West Harbour Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 31 May 2017, commencing at 5.30 pm




Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Ryan Jones

Ange McErlane


Jan Tucker




Governance Support Officer      Kristy Rusher




1       Public Forum

Graeme Wall (speaking on behalf of the Port Chalmers Yacht Club) requested the Board's support for the Yacht Club's submission to the Otago Regional Council to maintain the depth of the harbour channel and boat launching ramps.



2       Apologies

An apology was received from Steve Walker (Chairperson).



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Trevor Johnson/Jan Tucker):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (WHCB/2017/031)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.




Moved (Deputy Chairperson Trevor Johnson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.


Motion carried (WHCB/2017/032)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    West Harbour Community Board meeting - 3 May 2017


Moved (Deputy Chairperson Trevor Johnson/Francisca Griffin):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 3 May 2017 as a correct record.


Motion carried (WHCB/2017/033)


Part A Reports

6       Policing Update


Inspector Jason Guthrie had been invited to attend the meeting and update the Board on policing matters of interest to West Harbour area.


Inspector Guthrie had advised in advance of the meeting that due to unforeseen commitments he was unable to attend.  He advised that he would be available to attend the next meeting of the Board to update them on relevant matters.


7       Governance Support Officer's Report


A report informed the West Harbour Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Scholarship Fund

c)     Correspondence

d)     Action List


Moved (Deputy Chairperson Trevor Johnson/Ange McErlane):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Confirms the Action List content noting that no additional items were added and that items marked "complete" could be removed from that list.


Motion carried (WHCB/2017/034)


8       Funding Application


A report from Civic and Legal appended a funding application received from the  Harbourside Junior Football Club for $1,000.00 towards the cost of providing new playing shirts for their junior football club.


Moved (Ange McErlane/Ryan Jones):

That the Board:



a)     Approves the funding application for $1,000.00 from the Harbourside Junior Football Club.


Motion carried (WHCB/2017/035)


9       Chairperson's Report


A report from the Deputy Chairperson updated the Board on matters of interest since the previous meeting which included:

·          Community Board Conference Update

·          The sycamore tree programme won the Local Government award for Community Leadership

·          Long Service Presentations were made

·                A liaison meeting with Ravensdown was held, where it was reported that emissions were almost at zero.  The possibility of the removal of further sycamore trees on the roadside to the Ravensdown property was also discussed.

Members were also invited to update the Board on the activities of community groups which had a Board representative:


Port Environment Committee: The Port Company wanted to relocate 43 cubic metres of fill and was investigating options to assist with using the fill for the construction of the cycleway.  The green crane was to be demolished.


The Port Company advised that complaints regarding noise and lights were now resolved with acoustic treatment underway.  They also noted that the Boiler Point extension was due to start.


Keep Dunedin Beautiful: The trust meeting had been focused on issuing awards.  Pete Hodgson received a beautification award.  The Back Beach writers group was also recognised.  Graffiti was of concern.


State Highway 88 Liaison Committee: The Police and NZTA had met and discussed making improvements to the intersection of Burkes Road and State Highway 88.  The Port intersection and right turning traffic into Shandon Street was also discussed.  Speed limit signs for Maia were being reviewed as driver awareness of the speed change in this area could be improved.


West Harbour Beautification Trust: Tree planting in Port Chalmers township was underway. 


Communications/Facebook: One letter was received expressing concern about the speed of logging trucks on State Highway 88.  The letter requested that police station a car in this area.  Scholarship recipient Annabelle Latta also reported on the use of her scholarship funds.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Jan Tucker):


That the Board:

a)     Notes the report presented by the Deputy Chairperson for May 2017.

Motion carried (WHCB/2017/036)




Councillor Aaron Hawkins provided an update on following matters of interest to the Board which included:


·         The adoption of the Reserves and Beaches Bylaw 2017.


·         Freedom camping consultation and bylaw review, with a report scheduled to be considered by the Planning and Environment Committee on 13 June 2017.


·         The SOS campaign to highlight the need to rebuild the hospital in the City Centre, which had 4,500 people subscribe to the campaign over a 6 week period.


·         The Civic delegation had returned from sister city Shanghai.  Developing opportunities for economic and educational visits had been a key focus of the visit.  Discussions were now underway regarding a cultural exchange with an exhibition featuring Maori Art programmed for Shanghai in 2019 and a Dunedin Art Gallery exhibition to feature Chinese art in 2018.


·         The success of winning the bid to host TRENZ, which was the first time it would be hosted in Otago.


Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Ryan Jones):

That the Board:

a)        Notes the report presented by Councillor Hawkins for May 2017.

Motion carried (WHCB/2017/037)


11     Items for Consideration by the Chair


The Deputy Chairperson agreed to the following items to be considered at the next meeting:

·         An agenda item concerning a letter of support for the Yacht Club submission to the Otago Regional Council was requested.


·         An agenda item concerning the installation of a seat at Back Beach was also requested for consideration at the next meeting.



The meeting concluded at 6.28 pm.




