Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the District Licensing Committee will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 6 July 2017

Time:                            10.00 am

Venue:                          Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers,

                                      the Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


District Licensing Committee







Colin Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Andrew Noone



Colin Lind



Senior Officer                               Kevin Mechen, Secretary, District Licensing Committee


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Apologies                                                                                                  4

2        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4     

Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

3          Report for off-licence renewal, "Regent Night n Day", 2 Regent Road, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee                                                          5             



District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017




1     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

2     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.


District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



Part A Reports


Report for off-licence renewal, "Regent Night n Day", 2 Regent Road, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee

Department: Customer and Regulatory Services




Applicant’s Name:

Lane Group Limited

Site Address

2 Regent Road, Dunedin

Trading Name:

Regent Night ‘n Day

Style of Licence

Off-licence - grocery

Application  Number


Date received by Council

15 March 2017


1      This is a report for an application for the renewal of an off-licence.  The criteria found at section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) apply to this application.

2      The applicant does not seek any changes to the licence.  The inspector considers that the sale and supply of alcohol under these conditions are consistent with the purpose of the Act and meets the criteria at section 131.

3      The University of Otago sent a letter stating they were aware there were no grounds for objection but asked the District Licensing Committee (DLC) to do “all in its power to address density and opening hours of liquor outlets located in or in close proximity to the “student zone” in North Dunedin”.  The Licensing Inspector suggests this should be considered a public objection because it covers the points required to be considered by the Committee.

4      The Medical Officer of Health and Licensing Inspector both oppose the renewal of the licence because the required sales data has not been supplied and the Inspector comments that the premises now has a large emphasis on confectionary making it more of a convenience store than grocery store.  The Inspector also notes that the store also opens on every day of the year which is not an option available to grocery stores.



5      The Lane Group Limited has been licensed to sell alcohol since 1996 when their first licence was granted by the Liquor Licensing Authority (LLA).

6      In 2011 an application to renew the licence was considered by the LLA after it was opposed by agencies because they considered the premises to be a dairy (O J and S A Cameron Limited and Lane Group Limited, [2011] NZLLA PH 1207-1208).  In this instance the Authority stated that, “The immediate impression was that of a small grocery store.”  The licence was renewed.


7      The renewal application was publicly notified in the Otago Daily Times and a notice was placed on the front of the premises.


8      While not an objection per se the University of Otago’s Vice Chancellor sent a letter stating that while they had no grounds for objection they implored the DLC to do all in its power to address the density and opening hours of liquor outlets in or close to the “Student Zone” in North Dunedin.  The letter was received within the 15 working days.

reporting agencies

9      The Police did not raise any concerns.

Medical Officer of Health

10    Medical Officer of Health: Opposed the renewal because the data supplied did not meet the requirements of the legislation therefore they were not in a position to comment on whether the premises was a grocery store or otherwise. 

11    The legislation requires that the Committee have regard to “a statement of the annual sales revenues (or projected sales revenues) of the premises produced in accordance with any regulations in force under this Act prescribing what information such statements must contain and how it must be set out.”

12    The sales revenues were supplied for one month only, that being February 2017, and not a full year nor were they certified by a chartered accountant as required.  There were certified sales figures for a full year but they were not categorised as required.

Licensing Inspector

13    The Licensing Inspector opposes the renewal for the following reason:

a)     A plan of the intended single alcohol area was not submitted with the application – section 112(3) of the Act states that at the renewal of an off-licence for a supermarket or grocery store the single area condition imposed at the grant of the licence, or the latest renewal, expires.  A new plan is required in every instance so the single area can be confirmed.

b)     The “Risk Mitigation Community Policy” is inadequate.  It is a copy of the “Sale of Liquor Policy” with the addition of a statement regarding a reduction in liquor trading hours.

c)     The absence of certified annual sales revenues in the required format.

d)     The size, layout and appearance of the premises has been changed since the last renewal and now resembles a convenience store rather than a grocery store.

e)     The premises opens every day of the year, albeit without the sale of alcohol on the sacrosanct days of Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and before 1.00 pm on Anzac Day.  The Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 gives details of the types of premises that can trade on the prohibited days.  The website lists dairies as a premises that can trade, but not grocery stores.


14    The application is not accompanied by the required certified, annual sales revenues because it is done manually and would have taken too long to have the data available for the agencies in the time requested.  There is no accompanying plan of the store showing the single alcohol area.

15    The legislation has changed and the Committee will need to consider the information presented by the parties.



Kevin Mechen - Secretary, District Licensing Committee








Licence Renewal Application



Sales Data



Letter from University of Otago



Reporting Agency Reports



Miscellaneous emails



Public Notices



District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

6 July 2017



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