Māori Participation Working Party

Unconfirmed MINUTES


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Māori Participation Working Party held in the Otaru Room, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 27 February 2017, commencing at 4.00 pm





Dave Cull


Deputy Chairperson

Edward Ellison



David Benson-Pope

Sue Bidrose


Jeffrey Broughton

Aaron Hawkins


Mike Lord

Katharina Ruckstuhl


Chris Staynes

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe


Kate Wilson





Sandy Graham (General Manager Strategy and Governance); Ryan Craig (Destination Dunedin Manager); Jendi Paterson (Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager); Joy Gunn (Manager Events and Community Development); Jennifer Evans (Otago Settlers Museum Director); Cam McCracken (Dunedin Public Art Gallery Director) and Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




1       OPENING

The meeting opened with a Karakia by Edward Ellison.


2       Apologies


Moved (Dave Cull/Edward Ellison):

That the Committee:


Accepts the apologies from Tahu Potiki and Tania Williams for absence and from Katharina Ruckstuhl; Aaron Hawkins; David Benson-Pope and Mike Lord for early departure and from Paulette Tamati-Elliffe for lateness.


Motion carried (MPWP/2017/004)




3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Dave Cull/Mike Lord):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda with the alteration that Item 11 Māori Liaison Role be taken after Item 6 to allow the discussion while most members were in attendance.


Motion carried (MPWP/2017/005)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no new declarations of interest.

5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Māori Participation Working Party meeting - 22 August 2016


Moved (Dave Cull/Chris Staynes):

That the Committee:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Māori Participation Working Party meeting held on 22 August 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (MPWP/2017/006)

     Part A Reports

6       Staff update report


Jendi Paterson (Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager) provided an update on Freedom Camping.  She advised that staff had met with the Runaka in September 2016, prior to the camping season to address any issues and concerns.  Ms Paterson provided an update on the Warrington Freedom Camping Site and advised that there had been additional contractor collections, increased bin capacity and the bins were installed with a mechanism that text an alert when the bin was 80% full.  Enforcement contractors visited the site each night and educated the campers on what was and was not appropriate.  Staff worked with the Department of Conservation (DOC) when sea lions would come onto land and barricades were put in place.  Ms Paterson advised that it had been a more positive season than in the past and that staff were looking at additional sites both on Council land and otherwise owned.

Ms Paterson commented on a Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment initiative, the Regional Mid-sized Tourism Facilities Grant Fund  which had been established to provide support for communities to fund visitor-related facilities such as toilets, carparks, waste disposal and minor water management funds.  The funding was expected to open at the end of March, beginning of April.

Ryan Craig (Destination Dunedin Manager) advised that a draft Dunedin Destination Plan 2017-2023 which sat within Dunedin’s Strategic Framework and focused on the Economic Development Strategy’s them, “A Compelling Destination” had been developed and would be presented to the Economic Development Committee meeting to be held on 13 March 2017 for approval for release to the community. 

Mr Craig commented that they had consulted with the Runaka and KTKO as this was a key partnership of part of the strategy and wanted to ensure that the Māori Participation Working Party was informed of the plan. 

There was a discussion on tourism funding and Mr Craig commented on the Tourism Growth Partnership funded administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and advised that he would provide the links to members.  Mr Craig was unsure whether there was a specific Māori Tourism fund and advised that he would investigate and provide the information.

Cam McCracken (Dunedin Public Art Gallery Director) commented that delivery was underway on Ara Toi Otepoti – Our Creative Future (Dunedin’s arts and culture strategy).  Mr McCracken provided background information on the strategy and the consultation to be undertaken. 

There was a discussion on current examples of good planning of public art work including the poetry on steps and back beach poetry and ceramic work and Mr McCracken commented on the strategic process of commissioning the public art work in Dunedin with a five and ten year vision and working with stakeholders in the community.

Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst) provided an update on information and matters of interest including:

·          Annual Plan 2017/18

·          DCC Te Kete Tikanga Māori – there was a discussion on a proposed digital app for cultural intelligence for the DCC.  Members agreed in principle but questioned whether other apps currently in place such as the Air New Zealand could be modified to suit local needs.

·                Māori Participation Work Plan – Mrs Sargeant provided an update on the work plan.

·                Annual Plan/Long Term Plan – There was a discussion on engagement on the Annual Plan 2017/18 and the Long Term Plan 2018/2028 (LTP).  It was agreed that the Māori Participation Working Party would host a hui at Araiteuru to inform the development of the LTP.  Staff would develop a plan for the hui for discussion at the next meeting.


10     Māori Liaison Role


Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer) provided an update on the Māori Liaison Role.  There was a discussion on measures to fill the role and it was agreed that the establishment of an MoU was a priority as that would help give structure to key strategic outcomes for the Māori Participation Working Party and how they fit with Council.

It was agreed that in the interim, KTKO be approached and requested to provide a quotation to scope the work for an MoU . 


Moved (Dave Cull/ Edward Ellison):

That the Committee:

        Approves that staff contact KTKO to request a quotation to scope the MoU work.


Motion carried (MPWP/2017/007)




7       Waitangi Day 2017


Edward Ellison provided an update on Waitangi Day activities.



Mr Ellison commented that the Waitangi Day celebrations had been extremely successful.


Mr Ellison provided an overview of the programme and commented on the panel of speakers, the inclusion and diversity of all those in attendance and the large turnout of Mayors and CEO’s from Otago and Southland.  Mr Ellison spoke of the character and form of the South Island celebrations and noted their difference to North Island celebrations.


Mr Ellison advised that in 2018 the celebrations would be held in Banks Peninsula.  He commented on the stature of the event and noted that a representative of the Governor General would be in attendance.   There was a discussion on attendance at the festival next year and Mr Ellison advised that it would be appropriate for a Council delegation to attend. 




During Item 7, Councillors Benson-Pope and Hawkins left the meeting at 5.05 pm and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe entered the meeting at 5.10 pm.


8       Update - Puaka Matariki


Joy Gunn (Manager Community Development and Events) provided an update on Puaka Matariki.


Ms Gunn introduced herself and provided information on her background.  She commented that an independent coordinator had been contracted to deliver the project.  Matariki would be held between 17 – 23 June in alignment with the appropriate configuration of the stars and moon.


Ms Gunn commented that they had received $10,000 from the Otago Community Trust to support funding grants for community groups which was due to open on Friday 3 March 2017.  She commented that the grants would be prioritised to events being held during Matariki. 



9       Joint Otago Southland Te Roopu Taiao Meeting


Mayor Dave Cull provided an update on the joint Otago Southland Te Roopu Taiao meeting held on Tuesday 7 February 2017.

Mayor Cull commented that the purpose of the meeting was to talk about ways of collaborating and enlarging the fellowship of Te Roopu Taiao across the region and the need to grow and develop relationships.


He commented that there had been a discussion on the changes to the Resource Management Act.  The Bill proposed to enhance Māori participation in the policy statement and plan-making processes by requiring local authorities to invite iwi authorities to form iwi participation arrangements (IPAs) and by enhancing iwi consultation requirements in relation to the appointment of hearings commissioners and pre-notification for policy statements and plan changes.   KTKO and Te Ao Marama had advised that they would like to investigate what was currently in place, existing relationships and identify what could be improved and any gaps. 



11     General Matters


Community Advisor

Members were pleased to note that Rema Smith had been appointed Community Advisor and spoke of the benefits in having Rema in this role.



There was a discussion on the Tuia Mayoral Rangatahi Mentoring Programme. 




Māori Street Names


Paulette Tamati-Elliffe commented on the inclusion of more Māori names in the Dunedin Road Naming Register.  Ms Graham advised that a report on existing and proposed new Street Name options would be presented to the May meeting.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 4.00 pm on Monday 29 May 2017.




The meeting ended with a Karakia at 5.35 pm.











Action List



Responsible Officer

Report back on whether there is a specific Māori Tourism fund available

Ryan Craig

Arrange a Hui on the LTP at Araiteuru Marae        

Tami Sargeant

KTKO be requested to provide quotation on MoU

Tami Sargeant

Māori Street Names to be included in the Dunedin Road Naming Register.  A report to be provided to the May meeting.   

Tracey Tamakehu