

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the East Otago Events Centre, Main Road, Waikouaiti on Wednesday 09 November 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Geraldine Tait



Mark Brown

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock


Jim O'Malley

Richard Russell


Rose Stringer-Wright





Bernie Hawke, Group Manager Arts and Culture, Richard Saunders, Group Manager Transport, Andrew Lord Contract Supervisor Road Maintenance.


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




1       Public Forum

Pru Casey from the Warrington Surf Life Saving Club spoke to the board in support of her application for funding on page 15 of the agenda. She explained the reason for the application and talked about the activities and members of the club. The chairman thanked her for submitting a well put together application. A decision on the funding was made later in the meeting.


Judy Martin spoke regarding the Waikouaiti Waste Transfer Station. She has arranged a community meeting to gather interest in doing something positive after the current site is capped next February. Her group calls itself the North Coast Sustainability Group. There has been interest shown in a recycling facility and in managing green waste. The chairman thanked her for coming and said the matter will be discussed again at the next meeting in February, 2017.


Neil Kennedy spoke regarding the removal of trees and replanting of the sand dunes at Waikouaiti Beach. He said he was disappointed with the results of recent work. The site is now a mess. He said firewood was promised to the community but this has not happened. Some wood chips that were supposed to cover the ground have been carted back to town by the contractor, and he heard some had been stolen. He thinks the digger driver has made a mess of the area. The chairman thanked him for raising this with the community board, as it was of some concern. He will look into it and be in touch with Mr Kennedy.



2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



The chairman wished to add a presentation from  Transport manager Richard Saunders and Downer area manager Anthony van de Water to the agenda at Item 7.




Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mark Brown) that the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the addition of a presentation on transport issues at Item 7.


Motion carried

4       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 26 October 2016


Moved (Member Rose Stringer-Wright/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait) that the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 26 October 2016 as a correct record.


Motion carried

  Part A Reports

5       Declaration by Richard Russell


Member-elect Richard Russell declared that he would faithfully and impartially, and according to the best of his skill and judgement, execute and perform in the best interests of the Waikouaiti Coast Community, the powers, authorities and duties vested in or imposed upon him as a member of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board by virtue of the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Gov3ernment Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or any other act.


He then signed the declaration and joined the table as a member of the community board.




6       Declarations of Interest


Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


A discussion was held on the new system of recording conflicts of interest. The GSO was asked to find out the appropriate management plan for the situation of a member having a family member involved in an organisation that was applying for a grant from the community board.


There were no declarations of interest declared at this point in the meeting. Declarations were made later in the meeting during the consideration of applications for funding.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait) that the Board:


Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A.

Motion carried


7       Presentation on Transport



Transport manager Richard Saunders and Downer area manager Anthony van de Water joined the table. They introduced Andrew Lord who looks after the rural road network for the council.


The board members were informed about the three year road maintenance contract between the council and Downer. Members were asked to provide feedback on road issues in their local area. Discussion was held on how to notify problems. The GSO was asked to send out the reseals and rehabilitation lists to the new members to inform them about the work that is currently planned.


Doctors Point Road was raised as a problem area. A site visit is planned next week to discuss this and consider remediation.


The chairman thanked the visitors for attending and they left the meeting.



8       Funding Applications



Funding Application from Waitati Music Festival (page 13 of the agenda):


Chairman Alasdair Morrison declared an interest in that he is writing a letter of support for this organisation to assist them with other funding applications. He said he would not be voting and asked Deputy Chair Geraldine Tait to chair this part of the meeting.

She took the chair.


Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock declared an interest in that she is a member of this organisation and will be MC of the event. She will not be voting.


Discussion was held on the event and benefits to the community. The community board agreed to pay the amount sought to provide toilets to provide support to the event.


Geraldine Tait vacated and Alasdair Morrison returned to the chair.


Funding Application from Warrington Surf Life Saving Club (page 15 of the agenda):


The community board discussed this application and the earlier presentation from Pru Casey in the public forum. They were not in favour of granting the full $2000 as they did not want to over-allocate the grants fund, but agreed to the amount of $1000.



Moved (Member Mark Brown/Member Rose Stringer-Wright) that the Board:


a)        Grants the funding application from the Waitati Music Festival for $598.00.

Motion carried (WC/2016/048)


Alasdair Morrison and Mandy Mayhem-Bullock did not vote.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait) that the Board:


b)     Grants part of the funding application from the Warrington Surf Life Saving Club to the amount of $1000.

Motion carried (WC/2016/049)


9       Meeting Schedule 2017



The chairman suggested holding one meeting at the marae at Karitane. He asked member Rose Stringer-Wright to approach the marae on the board's behalf.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Jim O'Malley) that the Board:


a)     Adopts the schedule of meetings for 2017 noting that Council is yet to confirm its meeting schedule.

Motion carried (WC/2016/050)


10     2017/18 Community Plan



The Board members went through the draft community plan and requested minor changes. These changes will be made by the governance support officer with the final version of the plan to be circulated to members.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait) that the Board:


a)     Adopts the updated Waikouaiti Coast Community Board 2017/18 Community Plan with the changes noted at the meeting.

b)     Notes that a workshop to consider the grants application criteria and an updated community plan template is to be held.

Motion carried (WC/2016/051)


11     Governance Support Officer's Report



The following actions were noted during the discussion of the governance support officer's report/action list:


·         Mandy Mayhem-Bullock will represent the board on the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee. GSO to inform the committee of the appointment.

·         Waikouaiti Domain/Matanaka Drive - The chairman requested that Group Manager, Parks and Recreation, Tom Dyer, be asked to report to the next meeting on the issue of the wood chips disappearing from the location of the felled trees at Waikouaiti Beach. Also the results of trial plantings in the area, plans to buy new seedlings, tracks through the area and confirmation that funds for the trial plantings did not come from the sale of the trees. A site visit to this area is to be planned.

·         Karitane Wharf – The chairman requested an engineer's report on the wharf and an update from staff.

·         Coastal Erosion – The board requested an update on this from Hamish Black, Parks Operations Manager.

·         Freedom Camping – The chairman requested continued close involvement with staff on this issue.

·         Doctors Point Road Re-sealing – Transport Manager Richard Saunders will meet on site with the chairman and member Mark Brown next week.

·         Waikouaiti Transfer Centre – The chairman gave an update from Solid Waste Manager Catherine Irvine and would also like to request an update at the next meeting. GSO to notify Ms Irvine that the board requests input into the process of preparing a concept plan and site design. The consultant preparing this work should involve the community.


Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mark Brown) that the Board:


a)        Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

Motion carried



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait): that the Board

b)        Appoints Mandy Mahem-Bullock as the Waikouaiti Coast Community Boards's representative to the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee.

Motion carried (WC/2016/052)


12     Chairperson's Report


Chairman Alasdair Morrison reported on the following issues:


·         A plan and photos of the public toilets planned for Waitati were shown to the members.

·         A discussion was held on Civil Defence roles and response. Mark Brown offered to talk to the Waitati fire officers about updating their response plan.

·         The chairman is writing a regular report for the POWA newsletter.

·         The chairman will also write to schools to initiate contact between them and the community board.

·         It was agreed that a regular drop-in at Waikouaiti would be a good idea, given there is nobody on the community board who lives there.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Deputy Chairperson Geraldine Tait) that the Board:


Receives the Chairman's Report.


Motion carried


13     Council Activities


Councillor Jim O'Malley reported on recent council activity including:


·         An enquiry into the safety of power poles has been started by Deloitte.

·         He is currently involved in learning about solid waste issues in the region.

·         He has requested to join the Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee.


14     Agenda Items for Consideration for Future Meetings



The next meeting will consider an application for funding from the Blueskin A and P Society.



The meeting concluded at 7.30pm.



