Mosgiel Taieri Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board held in the Downes Room, Mosgiel Service Centre, Hartstonge Avenue, Mosgiel on Tuesday 16 August 2016, commencing at 12.00 pm





Bill Feather


Deputy Chairperson

Mark Willis



Blackie Catlow

Martin Dillon


Sarah Nitis



Cr Kate Wilson





Kristy Rusher, Group Manager Civic and Legal


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss



1       Opening

2       Public Forum

2.1    Applicants Requesting Funding


12.00pm  Asthma Otago, Jo Torrance, Salary for physiotherapist to run weekly exercise programme.


Jo Torrance introduced herself and outlined the exercise programme held at Mosgiel for people with chronic lung disease.


12.10pm  Mosgiel Taieri Emergency Response Group, Martin Dillon, Emergency grab bags.


Martin Dillon said the Mosgiel Taieri Emergency Response Group is part of civil defence. They are putting in place a plan to ensure everyone knows what they need to know in an emergency. Part of this is the grab bags. Two will be held at the Mosgiel Library. They will include a means of communication when the cell towers are compromised. He believes this should be funded as a board project rather than a grant.


12.20pm  East Taieri Preschool, Annabel Hamman,       Outdoor play equipment.


Annabel Hamman came to the table. She is the newly-elected president of East Taieri preschool. Their project is to redevelop the outside area at the pre-school. They have done two working bees so far and are asking for funding for a cube and climbing frame as play equipment.


12.30pm  Arthur Burns Preschool, Sara Ferguson,        Sun hats and high viz shirts for students and teachers.

Samantha Faramond introduced herself as the president of Arthur Burns Preschool. She is attending on behalf of Sara Ferguson. There are 35 families using the preschool. Safety vests would be beneficial for the children going out and about.


12.40pm  Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, Gerald Scanlan, Display case for historical garments.


Gerald Scanlan and Clinton Chambers joined the table. They outlined their ambitions for the Holy Cross church in Mosgiel. They have a collection of historical vestments and artefacts held in a room and would like to be able to display these for the community. They believe this would create tourism interest in Mosgiel.


12.50pm  East Taieri Church, Joy Davis, Run a family friendly event during Mosgiel market day.


Joy Davis joined the table. The East Taieri Church would like to run an event in conjunction with the Mosgiel market day. They are working with Neighbourhood Support. They want to promote the community and build partnerships. The event is planned for November and they would like to involve schools and preschools. The detail of the event has not yet been planned.



2.2    Update on mural projects



Mike Court was invited to update the board on mural projects in Mosgiel. 


He described plans to put a mural on the wall of a building owned by Lincoln Darling. The RSA is involved. There are two other possible buildings in the district that could also be used for murals. He is not sure how much it will cost and applications for grants will come forward in the future. He has been to 'Keep Dunedin Beautiful' meetings and they have requested a member of the community board to attend their meetings.



Adjournment of meeting


Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Deputy Mark Willis) that the Board:

Adjourns the meeting until 1pm.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/019)


The meeting adjourned from 12.54pm to 1.04pm.


2.3    public forum continued



1.00pm    West Taieri Pony Club, Jo Stafford,      Trailer to transport show jumping poles


Two representatives from the West Taieri Pony Club spoke to the Board about the need for a trailer to move jumps and equipment from one end of the pony club grounds to another. They have done fundraising but are still short by $2500 to buy the trailer. They have 50 members - children aged 5 to 18. It's hard for them to carry the heavy poles. They would be grateful for anything the board sees fit to grant. They have already raised about $10,000. The chairman thanked them for attending.


1.10pm    West of the Taieri Newsletter, Pat Macaulay, Printing of newsletter


Pat Macaulay came forward to speak on behalf of the West Taieri Newsletter. This is done by volunteers and they are concerned that the local school isn't left out of pocket when they print the newsletter. There are three issues per year.


Questions were asked about the difference between advertising income collected by the school and the printing costs. West of the Taieri Newsletter does not have a bank account so the money would need to be paid to the school. It was pointed out that the school needs to give consent if the application is on their behalf, as this could preclude them from applying for any other grant in this financial year. 


1.20pm    Chat Bus Trust, Averil Pierce, Provide counselling service to schools


Averil Pierce spoke regarding Chat Bus. The counsellors have seen 62 children in Mosgiel in the first two terms of this year for counselling. Family issues are common, and friendship issues. There is a Chat Bus in Mosgiel each Monday. Their three main funders are Lotteries, Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church. They also ask schools to contribute. The grant would go towards counsellor salary.



2.4    Reports on Previous Grants


Kristy Compton of the Mosgiel Business Association was invited to report back to the Board on a grant of $812 last September to assist with a traffic management plan for the Mosgiel Community Market Day. She said the grant enabled the event to go ahead last year and appreciated the money.


Margaret McConnachie from the All Saints Fruit and Veg Co-op reported to the community board on a grant of $217.35 for advertising. She showed the community board some posters that were printed with the grant money. These have been distributed around the town.


The chairman thanked her for attending and said he was happy to hear that the community board has been able to assist the community.



2.5    Logan Stadnyk


Logan Stadnyk from Taieri School presented the findings of a traffic study he conducted in Mosgiel.


The first thing his report picked up was the number of trucks using Gordon Road. 20 trucks went down the main road within a half hour period in the morning. In the day time they would get 10 every half hour and night time, six. There was a lot of congestion on the main road, but not on Factory Road.


The study also found that whenever a bus went past there were never more than five people on the bus. This showed people in Mosgiel and Dunedin were not using public transport. In a half hour period they would see one person using the bike lane.


Hjarne Poulsen, Safety Team Leader, Transport, said the data collected was very accurate. He is aware of the congestion. They have been working with NZTA on the intersection. Safety is the most important factor. He would like to see more people using the buses.


The chairman thanked Logan Stadnyk for attending the meeting.


Adjournment of meeting


Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/020)


The meeting adjourned from 1.59pm to 2.08pm.


3       Apologies

There were no apologies. It was noted that Maurice Prendergast was not at the meeting and had not given an apology.


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/021)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Mosgiel Taieri Community Board meeting - 5 July 2016


Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Member Sarah Nitis) that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board meeting held on 5 July 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (MTCB/2016/022)

 Part A Reports

7       Grant Applications



Request for a grant of $1,663.15 to the Mosgiel Taieri Emergency Response Group for the purchase of emergency grab bags.


The chairman said the application from the emergency response group could be a board project rather than an application for grant funding. Kristy Rusher advised the board that as the equipment subject to the proposal was in addition to what is already funded by council it would be considered a board project to supply this.


The board members then passed a resolution endorsing the project as an initiative of the board. (Resolution 1 below)


The next question was whether the board agreed to fund the project. Discussion was held on this and Martin Dillon answered further questions from board members.


Mark Willis left the meeting at 2.19pm.


A resolution was passed supporting in principle the provision of emergency grab bags. (Resolution 2 below)


Martin Dillon suggested going back to his group and looking at other sources of funding.


General Allocation of the Discretionary Fund

The chairman asked how much money will be set aside for board initiatives in general. It was suggested that the cost of two grab bags, plus $2500 towards a mural at the pocket park, be set aside. A resolution was passed to ring fence $3,200 to board initiatives. (Resolution 3 below)


Cr Wilson suggested putting aside $300 towards further advertising of 'Taieri Over the Tealeaves' and halving the remaining funds for allocation to current grants. This leaves $3,171 towards grants currently on the table. A resolution was passed to confirm this. (Resolution 4 below)


Request for a grant of $140 to the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club towards the costs of clearing tracks in the Whare Flat area.


Cr Wilson said the costs requested by the Taieri Tramping Club will be met by Council's Parks Department staff. A resolution was passed to decline the grant and refer the application to staff. (Resolution 5 below)


Request for a grant of $500 to Martin Ferguson towards the restoration of the Arthur Burns grave.


A resolution was passed to give this grant to Mr Ferguson for the work outlined in his application. (Resolution 6 below) This was to recognise the very strong link of Arthur Burns to the local area.


Request for a grant of $1,477 to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin for the purchase of a display case for historical garments.


Member Martin Dillon stepped back from this debate and abstained from voting.


Member Sarah Nitis moved to approve the grant of $1477 to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. This was seconded by the chairman.


Discussion was held on the benefits of this project. Some members expressed concern that the idea had not progressed far enough to be awarded grant funding. It needed a feasibility study.



Voting was carried out by show of hands.


For:          Members Bill Feather and Sarah Nitis (2).

Against:     Members Blackie Catlow and Kate Wilson (2).


An equality of votes was recorded 2:2 following which the Chairperson used his casting vote against the motion to maintain the status quo. The motion was not carried.


Cr Wilson then moved that the community board sends a letter of support and a resolution was passed to reflect this. (Resolution 7 below)



Request for a grant of $1,419.45 to the East Taieri Preschool for the purchase of outdoor play equipment.


It was noted that school equipment would not be available for the public to use.


A resolution was passed to decline this grant due to insufficient benefit to the wider community. (Resolution 8 below)


Request for a grant of $700 to the Arthur Burns Preschool for the purchase of sun hats and high viz shirts for students and teachers.


Member Blackie Catlow suggested the preschool approach Rotary for support, as the club had provided sun hats to schools in the past. The community board passed a resolution to decline the grant and send a letter to say they support the idea in principle and invite the preschool to reapply if they are unsuccessful with Rotary. (Resolution 9 below)


Request for a grant of $1,000 to Asthma Otago for a physiotherapist to run weekly exercise programmes.


A resolution was passed to decline this grant as the board felt it was not the community board's responsibility to provide health services to the district. (Resolution 10 below)


Request for a grant of $1,600 to East Taieri Church for a family event at the Mosgiel market day.


Cr Wilson put a motion that the community board contribute one thousand dollars to the family event run by the East Taieri Church. Member Martin Dillon would like to provide the full amount. Cr Wilson amended her motion to $1,600 with the agreement of the board. The motion was carried. (Resolution 11 below)


Request for a grant to the East Taieri Pony Club towards the purchase of a trailer to transport show jumping poles.


Member Blackie Catlow moved that $500 be granted to the East Taieri Pony Club and Cr Wilson seconded. The motion was discussed and a vote taken.



Voting was carried out by show of hands. Cr Wilson abstained.


For:          Members Blackie Catlow and Sarah Nitis (2).

Against:     Members Bill Feather and Martin Dillon (2).


An equality of votes was recorded 2:2 following which the Chairperson used his casting vote against the motion. The motion was not carried.


Request for a grant of $1,500 to the West of the Taieri newsletter towards the printing costs.


A resolution was passed to decline this grant on the grounds it was an incomplete application. (Resolution 12 below) It was suggested that they might like to reapply at the next funding round.


Request for a grant of $3,500 to the Chat Bus Trust to provide counselling services to schools.


Member Martin Dillon moved that the balance of the grant funding, or $1071, be given to Chatbus. This was seconded by Cr Wilson and a vote was taken. The motion was carried but Members Sarah Nitis and Blackie Catlow asked that their vote against the motion be recorded in the minutes. (Resolution 13 below)






Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Deputy Mark Willis) that the Board:


Declines the request for a grant to the Mosgiel Taieri Emergency Response Group for the purchase of emergency grab bags and instead approves this be considered a board project.


Member Martin Dillon abstained from voting.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/023)



Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Chairperson Bill Feather) that the Board:


Supports in principle the provision of emergency grab bags.


Member Martin Dillon abstained from voting.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/024)



Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:


Approves ring fencing funding of $3,200 for board initiatives, being two emergency grab bags and a mural at the pocket park.


Member Blackie Catlow asked that his vote against this resolution be recorded in the minutes.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/025)



Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Board:


Approves an allocation of $3,171 towards community grants in the first funding round of the 2016/17 financial year.


 Motion carried (MTCB/2016/026)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Blackie Catlow) that the Board:


Declines a grant of $140 to the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club due to the funds being available from the Parks fund, and refers the application to staff.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/027)



Moved (Member Blackie Catlow/Member Sarah Nitis) that the Board:


Approves a grant of $500 to Martin Fergusson towards the restoration of the Arthur Burns grave.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/028)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Chairperson Bill Feather) that the Board:


Sends a letter of support to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin saying it supports in principle the initiative for the museum and would support a feasibility study to investigate the idea further.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/029)





Moved (Chairperson Bill Feather/Member Blackie Catlow) that the Board:


Declines a grant of $1,419.45 to the East Taieri Preschool for the purchase of outdoor play equipment due to insignificant benefit to the wider community.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/030)



Moved (Member Blackie Catlow/Chairperson Bill Feather) that the Board:


Declines a grant of $700 to the Arthur Burns Preschool for the purchase of sun hats and high viz shirts for students and teachers, and requests that staff send a letter to say the Board supports the idea in principle and invites them to reapply if they are unsuccessful with Rotary.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/031)



Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Chairperson Bill Feather) that the Board:


Declines a grant of $1,000 to Asthma Otago for a physiotherapist to run weekly exercise programmes.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/032)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:


Approves a grant of $1,600 to East Taieri Church for a family event at the Mosgiel market day.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/033)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board:


Declines a grant of $1,500 to the West of the Taieri newsletter towards printing costs.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/034)



Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Cr Kate Wilson): that the Board


Approves the balance of the round one grant funding, or $1071, be given to Chatbus towards counselling services at Mosgiel Schools.


Members Sarah Nitis and Blackie Catlow asked that their vote against this motion be recorded in the minutes.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/035)


8       Student Traffic Study



The presentation given earlier by Logan Stadnyk was discussed.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board


Commends Logan Stadnyk for his research and presentation on Mosgiel traffic, and recommends to the incoming community board that they follow up on the issues he has raised with council staff, and the school, with the potential for further study.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/036)


9       Governance Support Officer's Report



The board requested a report back on funding provided to the Outram Charitable Trust.



Moved (Member Martin Dillon/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Board


Notes the report.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/037)


10     Locking of Gates at West Taieri Cemetery



The chairman said there is nothing that suggests they should change the status quo which is to leave the gates closed but unlocked.



Moved (Member Blackie Catlow/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board



Resolves that the gates at the East Taieri Cemetery be left closed but unlocked.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/038)


11     Library Report


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board


Notes the report.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/039)


12     Board Projects/Community Engagement



Sarah Nitis said she went to Taieri College and spoke to the students, encouraging them to take an interest in local politics. She then updated the community board on other projects. The Mosgiel sign framework has been erected. The next Taieri over the Tealeaves group will be held at the Railway Station. The community board would like to approve the design of the pocket park mural. Discussion was held on this.



Moved (Member Sarah Nitis/Cr Kate Wilson) that the Board


Notes the report.

Delegates the final sign off of the pocket park mural to the council's urban design architect and the building owner.


Motion carried (MTCB/2016/040)


13     Council Activities


No discussion took place.




14     Chairperson's Report



Chairman Bill Feather thanked the members for their contributions to the community board. He offered his sincere wishes for success to those who were seeking re-election.



15     Acknowledgement of Retiring Member - Bill Feather



Cr Kate Wilson thanked Bill Feather for his work as chairman. She said he has always been loyal and passionate to his community, always polite, and she commended him on the amount of work he does out in the community.


She then presented him with a certificate of appreciation. Sarah Nitis also expressed thanks to the governance support team.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Member Martin Dillon) that the Board


Records its sincere thanks to Bill Feather for the loyal and conscientious service given to the City of Dunedin as a member of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board for the 9 year period 2007 to 2016.

Extends sincere appreciation for the services rendered and every good wish for the future.

Motion carried (MTCB/2016/041)



The meeting concluded at 3.48pm.









