Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the Karitane Hall, Coast Road, Karitane on Wednesday 10 August 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Gerard Collings


Deputy Chairperson

Alasdair Morrison



Mark Brown

Cr Andrew Noone


Richard Russell

Tracey Scurr


Geraldine Tait





Bernie Hawke (Group Manager, Arts and Culture) and Jendi Paterson (Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager)


Governance Support Officer      Wendy Collard




1       Public Forum

1.1    Waikouaiti RSA


On behalf of the Waikouaiti RSA, Bruce Hayward expressed his concerns regarding the time that it was taking for the Waikouaiti War Memorial to be relocated.

The President of the Waikouaiti RSA, Ian Taylor advised that it was in the 1980's that the Waikouaiti RSA had first requested the War Memorial to be relocated.  Mr Taylor commented that they considered that the new siting and final design of the War Memorial was not important; however the retention of the six original panels which contained the names those who had fallen and served was paramount.


1.2    Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association


Graeme Bennett spoke to the funding application from the Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association to assist with the planting associated with the Orokonui Estuary Track.

1.3    Blueskin Recreational Access Group


On behalf of Blueskin Recreational Access Group, Nathan Parker provided an update on proposal to establish tracks on unformed legal roads, marginal strips and conservation land for walkers, cyclists and horse riders in the north Blueskin area. 


The Chairperson requested that the group provide a plan of the overall concept to provide clarification for the Board and the wider community of the scope and context of the vision.


1.4    NZ Motor Caravan Association


On behalf of the NZ Motor Caravan Association (NZMCA), Ivan Scott requested the Board's support for the relocation of the effluent disposal site from its existing site which was at the rear of the Waikouaiti Service Station.  Mr Scott commented that as the current site could only be assessed during the opening hours of the Service Station, they wanted to establish an alternative site at either corner of Seddon and Reid Streets or along Henry Street between Jones and Fell Streets.  He advised that these sites were preferred due to the proximity to pump station sites and that the installation of a second site would be at no cost to Council.  Mr Scott commented that there was NZMCA funding available to assist with the capital cost of the new facility which should account for the majority of the cost.  The NZMCA were asked to work with staff on the matter.


1.5    Rhys Owen


Mr Owen reiterated to his concerns regarding freedom camping at the Warrington Domain. 


1.6    Gareth Hughes


Mr Hughes expressed his concerns regarding the number of freedom campers at Warrington and commented on the DCC Camping Control Bylaw 2015.  He commented that in his view the existing Bylaw would allow Council to place controls on the numbers using the Warrington Domain. 


1.7    Tim Locker


Mr Locker expressed his concerns at the loss of the Warrington Domain to the community as a recreational facility due to the numbers of freedom campers using the Domain.  He advised that the use of the Domain for recreational activities extended into the time when freedom campers also used the area which caused conflicts.


Moved (Gerard Collings/Cr Andrew Noone): that the Board


a)        Extends Public Forum beyond one hour to all speakers to be heard.

Motion carried (WC/2016/029)


1.8    Ken McHoull


Mr McHoull presented a petition to the Board in support of freedom camping at the Warrington Domain.  He provided a background to demographics of the signatures and advised that freedom camping had occurred at the Domain for a number of decades.  Mr McHoull advised that the issue in his view was the numbers and not the activity.  He was concerned that the issue was dividing the community due to the emotion surrounding the issue.


Mr McHoull suggested that staff could work with the App providers who could include a "pop-up" which advised when the Domain was full.


The Chairperson (Gerard Collings) advised that he had received a telephone call from Alan Cooper regarding his concerns regarding freedom camping at Warrington Domain.  He advised that Mr Cooper had expressed a view that freedom camping should be prohibited but after further discussion, Mr Cooper confirmed that the numbers were the primary concern and that the economic benefit was beyond the first visit of the freedom campers.


1.9    Stewart Holt


Mr Holt spoke in support of freedom camping at the Warrington Domain and congratulated staff and the Board for all the work that they had done in response to pressure on the existing infrastructure during the last season.


1.10  Tim Popham


Mr Popham commented on freedom camping at the Warrington Domain and advised that his concerns included road safety and inability to use the Domain for recreational purposes such as cricket.


1.11  Margie Harris


Ms Harris advised that her property backed onto the Warrington Domain and spoke of her frustrations regarding freedom camping which included vehicles parking over her driveway.  She also expressed the concern over the impact on natural resources such as local shellfish but acknowledged that the stress on these resources was not limited to freedom campers.



2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Gerard Collings/Tracey Scurr): that the Board


Confirms the agenda with the addition of Council Activities to be taken as item 11b.


Motion carried (WC/2016/030)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Tracey Scurr declared an interest in the Waikouaiti Domain/Matanaka Drive Harvesting update which was included in the Governance Support Officer's report (Attachment C Action List).


Mark Brown declared an interest in the funding application for the Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 29 June 2016


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Tracey Scurr): that the Board


Confirms the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 29 June 2016 as a correct record.


Motion carried (WC/2016/031)

Part A Reports

6       Library Report



A report from Services and Development provided a summary of activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 May to 30 June 2016.  It noted that implementation of Service Centre functions at the Blueskin Bay and Waikouaiti libraries was ahead of the revised launch date of 8 August 2016.


The Board acknowledged the work of the Library staff during the triennium.


The Board thanked Mr Hawke for his contribution as the senior staff member to the Board.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Geraldine Tait): that the Board


a)     Notes the Library report

Motion carried (WC/2016/032)


7       Warrington Freedom Camping Petition



A report from Civic provided a copy of the Warrington Freedom Camping Petition that was presented to Council at their meeting held on 27 June 2016.  It noted that Council had resolved that the petition be referred to the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board for their consideration.


The Chairperson (Gerard Collings) advised that his observation was that the common theme between those for and against freedom camping was that the numbers experienced of freedom campers was not sustainable and that other sites within the City needed to be investigated.  He commented that this needed to be done quickly to help elevate the community's frustration and concerns.  The Chairperson noted that even those raising the most concern were not opposed to the use of the reserve for camping however wanted to ensure that it was available for its primary purpose.


The Chairperson advised that he felt that the primary consideration for the Board going forward needed to be to ensure that the reserve was still available for the community (being the City as a whole) for recreation.  He commented that, rightly, up to now the focus had been on providing facilities to reduce the impact of the demand on the Domain users.


The Chairperson commented that the community groups (relevant groups) that had written to Council had all expressed a desire to work with the Board and staff to prepare for the upcoming season.


It was noted that the ability to place changes to the existing Bylaw, if that was the desired outcome, were compromised as a result of the upcoming election and therefore preparation for the season needed to be put in place.


The Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager (Jendi Paterson) provided an update on the upgrade of the existing facilities at the Domain which included the upgrading of the existing toilets, a new solar powered rubbish system, installation of a portable ablution block and the facilities to be cleaned on a daily basis.


Ms Paterson advised that a review of signage before the start of the season would be undertaken to ensure that it was fit for purpose.



Moved (Chairperson Gerard Collings/Member Tracey Scurr): that the Board


a)    Requests Gerard Collings and Andrew Noone work with staff and relevant groups to work on the mechanisms to manage and monitor the number of and behaviour of freedom campers at the Warrington Domain during the upcoming season.

b)    Requests Gerard Collings and Andrew Noone explore the options for freedom camping at the Waikouaiti Sports Ground and other areas within the Board's area for the upcoming season and beyond.

c)    Requests Gerard Collings and Andrew Noone continue discussions with the community on the issue.

d)    Endorse Gerard Collings and Andrew Noone to continue discussions/resolutions until November 2016 or until the inaugural meeting of the new Waikouaiti Coast Community Board.


That the Board voted by division.


For:          Gerard Collings, Mark Brown, Richard Russell, Tracey Scurr and Cr Andrew Noone (5).

Against:     Alasdair Morrison and Geraldine Tait (2).


The division was declared CARRIED by 5 votes to 2


Motion carried (WC/2016/033)


8       Governance Support Officer's Report



A report from Civic provided an update to the Board on issues undertaken on its behalf since the last meeting, and other matters that were of on-going interest, which included;


e)    Project Fund

f)    Coming into and vacation of Office

g)    Waikouaiti Transfer Centre

h)    Action List

Tracey Scurr withdrew from the discussion on the Waikouaiti Domain/Matanaka Drive Harvesting item.




Waikouaiti Domain/Matanaka Drive Harvesting.  The Chairperson advised that he would contact staff regarding the restoration of the area including the results of the trial plantings and email an update to the Board.


Waikouaiti Transfer Station and Resource Recovery Centre.  Ms Tait advised that the tour of the neighbouring resource recovery centres was being held on 7 September 2016.



Moved (Gerard Collings/Geraldine Tait): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

Motion carried (WC/2016/034)


9       Funding Applications


Mark Brown withdrew from the Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association Funding application.


The Board considered a funding application from the Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association towards the cost of planting associated with the Orokonui Estuary Track.



Moved (Gerard Collings/Geraldine Tait): that the Board


a)        Grants the funding application from the Blueskin Youth and Community Amenities Association for $1,500.00

Motion carried (WC/2016/035)



Moved (Gerard Collings/Alasdair Morrison): that the Board


a)     Approves payment of $40.00 for fruit bowl from Bunches and Bows for an incapacitated Board Member.

Motion carried (WC/2016/036)


10     Draft Community Plan 2017/18



A report from the Chairperson (Gerard Collings) provided a copy of the draft 2017/18 Community Plan.  Following discussion, it was agreed that the draft Community Plan 2017/18 be referred to the incoming Waikouaiti Coast Community Board for their consideration and adoption.



Moved (Gerard Collings/Alasdair Morrison): that the Board



a)     Endorses the updated Community Plan with the amendment to reflect the priority on the Waikouaiti War Memorial and refers it to the incoming Waikouaiti Coast Community Board for adoption following the election.

Motion carried (WC/2016/037)





11     Chairperson's Report



A report from the Chairperson (Gerard Collings) updated the Board on the following:


a)        Karitane Postal Service

b)        Warrington Reserve – The Chairperson advised that a commercial operator was keen to rent the kiosk at the Warrington Domain.  The Board endorsed that reuse/leasing of this structure/facility.

c)         Waitati Toilets – Mr Morrison provided an update and advised that a meeting with staff and a concerned landowner had been held.

d)        Waikouaiti War Memorial

e)        Waikouaiti Museum

f)         Waikouaiti Golf Course

g)        Waikouaiti Fire Brigade



Moved (Gerard Collings/Richard Russell): that the Board


a)        Notes the report.

b)        Acknowledge and thank staff and Executive for their support over the last three years.

c)        Express its sincere gratitude to Councillor Noone and his family for his dedication and tireless commitment to serving the community.

Motion carried (WC/2016/038)


11B   Council Activites



The Ward Councillor, Andrew Noone, provided a verbal update to the Board on the following:

i)     Local Government New Zealand Conference

Councillor Noone thanked the Board for the skills, ability and sense of community that they had brought to the Community Board which enabled it to enhance the community that they lived in.




Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Mark Brown): that the Board


a)        Notes the report.

Motion carried (WC/2016/039)


12     Acknowledgement of Retiring Members - Gerard Collings and tracey scurr


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Geraldine Tait): that the Board


Records its sincere thanks to Gerard Collings for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board for the 15 year period 2001 to 2016.

Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.

Motion carried (WC/2016/040)



Moved (Gerard Collings/Mark Brown): that the Board


Records its sincere thanks to Tracey Scurr for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board for the 3 year period 2013 to 2016.


Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.


Motion carried (WC/2016/041)



The meeting concluded at 8.17 pm.






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C H A I R P E R S O N                                                 C H I E F  E X E C U T I V E