Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 2 February 2017

Time:                            10.00 am

Venue:                          Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Otago Peninsula Community Board






Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley



Senior Officer                               Richard Saunders, Group Manager Transport


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Pam Jordan

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                             11

5.1   Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 10 November 2016               11     

Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board has power to decide these matters)

6          Parks and Recreation Update                                                                      19

7        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           20

8        Funding Application                                                                                   31

9        Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates

a)   Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)   Rural Roads Update

c)   Area Updates

10      Community Plan                                                                                       33

11      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 34

12      Council Activities

Verbal Update from Councillor Andrew Whiley.

13      Items for Consideration by the Chair             



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








OPCB Interest Register 2 February 2017



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017









Date of Entry



(i.e.: Chairperson of group, owner, trustee, director etc)


Declaration of Interest


Nature of Potential Interest




Management Plan

Paul Pope


January 2017


Spiralis Ltd

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Dunedin Amenities Society

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Residential Property, Portobello

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Hoani Langsbury

(Deputy Chairperson)

January 2017


Otago Peninsula Trust

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Dark Skies Advisory Group

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Te Runanga o Otakou-Tangata Tiaki

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


DoC Te Roopu Kaitiaki

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Committee Member

Ariki Athletics Club

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Environment Canterbury

RMA Commissioner

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Wild Dunedin

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Lox Kellas


January 2017


Dunedin RSA

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

RSA Representative

Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Board Member

Coastguard Dunedin

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Graham McArthur




Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Christine Neill




Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Edna Stevenson




Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Andrew Whiley

(Council Representative)

January 2017


Whiley Golf Inc and New Zealand Golf Travel Ltd

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Japek (Family Trust) - Property Ownership - Dunedin

Duties to Trust may conflict with duties of Council Office or Community Board membership. 

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.   If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Chisholm Park Golf Club

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Dunedin South Rotary Club

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Board Member

New Zealand Professional Golfers Assn

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Pro Gas Otago

Potential conflict of interest.  

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Digital Community Trust

Duties to Trust may conflict with duties of Council Office.  This Trust is a recipient of Council funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



Confirmation of Minutes

Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 10 November 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 10 November 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting  held on 10 November 2016





Otago Peninsula Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 10 November 2016, commencing at 10.00 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Cr Andrew Whiley




Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport) and Anthony van de Water (Area Manager, Lower South Island, Downer)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




1       Public Forum

·      Community Art

Brittanysue Mason ran a gallery in Portobello and had a resident artist with her at present who had undertaken community art projects on her studio premises and a café in Portobello and was now looking for other art projects within the community.  His work was large scale with vibrant colours and he was currently seeking other spaces.


The Chairperson suggested a possible location and advised that he would be in touch with Brittanysue after contacting the company concerned about use of the site.


2       Apologies


Moved (Lox Kellas/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Edna Stevenson, and agrees to spend up to $50.00 from the Project Fund for flowers for Edna.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/030)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Christine Neill/Lox Kellas):


That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition or alteration:


a)     Transport Update


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/031)



4       Confirmation of Minutes

4.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 27 October 2016


Moved (Graham McArthur/Lox Kellas):


That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the inaugural Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 27 October 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2016/032)


Part A Reports

5       Declarations of Interest


A report from Civic and Legal reminded members of the need to recognise and declare interests and to manage any conflicts between those interests and their role as an elected member.  Elected members had the completion of their interests register underway, however for the purposes of this first meeting the declarations relevant to the items on this agenda would be taken at the meeting.



Moved (Hoani Langsbury/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/033)





Anthony van de Water, Area Manager - Lower South Island for Downer, the roading contractor for the Otago Peninsula area, was introduced to the Board.  The Group Manager Transport noted that the Council had moved to one contract to consolidate monitoring and reporting and to make sure it was getting consistent service.  The contract had been in place since 1 July 2016 and he commented on the key areas of the contract.  Andrew Lord was managing the contract and would attend future Board meetings on a regular basis.


Anthony van de Water outlined the company's responsibility for roading maintenance and the like in the lower South Island.  The company had received clear objectives from the Council and was currently focusing on assessing the network condition to allow for programming and planning, with more predictability of what was happening in the area.  He also commented on the equipment and staffing available and other contracts held by the company.


Board members asked questions relating to subcontractors used and particular roads and maintenance needed.  The Group Manager Transport suggested holding a workshop with the Board so work that needed to be done could be identified.  He advised that he would release programmes for resealing and rehab work, and also contract specifications to make it clear what would be expected.


It was suggested that an article could be written for FYI regarding logging maintenance issues through the call centre so they were entered into Downer's system.  This information could also be provided for the Portobello newsletter and other community publications.



7       Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic and Legal updated the Board on activities relevant to the Board area including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful

d)     Action List.


There was discussion on the following Action List items:

·      Tomahawk Beach Access – an update was requested from the Acting Group Manager Parks and Recreation for the next meeting.

·      Camp Road Trees – work would commence on removing the trees later in the month.  Waste timber not suitable for logs could be used for firewood by a community group for fundraising purposes and the Group Manager Transport sought advice from the Board on a suitable group.


Hoani Langsbury withdrew from the decision as he was a trustee of the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


Offers the waste wood from the tree felling to the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group for fundraising purposes and that Hoani Langsbury be delegated to deal with the matter.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/034)



Hoani Langsbury returned to the meeting at this point.



·      Dropout on Highcliff Road – the contractor was being flexible and this was expected to be finished by the middle of December.

·      Pull-over Areas – a request was made for more signage for existing areas as well as physical work to be done on other areas. This could also be part of the workshop.

·      Portobello/Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project – GHD had been awarded the contract.  It was proposed to hold a public open day on 8 December in the Portobello Hall to obtain feedback.  The Board's feedback would also be sought.  Board members would be part of the public open day to begin with and then it could be decided whether a separate session was needed.

·      Slip Repairs – there was discussion on these issues.

·      Bayne Terrace Steps – information had been provided to the community group.  There were still significant issues regarding the site, which was not a site where steps would normally be located.

·      50 km/h Signage – this had now been installed and could be deleted from the Action List.

·      Sea Wall Maintenance – The Group Manager Transport advised that an assessment had just been completed which would provide the basis of a programme for renewal work, which would be provided to the Board.  A question was asked whether pull over areas for star gazers at Papanui Inlet could be provided at the time the sea walls were addressed.

·      Tomahawk School – the Chairperson reported that a report based on the submissions received would be going to the Council in December.  He commented on the likely recommendations.

·      Roadside Weed Control – this would be dealt with as part of the proposed workshop and was to be deleted from the Action List.

·      Road Adjacent to Portobello Cemetery and School – legalisation would happen as part of the Portobello Road/Harington Point Road project and this was to be deleted from the Action List.

·      Tidewater Drive – staff were in regular contact with the resident.


Moved (Lox Kellas/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Appoints Graham McArthur as a representative to the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/035)



Chairperson Paul Pope declared an interest and left the meeting at 11.09 am.  Hoani Langsbury took the Chair.



8       Scholarship Application


A report from Civic and Legal appended a copy of a scholarship application from Georgia Pope to attend a World Challenge expedition to Thailand and Cambodia.



Moved (Lox Kellas/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


a)     Grants the scholarship application from Georgia Pope for $300.00.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/036) Cr Whiley abstained from voting


Chairperson Paul Pope returned to the meeting at 11.11 am and resumed the Chair.



9       Meeting Schedule for 2017


A report from Civic and Legal appended a proposed schedule of meetings for 2017 for consideration. 



Moved (Hoani Langsbury/Graham McArthur):


That the Board:


a)     Adopts the schedule of meetings for 2017, noting that the Council is yet to confirm its meeting schedule.

Motion carried (OPCB/2016/037)


10     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)      Keep Dunedin Beautiful




Paul Pope reported that he would continue to be involved with the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee.  He noted the need to organise something for the following year's Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week, as the 2016 Week had been held at the same time as the election this year when members were busy.




b)      Rural Roads Update




Lox Kellas reported that roads were in a reasonable state at present.




c)      Area Updates




Board members provided updates from their areas of responsibility.


Christine Neill commented on issues with the recycling depots which had been dealt with expeditiously after being reported via Customer Services, issues relating to cyclists on Highcliff Road, freedom camping enforcement, and a report she provided on bus stops.  She also noted that some Peninsula tracks were overgrown and needed clearing.


Hoani Langsbury raised parking issues at Wellers Rock which were likely to get worse as the tourist season progressed, and issues with rabbits at Te Rauone, which Parks needed to deal with.  He also commented on the meeting held at Labour Weekend to talk about erosion issues at Te Rauone, in particular the short term issue regarding the protection of the DCC Reserve.  He also advised that freedom camping at Taiaroa Head required enforcement.




11     Community Plan


The draft 2017/18 Community Plan had been circulated.  This was endorsed by the previous Board and referred to the incoming Board for adoption.

Board members were allocated areas of responsibility.


There was discussion on the need for broadband and the installation of fibre on the Peninsula as businesses were missing out on opportunities.





Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Hoani Langsbury):


That the Board:


a)     Adopts the updated Otago Peninsula Community Board Community Plan.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2016/038)


12     Chairperson's Report


A verbal report from the Chairperson updated the Board on the following matters of interest since the previous meeting:


·      Parking at Wellers Rock was to be added to the Action List – sensible options were needed and there was a need to work with both operators and the Council.

·      An official Otago Peninsula Community Board Facebook page had now been created.

·      He suggested that around once a year for an hour or so the Board hold "clinics" in different local areas so people could raise issues with the Board.  A suggestion was also made that these could be held over morning tea with speakers provided.

·      The Chairperson suggested that once or twice in a triennium the Board should organise a Biodiversity Forum as there were many different groups doing good work in this area.  Hoani Langsbury was asked to organise such a forum at some stage.  It was also suggested that the Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager and Biodiversity Officer could be involved.

·      The forum with tourism operators should continue annually and Christine Neill would organise this.

·      Lox Kellas was tasked with dealing with the Otago Regional Council over the harbourmaster position.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Lox Kellas):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/039)


13     Council Activities


Cr Andrew Whiley reported on the following matters of interest:


·      Council was getting under way following the election.

·      Aurora/Delta power pole issues, and whether all red-tagged poles on the Peninsula were mapped.

·      Gig City and use of power poles.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Christine Neill):


That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.


Motion carried (OPCB/2016/040)



It was suggested that a Board end of year event be held on Friday, 9 December 2016.



The meeting concluded at 11.48 am.










Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



Part A Reports

Parks and Recreation Update



Jendi Paterson, the Recreation Planning and Facilities Manager, will be in attendance to discuss the following matters with the Board:

a)  Freedom camping

b)  Tomahawk School site

c)  Tomahawk Beach

d)  Portobello Jetty pontoon

e)  Rabbit control/preparation of Portobello Domain for winter season

f)  Peninsula tracks

g)  Boat removal at Broad Bay playground

h)  Beach access signs

i)   Slide removal at Latham Park



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     2017 Community Boards Conference

d)     Training for Community Board Chairs

e)     Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

f)     Dunedin Destination Plan

g)     Road Stopping, Beaconsfield Road

h)     Action List.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Supports the proposal to stop a portion of Beaconsfield Road adjacent to 1 McAuley Road, Portobello, under section 342 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

2      $8,402.00 remains in the Project Fund.  The following grants/other expenditure have been made so far this financial year:

Meeting Date



11 August 2016


Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community Inc (portable marine radio)

11 August 2016


Portobello Blues Festival 2017 (lighting and sound for the Festival)

10 November 2016







Scholarship Fund

3      The following scholarship has been funded from the Board's Project Fund in the current financial year:


Meeting Date



10 November 2016


Georgia Pope (World Challenge Expedition to Thailand and Cambodia)





2017 Community Boards Conference

4      The biennial Community Boards Conference is being held in Methven from 12-13 May 2017.  The programme and costs have yet to be released.  In accordance with the Council's policy, as it is a South Island location this year each of Dunedin's boards will be entitled to send a representative with registration, accommodation and travel costs paid.  If a Board wishes to send more than one representative it will be able to fund any additional representative from its Project Fund.

Training for Community Board Chairs

5      A Local Government New Zealand training session for Community Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs will be held in Gore on Saturday, 11 March 2017.  The workshop programme includes understanding standing orders, tips for chairing meetings, relationships between boards and councils, legislative update, conflicts of interest and an update on policy issues impacting on the performance of boards.  Please let your Governance Support Officer know if you wish to attend.

Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

6      Council is currently inviting submissions on the proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw. There are three main proposals being consulted on:

a)     The expansion of the scope of the bylaw to include beaches as well as reserves so that management of these spaces is consistent.

b)     Expanding provisions to control the use of vehicles and aircraft (including drones) on reserves and beaches.

c)     Inclusion of speed limit and access restrictions for vehicles and boats on reserves and beaches.

7      Freedom Camping is not included in the statement of proposal, as Council will consider this issue separately in 2017 in relation to amendments to the Camping Control Bylaw 2015.  Submissions close on 10 February 2017 and consultation information is on the Council's website.

Dunedin Destination Plan

8      The Dunedin City Council is currently developing a Dunedin Destination Plan.  The draft Plan will be considered by the Economic Development Committee on 14 March 2017 and, subject to Committee approval, public engagement will follow.  The Plan sits under Dunedin's Strategic Framework focusing on the Economic Development Strategy's theme, "A Compelling Destination".  Taking an integrated approach to destination management, the Plan responds to city objectives around education, investment, migration and employment, as well as tourism.


9      The draft plan has been developed in conjunction with key city stakeholders including the local tourism, tertiary education, cultural and events sectors, Dunedin International Airport, the Otago Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment, and Immigration New Zealand.  The Grow Dunedin (Economic Development), Creative Dunedin and Te Ao Tūroa (Environment) Partnership groups will be briefed on the draft Plan prior to the Committee meeting.


10    A drop-in session for Community Board members to provide initial input has arranged for:


Date: Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Time: 11.00am-12.30pm

Venue: Plaza Meeting Room, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 50 The Octagon (opposite the Customer Service Centre).


11    For further information please contact: Ryan Craig, Destination Manager:, 021 242 8688


Road Stopping – Beaconsfield Road

12    Transport have a road stopping application within the Otago Peninsula Community Board area.  The proposal is attached (Attachment A), and is to correct a long standing occupation of legal road.  The area to be stopped is part of Beaconsfield Road, however is on the frontage to 1 McAuley Road.  The site is above the road, at the top of a steep bank and it appears that there is no requirement to retain the land for transport (or other community) purposes.


13    The OPCB does not have the power to make a decision on this matter, however can support (or otherwise) the proposal, and this will be included in the report to the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee.  The application is under the process set out in the Local Government Act 1974, and the proposal will be publicly notified.


14    If successful the applicant will be required to pay the value of the land or the cost of the stopping, whichever is greater.  This differs from the policy because the application was made prior to the Annual Plan fees and charges being updated to reflect the policy.  This is the normal regime for this type of application.


15    Transport staff intend to recommend to the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee that the proposal be allowed to proceed.


Action List

16    An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment B.




Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Road Stopping - Beaconsfield Road



OPCB Action List, 2 February 2017





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.


Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.

Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.

Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



PDF Creator

Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




Otago Peninsula Community Board Action List

2 February 2017





Resolution No

Action Requested

Report Back to the Board



Due Date

Tomahawk Beach Access

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

10 November 2016

Item 7

Update requested for 2 February 2017 meeting.

Further signs to be erected at the beach access following the stranding of cars. In addition to these signs, Water Safety message signs have recently been installed to Tomahawk and Smaills Beaches (completed in conjunction with Surf Life Saving NZ). 


Investigations are continuing into legal status of Tomahawk Beach and vehicle access to it across the Reserve.  The legal team have advised that it is possible to control vehicle access with a bylaw.  Vehicle access on reserves and beaches is being dealt with as part of the Reserves Bylaw review which is due to be completed before April 2017.


Parks and Recreation

Written update on legal status of beach access to be provided to the Board when received.


Repair to Dropout on Highcliff Road near Seal Point Road (two car slip)

2 July 2015

Item 5

13 August 2015

Item 9(24)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Updates requested until complete.


Board requested email updates to be provided to affected residents.


Meeting with affected residents/ key holders to be held.


Request to ensure 477 4000 can be used for after-hours enquiries.


Request from Chair to provide update on how current traffic management is working/timing of repairs and plan for management of multiple repairs/update on consultation with the community.


Request for completion prior to the 2016 tourist season.

Progressing as per regular updates.  Will keep the Board updated.  Work is scheduled to be completed in February.



Provision of more pull-over areas: Highcliff Road and Portobello Road and request for signage alerting motorists to pull over areas (including existing pull overs)


13 August 2015

Item 9(9)

24 September 2015

Item 7

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Board considers urgent for tourist season.


Board requested more urgency to be given to this.


Board requests budget provision.


Chairperson requested an area near the top of Castlewood Road.


More signage in existing areas as well as other areas requested.

More signage requested.  To be considered as part of Board Transport and Parks workshop.


Verbal update at meeting

Portobello/ Harington Point Road Safety Improvement Project

13 August 2015

Item 9(22)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Advice to be provided on approximate start of project.



An open day was held on 6 December 2017.  Public feedback has been collated, and is currently being reviewed.  Once design is finalised, construction is proposed to start mid-2017.



Regular updates at Board meetings

Slip at Hatchery Road, Portobello etc

13 August 2015

Item 11(b)

24 September 2015

Item 9(c)

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Slip has increased and requires checking.

Work is programmed to start late February. Updates will be provided at the next meeting.


Further update at next Board meeting

Maintenance of sea walls eg repairs to wash outs on the sea walls around Hoopers Inlet on Allans Beach Road

eg repairs to road edges – top of sea walls

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Update requested on undermining


Pull-over areas on Papanui Inlet requested at time sea walls are addressed

The maintenance team is currently working this into the forward works programme, however there is no current budget for this work.  Pull-over options will be investigated by staff when completing sea wall work.



Logging of maintenance issues

10 November 2016

Item 6

Article to be written for FYI and community publications asking people to log maintenance issues via the call centre

This will be completed in a future FYI.  No date has been set yet.



Peninsula tracks

10 November 2016

Item 10a

Overgrown and need clearing

DCC is currently undertaking an audit of all walking tracks within the city.  Ad hoc maintenance work is being completed as required.  The track audit will help determine responsibilities for on-going maintenance.

Parks and Recreation


Rabbits, Te Rauone

10 November 2016

Item 10c

Need to be addressed

Additional rabbit control can be completed.  However, for this to be effective a programme with the wider land owners needs to be considered, in particular the farmland.  DCC Parks has appointed a Biodiversity Officer so a more strategic approach with rabbit control can be progressed should the Community. Board want to prioritise this. 

Parks and Recreation


Freedom camping, Taiaroa Head and elsewhere

10 November 2016

Item 10c

Requires enforcement

The enforcement programme runs from 1 November – 30 April, a route is completed on the peninsula.  If campers are in restricted areas, please call CSA and it will get passed on to the appropriate people.

Parks and Recreation


Parking, Wellers Rock

10 November 2016

Items 10c and 12

Lack of parking – likely to get worse as tourist season progresses.  Need for operators and Council to work together.

Parking options are with operators of the Monarch for review.  More updates will be provided for the next meeting.




Tomahawk School

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Update requested on open days and expressions of interest.

Council resolved at its December meeting for staff to remove the old pool from the site.  This will occur before the end of February.  It will lease the old school building and surrounding land to the Anderson Bay Kindergarten.


Parks and Recreation


Camp Road Tree Removal

24 September 2015

Item 10

12 November 2015

Item 7

28 January 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Update requested on consent process for tree removal.


Request from Board to address prior to start of 2016 tourist season.


Waste wood offered to Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust.

Trees removed following meetings with the land owner and Larnach Castle.



Tidewater Drive Drainage Issue

Request from Chairperson

28 January 2016

Item 8

3 March 2016

Item 7

14 April 2016

Item 8

26 May 2016

Item 9

10 November 2016

Item 7

Update requested.


Board to be advised when communication with affected residents has been carried out.  Importance of on-going maintenance noted.

A meeting has been held with the affected resident.  Additional work will occur at the outlet end.  This is currently being programmed and the owner will be kept informed.





Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




Funding Application

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report provides a copy of a funding application which has been received for the Otago Peninsula Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The funding application is from Helen Martin for a community coffee morning and was received within the required timeframe.

3      Sufficient money remains in the Project Fund should the Board wish to grant the application. 



That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the funding application from Helen Martin for $300.00 for a community coffee morning.





Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Helen Martin Funding Application, February 2017



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



PDF Creator

Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017



Community Plan



The 2017/18 Community Plan has been adopted but can be updated during the course of the year as required.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      The purpose of the report is to append the Chairperson's update to the Board on matters dealt with since the last meeting and other matters to be considered.  As this is an administrative report the Summary of Considerations is not required.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson for February 2017.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Chairperson's Report 2 February 2017



Otago Peninsula Community Board

2 February 2017







Te Rauone – A meeting was held on 18 December 2017 between members of the community, the Mayor, Chairman of the ORC and the Chairman of Port Otago.  The meeting was a frank and fair exchange of views that will be continued by a presentation from Port Otago's engineers and consultants in February.


The slide from Portobello and boat from Broad Bay have been removed due to damage.


A meeting of Board Chairs was held in January to discuss changes in the way Boards allocate community funding.


The consultation process over the Peninsula Connection project was successful and we now await further information.


The Christmas period was uneventful despite poor weather.


I would like to discuss the matter of a Biodiversity Forum for the Otago Peninsula Community.


Community Board Chairs attended the 2017 Annual Plan and the following was presented to Councillors for consideration:


1.       The Peninsula Connection Project design and build phase must be undertaken to create Portobello Road into a roadway that works for the Peninsula Community and the city.

2.       Te Rauone - that the DCC continue to work with the community and agencies to complete this work on the beach.

3.       The Council should add the previously approved 2002 coastal budget for Te Rauone reserve into the 2018 Annual Plan and Long Term Plan to complement the community efforts.

4.       The maintenance, upgrade and protection of roading assets across the Peninsula must continue to ensure safe and open access for residents and visitors.

5.       The provision of continued upgrades and maintenance of parks, tracks, reserves and biodiversity areas on the Otago Peninsula.

6.       Joint DCC initiatives on predators and pest species including the Predator-free NZ programme.

7.       The development of an on-going research project on tourism and freedom camping with the University of Otago to develop proper data for investment decisions.

8.       More active advocacy by the DCC on the provision of fast broadband on the Otago Peninsula, especially in light of the Aurora power pole issues and its impact on this aspect of broadband supply.

9.       Advocacy by the DCC with the ORC on a joint initiative in the management of the Tomahawk lagoon to prevent further flooding of the Domain Hall.

10.     A joint initiative with ORC to develop a recreational and environmental plan for the Otago Harbour and its recreational assets.

11.     Consideration by the Council for the use of Te Reo in public signs on the Otago Peninsula in conjunction with the Portobello Road connection project and other opportunities.



Paul Pope
