr Andrew Whiley): that the Board


a)     Approves the sponsorship of a skip from Otago Metals up to the value of$250.00 for the purposes of the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Clean Up day with agreement from Water and Waste Services staff.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/011)


14     Council Update


Councillor Whiley provided an update on the 2GP and LGNZ Conference. 


Councillor Whiley thanked the Chair and Board for their work over the past triennium and commented that he had thoroughly enjoyed serving on the Community Board and on the impact this had made to him as a Councillor. He hoped, should he be re-elected, that he would have the opportunity to serve another term on the Board.


Councillor Whiley thanked Jonathan Usher and John Moyle for their work and wished them well for the future.


The Chair thanked Councillor Whiley for his contribution and positivity at the Council table on behalf of the Board.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Chairperson Scott Weatherall): that the Board


a)     Notes the report from Councillor Whiley.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/012)


Councillor Whiley left the meeting at 5.28 pm.

12     Community Plan


The Board held a workshop on the Community Plan prior to the meeting.  They agreed that the plan be updated and submitted to the incoming Board for adoption.



Moved (John Moyle/Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Endorses the updated Community Plan and refers it to the incoming Saddle Hill Community Board for adoption following the election.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/013)


13     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) responded to matters of interest to the Board including:


·         Brighton Footpath Meeting

·         Drive around with staff

·         Community Response Plans - the Chair advised that he planned to have the Community Response Plans updated prior to the end of the term and requested assistance from Board members.

·         Discretionary Fund – the Chair encouraged members to think of Board championed projects.

·         Youth Ambassador Award – the recipient of the 2015 Youth Ambassador Award, Madeline Guthrie provided an update on her activities over the past year including her trip to British Columbia, Canada with the New Zealand Secondary Students Choir.  On the trip, she formed friendships with people from all around the world and was able to experience many diverse cultures embedded within choral singing.  Madeline thanked the Board for their support which provided help towards financing the cost of the trip.

·         Local Body Elections – the Chair wished those members re-standing all the best for the upcoming elections.

·         Thanks – the Chair thanked members for their work over the triennium.  He thanked and acknowledged the support from their partner’s and families. 

The Chair also thanked Council staff for their support over the past three years.

The New Board – the Chair commented that the challenge for the new Board would be to take ownership and make a point of difference.  



Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/ Pam Jemmett): that the Board


a)     Notes the Chairperson’s Report.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/014)  


Moved (Jonathan Usher/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


        a)      Records its sincere thanks and appreciation to Scott Weatherall for his                work and chairmanship over the triennium.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/015)


15     Acknowledgement of Retiring Members -
Jonathan Usher and john moyle



The Chair thanked Messrs Usher and Moyle for all their work over the past nine years of service to the Saddle Hill Community Board.


He commented that their community drive, commitment and enthusiasm had been invaluable.


The Chair wished them well for the future.



Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/Member Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Records its sincere thanks to Jonathan Usher for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Saddle Hill Community Board for the 9 year period 2007 to 2016.

b)     Extends its sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/016)





Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/Keith McFadyen): that the Board

a)     Records its sincere thanks to John Moyle for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Saddle Hill Community Board for the 9 year period 2007 to 2016.

b)     Extends its sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/017)




The meeting concluded at 5.42 pm.









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C H A I R P E R S O N                                                 C H I E F  E X E C U T I V E