Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the District Licensing Committee will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 20 July 2017

Time:                            9.30 am

Venue:                          Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, the Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


District Licensing Committee







Colin Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Andrew Noone



Colin Lind



Senior Officer                               Kevin Mechen, Secretary, District Licensing Committee


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Apologies                                                                                                  4

2        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4     

Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

3          Report for Off-licence, "Bottle O", 72 Princes Street, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee                                                                                   5             



District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017




1     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

2     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.


District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



Part A Reports


Report for Off-licence, "Bottle O", 72 Princes Street, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee

Department: Customer and Regulatory Services





Applicant’s Name:

KSK PVT Limited

Site Address

72 Princes Street, Dunedin

Trading Name:

Bottle O

Style of Licence

Off-licence – bottle store

Application  Number


Date received by Council

3 May 2017


1      This is a report for an application for a new off-licence.  The criteria found at section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) apply to this application.

2      The applicant has bought the business and has asked for the same conditions as the previous licence. 

3      There have been no public objections made to this application. However, the Police and Medical Office of Health have raised matters in opposition and these have been supported by the Licensing Inspector.



4      The applicant company, KSK PVT Limited, has a sole director and shareholder.  He has not held an alcohol licence in the past but has worked in off-licensed premises.

5      The premises is situate on the corner of Princes Street and Moray Place which is in the Central Activity Zone where the sale of alcohol is a permitted activity; the application is accompanied by a Planning Certificate advising the premises meets the requirements of the Resource Management Act and the District Plan.

6      There is also a Building Compliance Certificate with the application.

7      The applicant does not seek any variance from the current licence.


8      The public notice did not attract any opposition from the community.  However, the reporting agencies have raised matters in opposition.


9      The Police report arrived outside the reporting period in error.  The Licensing Inspector has indicated the Police will be called as a witness if required.

10    While the applicant has not owned a premises before he does have experience in off-licensed premises.  There were enforcement issues with the previous licensee that the applicant is aware of and because of that he has only retained one of the previous staff.  The Police do not have any issue with the applicant’s suitability.

11    The concern of the Police is with the amenity and good order of the locality.  Their evidence indicates significant alcohol-related offending near this premises and the amount of broken glass, discarded bottle and cans in the immediate area indicates to the Police that this premises contributes to the poor amenity and good order of the area.

12    The Police refers to section 105(1)(i) of the Act which refers to the granting of the licence unlikely to make the amenity and good order worse in the area but it would be undesirable to issue any further licenses.

Medical Officer of Health

13    The Medical Officer of Health’s Delegate comments on the well-known existing amenity and good order issues in the central city.  They comment that if this was an application for a new premises it would be strongly opposed however this is an existing premises that is undergoing a change of ownership where previously it was the behaviour of the licensee that was the cause of concern.  It is considered the new operation is likely to be an improvement on the previous situation.

14    The concern expressed relates to the amenity and good order of the surrounding area and the body of evidence of the adverse impact by licensed premises in in this area of Dunedin.

Licensing Inspector

15    The Licensing Inspector notes the issues with the previous licensee related to serving people under the age of 18 years and intoxicated people. 

16    The store is in a high risk area and requests the default national closing time of 11.00 pm.  The Inspector suggests a precautionary approach is taken with respect to the closing time and should be consistent with the other inner city bottle stores.

17    The Inspector defers to the knowledge of the Police and Medical Officer of Health with regard to the amenity and good order matters.  It is recommended this hearing will allow those agencies expand on their evidence for the Committee to consider.



18    This application results from the change of ownership of an existing off-licence in the central city.  There were issues when it was operated by the previous licensee but there is no indication how the applicant is managing the premises. 

19    The applicant has not previously owned a premises but has experience working in them as a duty manager.  His suitability has not been raised as a matter of concern.

20    The closing time requested is the default national time of 11.00 pm.  It has been suggested a precautionary approach is adopted and for this premises to have a consistent closing time with other bottle stores in the area.  

21    The Police believe the premises contributes to the poor amenity and good order of the locality.

22    The Committee will need to consider the evidence presented and then, if it is of a mind to grant the licence, decide on appropriate conditions.



Kevin Mechen - Secretary, District Licensing Committee


Adrian Blair - Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services

Simon Pickford - General Manager Community Services









Supporting Information



Planning and Building Certificates



Fire Service approval



Medical Officer of Health Delegate's Report



Police Opposition Letter



Licensing Inspector's Report



Public Notices



District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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District Licensing Committee

20 July 2017



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