Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 8 February 2017

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


West Harbour Community Board






Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Ryan Jones

Ange McErlane


Jan Tucker



Senior Officer                               Graham McKerracher, Council Communications and Marketing Manager


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Jenny Lapham

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Brailleys Track                                                                                   4

1.2   Aramoana Wharf                                                                                4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                             10

5.1   West Harbour Community Board meeting - 16 November 2016                  10     

Part A Reports (West Harbour Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          West Harbour Shared Path Update

Jason Forbes, Project Manager, of NZTA to attend to update the Board.

7        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           17

8        Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board 2017 26

9        Community Plan                                                                                       30

10      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 31

11      Council Activities

Verbal Update from Councillor Aaron Hawkins.

12      Items for Consideration by the Chair             



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017




1     Public Forum

1.1  Brailleys Track

Jack Austin wishes to address the meeting concerning Brailleys Track.

1.2  Aramoana Wharf

Representatives from the Aramoana Pilots Wharf Trust wish to address the meeting concerning the Aramoana Wharf.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








WHCB Interest Register 8 February 2017



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017









Date of Entry



(i.e.: Chairperson of group, owner, trustee, director etc)


Declaration of Interest


Nature of Potential Interest




Management Plan

Stephen Walker


January 2017


Thankyou Payroll

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Thankyou Charitable Trust

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


West Harbour Beautification Trust

Possible conflict should WHBT apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Committee member

Port Chalmers Golf Club

Possible conflict should PCGC apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


The Institute of Directors

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Committee Member

The Rothesay News

Possible conflict should The Rothesay News apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Possible conflict should Orokonui Ecosanctuary apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Executive Committee, Dunedin Red Cross

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Keep New Zealand Beautiful

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017

Committee Member

Keep Dunedin Beautiful

Possible conflict should KDB apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Society of Beer Advocates

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


NZX Ltd; Snakk Media Ltd; Thankyou Payroll; Pledge Me Ltd; Parrotdog Beer Ltd; Eat My Lunch Ltd (Bonds)

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Residential Property, Port Chalmers

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Trevor Johnson

(Deputy Chairperson)



Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Francisca Griffin


January 2017


Pioneer Opportunities and Resources Trust

Possible conflict should the Trust apply for rates relief or other funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


West Harbour Beautification Trust

Possible conflict should the Trust apply for funding.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Residential Property, Port Chalmers

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Ryan Jones


January 2017



No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Ange McErlane




Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Jan Tucker




Declaration of interest form is being prepared.  Any relevant interest to be declared at the meeting

To be declared at the meeting

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest is identified.  Seek advice on actual or potential conflicts of interest prior to the meeting.

Aaron Hawkins

(Council Representative)

January 2017


Dunedin Fringe Festival

Trust is recipient of DCC grants and a tenant of City Property Management Plan

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


2nd Generation Plan

Duties may conflict with duties of Council Office. 

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.   If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


West Harbour Beautification Trust

Potential conflict - WHBT works with Parks and Reserves to co-ordinate volunteer activities.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.


January 2017


Residential Property, Dunedin

No conflict identified.

Withdraw from discussion and leave the table if a conflict of interest arises.  If the meeting is in confidential leave the room. Seek advice prior to the meeting.



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Confirmation of Minutes

West Harbour Community Board meeting - 16 November 2016




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 16 November 2016 as a correct record.









Minutes of West Harbour Community Board meeting  held on 16 November 2016





West Harbour Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 16 November 2016, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin



Ryan Jones



Ange McErlane



Jan Tucker



Cr Aaron Hawkins





Tom Dyer (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Richard Saunders (Acting Group Manager Transport) and Anthony van de Water (Area Manager, Lower South Island, Downer)


Governance Support Officer      Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

a)     Back Beach Writers Group – Tina Grubba


Ms Grubba spoke to the Board regarding a funding application from the Back Beach Writers Group.  The Group had been together for 10 years and are marking the anniversary by creating a Back Beach Poetry Trail.  The group will place 11 poems on terracotta tiles around the Back Beach walkway to create the Back Beach Poetry Trail.


        The group were requesting $808.44 towards this project.


b)     Raewynne Pedofski – Back Beach Public Car Park


        Mrs Pedofski spoke to the Board about the recently enclosed car park at Back Beach.  She advised that she was concerned regarding the congestion that may     occur over the summer. 


She advised that she felt that every group had the right to use the area and suggested that the matter be monitored over the summer to see what the impacts of enclosing the public car park were.


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


Confirms the agenda with the addition of the application for funding from the Back Beach Writers Group as item 10b.


Motion carried (WHCB/2016/009)



4       Confirmation of Minutes

4.1    West Harbour Community Board meeting - 26 October 2016


Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins): that the Board


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 26 October 2016 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (WHCB/2016/010)

Part A Reports

5       Interest Register


A report from Civic and Legal reminded members of the need to recognise and declare interests and to manage any conflicts between those interests and their role as an elected member.  Elected members had the completion of their interests register underway, however for the purposes of this first meeting the declarations relevant to the items on the agenda would be taken at the meeting.



Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins): that the Board


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/011)


6       Back Beach Public car park


The Group Manager Parks and Recreation (Tom Dyer) provided an update and the back ground to the fencing of the public car park at Back Beach.  He advised that the Council was looking at other options for the Yacht Club including returning to the Sims Building when it was made safe.  Mr Dyer commented that the fence had been built on a temporary basis. 


In response to questions Mr Dyer advised that the area was reserve land and treated in a similar manner to any other reserve owned by Council.  Mr Dyer advised that he would report back to the Board in due course, but would welcome feed-back from the Board regarding any issues at the car park.


7       Transport Update


The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) introduced Mr Anthony van de Water, Area Manager - Lower South Island for Downer.  He advised that Mr van de Water was the roading contractor for the Board area.  The Group Manager Transport noted that the Council had moved to one contract to consolidate monitoring and reporting and to make sure it was getting consistent service.  The contract had been in place since 1 July 2016 and he commented on the key areas of the contract. 


Mr Saunders advised that he would be holding a workshop for Community Boards in the New Year which would focus on Board priorities. 


Mr Saunders and Mr van de Water responded to questions relating to the management of contracts.



8       Draft 2017/18 Community Plan


Consideration was given to the draft 2017/18 Community Plan, noting that minor editorial amendments had been made.


In discussing the draft plan members agreed that it would be useful to hold a workshop to go through the plan in detail.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Ange McErlane): that the Board


a)     Adopts the updated West Harbour Community Board Draft 2017/18 Community Plan.

b)     Notes that workshops will be held to consider the draft 2017/18 Community Plan and to consider the grants application criteria and an updated community plan template is to be held.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/012)


9       Meeting Schedule 2017


Consideration was given to the proposed schedule of meetings for 2017. 



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Steve Walker): that the Board


a)     Adopts the schedule of meetings for 2017.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/013)


10     Governance Support Officer's Report


In a report from Civic and Legal the Governance Support Officer provided an update on matters of interest including:


a)     Project Fund

b)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful

c)     Reimbursement of Expenditure

d)     Action List


It was agreed that the appointment to Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee would be considered as part of the Board representation appointments.


A discussion took place on the reimbursement for Raewynne Pedofski for purchasing food for the Port Chalmers Swimming Pool opening day.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Aaron Hawkins): that the Board


a)     Approves the reimbursement of $75.85 to Raewynne Pedofski for the purchase of food for the opening of the Port Chalmers Swimming Pool.


Motion carried (WHCB/2016/014)



There was a discussion on the following action items:

·      Gorse – Ravensbourne – Trevor Johnson advised that there was approximately 4 acres of land in Ravensbourne that was over grown with gorse and he advised that it was a fire danger.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson): that the Board

a)     Requests that the Chief Executive Officer, under the Local Government Act, Section 183 (1)(a) write to the property owners at 64 Kauri Street, 58 Kauri Street, 60 Kauri Street and 89 Manapouri Street to request them to clear the sections of gorse.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/015)



·      Moller Memorial – Trevor Johnson would resume being the contact person for this matter.

·      Port Chalmers Centennial Garden – Skateboard area – The Chairperson will contact the Sea Cadets to get an update.

·      Parking George Street – Group Manager Transport advised that staff would inspect the proposed parks and once confirmed will produce a work order to get the parks painted.  He will update on progress.

·      Fencing State Highway 88 - Group Manager Transport will provide an update at the February meeting.

·      Car parking – George Street – discussion took place on the request to have 120 minute limit placed on the public car park.  It was agreed that a trial takes place to see if there are any issues.

·      Heavy Traffic in George Street – Agreed that the request to remove traffic was not practical however felt that the installation of a speed radar was an option and the Group Manager Transport advised he would discuss the matter with NITA.



Moved (Steve Walker/Jan Tucker): that the Board


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as discussed.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/016)


10 (b)        Project Fund - Application for Funding


Consideration was given to an application from the Back Beach Writers Group for funding to assist towards a Back Beach Poetry Trail.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Jan Tucker): that the Board

a)     Approves a grant of $874.00 to the Back Beach Writers Group.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/017)

11     Board Representation and Other Responsibilities


The Chairperson advised that the Board needed to appoint representatives to various organisations and other responsibilities.



Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Appoints

        Ange McErlane to Port Environment Liaison Committee

        Trevor Johnson to Ravensdown Community Liaison Group

        Steve Walker to Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee

        Ryan Jones to Communications portfolio including the Facebook page

        Aaron Hawkins to SH88 Liaison Group

        Francisca Griffin to Funding Application Report Back

        Steve Walker to West Harbour Beautification Trust

        Jan Tucker to Policing Issues  

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/018)


12     Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on the following matters:


a)     Consultation was commencing on Boundary Road


b)     The Library had made a request for an additional mobility park and was waiting to hear the outcome.


c)     The Defibrillator had been moved to the library hallway


d)     Careys Bay Pontoon – was in need of repair – The Group Manager Parks and Recreation will investigate as to who owns the pontoon.  Members requested that a letter be written to Cr Noone at the Otago Regional Council and Port Otago.


e)     Power Poles – He had requested an update and had been advised that the information would be provided by the end of the week.


f)     Cycleway – NZTA would attend the next meeting


g)     Key to Town Hall – during the earthquake the Fire Brigade had tried to ring him for a key to the Town Hall.  Board members requested that the Council provide a key to the Police and Fire Brigade for emergency use.


h)     Council is upgrading the cricket nets


i)      Orokonui Trust Board – Cr Noone (ORC) had advised that the Trust Board was holding a West Harbour Tourism Operating Summit and would like a contact for the Board's area.  It was agreed that the matter would be referred to Vision Port Chalmers.


j)     Function for Raewynne and Peter Cole – funding for the nibbles was required to be approved.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson): that the Board


a)     Approves the payment for the nibbles at the function for Raewynne Pedofski and Peter Cole.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/019)



Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Ryan Jones): that the Board


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (WHCB/2016/020)


13     Council Activities


The Councillor provided an update on the induction process for the new Council, the Council meeting held on 15 November, that the Parks and Recreation Strategy was open for consultation and the Public Art Framework would be consulted on in the new year.  He also advised that a paper would be considered by the Council in regards to managing volunteers.



Moved (Jan Tucker/Francisca Griffin): that the Board

a)     Notes the report.

        Motion carried



14     Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chairperson


There were no items notified.




The meeting concluded at 7.40 pm.









West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Part A Reports


Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report is to inform the West Harbour Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     2017 Community Boards Conference

d)     Training for Community Board Chairs

e)     Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

f)     Dunedin Destination Plan

g)     Safety Concerns on Boundary Street and Hill Street, Purakaunui

h)     Action List.


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.


Project Fund

2      $4,866.45 remains in the Project Fund.  The following grants/other expenditure have been made so far this financial year:

Meeting Date



13 July 2016


Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc ("Last Port to Antarctica" Exhibition)

13 July 2016


Rotary Club of Dunedin (Interpretive panels and exercise facilities for West Harbour shared pathway)

17 August 2016


West Harbour Pony Club (club jerseys)

17 August 2016


Rothesay News (annual advertising)

16 November 2016


Back Beach Writers Group (Back Beach Poetry Trail)

16 November 2016


Food for pool opening day event





Scholarship Fund

3      The following scholarship has been funded from the Board's Project Fund in the current financial year:


Meeting Date



13 July 2016


Annabelle Latta (Spanish Language Study Trip)





2017 Community Boards Conference

4      The biennial Community Boards Conference is being held in Methven from 12-13 May 2017.  The programme and costs have yet to be released.  In accordance with the Council's policy, as it is a South Island location this year each of Dunedin's boards will be entitled to send a representative with registration, accommodation and travel costs paid.  If a Board wishes to send more than one representative it will be able to fund any additional representative from its Project Fund.

Training for Community Board Chairs

5      A Local Government New Zealand training session for Community Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs will be held in Gore on Saturday, 11 March 2017.  The workshop programme includes understanding standing orders, tips for chairing meetings, relationships between boards and councils, legislative update, conflicts of interest and an update on policy issues impacting on the performance of boards.  Please let your Governance Support Officer know if you wish to attend.

Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw

6      Council is currently inviting submissions on the proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw. There are three main proposals being consulted on:

a)     The expansion of the scope of the bylaw to include beaches as well as reserves so that management of these spaces is consistent.

b)     Expanding provisions to control the use of vehicles and aircraft (including drones) on reserves and beaches.

c)     Inclusion of speed limit and access restrictions for vehicles and boats on reserves and beaches.

7      Freedom Camping is not included in the statement of proposal, as Council will consider this issue separately in 2017 in relation to amendments to the Camping Control Bylaw 2015.  Submissions close on 10 February 2017 and consultation information is on the Council's website.

Dunedin Destination Plan

8      The Dunedin City Council is currently developing a Dunedin Destination Plan.  The draft Plan will be considered by the Economic Development Committee on 14 March 2017 and, subject to Committee approval, public engagement will follow.  The Plan sits under Dunedin's Strategic Framework focusing on the Economic Development Strategy's theme, "A Compelling Destination".  Taking an integrated approach to destination management, the Plan responds to city objectives around education, investment, migration and employment, as well as tourism.


9      The draft plan has been developed in conjunction with key city stakeholders including the local tourism, tertiary education, cultural and events sectors, Dunedin International Airport, the Otago Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment, and Immigration New Zealand.  The Grow Dunedin (Economic Development), Creative Dunedin and Te Ao Tūroa (Environment) Partnership groups will be briefed on the draft Plan prior to the Committee meeting.


10    A drop-in session for Community Board members to provide initial input has arranged for:

Date: Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Time: 11.00am-12.30pm

Venue: Plaza Meeting Room, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 50 The Octagon (opposite the Customer Service Centre).


11    For further information please contact: Ryan Craig, Destination Manager:, 021 242 8688.


Safety Concerns on Boundary Street and Hill Street, Purakaunui


12    The DCC has received several requests over recent years to review pedestrian safety along Boundary Street and Hill Street.  Purakaunui has a speed limit of 30 km/h and due to the lack of footpaths and narrow winding roads, pedestrians are particularly vulnerable.  Staff undertook a review of the area and in cooperation with the West Harbour Community Board, developed a plan to install speed humps along the two main streets.


13    The DCC undertook consultation on the proposal to install Speed Humps along Boundary Street and Hill Street in early November.  The overwhelming response from those who replied was that there is a speeding issue that residents are concerned about and speed humps are the obvious solution.


14    In summary the responses received were:-


9 respondents in support of the proposal

1 respondent against the proposal

1 respondent, unclear on the proposal (but requesting speed humps on Crescent Street)

1 respondent in support of the proposal but not a Purakaunui resident


15    Considering the responses received and the additional requests for similar treatments on adjacent streets the DCC recommends the installation on speed humps along Boundary Street and Hill Street.  Further monitoring should be carried out after the installation to ascertain if the same treatment is required on adjacent streets.


Action List

16    An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.




Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






WHCB Action List, 8 February 2017





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.



Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


In terms of the Action List (Attachment A) there are no inconsistencies with the strategic framework.


Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.



There are no known implications for sustainability.


LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications.


Financial considerations

There are no financial implications, as all grants are made within budget.



Under the Significance Policy matters in this report are of low significance.


Engagement – external

No external engagement has been undertaken.


Engagement - internal

Various departments have provided contributions to the report.


Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

No risks have been identified.


Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified.


Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.




West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017




West Harbour Community Board Action List

Meeting Date 8 February 2017



Date of Meeting/


Action Requested

Report Back to the Board


Status/Due Date

Port Chalmers Centennial

Garden -Skateboard area


Item 14 (h)


Staff to investigate the lease and condition of the skateboard area

Discussions on the lease are continuing. 

Parks and Recreation

Chairperson to update at the meeting.

Aramoana Wharf - restoration


Staff to investigate the proposal from the Aramoana League


Work to deconstruct the unsafe section of the wharf was completed early in January 2017 and took four days.

Engineers identified that 12 of the 18 piles were not structurally sound or were already broken.  Six were left in place.  All timber removed has been kept and stored for the Aramoana Pilot Wharf Restoration Charitable Trust to use on a future rebuild. 

Staff will continue to work with interested parties and as per the Council resolution to look to lodge a Department of Conservation Concession for a future wharf structure.

Parks and Recreation




Back Beach Public Car park

Public Forum

13 July 2016

Issue of the car park access being reduced and used for private parking.


Parks and Recreation

Group Manager Parks and Recreation will report back to the Board.  Board members to record any issues.

Planting of Gardens

17 July 2016

Are gardens being planted seasonally, if not why not.


Query response from staff regarding a permanent display, what are the criteria for deciding the garden should be permanently planted and the board want to be consulted on the design.

Group Manager Parks and Recreation advised that due to budgetary constraints Council had determined to plant some gardens with perennials.  

Parks and Recreation

Board will be .

Parking George Street


Item 12

Parking Bays to be painted on George Street

Work has been programmed, and will be completed by end of February.



Gorse on Private Land

9 March 2016 Item 8

Removal of Gorse


Write to land owners requesting them to remove the gorse due to the risk to other properties.

Urban Fire District Bylaw has lapsed.  


17 August 2016


Letters to be written to property owners. 


6 November 2016


Advice has been received from Civic and Legal Manager.  Chairperson will provide an update. 


Write to CEO requesting her to write to landowners asking for Gorse to be removed.  

Fencing on SH 88

9 March 2016 Item 12 (h)

Improvement of fencing

DCC staff are working with NZTA to include fence upgrade as part of the Saferoads project. Due for construction in winter 2017.



Footpath Rail Crossing – Beach Street

1 June 2016

Request a meeting to discuss the safety of the footpath/rail crossing by the tunnel entrance. 

16 November 2016


KiwiRail is undertaking a safety assessment

Group Manager Community Planning to Co-ordinate

Group Manager Transport will provide an update at the February meeting.

Wickliffe Terrace


13 July 2016 Item 9

General maintenance on street was poor

The two sections, George Street to Ajax Street and Wickliffe Street to Albertson Avenue path will be completed by April.  A mitigation plan is being developed and staff will report back to the Board when this is complete.



Boundary Road, Purakuanui

13 July 2016 Item 13

Speed Count/Safety analysis of Boundary Road, Purakuanui

Steve Walker met with the Safety Team Leader on 19 August 2016 and he will investigate the possibility of speed humps. 


Refer to GSO Report.



Public Car Park off Mount Street

13 July 2016 Item 13

Request 120 minute limit be placed on car park.

Parking services have approved this request.  Consultation for 120 limit implementation to begin within the month.


Will update when limit implemented.

Delta – Power Poles

Agenda items for notification

Requested Information

Response received from Grady Cameron on 1 December 2016





Blueskin Road


Item 8

Staff to carry out traffic engineer's risk assessment on Blueskin Road

Transportation advises investigations are continuing.  Initial advice was sent to passenger transport providers in September reminding them of the axle length restriction on Blueskin Road.  Continue to monitor activity.

April 2016

Police advised to consider during Cruise ship season. Continue to monitor activity.

July 2016

Most of the trucking companies have now agreed not to use Blueskin Road.


An update will be provided when/if new information is available.

Moller Memorial


Item 5

Staff to investigate the relocation of the Moller Memorial


16 November 2016

Parks and Recreation

Staff are working with Kiwi Rail to finalise a beautification lease for the proposed new area at the beginning of the cycleway for a memorial for Mr Moller. Once the lease is finalised an open tender for the beautification of the area and an installation of a new memorial (stone or small plinth) to hold the plague will be complete. At the completion of the installation the existing Moller Arch will be demolished.  Staff are in contact with a Moller family representative and they will be part of the decision on the final design. Ravensdown is also still actively engaged and supportive of the project.

Staff will report back to the community board, through the Chairperson,  prior to Christmas with some further project timelines.


Purakaunui Toilets – Mouats Bay

Public Forum – 17 August 2016

Request not to proceed with public toilet at Purakaunui


Parks and Recreation

Trial of Port-a-loos will take place for 3 months over summer.










West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017




Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board 2017

Department: Civic and Legal






1      This report appends a proposed Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board prepared for consideration by Ryan Jones. Also appended is a document used in preparing the proposed strategy.

2      A Summary of Considerations has not been prepared as this is an administrative report.



That the Board:

a)     Considers the proposed Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board 2017 for adoption.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board 2017



West Harbour Community Board Communications and Engagement



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Communications and Engagement Strategy for the West Harbour Community Board 2017

This strategy is designed to increase and sustain communications and engagement between the West Harbour Community Board (the Board) and the residents of the West Harbour community.

The strategy has three key goals:

1.  Awareness

a.   To increase the community’s awareness of the Board’s activities and role within the community, along with Council related activities involving the West Harbour community.

2.  Engagement

a.   To use social media and community outreach events to increase the Board’s engagement with the community.

i. The Board will continue to utilise a Facebook page to increase engagement with the community.

ii.  The Board will hold quarterly community outreach events.

3.  Education

a.   To provide sufficient material to educate the community on the Board’s role within the community and any matters pertaining to local government.

i. The member responsible for Communications will work with Council staff to source appropriate information to provide the public.

The Board will achieve these goals by providing:

1.  Consistency

a.   Consistent messaging is required to sustain and grow the Board’s communication and engagement efforts. 


2.  Resourcing

a.   Adequate resourcing is required to maximise the impact of this strategy.

b.  The Board will establish a communications budget of $100 per annum.


3.  High Standards

a.   High standards must be set for the Board’s communication and engagement with the community, including short response times and high quality information.

i. The Board will aim to respond to inquiries within 48 hours.

West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Communications and engagement – West Harbour Community Board


·      We want people to know what the community board does for the area

·      We what to inform people about what is happening and how it affects them

·      We want people to tell us what they want and share their ideas


Potential areas of concern

·      Resourcing

·      Consistent messaging

·      Managing public expectations (can we realistically meet them)

·      Regularity of content

Key messages


·      The board wants to hear what people think

·      The board are here to represent you as the public


·      Facebook

·      Column in Rothesay News

·      Public drop-in sessions (consider using existing events, e/g community events and meetings or service groups eg Lions)


Future possibilities

·      Blog

·      Instagram

·      E newsletter

·      Twitter


West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017



Community Plan



The draft 2017/18 Community Plan has been circulated. 

To be moved:

That the Board:

a)     Adopts the updated West Harbour Community Board Community Plan.



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic and Legal






1      The purpose of the report is to append the Chairperson's update to the Board on matters dealt with since the last meeting and other matters to be considered.  As this is an administrative report the Summary of Considerations is not required.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report from the Chairperson for February 2017.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Kristy Rusher - Manager Civic and Legal 






Chairperson's Report, 8 February 2017



West Harbour Community Board

8 February 2017







I will report further on the following matters at the meeting:

a)  Speeding issues - Te Ngaru

b)  Community Board awards application

c)  Moller Arch update

d)  Flagstaff Point

e)  Pre Annual Plan presentation (attached)

f)  Zone 6 representative

g)  Potential community award – Ryan

h)  Port Chalmers cigarette butt issues

i)   Correspondence from Aramaoana League re Aramoana Playground (attached)

j)   Correspondence from Port Chalmers Senior Citizens re Parking, Grey and Mount Streets, Port Chalmers (attached)



Steve Walker






The West Harbour Community Board (WHCB) is cognisant of the fact that the 2017/18 Annual Plan is an exceptions only plan which updates budgets for the 2017/18 year and identifies changes between the proposed budget and the 2017/18 budget forecast in the LTP.  

We are also aware that in line with this change of focus, any new projects or substantive changes to existing projects will be referred to the 2018/19 LTP process which is running in parallel with the 2017/18 Annual Plan.

That said, we would like to present some on-going issues relating to the West Harbour Community Board that we wish to emphasise to ensure current funding obligations are maintained and to highlight some new issues that may be worthy of inclusion in the 2018/19 LTP.


Short summary of main points (in no particular order):


1. Port Chalmers Swimming Pool: Great effort from Council and the WHCB this year and last year to get usage numbers up.  The Board would like to see some concerted effort going into refurbishing/upgrading this valuable local facility, particularly the roof and ventilation system.


2. Completion of SH88 off road cycle/walkway: There has been widespread disappointment throughout Dunedin related to the slow (no) progress on the final stage of the SH88 off road cycle/walkway to Port Chalmers. Hopefully 2017 will see work begin on what will surely become one of the world’s great cycle paths, adding another fantastic city and nationally renowned asset to enhance our reputation as one of the world’s great small cities!


3. Sycamore Control / Removal: Well done to council for engaging with the WHCB and the West Harbour Beautification Trust creating a collaborative approach which resulted in long overdue sycamore/noxious weed removal from a large stretch of SH88 in Ravensbourne and Maia. Hopefully funding can be allocated once again from the living assets budget to remove the few remaining trees further along from Maia to St Leonards.  This work will require significantly less time and money but to not do it would be detrimental to the fine work carried out over the past 2 years.


4. Sea Walls: In order to future proof the very integrity of the WHCB’s outer communities a long term sustainable solution has to be found in order to prevent/mitigate the problems associated with sea level rise encroachment along much of the roading network that extends beyond Carey’s Bay and out to Aramoana.


5. Street Maintenance: Over the years we have regularly reported on the poor standard of street cleaning, weed control and other maintenance issues in our Board area.  Under the new contracts the situation has improved significantly and we applaud the relevant council departments for their work on achieving this.  That said we will keep a close eye on the situation to make sure that the current high standard is not allowed to slip.


6. State of fencing/general look of SH88 corridor: As the WHCB area is the first and last thing that cruise ship passengers see when they visit Dunedin and with numbers of visitors increasing year on year we think that it is not too much to ask to have broken, warped, missing and irregular fencing taken out and replaced.  This is a tremendously bad look in terms of marketing the city, not to mention something that local residents should not have to bear every day.


7. Harbour Use: If the city is to get good use out of existing city harbour assets it is essential that these are maintained and repaired as appropriate.  This will have numerous benefits for Dunedin's citizens in terms of leisure, connectedness, civil defence and of course offers up tremendous tourist opportunities for the city.


8. Port Chalmers streetscape: Port Chalmers is a unique historical centre not only locally but also nationally. It is now the first and last thing over quarter of a million cruise ship passengers and crew see each year when visiting Dunedin, not to mention a centre that is increasingly popular with national and international tourists.  Local businesses have, and are continuing to invest heavily in their buildings and businesses.  Therefore the WHCB feels that significant funding/investment should be made available to enhance (could incorporate speed mitigation measures) and highlight this important historical centre.


9. Board Training: Community Boards are a vital part of Dunedin’s local democracy so we urge councillors to consider increased budgeting to send more Board members to the biennial Community Boards’ national conference when it is held in the North Island and to be able to attend other relevant local or national seminars / training opportunities.