


Confirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Dunedin City Council held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 23 January 2017, commencing at 9.00am and Tuesday 24 January 2017, commencing at 9.00 am.





Mayor Dave Cull


Deputy Mayor

Cr Chris Staynes



Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr Rachel Elder


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Damian Newell


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Conrad Stedman


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson




Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Sandy Graham (General Manager Strategy and Governance), John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Graham McKerracher (Manager, Council Communications and Marketing), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Kristy Rusher (Manager Civic and Legal), Ruth Stokes (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks), Gavin Logie (Acting Group Chief Financial Officer), Carolyn Allan (Senior Management Accountant), Jane Nevill (Corporate Planner), Jane Craigie-Read (Policy Support Assistant), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst), Lawrie Warwood (Financial Analyst), Kat McNamara (Financial Analyst), Donna McTainsh (Assistant Accountant), Wai Piggott (Financial Analyst), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Water and Waste), Andrew Slater (Risk and Internal Audit Manager), Bill Frewen (Senior Policy Analyst), Catherine Irvine (Solid Waste Manager), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Merrin McCrory (Asset and Commercial Manager), Jendi Paterson (Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager), Hamish Black (Parks Operations Manager), Kevin Taylor (Property Manager), Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture), Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services) and Garreth Kyle (Research and Monitoring Officer)



Governance Support Officer       Pam Jordan




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies

Apologies were received from Cr Chris Staynes (for absence on 23 January 2017) and Cr Kate Wilson (for early departure on 23 January 2017).


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That the Council:


Accepts the apologies.


Motion carried



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/001)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Cr Kate Wilson asked for the Otago Museum Trust Board to be added to her declaration of interests.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:


a)     Notes and amends the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report to include Cr Wilson's appointment to the Otago Museum Trust Board;

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/002)



4A     Overarching Resolution


Consideration was given to the Run Sheet/Decision Sheet that had been circulated.




Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That any resolution made in this section of the meeting may be subject to    further discussion and decision by the meeting.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/003)



5       Draft 2017/18 Annual Plan Budget Material


A report from the Chief Executive Officer provided commentary on the budget material presented in the agenda for the 23 January 2017 Annual Plan Council Meeting.

Annual Plans were completed under revised legislation and were exception-only documents focused on changes from the relevant year in the Long Term Plan.  The budgets for the 2017/18 year had been updated and changes were described in the report.

The draft budget for 2017/18 included an overall rate increase of 2.99%.  This was in line with the limit set in the Financial Strategy.  Budget updates incorporated in the draft budget included timing changes to the capital expenditure programme in Transport and Property in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 years.  Maintenance costs had increased, reflecting increased costs arising from contract renewals and the need to address maintenance of facilities.

The changes made to budgets were not significant or material meaning a consultation process was not required.  Community engagement would explain why consultation was not required and indicated what was planned and programmed in the 2017/18 year.

In the third year of a Long Term Plan, work on the Annual Plan and development of the next LTP would run concurrently.  Staff planned to utilise the engagement process to introduce and lead into the new LTP.

The engagement process would provide opportunities for the community to provide feedback on the draft budgets for 2017/18 to the Council.


Mayor Cull outlined the process that had been followed so far and the good job done by staff in meeting the previous requests of the Council in relation to the budget.  He also commented on the savings that had been found and community engagement.


Cr Damian Newell entered the meeting at 9.07 am.


The Chief Executive Officer made a PowerPoint presentation to the Council on the Draft 2017/18 Budget including the planning environment, how the current budgets had been approached, budget changes in terms of revenue and operating expenditure, capital expenditure and key changes for 2017/18.  She and other staff then responded to questions from Councillors.


Cr Doug Hall left the meeting from 10.08 am to 10.10 am during the course of discussion.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Council:


a)     Approves the draft 2017/18 budget as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Confirms the proposed community engagement process for the 2017/18 Annual Plan budget, allowing work to proceed on development of engagement material and a detailed engagement plan for subsequent approval by the Council.


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:

Adjourns consideration of Motion b until the end of the meeting.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/004)




The Council voted by division on Motion a:


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Dave Cull, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Andrew Whiley and Kate Wilson (13).

Against:     Cr Lee Vandervis (1).


The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1


Motion carried (CNL/2017/005)



Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/006)


The meeting adjourned from 10.27 am to 10.47 am.



6       Draft 2017/18 Budget - Water and Waste Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Water and Waste Group.  The Water and Waste Group included the following activities:

·           Water

·           Wastewater

·           Stormwater



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Water and Waste as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Water and Wastewater activities as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/007)



7       Emissions Trading Scheme Liabilities and Proposed Carbon Management Policy


A report from Community and Planning and Strategy and Governance advised that changes to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) would double the quantity of carbon credits ('NZUs') the Council needed to meet its ETS landfill liabilities (from around 25,000 to more than 50,000 NZUs) by 1 January 2019. 

This impact of this was further exacerbated by changes to the cost of credits.  In anticipation of the changes, the market price of NZUs increased from around $7.00 in mid-2015 to $13.50 in April 2016.  NZUs were now trading at around $18.50 per NZU.  An NZU price cap of $25.00 remained in place under the ETS.  

The report responded to a Council resolution – from May 2016 when the Council considered a report on the (then) anticipated phase-out of the transitional treatment (one-for-one central Government subsidy) for landfill emission liabilities under the ETS – requesting options to reduce the Council's ETS liability.

Options included: further recovery of costs through landfill charges; reducing the quantity of emissions to which the ETS directly applied; minimising the per-unit cost of NZUs through prudent purchasing and surrendering decisions; avoiding deforestation (and subsequent ETS liabilities) of Council-owned forest land; and evaluating opportunities to cost-effectively create NZUs through Council activities, business opportunities and strategic carbon management practices.

A DCC Carbon Management Policy was proposed for adoption, which would govern the management and minimisation of the Council's carbon liabilities. 


Staff commented on the proposals and responded to questions from Councillors.


Cr Doug Hall left the meeting from 10.57 am to 10.59 am during the course of questions.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:



1.         Amends the Draft Carbon Management Policy appended to the report by inserting:


a)     6.9 - When purchasing NZUs, Council will prioritise units that align with, and support delivery of, its relevant strategies and plans

b)     7.4 – Reports to Council will include a section explaining how the Carbon Management Policy has been considered


2.     Refers the Draft Carbon Management Policy to the Te Ao Turoa Partnership for feedback, before coming back for formal adoption by Council no later than May 2017.


During discussion Mayor Dave Cull left the meeting at 11.30 am and Cr David Benson-Pope took the Chair.  Mayor Cull returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair at 11.32 am.





The Council voted by division.


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Kate Wilson and Mayor Dave Cull (11).

Against:     Crs Doug Hall, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley (3).


The division was declared CARRIED by 11 votes to 3


Motion carried (CNL/2017/008)


8       Draft 2017/18 Budget - Solid Waste


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for Solid Waste.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Solid Waste as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for Solid Waste as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/009) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/010)


The meeting adjourned from 12.08 pm to 1.12 pm.


9       Update on the Tertiary Precinct Safety and Accessibility Upgrade


A report from Transport provided an update on the Tertiary Precinct Safety and Accessibility Upgrade project.

The Tertiary Precinct Safety and Accessibility Upgrade was an unfunded project in the 2015/16 – 2024/25 Long Term Plan.  The report summarised the work completed on this project and recommended that collaboration with the tertiary institutions should continue and that staff report back to Council at the next Long Term Plan with options for implementation.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.





Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


a)      Notes the update on the tertiary precinct safety and accessibility upgrade.

b)      Requests that staff report back to the 2018/2019 – 2027/28 Long Term Plan with funding and timing options to deliver the project.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/011)


10     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Transport Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Transport Group.  


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Damian Newell):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to the Transport Group as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Transport Group as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/012) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


11     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Parks and Recreation Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Parks and Recreation Group.   The Parks and Recreation Group included the following activities:

·           Aquatic Services

·           Botanic Garden

·           Cemeteries and Crematorium

·           Parks and Recreation



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.


Cr Kate Wilson left the meeting at 1.35 pm.



Moved (Cr Doug Hall/Cr Conrad Stedman):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Parks and Recreation as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for Aquatics; Cemeteries and Crematorium; and Parks and Recreation activities, as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/013) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


12     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Property


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for Property, including the following activities and portfolios:

·           Property Management and Land Advisory

·           Housing

·           Investment Property

·           Operational Property

·           Miscellaneous Property



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Lee Vandervis):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purpose of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Property as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purpose of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Housing activity as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/014)


13     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Arts and Culture Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Arts and Culture Group.  The Arts and Culture Group included the following activities:

·           Dunedin Public Libraries (Libraries)

·           Dunedin Public Art Gallery (DPAG)

·           Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, including the Dunedin Chinese Garden

·           Olveston

·           Otago Museum Levy



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.


Legal advice received on the Theomin Deed and Olveston charging was to be emailed to Councillors.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to the Arts and Culture Group as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Dunedin Public Libraries; Dunedin Public Art Gallery; Toitū Otago Settlers Museum; Dunedin Chinese Garden and Olveston as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/015)


14     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Customer and Regulatory Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Customer and Regulatory Group.  The Customer and Regulatory Group included the following activities:

·           Animal Services and Parking Services (Enforcement)

·           Building Services

·           Customer Services Agency

·           Environmental Health and Alcohol Licensing

·           Fleet Operations

·           Parking Operations



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Doug Hall/Cr Damian Newell):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to the Customer and Regulatory Group as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for Alcohol Services, Animal Services, Building Services, Environmental Health, Parking Enforcement and Parking Operations as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/016) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


15     Te Ao Tūroa Environment Strategy Funding


A report from Corporate Policy and Community and Planning provided funding options for resourcing the implementation of Te Ao Tūroa – Our Natural World: Dunedin's Environment Strategy (Te Ao Tūroa) for the Council's consideration.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr David Benson-Pope):


That the Council, for the purposes of consultation and/or community engagement during the Draft Annual Plan process, seeks feedback on a level of resourcing for Te Ao Turoa of either:

a)            $150,000

b)            $200,000



The Council voted by division


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Andrew Whiley and Mayor Dave Cull (12).

Against:     Cr Lee Vandervis (1).


The division was declared CARRIED by 12 votes to 1


Motion carried (CNL/2017/017)


16     Review of the Allocation of Funding to Applicants to the Biodiversity Fund


A report from Community and Planning advised that the Biodiversity Fund currently had a maximum total grant allocation of $5,000 with no minimum grant allocation.

A submission to the Annual Plan 2016/17 requested "the current limit of 50% of total funding of the project should be made more flexible" due to financial pressure resulting from the current agricultural financial climate.  The decision presented as a result of this submission was that the 50/50 cost share between the Council and the applicant was consistent with many similar environmental funds, and that an alternative approach would be to increase the current grant limit of $5,000.  The Council requested that staff prepare a report reviewing the $5,000 limit.

The report reviewed the $5,000 limit currently placed on the individual grants allocated through the Biodiversity Fund and suggested options that may provide more financial assistance to those wishing to carry out works that contributed to Dunedin's biodiversity.

The recommended option was to increase the funding limit for one or two flagship projects in each funding round.  The increase in the funding limit would need to be accommodated by an increase in the overall fund available for each round of funding.



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:



a)         Decides to proceed with Option 3 for future rounds of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund (Status quo – maintain the funding limit at $5,000 per application and do not increase the funding amount).


Motion carried (CNL/2017/018)


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/019)


The meeting adjourned from 2.50 pm to 3.00 pm.


Cr Kate Wilson returned to the meeting at 3.00 pm.


17     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Community and Planning Group


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Community and Planning Group.  The Community and Planning Group included the following activities:

·           City Development

·           Resource Consents

·           Events and Community Development

·           Corporate Policy



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Community and Planning as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Community Art Gallery and City Planning (Community Planning and Resource Consents) as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/020)


18     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Enterprise Dunedin


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for Enterprise Dunedin.  Enterprise Dunedin included the following activities:

·           Economic Development

·           Destination Dunedin

·           Dunedin Visitor Centre i-Site



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Damian Newell/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Enterprise Dunedin as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for the Economic Development activity as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/021)


19     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Corporate Services


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for Corporate Services, which included the following activities:

·           Council Communications and Marketing

·           Civic Leadership and Administration

·           Civil Defence



Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to Corporate Services as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for Civic Leadership and Administration as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/022)


20     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Corporate Support Services


A report from Community and Planning and Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the following Corporate Activities:

·           Business Information Services (BIS)

·           Corporate Leadership

·           Finance

·           Organisation Development and Performance

·           Warm Dunedin



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Damian Newell):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to other Corporate Activities as shown in Attachment A of the report.

b)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the 2017/18 fees and charges for Business Information Services as shown in Attachment B of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/023) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


21     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Waipori Fund


A report from Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Waipori Fund.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget for the Waipori Fund as shown in Attachment A of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/024)


22     Draft 2017/18 Budget - Investment Account


A report from Finance provided the draft 2017/18 budget for the Investment Account.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves, for the purposes of community engagement, the draft 2017/18 budget relating to the Investment Account as shown in Attachment A of the report.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/025)


23     2017/18 Rating Method


A report from Finance advised that the Council had a Financial Strategy that set a rate increase limit of 3% unless there were exceptional circumstances.  The draft budget as presented had an overall increase in rates of 3%.  The report outlined how the overall 3% increase impacted on various properties within the City.

The report also addressed the impact of the 2016 general revaluation and the rating effect it had on individual properties.  Given that it was a revaluation year, rate changes for 2017/18 year would vary depending on what had happened to the capital value for individual properties.

There were also changes to the community services targeted rate (increase 1.4%), the Forsyth Barr Stadium differential (increase of 1.4%) and the Strath Taieri Commercial differential and these were detailed in the report.

The overall effect was a draft budget with a rate increase of 3%.


Staff responded to questions from Councillors.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves the general rate differential for the 2017/18 year which incorporates the final step in the phased increase to the Strath Taieri commercial general rate differential and Tourism/Economic Development targeted rate.

b)     Approves an increase in the community services targeted rate for the 2017/18 year based on the June 2016 Local Government Cost Index (LGCI) of 1.4%, to $230.00 including GST.

c)     Approves an increase in the Forsyth Barr Stadium differentials for the 2017/18 year based on the June 2016 LGCI of 1.4%.

d)     Approves the current rating method for the setting of all other rates for the 2017/18 year.

A briefing on these matters was suggested and that staff should provide some options regarding the mechanisms for a review.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/026) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


24     Notices of Motion


A report from the Chief Executive Officer advised that two Notices of Motion had been received by the Chief Executive Officer.  The Mayor (as the Chairperson of Council) had directed the Chief Executive Officer not to accept the Notices of Motion for the Annual Plan Council meeting on 23/24 January 2017 as they were not matters related to the Annual Plan (Standing Order 26.2(b)).

With the agreement of both movers, the Notices of Motion would be referred to the Council meeting on 21 February 2017 and considered there.


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:


a)     Notes that two Notices of Motion have been received and will be considered at the Council meeting on 21 February 2017.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/027)


25     Community Board Issues


Each of the Community Board Chairs spoke on priority issues within their Board areas.



Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board – Sarah Nitis


Crs Doug Hall and Damian Newell left the meeting from 3.53 pm to 3.58 pm.


Mrs Nitis offered the Board's support to the Council and staff in providing local knowledge and experience.  The Board wanted to work with local organisations.  Its priorities included beautification, providing feedback on maintenance contracts, a review of the infrastructural capacity of the area, the upgrade and increase in capacity of the Mosgiel aquatic facility.  The Board would also like a report on the Mosgiel Town Centre upgrade


Mrs Nitis responded to questions from Councillors.



Strath Taieri Community Board – Barry Williams


Mr Williams requested that the level of service not deteriorate for roading, weed spraying etc.  The Board would also like an increase in funding for the Middlemarch swimming pool.  He suggested that a consent to extract gravel from the Taieri River could lead to the cutting of costs in that area.  He also requested a monthly schedule to be provided to Boards of what work was going to be happening in the area. 


Mr Williams responded to questions from Councillors.



Otago Peninsula Community Board – Paul Pope


Mr Pope expanded on a list of topics including the Board's support for the Peninsula Connection Project, continuation of work on the Te Rauone beach project, reinstatement of the Te Rauone budget, maintenance and protection of roading assets, parks, reserves and biodiversity on the Peninsula, research on tourism and freedom camping, provision of fast broadband to the Peninsula, a joint DCC/ORC initiative to manage Tomahawk Lagoon, a joint initiative with the ORC to develop a recreational and environmental plan for the Otago Harbour, and consideration of the use of Te Reo on public signs on the Peninsula.


Mr Pope responded to questions from Councillors.



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board – Alasdair Morrison


Mr Morrison expanded on a list of topics including the Board's support for Waikouaiti landfill capping etc, a better tsunami warning system for coastal settlements, the Karitane wharf refurbishment, freedom camping, a public toilet at Waitati, roading issues, the maintenance of discretionary funding, and the continued support of Moana Gow pool.


Mr Morrison responded to questions from Councillors.



West Harbour Community Board – Steve Walker


Mr Walker commented on the upgrading of the Port Chalmers Swimming Pool, the completion of the State Highway 88 cycle/walkway, sycamore control and removal, sea walls, street maintenance, improvement to the State Highway 88 corridor, maintenance of harbour assets, urban design improvements to Port Chalmers, and a request for more Board member training.


Mr Walker responded to questions from Councillors.


Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/028)


The meeting adjourned from 5.01 pm until Tuesday 24 January 2017 at 9.00 am.



Cr Chris Staynes was present when the meeting resumed.  Crs Damian Newell and Marie Laufiso were not present when the meeting resumed.  Cr Newell had tendered an apology for lateness.



Saddle Hill Community Board - Scott Weatherall


Mr Weatherall spoke to information that had been circulated on road safety issues, rural road seal extensions such as McMaster Road and Chain Hills Road, footpath extensions, coastal erosion, the need for cycleways and a public toilet at Fairplay Street.


Mr Weatherall responded to questions from Councillors.


Cr Damian Newell entered the meeting at 9.16 am and Cr Marie Laufiso at 9.23 am during the course of questions.



26     Additional Resolutions


The Council considered issues that had been raised earlier in the meeting.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That staff in the community engagement leading up to the LTP explore the community desire for enhanced resource recovery and waste minimisation especially as relates to organic waste.


Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 9.27 am.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/029)


Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 9.28 am.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That staff report back in time for the drafting of the next letter of expectation with DCHL about DCC arrangements with City Forests Limited on DCC land and ETS implications.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/030)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):


That for the May 2017 Annual Plan meeting staff advise on the advantages and disadvantages of having a zero fee on the film permit.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/031)



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council supports the Community Boards in facilitating a joint approach to harbour and coastal edge assets and access with the ORC and if necessary through submissions to their annual plan process.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/032)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Marie Laufiso):


That the Council requests a report on progress in implementing Council's Social Housing Strategy, and considers options for the resourcing required to deliver it through the Long Term Plan 2018/19.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/033)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Damian Newell):


That the Council requests options for accelerating the delivery of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and Emissions Management and Reduction Plan through the Long Term Plan 2018/19.  


Motion carried (CNL/2017/034)



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Doug Hall):


That staff prepare a report for Council outlining at a high level the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a unitary authority and the process to progress this if so agreed.



The Council voted by division.


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Chris Staynes, Conrad Stedman, Lee Vandervis, Andrew Whiley and Kate Wilson and Mayor Dave Cull (15).

Against:     Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 15 votes to 0


Motion carried (CNL/2017/035)




Adjournment of meeting



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:

Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2017/036)


The meeting adjourned from 10.30 am to 10.49 am.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council continues to offer the Warm Dunedin scheme during the 2017/18 year.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/037)



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Council, for the purposes of consultation and/or community engagement during the Draft Annual Plan process, seeks feedback on continuing the level of resourcing for Food Resilience at $50,000 for the 2017/18 year.


Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 10.55 am.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/038)




Community Engagement


Consideration was given to the motion adjourned the previous day during consideration of item 5.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Council:


b)     Confirms the proposed community engagement process for the 2017/18 Annual Plan budget, allowing work to proceed on development of engagement material and a detailed engagement plan for subsequent approval by the Council.


Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 11.00 am.


Following discussion on possible methods of community engagement it was suggested that this item should be held over until the 21 February 2017 Council meeting.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Mike Lord):

That the motion be withdrawn.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/039)




Final Recommendation on 2017/18 Draft Budget Material



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That all previous resolutions, including amendments to resolutions be confirmed.


Motion carried (CNL/2017/040)




The meeting concluded at 11.10 am.





