Chalmers Community Board



Unconfirmed Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Chalmers Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 17 August 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Peter Cole

Ange McErlane


Cr Andrew Noone

Raewynne Pedofski




Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Bernie Hawke (Library Services Manager), Ainslie Heather (Community Librarian - Port Chalmers), Simon Underwood (NZTA) and Jason Forbes (NZTA)


Governance Support Officer      Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

1.1    Public Forum


a)      Report Back on Scholarship Funding

James (Jimmy) Robinson provided an overview of his trip to England with Shakespeare Globe Centre.  He advised that it was a 20 day Shakespearian and culture adventure and it was an amazing experience.  He thanked the Board for the scholarship which assisted with flights to and from Auckland and accommodation. 

b)      Proposed Public Toilet at Purakaunui

Peter Laing spoke to the Board regarding the proposed public toilet at Purakaunui and advised that he represented a significant group of Purakaunui ratepayers who were against the proposed toilet at Mouats Bay.

The group were concerned that the survey undertaken was not valid and not all households or ratepayers had been given the opportunity to participate. 

They were also concerned about the impact of a potential increase in freedom campers should a public toilet become available. 

In response to a question Mr Laing advised that a port-a-loo for particular events might be of benefit.  But did not believe a need had been shown for a permanent public toilet.  

He requested that the Board not proceed with the toilet at Purakaunui.

c)      Obstruction to the View at Observation Point

Mr Chris Reid spoke to the Board in regards to a communication mast that had been put on at Observation Point.  He advised that the mast interferes with the view and photographic opportunities.

Mr Reid advised that he did not know who put the mast up but requested the Board's assistance for getting it moved.

The Chairperson would contact Port Otago Ltd to see if they put the tower up.

d)      George Street Port Chalmers – Health and Safety

Mr Debenham advised that he would like all heavy traffic banned from George Street.  He commented that heavy traffic coming through George Street affected the health and safety of residents with the noise and fumes.

He requested that a public meeting be held to determine the interest to divert heavy traffic through Ajax Road.  

Mr Debenham also suggested that a flashing speed advisory sign should be installed at the start of George Street, to remind people of the 30 km speed limit.

It was agreed that the matters raised in the public forum would be added to the Action List.


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Steve Walker/Cr Andrew Noone): that the Board


Confirms the agenda with the addition of an application for funding from the West Harbour Pony Club.  The reason for urgency being the project commences prior to the next Board meeting.


Motion carried (CCB/2016/026)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Chalmers Community Board meeting - 13 July 2016


Moved (Steve Walker/Ange McErlane): that the Board


Confirms the minutes, as amended, of the Chalmers Community Board meeting held on 13 July 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (CCB/2016/027)


Part A Reports

6       NZTA - Shared Path update


Mr Simon Underwood and Mr Jason Forbes from New Zealand Transport Agency provided an update on the St Leonards to Port Chalmers shared path. 


Mr Underwood advised that NZTA were working on finding ways to reduce costs and refine options so they can progress to the detailed design stage, consult with the public and proceed to obtain consents.  He advised that it is likely it would not commence until at least 2018


In response to a question the Board was advised that in order to obtain funding the full path needs to be completed all the way to Port Chalmers as this adheres to the required cost benefit analysis and that it was not possible to build only the section to Roseneath.


7       Library Report



In a report the Manager Customer Experience provided a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 May to 30 July 2016.


A discussion took place on mobility parking and the Community Librarian advised that when there is a function in the Town Hall the mobility park outside the Library was often used.  It was agreed that discussions take place in regards to installing an additional mobility park outside the library.



Moved (Steve Walker/Andrew Noone): that the Board


a)     Notes the report

Motion carried (CCB/2016/028)


7 (b)          Project Fund Application



Consideration was given to an application for funding from the West Harbour Pony Club towards the purchase of formal club jerseys.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Ange McErlane): that the Board


a)     Approve a grant of $500 for the West Harbour Pony Club.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/029)


8       Parking Issue - Roseneath


Raewynne Pedofski raised the issue of parking in District Road, noting a resident had received a ticket for parking with two wheels on the footpath. 


After discussion it was agreed that the matter be added to the Action List for discussion at the first working meeting of the new Board.  




9       Governance Support Officer's Report


In a report from Civic the Governance Support Officer provided and update on activities relevant to the Board including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Rothesay News Advertisement

c)     Coming into and vacation of Office

d)     Action List


Discussion took place on the items in the Action List.  Members queried the proposal to plant the Centennial Garden with a permanent display as opposed to an annual display.  It was agreed to determine what the criteria for deciding the site was suitable for a permanent display, and why the Board was not consulted.  The Board requested to be involved in any design and that the garden should be tidied up prior to the commencement of the cruise ship season.


Cr Noone advised that the Urban Fire District By-law had lapsed and therefore was unable to be used to control gorse of private property.  It was agreed that letters would be written to the property owners requesting that the gorse be removed, due to the risk to other properties.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Raewynne Pedofski): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report

b)     Renews its commitment to Rothesay News advertising for the next financial year at a cost of $116.70 per month.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/030)


10     Board Representation and Other Responsibilities


Board members provided an update on various representative roles and other responsibilities:


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


          Angela McErlane advised that the meeting had been delayed until November.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


          Trevor Johnson advised as he had been away he did not have an update.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


          The Chairperson advised that Clean Up week was coming up.  It was noted that the previous co-ordinator used to send out details of events for the Rothesay news and this helped people become aware of activities.


d)     Facebook


          The Chairperson advised that he had now been made the administrator of the         Board's Facebook.



e)     Vision Port Chalmers


          Peter Cole advised that a full meeting had been held.  Ange McErlane had been confirmed as the Chairperson with himself as the Vice Chairperson.  It had been suggested that an annual meeting of all the various groups and clubs in Port Chalmers be held to try and get everyone working in the same direction.


f)       SH88 Liaison Group


          The Ward Councillor advised that the speed count results would be out in         September        with a meeting being held in October.


g)      Funding Applications – Report Back


          Raewynne Pedofski provided an update on the feedback forms that had been received.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/031)


11     Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Mel Aitken


Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)  Records its sincere thanks to Mel Aitken for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Chalmers Community Board for the 6 year period 2010 to 2016.

b)  Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/032)


12     Chairperson's Report



The Chairperson provided an update on the following matters of interest:


a)     Beach Street Rail Crossing – a meeting had been held between the Transport Department, Kiwi Rail, and himself and Peter Cole to discuss the issues regarding the rail crossing.  A workshop is to be arranged between all parties to try and resolve the issue.


b)     Sycamore Update – work had been started on removing the next group of         Sycamores and it would take approximately 4 weeks.


c)     Trucks on Blueskin Road – a voluntary agreement had been made by the major       logging companies to cease using Blueskin Road.


d)     The Council had agreed to remove the gorse at Purakaunui.


e)     Speeding on Boundary Road – he will be meeting with the Safety Team Leader (Hjarne Poulsen) to discuss the matter.


The Chairperson thanked the Board members for their support over the past 3 years.  He expressed his appreciation of the support that he had received from Council staff and commented that he felt it was becoming easier to get results.


The Deputy Chairperson thanked Cr Noone for all his help over the years that he had been on the Chalmers Community Board.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/033)


13     Council Activities


The Ward Councillor advised that he had attend the LGNZ conference and one of the key themes was collaboration and making decision from grass roots up.  He commented that he had enjoyed working with the Chalmers Community Board and urged members to continue to build relationships with Council staff.



Moved (Cr Andrew Noone/Trevor Johnson): that the Board

a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (CCB/2016/034)






The meeting concluded at 7.26 pm.








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C H A I R P E R S O N                                                 C H I E F  E X E C U T I V E