Grants Subcommittee



Unconfirmed Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 22 May 2017, commencing at 9.00am.





Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Chairperson




Andrew Whiley

Marie Laufiso


Christine Garey

Leanne Phillips


Amanda Dyer

Lois Scott


John Barkla

Jonathon Hendry


Nick Austin

Desiree Williams


Hannah Molloy





Garreth Kyle (Research and Monitoring Officer) Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer), Joy Gunn (Events and Community Development Manager), Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor), Cara Paterson (Community Advisor Arts), Craig Monk (Community Advisor Arts), Marilyn Anderson (Community Events Advisor), Wai Piggot (Financial Analyst).


Governance Support Officer      Arlene Goss




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (GS/2017/002)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


The chairman noted that members may wish to flag conflicts related to individual applications and he encouraged them to do so as the application arose. These conflicts are noted in the minutes.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected or Independent Members' Interests.

Motion carried (GS/2017/003)


Part A Reports

5       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Applications to the April 2017 Funding Round


The April 2017 round of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund opened on 1 April 2017 with applications closing on 30 April 2017. 


A total of ten applications were received. The total amount requested by the applicants ($42,097.17) is more than the funding available for the funding round ($30,000).


All applications have been assessed in relation to the fund criteria and the prioritisation criteria.



Garreth Kyle (Research and Monitoring Officer) and Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer)  introduced the applications and provided staff advice.


John Barkla declared an interest on the application from Nicola Taylor for Purakaunui Estuary restoration, as he has provided advice to the applicants. He did not vote on the resolution that included partial support for this application.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


Allocates the following grants from the Biodiversity Fund, funding to the full amount requested:

2017-01 Orokonui Ecosanctuary, 600 Blueskin Road, Predator control system $5000.

2017-03 Waitai Beach Society, Doctors Point dunes, Dune revegetation, $2000.

2017-05 Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust, Okia and Otapahi Reserves, Enhancement of nesting habitat, $2711.

2017-08 Landscape Connections Trust, Orokonui Halo Area, Predator control, $4577.

2017-09 Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust, South east region of Otago Peninsula, Intensive Possum Trapping, $5000.

2017-10 Nick and Steph Scott, Merton, Riparian Revegetation, $940.


Motion carried (GS/2017/004)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Committee:


Allocates the following grants from the Biodiversity Fund, funding part of the amount requested:

2017-02 Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurau Community, Quarantine Island, Pest plant control and indigenous revegetation, $3443.

2017-04 Nicola Taylor, Purakauni Estuary, Estuary restoration, $3712.

2017-06 Pacific View Limited, Waikouaiti River, Riparian Revegetation, $2000.

2017-07 Dave and Rose Swete Kelly, 152 Hoopers Inlet Road, Wetland Revegetation, $4576.90.


Motion carried (GS/2017/005)


The meeting adjourned at 9.48am for morning tea and reconvened at 10am.


6       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Final Reports on Completed Projects


This report provides a summary of the grants that have been completed since the September 2016 funding round.


Eight project reports have been received from recipients of the previous funding rounds of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund.  The final reports are presented to satisfy the grant conditions and outline how the projects were completed. There is no unclaimed funding from the eight projects completed since the September 2016 subcommittee meeting.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund – final reports on completed projects.

Motion carried (GS/2017/006)


7       Grant Applications


DCC Arts Grants


Member Jonathan Hendry asked for advice on his position at the Fortune Theatre and whether this would be a conflict of interest when some of the applications included the cost of venue hire at the theatre. The chairman said he was happy for Mr Hendry to take part in the consideration of those applications.



Cr Hawkins declared a conflict of interest in application 8 from Notable Pictures called "Wilbur – The King of the Ring". He withdrew from the table and handed the chair to Cr Whiley for this item.


Cr Whiley took a vote on this item and the committee resolved to support the application. The chair was then returned to Cr Hawkins.


Regarding application 14, the chairman moved that this application for $2000 from the New Zealand Writers Guild be declined because DCC policy states that conferences are not funded from this fund. This motion was carried.


It was noted that Orokonui Ecosanctuary had already been funded last year for a very similar, or the same, project. The committee did not wish to fund the same project twice. This application was declined.


The committee discussed application 3 from the Massive Trust for $3000 towards production costs for "The Wholehearted" at the Fortune Theatre and agreed to support this project to the full amount requested.


It was also agreed to increase the amounts allocated to theartdept.dunedin (application 10), Chamber Music New Zealand (application 11), and The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society (application 12).



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


Allocates a grant of $1000 to Notable Pictures (application 8) for "Wilbur – The King of the Ring".


Motion carried (GS/2017/007)


The chairman did not vote.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Ms Desiree Williams):

That the Committee:


Declines the application from the New Zealand Writers Guild for $2000 (application 14) because DCC policy states that conferences cannot be funded from this fund.


 Motion carried (GS/2017/008)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


Declines the application from Orokonui Ecosanctuary for $2500 (application 7) for costs for four sculptors to create new works, because a similar project has already received funding in the last round.


Motion carried (GS/2017/009)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Member Hannah Molloy):

That the Committee:


Allocates a grant of $3000 to the Massive Company Trust (application 3) towards production costs at the Fortune Theatre for "The Wholehearted".


Motion carried (GS/2017/010)



Moved (Member Jonathon Hendry/Member Leanne Phillips):

That the Committee:


Allocates the following grants from the Dunedin City Council Arts Grants Fund:

1. Indian Ink Theatre Company, The Pickle King (Dunedin Season), $1800.

2. The Anteroom,       Storm Channels, $3500.

4. NZ Society of Authors Otago Southland Branch, National Poetry Day Event, $1600.

9. Northern Artery, North Road Street Art, $1000.

10. theartdept.dunedin, Painted Poetry: Art workshops for children and teachers to celebrate Dunedin Unesco City of Literature, $4000.

11. Chamber Music New Zealand, Music is Fun Family Concert, $2000.

12. The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society, Wobbly Art Exhibition, $2000.

15. Circulation Community Incorporated,       South Dunedin Flow Arts, $1502.


Motion carried (GS/2017/011)



Moved (Member Jonathon Hendry/Member Leanne Phillips):

That the Committee:


Declines the following grants from the Dunedin City Council Arts Grants Fund:

5. The University of Auckland, The Early Medical Women in NZ (EMWoNZ) Project.

6. Motoko Kikkawa, Rising up Dunedin Experimental and Improvisation Music Scene.

13. Chris Gendall, Dylan Lardelli and Samuel Holloway Ensemble Musikfabrik with Miyata-Yoshimura-Suzuki Trio: Dunedin Concert.


Motion carried (GS/2017/012)



Creative Communities Grants


Cr Garey declared an interest in application 7.

Cr Hawkins declared and interest in applications 1 and 2.

Cr Laufiso declared an interest in application 18.

Nick Austin declared an interest in application 31.

Amanda Dyer declared a potential interest in application 21.

Jonathon Hendry declared a potential interest in applications 3, 9 and 15.

Hannah Molloy declared an interest in application 15.

Leanne Phillips declared an interest in application 21.


The chairman vacated the chair and handed it to Cr Whiley.


The committee noted that applications 31 and 32 (Dance Through Time, Dunedin Midwinter Swing Festival) were for the same project and discussed both applications together. The committee awarded Dunedin Midwinter Swing Festival $500 for the Dance Through Time project.


Cr Hawkins left the meeting at 12:27 pm.


Discussion followed on the applications for Creative Communities Grants.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Member Jonathon Hendry):

That the Committee:

Allocates the Creative Communities Fund as recommended by staff, except for application 26, Spring Chamber Music Weekend, which will receive the amount of $782.

The grants are as follows:

1. West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust Artist in Residence Programme, $1900.

2. Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust, Dunedin Midwinter Carnival 2017, $4500.

3. Francis Waiata Kewene Whare Tapere, $3500.

4. Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society Carnival of Costume $2859.71.

5. Yexoese Drum & Dance NZ, West African Drum and Dance Workshops, $1400.

6. Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society, Paradise Lost: A Puppet Epic, $2400.

7. Dunedin-Edinburgh Sister City Society, Celebrate St Andrews Day 2017, $2400.

8. Dunedin Opera Company/Opera Otago "War Hero", a new opera, $900.

9. Jordan Dickson, Untitled Macbeth Project, $1400.

10. Southern Heritage Trust Harbour City:Dunedin Heritage Festival 2017, $900.

11. DIRT Residency Project 2017, $2400.

12. Connections Education & Development, Making an Exhibition of Ourselves, $1900.

13. Luke Hayhoe Easterbrook-Clarke, Creatures - Interactive Installation, $1500.

14. Prospect Park Productions NZ, Dark Dunedin, $1900

15. Dunedin Theatre Reviewers' Collective, Dunedin Theatre Awards 2017, $900.

16. Red Tree Creative Limited, Nicola Peeperkoorn, $1400.

17. Dunedin Street Art Trust, Dunedin Street Art Project, $900.

18. Inati Winter Reggae 'Cool Runnings', $1900.

19. IHC New Zealand Incorporated, Otago Performing Arts Project 2017, $2400.

20. Creative Arts Trust Arstenta Annual Exhibition, $900.

21. Moana Moko Ki te Waipounamu Te Ahikomau o Ruaomoko tuarua, $1400.

22. Laura Ann Borrowdale, Aotearotica Volume Three, $1004.

23. The Little Box of Operas (Inc), Menotti's Opera 'The Medium', $1900.

24. Art and Genetics Project, $1900.

26. Spring Chamber Music Weekend, Spring Chamber Music Weekend 2017, $782.

29. The Globe Theatre Dunedin, Finding Murdoch and 1917: One Short Year, One Great War, $900.

31. Brendan Christie, Dance Through Time, $500.


Motion carried (GS/2017/013)



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Member Jonathon Hendry):

That the Committee:


Declines the following applications to the Creative Communities Fund:

25. Mosgiel Business Association, Street Art in Mosgiel.

27. Dunedin Gasworks Museum Trust, Gasworks Greenhouse.

28. Vogel Street Party Trust, The Vogel Street Party 2017 - Ideas and Incubation.

30. Other Small Happenings, Nocturnal Projections and Other Small Happenings.

32. Swing Riot/OUSA Vintage and Swing Society, Dunedin Midwinter Swing Festival.

33. Connected Media Charitable Trust, The Outlook for Someday Free One-day Film making Workshop in Dunedin.

34. Southern Youth Choir Trust, Southern Youth Choir.

35. Mia Stefano, Working Title.

36. Eliza McMillan, Think it and Ink it exhibition       .

37. Circulation Community Inc Society, Circulation Festival 2017.


Motion carried (GS/2017/014)



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:

Adjourns for lunch.


Motion carried (GS/2017/015)


The committee adjourned at 12.36pm and reconvened at 1.12pm.

Cr Hawkins returned to the meeting.



Events Grants


Cr Whiley declared an interest in application 3

Amanda Dyer declared an interest in applications 3 and 5

Cr Garey declared an interest in applications 12 and 21

Cr Laufiso declared an interest in applications 17 and 24


Marilyn Anderson (Community Events Advisor) answered questions from members regarding applications for Events Grants.


The committee decided to decline application 3 from Dunedin City Council Road Safety and NZ Police due to it being a council project.


Application 22 from the New Zealand Writers Guild was declined for not meeting council policy. The committee had no problem with the calibre of the event and did not wish the decline to be viewed as due to any fault with the event.


Applications 9, Dunedin Leisure Marching Events, and 20, University Indian Students Association, both submitted incomplete applications in that accounts were not included. The committee wished to make grants subject to these organisations providing copies of their accounts before receiving the money.


Application 7 from the Dunedin Bird Club was a repeat application as the club had also applied and received funding in the last round. The committee agreed to reduce the grant in recognition of this.


The Southern Heritage Trust at application 23 have also applied for a grant in the upcoming major and premier events round. The committee agreed to grant their application in this round with the condition the money is returned if they are successful in receiving a larger amount from the major and premier events fund.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Member Lois Scott):

That the Committee:

Allocates the following grants from the Event Grants funding round:

1.   Acts of Kindness Charitable Trust, $2500.

2.   Otago Chess Club Inc, $1915.

4.   NZ Canoe Polo Association, $1500.

5.   Lending Matters, $1992.

6.   University  Book Shop (Otago) Ltd,       $1500.

7.   Dunedin Bird Club, $1000.

8.   Dunedin Ice Skating Club, $1800.

9.   Dunedin Leisure Marching Events Committee, $1600 subject to the provision of their accounts before June 30, 2017.

10. Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Otepoti (TKKMoOtepoti), $2000.

11. Otago Amateur Weightlifting Society (Southern Powerlifting) $1500.

12. Dunedin-Edinburgh Sister City Society, $3000.

13. Mosgiel Business Association,       $2081.

14. Creative Arts Trust – Artsenta, $3248.

15. Otago Amateur Weightlifting Society (Otago Weightlifting),      $1440.

16. Otago Synchronised Swimming Club (Aquagold), $1500.

19. Dunedin Disc Golf, $1020.

20. University of Otago-Indian Students' Association, $1500 subject to the provision of their accounts before June 30, 2017.

21. South Dunedin Business Association, $4000.

23. Southern Heritage Trust, $2000 with the condition that the money is returned if they are successful in receiving a larger amount from the major and premier events fund.  

24. Otago Mental Health Support Trust, $1765.

25. Otago Malaysian Students' Association, $1500.

  26. Taieri Dramatic Soc, $528.



Motion carried (GS/2017/016)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Member Lois Scott):

That the Committee:


Declines the following grants from the Event Grants funding round:


3.   Dunedin City Council Road Safety and NZ Police.

17. Inati.

22. New Zealand Writers Guild.

Motion carried (GS/2017/017)


Community Grants

Desiree Williams declared an interest in applications 7, 6 and 17.

Cr Garey declared an interest in application 20.

Discussion was held on application 26 from Otago Harbour Ferry Inc. The committee was in favour of granting $1500 towards the certification of the ferry.  

Applications 1 and 2 from health organisations were debated because the policy states the council will not fund primary health organisations. The committee agreed to provide reduced grants in this case.


Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Member Leanne Phillips):

That the Committee:


Allocates the following grants from the Community Grants funding round:

1. Otakou Health Limited, Te Kaika, $4272.

2. Servants Health Centre, Receptionist Coverage, $4272.

3. East Taieri Church, Community Facilitator, $4272.

4. South Dunedin Street Festival Steering Group, $4272.

5. Anglican Family Care, Promotion of services, $4272.

6. Catholic Social Services, Social Work Support Service, $4272.

7. Dunedin Community Mediation Charitable trust, Salaries for Coordinator, $4272.

8. Dunedin Curtain Bank Trust, Provision of thermal curtains to those in need, $4272.

9. Foodshare Limited, Foodshare, $4272.

10. Connect South (Lending Matters), To tackle the problem of unsustainable debt in Dunedin, $4272.

11. Parent to Parent NZ Inc (Hamilton), Regional Coordinator, $4272.

12. Pregnancy Help Inc (Dunedin Branch), Support for the position of Pregnancy Help Manager, $4272.

13. Te Whare Pounamu Dunedin Women's Refuge, Wages for Residential, Community Outreach and Tamariki Programme Workers, $4272.

14. The Parenting Place Provision of Toolbox parenting courses, focusing on at-risk families, $4272.

15. Life Education Trust Heartland Otago/Southland Educator Salary, $3000.

16. Te Hou Ora Otepoti Inc, Administrative wages, $4272.

17. The Malcam Charitable Trust, Altitude Kowhai Grove, $4272.

18. The Straight Up Trust - Rock Solid Youth Development Programmes, $4272.

19. Senior-Link Day Activity Centre for frail socially isolated elderly people, $3000.

20. Able Charitable Trust (Southern Family Support) Community Activity Centre, Foodbank Program, $4272.

21. Asthma Otago, Community Exercise Classes, $4272.

22. Carers Society Otago, Community Workers, $4272.

23. Disabled Persons Assembly NZ Inc Otago Kaituitui (Community Networker) Salary Funding Contribution, $4272.

24. Heart Kids Otago Branch, Support our Heart Families, $2000.

25. Concord Kindergarten, Play area refurbishment, $713.

26. Otago Harbour Ferry Inc., Inclining Test for harbour Ferry, $1500.

27. The Otago Model Engineering Society Inc, Replacement of ride-on mower, $1147.

28. Taieri Blokes Shed, Purchase of Machinery, $1505.



Motion carried (GS/2017/018)


8       Small Project Grants and Neighbourhood Matching Grants


The report in the agenda outlines details of the applications approved by the Chairperson for grants under $500, from November 2016 to May 2017.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the attached spreadsheet.

Motion carried (GS/2017/019)



The meeting concluded at 3.52pm.



