Saddle Hill Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Fairfield Bowling Club, Main Road, Fairfield, Dunedin on Thursday 16 March 2017, commencing at 3.30 pm





Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Leanne Stenhouse



Peter Gouverneur

Christina McBratney


Cr Conrad Stedman

Paul Weir




Bernie Hawke (Group Manager Arts and Culture); Nick Macguire (Parks Maintenance Team Leader); Catherine Hosted (Volunteer Projects Facilitator Parks and Recreation); Greg Shaw (City Care); Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer); Bruce Wood (Senior Contract Supervisor Road Maintenance) and Hjarne Poulsen (Safety Team Leader Network Development and Operations)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




1       Public Forum

1.1    Jane Clutha, Anglican Family Care


Jane Clutha (Programme Co-ordinator, Fundraising, Marketing and Communication), Anglican Family Care (AFC) spoke of the support AFC provided to vulnerable children and their families in Otago.  She advised that they offered intensive, early intervention support to their clients and wanted to reduce barriers with the community’s support.

Ms Clutha sought help from the board to identify resources within the community to help support these families.  The Chair advised that the board would provide a list of appropriate resources and forward to her.



1.2    Erin Ford - Youth Ambassador Award Applicant


Erin Ford spoke to her application for the Youth Ambassador Award.  She outlined her achievements, her passion for science and desire to provide science workshops for presentation to primary schools to showcase and encourage young people to pursue science activities.



1.3    Madison Roome - Youth Ambassador Award Applicant


Madison Roome spoke to her application for the Youth Ambassador Award.  Madison advised that she was heavily involved in Taekwondo and was the youngest qualified referee in the history of New Zealand.  Her goal was to be both qualified and experienced enough to be able to represent New Zealand as a referee at future Olympic games.



1.4    Tahlia Roome - Youth Ambassador Award Applicant


Stephen Hall advised that he was speaking on behalf of his niece, Tahlia Roome’s application for the Youth Ambassador Award.  Tahlia was unable to attend the meeting as she was representing Dunedin Technical playing football in Auckland.  Mr Hall commented that Tahlia would use the funding towards payment of travel and accommodation costs.



1.5    John Gordon and Russell Jordan – Braids Reserve


John Gordon and Russell Jordan addressed the meeting to discuss the felling/tidying up of the trees at Braid’s Reserve.  They commented that they were unable to see the beach from their properties and believed that the lack of maintenance of the trees had caused the issue. 


The Chair advised that Council had indicated they would remove the offending willow tree at their cost if the Board supported this.  The Board supported the removal of the tree but felt it more appropriate that the resident also contributed towards the cost and indicated that they believed 25% was a fair and reasonable amount.


Messrs Gordon and Jordan commented that they felt the lack of maintenance was the issue and that all the trees needed to be topped.  They also questioned ownership of a section of land in front of their properties which also had vegetation that needed to be addressed.


The Chair advised that he would contact staff and arrange an onsite meeting with Parks and Reserves and Transport staff, Board members and Messrs Gordon and Jordan to identify ownership and a resolution.



2       Apologies



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Leanne Stenhouse):


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Keith McFadyen.


Motion carried (SHCB/2017/013)



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Christina McBratney):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following alteration -  that Item 12 Governance Support Officers’ Report be taken before Item 9 Funding Application.


Motion carried (SHCB/2017/014)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


The Board noted the updates to Chairperson Scott Weatherall and Councillor Conrad Stedman’s interest register.



Moved (Chairperson Scott Weatherall/Deputy Chairperson Leanne Stenhouse):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the updated Elected Members' Interest Register and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/015)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 9 February 2017


Moved (Paul Weir/ Peter Gouverneur):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 9 February 2017 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (SHCB/2017/016)

Part A Reports

6       Parks and Recreation Maintenance Update


Nick Macguire (Parks Maintenance Team Leader) introduced Greg Shaw (Parks Manager, City Care) to the Board.  They discussed the contractor’s role in the upkeep and maintenance of recreation spaces in the Board area.

They responded to questions and provided updates on the Walton Park track, Brighton Domain drainage, Sunninghurst, Sunnyvale Sports Centre, Fairplay Street Toilet, weed removal and urgent work.




7       Introduction to Parks and Recreation Biodiversity Officer


Aalbert Rebergen, Biodiversity Officer from Parks and Recreation was present to meet the Board and provided an overview of his role within Council.



8       Introduction to Volunteer Projects Facilitator, Parks and Recreation


Catherine Hosted, Volunteer Projects Facilitator from Recreation Planning and Facilities, Parks and Recreation was present to meet the Board and provided an overview of her role which included community engagement and promotion of volunteering.



12     Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from the Governance Support Officer informed the Saddle Hill Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area as follows:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Freedom Camping Bylaw

c)     2017/18 Annual Plan Community Engagement

d)     2017 Community Boards Conference

e)     Community Engagement

f)     Brighton Road (Westwood) – Minor Improvement Safety Programme

g)     Action List



Bruce Wood (Senior Contract Supervisor Road Maintenance) and Hjarne Poulsen (Safety Team Leader Network Development and Operations) were present to speak to Transport items on the Action List and provided the following update:

Brighton/Taieri Mouth Road Coastal Erosion – As a result of the geotech investigation there had been two options identified to remedy the problem.  Staff would report back on the preferred option once pricing and consideration had been undertaken.

Morris Road – Staff provided an update on the remedial works for the road slumping.  It was noted that cyclists struggled with the alternative route due to the heavy gravel at the intersection and had been using the motorway.  Staff were requested to urgently look at options to enable cyclists to ride over the gravel with more ease.

Creamery Road –The work was programmed.

Main South Road, Brighton Road Intersection – this was currently with NZTA for an update.

Scroggs Hill Road – Allanton/Scroggs Hill Road Intersection – The intersection had been surveyed and redesigned.  The work would be undertaken following the Otago Rally.

Westwood Layby – Mr Poulsen advised that concept work for the full project had been undertaken and he had met a concerned resident onsite and provided a solution for their problem. 

Road Sealing – Currently 50% of the roads identified as needing resealing had been completed.  Law Road was on the schedule for resealing and stage one which involved patching the road prior to sealing had been completed.

Mudtanks – The Board noted that there were blocked mudtanks in Ocean View.  They would provide additional information on the locations to staff.

MacIntosh Road – Brighton Road intersection –visibility was difficult due to the rock and concrete wall on private property.  It was noted that work could not be undertaken on without the property owners permission and staff were requested to investigate this further.

Brighton Bridge painted lines – There were problems with the removal of old markings and it was noted that the road sealing crew was to seal over the old words which should rectify the problem.

Taylor Street – The redesignation of pedestrian movement had caused multiple lines which were confusing and staff were requested to investigate.

Morris Road and Taieri Mouth Road – the ditches were in need of clearing both of vegetation and rubbish.

Otokia Kuri Bush Road – it was noted that the requested work had been completed however the Board queried the delay in requested action.

Brighton Road, Ocean View – the accessway around 906-920 had a pinch-point and members queried whether a no entry sign could be installed at one end.  It was noted that the road reserve was maintained as a footpath but kept at a drivable standard.

Big Rock corner accident and detour – Due to an accident at Big Rock corner, traffic was rerouted which caused issues when a truck was stuck trying to get around the Scroggs Hill Road corner.  Members asked if the corner could be assessed as to whether a sign stating stopping access for heavy/big trucks should be installed.

The Board requested that the item relating to the Braids Hill Reserve in public forum be included in the action list.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Leanne Stenhouse):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/017)



9       Funding Application


The Chair declared an interest in this item, withdrew and left the room.  The Deputy Chair (Leanne Stenhouse assumed the Chair).

The Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club applied for $1,264.00 towards the cost of the supply and installation of blinds for the lounge area of the Surf Club.  It was noted that the club would fundraise to provide the additional money required.

The Board acknowledged the valuable contribution the surf club made to the community noting that the members were all volunteers, the club enabled community groups to use their rooms and agreed to support the project.


Moved (Peter Gouverneur/Cr Conrad Stedman):

That the Board:


a)     Approve $1,264.00 funding to be granted to the Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club towards the purchase of blinds.

 Motion carried (SHCB/2017/018)


Mr Weatherall returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.


10     Beaches and Reserves Bylaw


Councillor Stedman declared an interest in this item, advising that he was a member of the Bylaw Subcommittee and withdrew from discussion and voting.

The Board had submitted on the Beaches and Reserves Bylaw which now needed to be retrospectively adopted.


Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Leanne Stenhouse):

That the Board:


a)     Retrospectively approves the submission on the Beaches and Reserves Bylaw.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/019)


11     Youth Ambassador Award


The annual Youth Ambassador Award applications closed on Friday 3 March 2017. The Board gave consideration to the four applications received. 

The Board noted there was a high calibre of applicants and expressed their admiration for them all. 


Moved (Christina McBratney/ Paul Weir):

That the Board:


a)     Receives the four applications for the Youth Ambassador Scholarship Award.

b)     Approves the payment of the $1,000.00 Youth Ambassador Scholarship Award to Erin Ford.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/020)



13     Board Updates


Board members provided updates on activities including:

1      2017 Community Board Chairs Conference – Ms Stenhouse reported back on the conference and the benefits of being able to interact with other Chairs and Deputy Chairs.

2      Keep Dunedin Beautiful

3      Greater Green Island



Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Leanne Stenhouse):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the updates.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/021)


14     Chair's Update


The Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) will provide a verbal update on matters of interest to the Board including:

1          Civil Defence Training will be held in early April.

2          Brighton Footpath meeting

3          Corrections – Community Work – The Chair met with the Department of Corrections Community Work Supervisor to have the Community Board re-established as a supporting organisation to assist a local offender. 

4          William Martin Reserve Proposal

5          Waldronville Ultra Fast Broadband

6          ANZAC Day – John Moyle represented the Board in the past at the Green Island service and has requested to continue with the support of the Board.  The Board expressed their appreciation and support of Mr Moyle continuing in this role.  Ms Stenhouse advised she would attend the Brighton service.

7          Bookbus – Mr Hawke provided an update on the Bookbus service.  He advised that the buses were 26 years old therefore there was difficulty sourcing parts for any repairs required due to their age.  Mr Hawke advised that any changes would be in consultation with the community and the Board would be kept informed.


Moved (Scott Weatherall/ Leanne Stenhouse):

That the Board:


a)        Notes the report.

b)        Approves John Moyle to represent the Board at the Green Island ANZAC day service.

 Motion carried (SHCB/2017/022)


15     Council Activities


Councillor Stedman provided an update on matters of interest to the Board including:



1      The Reserves and Beaches Bylaw hearing – noting that deliberations would begin        in the following week.


2      Cadbury closure


3      Dunedin Public Hospital



Moved (Cr Conrad Stedman/Scott Weatherall):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (SHCB/2017/023)


16     Items for Consideration by the Chair


Noting that there would be a discussion with policy staff to be held prior to the next meeting on the Long Term Plan.







The meeting concluded at 5.59 pm.





