Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 9 February 2017

Time:                            3.30 pm

Venue:                          Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers,

                                      The Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Saddle Hill Community Board






Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Leanne Stenhouse



Peter Gouverneur

Christina McBratney


Keith McFadyen

Paul Weir


Cr Conrad Stedman



Senior Officer                               Adrian Blair, Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Margaret Eastwood and Molly Duncan                                                     4

1.2   Nic Le Brun                                                                                       4

1.3   Katy Ferguson, Riding for the Disabled                                                   4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              9

5.1   Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 17 November 2016                        9     

Part A Reports (Saddle Hill Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          Funding Applications                                                                                  16

7        Governance Support Officers's Report                                                          28

8        Report Back on Funding Applications                                                            35

9        Chairperson's Report                                                                                 44

10      Council Activities                                                                                       47

Part B Reports (Saddle Hill Community Board  has power to  recommend only on these items)

11        Proposal to name Private Way off Chadwick Street, Fairfield                            48

12      Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chair                             58            



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




1     Public Forum

1.1  Margaret Eastwood and Molly Duncan

Margaret Eastwood and Molly Duncan, wish to address the meeting concerning the renaming of the Fairfield Tavern Reserve.

1.2  Nic Le Brun

Nic Le Brun, Food Help, Dunedin wishes to address the meeting concerning their funding application.

1.3  Katy Ferguson, Riding for the Disabled

Katy Ferguson, Operations Manager wishes to address the meeting concerning the Riding for the Disabled Funding Application.

2     Apologies

Apologies have been received from Cr Paul Weir and Chairperson Scott Weatherall.


That the Board:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Paul Weir and Chairperson Scott Weatherall.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








Saddle Hill Community Board Register of Interest



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Confirmation of Minutes

Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 17 November 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 17 November 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of Saddle Hill Community Board meeting  held on 17 November 2016





Saddle Hill Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Thursday 17 November 2016, commencing at 3.30 pm




Deputy Chairperson

Leanne Stenhouse



Peter Gouverneur

Christina McBratney


Keith McFadyen

Paul Weir


Cr Conrad Stedman




Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services); Hjarne Poulsen (Safety Team Leader); Andrew Lord (Contract Supervisor Road Maintenance), Tom Dyer (Group Manager Parks and Recreation)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




The Deputy Chair (Leanne Stenhouse) welcomed members to the Board and gave a brief overview on the achievements over the past triennium.

1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


2       Apologies


Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


Accepts the apology from Chairperson Scott Weatherall.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/025)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Paul Weir): that the Board


Confirms the supplementary agenda noting that Item 13 – Declaration by Keith McFadyen would be taken before Item 6.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/026)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 27 October 2016


Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Paul Weir): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 27 October 2016 as a correct record.


Motion carried (SHCB/2016/027)

Part A Reports

13     Declaration by Keith McFadyen


Keith McFadyen made the declaration required by Schedule 7, Clause 14 of the Local Government Act 2002, which was witnessed by the Deputy Chairperson, Leanne Stenhouse.


6       Declaration of Interest


Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Notes the Elected Members’ Interest Register attached as Attachment A.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/028)


7       Governance Support Officer's Report


The Safety Team Leader (Hjarne Poulsen) and Contract Supervisor Road Maintenance (Andrew Lord) provided an update on the transport items on the Action List in the Governance Support Officer’s Report as follows:


Westwood Layby Consultation     

Mr Poulsen advised that consultation with local residents on the proposed construction of the Westwood Layby had been completed.  He commented that problems with drainage had been identified and staff expected to have additional information to address this issue over the next couple of months.  The Board requested a report outlining the timeframe for the works to be presented to the February 2017 meeting.


Brighton - Taieri Mouth Road

Mr Poulsen spoke of two slips on the Brighton-Taieri Mouth Road and advised that they were being monitored separately from the major coastal erosion problem in the area.  A consultant had been engaged and would investigate solutions for the areas of concern which would be reported back to the Board. 


Morris Road slumping

There was a discussion on the ongoing issues with Morris Road, Fairfield road slumping.  Mr Lord advised that staff had been informed that Morris Road had slumped further earlier in the day as a result of the recent heavy rainfall.  The road had been reduced to one lane with a temporary traffic management in place to enable work to be undertaken.  Geotechnical investigation and design work was being conducted and Council would work as quickly as possible to complete the design and work. 


McMaster Road, Saddle Hill Sealing

McMaster Road would not be resealed as the seal extension budget had not been reinstated as had been hoped.  However  Mr Poulsen advised that it was hoped that work may be completed on some roads out of existing budgets.


Brighton Road Culvert

The Board spoke of their concerns with the open drain on Brighton Road to Creamery Road in Ocean View.  Power poles were installed in the drain which would fill with water in heavy rainfall causing safety concerns.  The Board would like an update on remedial action to be undertaken to rectify this matter. 


Walton Park Car Park

Downers had been requested to check the state of the Walton Park car park and report back on any remedial action required.


Main South Road/Brighton Road Intersection

Investigative work had been undertaken on Green Island on and off ramps to the motorway with safety issues identified with the current layout.  The results proposed that a roundabout would be the most appropriate option for the intersection and the next step would be for staff to liaise with NZTA.  The Board would be kept updated on the steps forward.


Scroggs Hill Road – Allanton/Scroggs Hill Road intersection

Low cost improvements had been undertaken including the installation of a speed warning sign.  A speed survey and a design to improve the verge would be undertaken in November.


Blackhead Road walking path

The tendering process was underway and staff would continue to update the Board on progress.


The Group Manager Parks and Recreation (Tom Dyer) provided an update on Parks and Recreation items on the action list as follows:


Walton Park Track

Mr Dyer advised that the mulching of the track would be undertaken during the second week of December with gravelling of the track being completed in December or early January.  Planting would be then be undertaken however it was noted that the projects was weather dependent.


Walton Park Signage

Mr Dyer advised that the proposed signage at the entrance to Walton Park should be completed however he would request staff check and confirm this.


Walton Park Playing Field

The Board queried the impact the removal of trees had on the field as games had been cancelled during the past season due to the grounds being too soggy which had not occurred in the past.  Mr Dyer advised he would investigate and report back to the Board.


Brighton Domain

The Board requested an update on the progress of work on the Brighton Domain, they noted there had been a lot of water sitting on the Domain.  They also requested an update on the proposed planting.


Mr Dyer advised that there were investigations underway with all sports grounds including the Brighton Domain.  He advised that gravel had been placed on the left hand side of the driveway for informal parking which would alleviate bogging problems in that area.  The first stage of planting had been completed and information on the next stage would be emailed through. 


Public Toilets

The Board queried the criteria of having a public toilet installed at a reserve/domain and advised that they had identified the Fairplay Street Reserve as a priority over the past ten years.  Mr Dyer advised that there was an investigation being undertaken on public toilets and a review of how they were managed.  He would ensure Fairplay Street was included in any future assessments.



Mr Dyer advised that the Transport and Parks and Reserves teams would hold a workshop prior to the next Board meeting.  This would enable the Board to provide their priorities and ensure proposed work was aligned within the Board area.  Mr Dyer commented this would ensure that when funding was available, it was used in the best manner.  It was also agreed that it would be useful to have a representative from City Property at the workshop as well.


Mr Dyer advised that he had been speaking to the Group Manager Transport about reinstatement of the resealing programme and Mr Saunders had advised that Councillors asked staff to revisit the programme and report back.  He suggested that if there was a major priority for resealing in the Board area, it could be discussed at a workshop and staff would identify whether the work could be undertaken within current budgets.


The Governance Support Officer (Lynne Adamson) then provided an updated on items of interest including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful

c)     Ultra fast Broadband

d)     Civil Defence

e)     Action List.


There was a discussion on the recent Civil Defence Tsunami emergency.  Board members queried how they should be informed and their role during an emergency such as the possible Tsunami event.  Mr Blair advised that he would follow up with the Customer Services Agency and report back on the possibility of a text alert service.  Board members requested Civil Defence training to help in preparation for any future emergencies. 


Peter Gouverneur volunteered to be the Board representative on the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee.  Mr McFadyen and Ms Stenhouse advised that they would attend should Mr Gouverneur be unavailable at any time.



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Paul Weir): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)     Appoints Peter Gouverneur as the representative to the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee with Keith McFadyen and Leanne Stenhouse providing back up.

c)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/029)


8       Funding Application


Fairfield School applied for $1,590 towards a new key system for their swimming pool door.  The Board were very supportive of the school and their initiative to enable the pool to be available to the wider community.  They noted that the provision of the sale of season keys would provide some funding towards the new key system and commented that their criteria for funding would normally support up to 40% of the total cost and $1,000 funding.



Moved (Keith McFadyen/ Leanne Stenhouse): that the Board


a)     Approves $1,000 funding application from Fairfield School

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/030)


9       2017 Meeting Schedule


A report from Civic and Legal appended a proposed schedule of meetings for 2017 for consideration.


The Board noted that they held some meetings in the community and agreed that they would hold the March 2017 meeting at the Fairfield Bowling Club with other venues to be decided at the next meeting.



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/ Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Adopts the schedule of meetings for 2017 noting that Council had not confirmed its meeting schedule prior to distribution of the agenda.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/031)


10     Draft Community Plan 2017/18


The draft 2017/18 Community Plan had been circulated for consideration.  This was endorsed by the previous Board and referred to the incoming Board for adoption.


A workshop had been held prior to the Board meeting to make editorial changes and discuss how proposed projects would fit within the Dunedin City Council Strategies.  It was agreed that the plan be approved subject to the changes agreed on at the workshop.



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/Peter Gouverneur): that the Board


a)     Approves the Saddle Hill Community Board Community Plan subject to editorial changes and the change in format to enable projects to align with the Dunedin City Council Strategies.

b)     Adopts the Saddle Hill Community Board Community Plan once the updates had been incorporated. 

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/032)


11     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) updated the Board on matters of interest including:


Community Plan

Draft Annual Plan

Community Drive Around

It was agreed that a community drive around would be held in the new year.

Youth Ambassador Award

There was a discussion on the continuation of the Youth Ambassador Award.  The Board discussed the value of supporting youth in the community and agreed that the award would continue with more support provided for the recipient.  Christina McBratney volunteered to champion this project with support from Keith McFadyen.


Social Get Together

As members had other commitments on the proposed dates, it was agreed that a social get together would be held on 2 February 2017.


Brighton Gala Day

There was a discussion on the Brighton Gala Day and members agreed that they wished to continue to participate as it raised awareness and the Boards profile.  There was a discussion on the manning of the stall and appropriate items to hand out.  Civil Defence had partnered the Board at the last Gala Day which had proved to be extremely well received and it was agreed that they would be invited to do so again.  The Tsunami map had gained interest at the last event and it was agreed that Civil Defence would be asked to provide this again.


Greater Green Island Network

Ms Stenhouse spoke of her role on the Greater Green Island Network and commented that there may be times when it presents a conflict of interest.  She advised that there had been discussions on the drawing up of a Memorandum of Understanding which would be investigated further in the new year.



Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/Keith McFadyen): that the Board


a)     Notes the Chairperson’s Report

b)     Approves up to a cost of $1,000.00 to be used from the Project Fund for purchases required to support the Brighton Gala Day stall.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/033)


12     Council Activities


Councillor Conrad Stedman provided a written update on the Council meeting held earlier in the week including:


High Street Housing Development

Submission to Central Government to block off shore drilling


He commented on his appointment and how much he looked forward to working with the Board over the triennium.




Moved (Leanne Stenhouse/Peter Gouverneur): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (SHCB/2016/034)



The meeting concluded at 5.20 pm.









Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Part A Reports


Funding Applications

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report provides a copy of the funding applications which have been received for the Saddle Hill Community Board’s consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The Brighton Volunteer Fire Brigade has requested $200.00 funding towards the purchase of two loud hailers for public announcements including civil defence emergencies.

3      Food Help, Dunedin has requested $400.00 funding to help support the provision of emergency food parcels for families and people in need in the Dunedin community.

4      Riding for the Disabled – Dunedin Group has requested $2,000 towards the cost of providing 10 new yards.

5      $7,250.00 remains in the Project Fund of $10,000.00 The total of the funding applications received is $2,600.00.



That the Board:

a)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $200.00 from the Brighton Volunteer Fire Brigade.

b)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $400.00 from Food Help, Dunedin.

c)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $2,000.00 from Riding for the Disabled – Dunedin Group.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer








Brighton Volunteer Fire Brigade Funding Application



Food Help Dunedin Funding Application



Riding for the Disabled Dunedin Group




Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




Governance Support Officers's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report is to inform the Saddle Hill Community Board of activities relevant to the Board’s area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Draft Dunedin Destination Plan

c)     2017 Community Boards Conference

d)     Training for Community Board Chairs

e)     Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

f)     Action List


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

2      $7,250.00 remains in the Project Fund.  The following grants have been made in the current financial year:

Meeting Date



18 August 2016



18 August 2016


Otago Metals

17 November 2016


Fairfield School




Draft Dunedin Destination Plan

3      Council is currently developing a Dunedin Destination Plan.  The draft Plan will be considered by the Economic Development Committee on 14 March 2017 and, subject to Committee approval, public engagement will follow.

4      The Plan sits under Dunedin’s Strategic Framework focussing on the Economic Development Strategy’s them, “A Compelling Destination”.  Taking an integrated approach to destination management, the Plan responds to city objectives around education, investment, migration and employment, as well as tourism.

5      The draft plan has been developed in conjunction with key city stakeholders including the local tourism, tertiary education, cultural and events sectors, Dunedin International Airport, the Otago Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment, and Immigration New Zealand.  The Grow Dunedin (Economic Development), Creative Dunedin and Te Ao Tūroa (Environment) Partnership groups will be briefed on the draft Plan prior to the Committee meeting.

6      A drop in session for Community Board members to provide initial input has been arranged for:

Date:         Wednesday 15 February 2017

Time:         11.00 am – 12.30 pm

Venue:      Plaza Meeting Room, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 50 the Octagon (opposite the Customer Service Centre).


7      For further information please contact: Ryan Craig, Destination Manager:  021 242 8688

2017 Community Boards Conference


8      The biennial Community Boards Conference is being held in Methven from 12-13 May 2017.  The programme and costs have yet to be released.  In accordance with the Council’s policy, as it is a South Island location this year, each of the Dunedin’s boards will be entitled to send a representative with registration, accommodation and travel costs paid.  If a Board wishes to send more than one representative it will be able to provide the funding from its Discretionary Fund. 

Training For Community Board Chairs

9      A Local Government New Zealand training session for Community Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs will be held in Gore on Saturday 11 March 2017.  The workshop programme includes understanding standing orders; tips for chairing meetings; relationships between boards and councils; legislative update; conflicts of interest and an update on policy issues impacting on the performance of boards.  Please let your Governance Support Officer know if you wish to attend.

Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

10    Council is currently inviting submissions on the proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw.  There are three main proposals being consulted on:

a)     The expansion of the scope of the bylaw to include beaches as well as reserves so that management of these spaces is consistent.

b)     Expanding provisions to control the use of vehicles and aircraft (including drones) on reserves and beaches.

c)     Inclusion of speed limit and access restrictions for vehicles and boats on reserves and beaches.

11    Freedom Camping is not included in the statement of proposal, as Council will consider the issue separately in 2017 in relation to amendments to the Camping Control Bylaw 2015.  Submissions close on 10 February 2017 and consultation information is on the Council’s website.

Action List

12    An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.




Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Saddle Hill Community Board Action List February 2017





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision/report/proposal enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




Report Back on Funding Applications

Department: Civic and Legal






1      There have been six report backs received for funding approved by the Saddle Hill Community Board which are attached for your information:

a)     Big Rock Primary School received $2,000.00 in October 2015 to upgrade the school pool filtration system, changing rooms, showers and toilets.

b)     Brighton Ocean View Playgroup received $505.66 in November 2015 towards the purchase of toys.

c)     Fairfield School Pool received $2,000 in August 2015 towards the repainting of the Fairfield Community Pool.

d)     Fairfield School Pool received $1,000 in November 2016 towards the replacement of the swimming pool key entry system.

e)     Green Island Lions Club received $1,000 in October 2015 towards the purchase of Hi Viz vests to be distributed to local schools.

f)     Riding for the Disabled received $2,000 in November 2015 towards the creation of a central manure area.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report backs from Big Rock Primary School, Brighton Ocean View Playgroup, Green Island Lions Club, Riding for the Disabled and the two from Fairfield School.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 







Big Rock Primary School Report Back



Brighton Ocean View Playgroup Report Back



Fairfield School Pool 2015 Report Back



Fairfield School Pool Report Back 2016



Green Island Lions Club Report back



Riding for the Disabled Report Back



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      A report from the Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) is attached.  The report provides an update on issues raised with the Chair and matters not covered by other reports on the agenda.

2      As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the Chairperson’s report.

b)     Approves the purchase of ten Hi Vis Safety Vests at a cost of up to $300.00 to be funded from the Project Fund.

c)     Approves providing community meetings in the Board area with associated costs of up to $100.00 per meeting to be funded from the Project Fund.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer








Chairperson's Report



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Community Board Chairs Report Feb 2017

Once again I’m an apology – my sincere apologies for this. This time off being a Medic for The Pioneer World Class Mountain Biking Event from Christchurch to Queenstown. Thanks so much Leanne for taking the Chair’s seat.

The start of 2017 has really been steady:

* Our Boards’ road trip looking around the Community which I found incredibly valuable especially prior to our workshop with Transportation and Parks staff.

* Preparing and presenting to the City Council on our Boards priorities for 2017

* Pre Agenda Meeting

* A workshop with the other Community Board Chairs around our Discretionary fund

* Community Board Diner

* Meeting with the Mosgiel/Taieri Community Board Mrs Sarah Nitis.

Community Response Plan

·    Coastal Communities is all complete

·    Fairfield/Saddle Hill & Chain Hills is still work in progress

Fluro Vests

I would like to propose that we as a Board purchase a Fluro Vest with “Saddle Hill Community Board” printed on the front and back. I have costed some through Promo X  -

Description: C:\Users\Scott\Downloads\6DNSZE_2_635484524808406077.jpg

Vest : Hi Vis Safety Vest With Reflective Tape – Zip Closing $12.45 incl gst each


Back Print

Two Lines $10.25 incl gst each (10cm High)


Front Embroidery


$5.75 incl gst each



We are making more and more visits into the community and attending more public forums I think it will add to our personal safety but also professionalism.

I would like to propose that we buy ten – one for each member and three as spares for any events like the Brighton Gala Day or a Civil Defence event.

Brighton Gala Day

A huge thanks to all whom contributed to “manning the stand” I think the more we build on our public profile the better it is. It’s truly appreciated and I know it takes considerable time pulling together such a display prior to and then on the day.


Community Meetings in our respective communities

I’m really keen that we do one in Brighton/Ocean View, Westwood/Waldronville and Fairfield/Chain Hills/Saddle Hill in the first half of the year. I’m happy to organise these but would like commitment, support or otherwise from the Board and if there is support maybe one or two members to work with me on bringing these together.

A budget of $100 per meeting would be great for Tea/Coffee/Supper and any admin expenses so $300.

Boards Submission to the Parks and Reserves Policy Review (28/11/16)

As previously shared we made a Board submission to this review.

Youth Ambassador Award – need to call for applications

Thanks to Christina and Lynne for getting this underway again. It’s for all our Board Members to have a think about people who would be a great Ambassador for our Board. There is absolutely no issue offering prospective applicants the application form but please be clear that you are not able to commit to a specific person and indicate that if required. We as a Board will then make a decision once all applications are in.

Discretionary Fund Update

I attended a meeting with all Community Board Chairs to discuss with bring our Discretionary Fund application systems into place. More information will come as able but it was agreed that:

·    There would be four rounds of funding applications (rather than at any time of the year which is what we do)

·    That all Community Board Forms will be consistent including having reporting back forms

·    That Boards allocate a Portfolio position for a Board Member to facilitate the Community Groups and Organisations who apply (like a Board Liaison Contact)

I think that’s about it from me, thanks for all your work already this year I think we certainly have hit the ground running which is great.


Thanks again


Scott Weatherall

Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017




Council Activities

Department: Civic and Legal






1      The Ward Councillor (Conrad Stedman) will provide an update on matters of interest to the Board.




That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from Councillor Stedman.






Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Part B Reports


Proposal to name Private Way off Chadwick Street, Fairfield

Department: Information Services






1      The purpose of this report is to present the options for the naming of a private way off Chadwick Street as part of an industrial development by JPD Trustee Limited and Trevor Cockburn. The developer's preference complies with the Dunedin City Council Road Naming Policy. The support of the Saddle Hill Community Board is sought for this name prior to its consideration by the Infrastructure Services Committee.


That the Board:

a)     Supports the naming of a new private way off Chadwick Street as “Cleveland Close”.




2      A 20 lot light industrial estate has been approved at 7 Chadwick Street, Fairfield. The development will an internal road servicing the 20 Lots, and as per the Road Naming Policy a private way of more than five lots should be named. It has now reached a stage where approval is sought to name this private way.


3      The Developer has proposed “Cleveland Close” as their preferred name for this private way. No alternative name has been suggested.

4      “Cleveland Close” is named for Les Cleveland (1931-2013). Les Cleveland was a man of many parts - Philanthropist, businessman, Regional Councillor, singer, conservationist and gardener. He was awarded the OBE in 1995 and Dunedin Citizen of the Year in 1997. He donated more than two million daffodil bulbs and 8,000 rhododendrons to the city. 7 Chadwick Street was owned by Les and was the site of Oderings Nurseries and the TWL Company (started by Les and now owned by the Gough Group).

5      The name fits the Appropriateness criteria of the Road Name Guidelines under f) A Personal name for special service.

6      The name is not the same or similar to any other road name in Dunedin.

7      The family of Les Cleveland has given their permission to this proposal.

8      No alternative name has been suggested. The developer is aware of the potential issues this may cause.


9      As the name complies with the policy no options other than the recommendation have been presented.


10    That the Community Board supports the naming of a new private way off Chadwick Street as "Cleveland Close".




Bruce Hall - Information Support


John Stewart - Acting Digital Services Manager

Simon Pickford - General Manager Community Services






Site Plan



Road Name Request



Family Permission Cleveland Close 1



Family Permission Cleveland Close 2





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This proposal relates to providing local infrastructure and it is considered good-quality and cost-effective.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


This is an administrative function.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


The significance of the decision is low.

Engagement – external

There has been engagement with the developer.

Engagement - internal

There has been no internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflict of interest

Community Boards

The road is wholly within the Saddle Hill Community Board.



Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017





Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



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Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



From:                                   Trevor Cockburn []

Sent:                                    Monday, 7 November 2016 12:58 p.m.


Subject:                               Fw: Road Naming \ Chadwick Properties / Cleveland Close


From: Les Cleveland <l>
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2016 9:53 p.m.
To: Trevor Cockburn
Subject: Re: Road Naming \ Chadwick Properties / Cleveland Close


Hello Trevor,


I am very happy for you to name the roadway – Cleveland Close.

I think it is a lovely idea and thank you for suggesting to the DCC of naming it after Les.

Kind Regards

Margaret Cleveland



From: Trevor Cockburn

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:31 PM


Subject: Road Naming \ Chadwick Properties / Cleveland Close


Hi Mrs Cleveland,
Peter Cleveland,
Thanks for your time on the phone earlier this evening.
As discussed, My business partner and I purchased two parcels of land off Les some years ago in Chadwick Street Fairfield.
This land was the former site of Odderings Nursery and part of the Transport Wholesales site, both of which Les was an integral part of and I understand very passionate about.
Over the years we have amalgamated titles and have had the land subdivided into sixteen small industrial sites with the intention to build small commercial buildings on these sites.
We have created a roadway through the subdivision to accommodate the sites and have finally reached the stage whereby Titles for the sections are being issued.
The Dunedin City Council are now asking us to put a name to the roadway.
Our suggestion to the council was to name it after Les.
The council were very positive about the suggestion and have asked that we formally put forward the name for the council and the community board to consider for approval.
Out of respect, John and I would like to firstly gain yours and the Family's approval to use the name for the roadway.
The Street name or roadway would be named ( Cleveland Close ).
If you are happy, could you please reply to me via email or writing stating that we have your approval.
I have also copied this email to Peter Cleveland in Wanaka to gain his and his Sisters approval.
Hoping you are all ok with the suggestion of the road naming and that we may here from you soon.
If there is any reason whatsoever that you or any of the family are not happy with this, then we will respect your decision and not use the name.
Hope this all meets with your approval.
Kind Regards Trevor Cockburn & John Lister
Directors for
Chadwick Properties
Box - 2279
South Dunedin
Ph - Trevor Cockburn - 027 2601230 or John Lister 027 5751904


Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



From:                                   Trevor Cockburn []

Sent:                                    Monday, 7 November 2016 12:58 p.m.


Subject:                               Fw: Road Naming \ Chadwick Properties / Cleveland Close


From: Peter Cleveland >
Sent: Friday, 16 September 2016 12:16 p.m.
To: Trevor Cockburn
Subject: Re: Road Naming \ Chadwick Properties / Cleveland Close





On 9/14/2016 8:31 PM, Trevor Cockburn wrote:

Hi Mrs Cleveland,
Peter Cleveland,
Thanks for your time on the phone earlier this evening.
As discussed, My business partner and I purchased two parcels of land off Les some years ago in Chadwick Street Fairfield.
This land was the former site of Odderings Nursery and part of the Transport Wholesales site, both of which Les was an integral part of and I understand very passionate about.
Over the years we have amalgamated titles and have had the land subdivided into sixteen small industrial sites with the intention to build small commercial buildings on these sites.
We have created a roadway through the subdivision to accommodate the sites and have finally reached the stage whereby Titles for the sections are being issued.
The Dunedin City Council are now asking us to put a name to the roadway. 
Our suggestion to the council was to name it after Les.
The council were very positive about the suggestion and have asked that we formally put forward the name for the council and the community board to consider for approval.
Out of respect, John and I would like to firstly gain yours and the Family's approval to use the name for the roadway.
The Street name or roadway would be named ( Cleveland Close ).
If you are happy, could you please reply to me via email or writing stating that we have your approval.
I have also copied this email to Peter Cleveland in Wanaka to gain his and his Sisters approval.
Hoping you are all ok with the suggestion of the road naming and that we may here from you soon.
If there is any reason whatsoever that you or any of the family are not happy with this, then we will respect your decision and not use the name.
Hope this all meets with your approval.
Kind Regards Trevor Cockburn & John Lister
Directors for
Chadwick Properties
Box - 2279
South Dunedin


Saddle Hill Community Board

9 February 2017



Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chair