Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board



Unconfirmed Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board held in the Downes Room, Mosgiel Service Centre, Hartstonge Avenue, Mosgiel on Wednesday 15 March 2017, commencing at 12.07 pm





Sarah Nitis


Deputy Chairperson

Joy Davis



Phillipa Bain

Martin Dillon


Dean McAlwee

Maurice Prendergast


Cr Mike Lord





Bernie Hawke (Group Manager, Arts and Culture), Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer), Catherine Hosted  (Volunteer Projects Facilitator), Mick Ball (Planning and Delivery Manager, Water and Waste Services), Josh Von Pein (Transport Delivery Manager) and Greg Shaw, (City Care)


Governance Support Officer      Wendy Collard



1       Public Forum

1.1    Alistair Finnie


Alistair Finnie spoke to his concerns regarding the lack of parking enforcement in the Mosgiel Area.  Mr Finnie commented that his main concerns were motorists parking over and blocking the footpath as it was a safety concern for pedestrians in particular the disabled or elderly people.  He felt that the current enforcement by parking services was inadequate and requested the Board advocated for increased enforcement.


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Sarah Nitis/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (MTCB/2017/010)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Councillor Lord provided an update to his interest register and advised that he was a member of both the Mosgiel Memorial RSA and the Rotary Club of Mosgiel.  He commented that he would leave the room when the funding applications for these organisations were being considered



Moved (Sarah Nitis/Joy Davis):

That the Board:


a)     Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/011)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting - 8 February 2017


Moved (Sarah Nitis/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 8 February 2017 subject to the amendments as agreed.


Motion carried (MTCB/2017/012)

Part A Reports

6       Parks and Recreation Maintenance Update


Greg Shaw, Parks Manager for City Care was present to meet the Board and discuss the contractor's role in the upkeep and maintenance of recreation spaces in the Board area.

Mr Shaw responded to questions on the mowing of parks and maintenance and upgrade of the playgrounds.


Maurice Prendergast left the meeting at 12.35 pm and returned at 12.44 pm.


7       Introduction to Parks and Recreations Biodiversity Officer


Aalbert Rebergen, Biodiversity Officer from Parks and Recreation was present to meet the Board and provided an overview of his role within Council.



8       Introduction to the Parks and Recreations Volunteer Projects Facilitator


Catherine Hosted, Volunteer Projects Facilitator from Recreation Planning and Facilities, Parks and Recreation was present to meet the Board and provided an overview of her role which included community engagement and promotion of volunteering.


9       Water Renewals Programme Update


Mick Ball, Planning and Delivery Manager from Water and Waste Services provided        an update on Water and Waste Services in particular the capital works projects that were programmed for the Mosgiel area in the next two financial years.

Mr Ball responded to questions on the landfill, water supply in Mosgiel and stormwater collection.

Following discussion, it was agreed that staff be requested to provide an update on recycling in particular disposal of the city's recycling.


Moved (Sarah Nitis/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


      Notes the Water and Waste Services Update


        Motion carried (MTCB/2017/013)


10     Governance Support Officer's Report


        A report from Civic provided an updated on activities to the Board's area which included:

a)     Project Fund.  The Chairperson advised that Project Fund balance would be $2,219.55 as Council had agreed to fund the Deputy Chairperson's attendance at the Community Board Chairs/Deputy Chairs training.

b)     Freedom Camping

c)     2017/18 Annual Plan Community Engagement.  Following discussion, it was agreed that the Board would like to host an informal meeting before their next meeting being held on Wednesday 3 May 2017.

d)     Correspondence.  There was discussion on the request from the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Patrol.  It was agreed that the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Patrol would be invited to update the Board biannually in place of Board representation on their committee.

e)     Action List.  There was a discussion on the action list which included Henderson Street and roading maintenance concerns.



Moved (Sarah Nitis/ Martin Dillon):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Approves the additional payment of $247.25 for the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board Brochure.

c)     Invites the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Patrol to attend a Board meeting to provide an update biannually

d)     Amends the Action List as appropriate

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/014)


11     Funding Applications


A report from Civic provided a copy of the funding applications which have been received for the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board's consideration. 

The report noted that all the funding applications have been received from non-profit organisations and were received within the timeframe.  It also noted that $2,119.55 remains in the Project Fund of $10,000.00.  The total of the funding applications received is $3,145.88.


Councillor Lord declared an interest in the funding applications for the Rotary Club of Mosgiel and the Mosgiel Memorial RSA and withdrew from the items.


Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 02.15 pm


An application was received from the Rotary Club of Mosgiel to assist in the cost of the organisation and promotion of local body election candidates evening which had been held on 15 September 2016.



Moved (Martin Dillon/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


a)     declines the funding application from the Rotary Club of Mosgiel for $1055.88.

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/015)



An application from the Mosgiel Memorial RSA was received to assist with the traffic management costs associated with the 2017Anzac Day commemorations.



Moved (Member Maurice Prendergast/Member Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


Grants the funding application from the Mosgiel Memorial RSA for $800.00 towards the costs associated with the 2017 Anzac Day commemorations/parade.

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/016)


Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 02:27 pm.



An application was received from Otago Access Radio to assist with a weekly radio show dedicated to the engagement with the Mosgiel-Taieri community.



Moved (Sarah Nitis/Joy Davis):

That the Board:

a)    Grants the funding application from Otago Access Radio for $364.00 towards the costs of a weekly radio show.

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/017)



There was discussion on the funding application from the Mosgiel Business Association towards the costs of a Mosgiel-Taieri business networking evening.



Moved (Martin Dillon/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Board:

a)        Grants the funding application from the Mosgiel Business Association for $350.00.

 Motion carried (MTCB/2017/018) with Maurice Prendergast recording his vote against


12     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson updated the Board on matters of interest since the previous meeting which included:

·         Taniwha Mural at the pocket park on the corner of Gordon and Factory Roads;

·         Gap Filler workshops;

·         Damaged fort and slides at the Mosgiel Memorial Gardens Playground; and

·         Green spaces



Moved (Sarah Nitis/ Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson's report

b)     Writes to the Taieri Community Facilities Trust and staff requesting:

i       significant consideration be given to minimising the impact on ALL green spaces when determining the preferred site for the proposed Mosgiel Aquatic Facility;

ii      complete a comprehensive review of traffic movements and car parking requirements for all clubs and facilities within the immediate area, as part of the final design phase

c)     Updates the Community Plan to include an item on the protection of green spaces from further encroachment.

Motion carried (MTCB/2017/019)



13     Council Activities


Councillor Mike Lord provided an update on the following matters of interest which included the following:

a)        Soper Road, Wingatui;

b)        Finance and Council Controlled Organisations Committee; and

c)         Reserves and Beaches Bylaw hearings.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Sarah Nitis):

That the Board:

a)        Notes the Council Activities update

 Motion carried (MTCB/2017/020)




14     Items for Consideration by the Chair


A update on cemeteries within the Mosgiel area in regards to possible expansion and plot availability.



The meeting concluded at 2.57 pm.




