Grants Subcommittee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Wednesday 05 July 2017, commencing at 9.00 am





Cr Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Andrew Whiley






Amanda Dyer

Cr Christine Garey


Hannah Molloy

Leeanne Phillips


Lois Scott

Desiree Williams




Joy Gunn, Manager Events and Community Development; Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor); Crystal Filep (Team Leader Urban Design); Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer); Cara Paterson (Community Advisor Arts) and Craig Monk (Community Advisor – Arts)


Governance Support Officer      Janet Favel



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  

2       Apologies

An apology was received from Councillor Marie Laufiso.


Moved (Cr Hawkins/Cr Whiley):


That the Subcommittee:


a)     Accepts the apology from Cr Laufiso.

Motion carried

3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (GS/2017/013)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Desiree Williams has declared an interest in The Malcam Charitable Trust application and will leave the room during discussion and consideration of the application.


Lois Scott has declared an interest in the Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust application and will leave the room during discussion and consideration of the application.


Lois Scott has declared that she sought advice on whether she had an interest in The Malcam Charitable Trust as she was an employee twelve years ago.  While she had an interest there were no steps required to be taken.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)    Notes the amendment to the Interest Register to include Lois Scott’s interest in The Malcam Trust.

b)    Confirms the proposed management plan for Interests.

Motion carried (GS/2017/014)


Part A Reports

5       Consideration of Applications for Grants


The Sub-Committee considered the following applications :






The Malcam Trust

Desiree Williams and Lois Scott declared an interest in The Malcam Charitable Trust application and left the room for discussion and consideration of this application. 


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Malcam Charitable Trust to help run and further develop youth services.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:

a)        Approves the funding application from the Malcam Trust.

b)        Grants $11,800.00 to the Malcam Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/015)



Desiree Williams and Lois Scott returned to the room.


Ignite Consultants


Consideration was given to the funding application from Ignite Consultants to help with event and marketing costs, materials costs and training and development costs.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Desiree Williams):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Ignite Consultants.

b)    Grants $5,000.00 to Ignite Consultants.


Motion carried (GS/2017/016)



Dunedin Night Shelter Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from Dunedin Night Shelter Trust to help fund the salaries of the night time supervisors.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)         Approves the funding application from the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust.

b)   Grants $15,000.00 to the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust.  


Motion carried (GS/2017/017)



Dunedin Community Accounting


Consideration was given to the funding application from Dunedin Community Accounting to help pay the wages of the Coordinators.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Dunedin Community Accounting.

b)    Grants $10,000.00 to Dunedin Community Accounting.  

Motion carried (GS/2017/018)



Dunedin Council of Social Services t/a Connect South


Consideration was given to the funding application from Dunedin Council of Social Services t/a Connect South for administration wages for delivery of support services.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Dunedin Council of Social Services t/a Connect South.

b)    Grants $40,000.00 to Dunedin Council of Social Services t/a Connect South.

Motion carried (GS/2017/019)



Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust


Lois Scott declared an interest in this application and left the room for discussion and consideration of the application.


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust to contribute to the Regional Coordinators salary.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from the Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust.

b)    Grants $12,000.00 to the Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/020)



Lois Scott returned to the room.


Citizens Advice Bureau Dunedin


Consideration was given to the funding application from Citizens Advice Bureau Dunedin to help pay the Managers wages..



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)   Approves the funding application from Citizens Advice Bureau Dunedin. 


b)   Grants $25,000.00 to Citizens Advice Bureau Dunedin.  


Motion carried (GS/2017/021)



Victim Support


Consideration was given to the funding application from Victim Support to help with the salary of the Service Coordinator.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)       Approves the funding application from Victim Support.

b)       Grants $10,000.00 to Victim Support.  

Motion carried (GS/2017/022)



Methodist Mission Southern


Consideration was given to the funding application from Methodist Mission Southern to help with the wages of the Independent Information Worker.


It was agreed that the Sub-Committee support the Methodist Mission Southern and provide the same grant as the previous year, noting that it provided a centralised service.



Moved (Desiree Williams/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:

a)       Approves the funding application from Methodist Mission Southern.

b)       Grants $10,000.00 to Methodist Mission Southern. 

Motion carried (GS/2017/023)



Hills Radio Trust/Otago Access Radio


Consideration was given to the funding application from Hills Radio Trust/Otago Access Radio to help with the wages of the General Manager.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Hills Radio Trust/Otago Access Radio.

b)    Grants $10,000.00 to Hills Radio Trust/Otago Access Radio.

Motion carried (GS/2017/024)



Volunteering Otago


Consideration was given to the funding application from Volunteering Otago to help with general operating costs.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Volunteering Otago to help with general operating costs.

b)    Grants $10,000.00 to Volunteering Otago. 

Motion carried (GS/2017/025)



Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Cosy Energy Advice)


Consideration was given to the funding application from Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Cosy Energy Advice) to help with keeping the service running.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)    Approves the funding application from Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Cosy Energy Advice).

b)    Grants $12,000.00 to Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (Cosy Energy Advice).  

Motion carried (GS/2017/026)



Servants Health Centre


Lois Scott withdrew from discussion and consideration of this application.


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Servants Health Centre to help subsidise general costs.


The sub-committee acknowledged the need and service that the Servants Health Centre provided however it considered that the funding for this service was the responsibility of central government.  The Grants Policy 2015 states 3.18 The DCC Will not fund operations and activities of health and education organisations which are predominantly funded by Central Government or its subsidiary and agent.


Therefore the applicant would be advised that application did not meet the necessary criteria.




Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


b)     Declines the funding application from the Servants Health Centre.

Motion carried (GS/2017/027)



The Dunedin Curtain Bank Trust


Lois Scott withdrew from the table for discussion and consideration of this application.


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Dunedin Curtain Bank Trust to help with staff wages.


It was noted that the Trust had received funding from another source and therefore the application was declined.  The applicant would be advised that application did not meet the necessary criteria.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)   Declines the funding application from the Dunedin Curtain Bank Trust. 


Motion carried (GS/2017/028)



Age Concern Otago Inc


Consideration was given to the funding application from Age Concern Otago Inc to help fund wages of staff.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)        Approves the funding application from Age Concern Otago Inc.

b)   Grants $10,000.00 to Age Concern Otago Inc


Motion carried (GS/2017/029)






Dunedin Opera Company Inc t/a Opera Otago


Consideration was given to the funding application from Dunedin Company Inc t/a Opera Otago for core administration costs supporting Opera Otago’s programme of events.


Staff noted the development of a partnership with Otago Community Trust to establish a new arts and capability fund, which would be available to organisations. 



Moved (Hannah Molloy/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Dunedin Opera Company Inc t/a Opera Otago.

b)   Grants $4,000.00 to the Dunedin Opera Company Inc t/a Opera Otago.


Motion carried (GS/2017/030)



Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc to help with stage 3 redevelopment of the museum.


The Sub-Committee discussed the application and requested that staff discuss other potential funding sources with the applicant.  The application was declined as it was for capital improvements with pressure on available funding, the sub-committee preferred other applications as they met the criteria more strongly.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)        Declines the funding application from the Port Chalmers Historical Society Inc.

Motion carried (GS/2017/031)



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Sub-Committee:


Adjourn the meeting.


Motion carried


The meeting adjourned at 10.16am and reconvened at 11.00am.



Blue Oyster Arts Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Blue Oyster Arts Trust for core costs for the Gallery Manager post.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from the Blue Oyster Arts Trust.

b)   Grants $10,000.00 to the Blue Oyster Arts Trust.


Motion carried (GS/2017/032)



City Choir Dunedin


Consideration was given to the funding application from the City Choir Dunedin for core administration and production costs for their annual programme.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from the City Choir Dunedin.

b)        Grants $14,000.00 to the City Choir Dunedin.

Motion carried (GS/2017/033)



Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc t/a Dunedin Symphony Orchestra


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc t/a Dunedin Symphony Orchestra for core administration, production and artistic costs towards their annual programme.


There was a general discussion on funding of city institutions such as the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra and Fortune Theatre in a more permanent manner thus eliminating the need to apply annually to this contestable fund.  Mr Coffey advised that grants could be paid for a period of three years but this approach meant that new applications may not be supported due to funds being already committed.  The Orchestra’s development of a strategic plan was commended. 



Moved (Hannah Molloy/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from the Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc t/a Dunedin Symphony Orchestra.

b)   Grants $99,000.00 to the Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc t/a Dunedin Symphony Orchestra


Motion carried (GS/2017/034)



Fortune Theatre Trust


Cr Garey left the room for discussion of this application.


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Fortune Theatre Trust to contribute to the on-going operating costs of the theatre.   



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from the Fortune Theatre Trust.

b)   Grants $95,000.00 to the Fortune Theatre Trust.


Motion carried (GS/2017/035)



Cr Garey returned to the room.


Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust for core costs to employ a Theatre Manager.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from the Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust.

b)   Grants $35,000.00 to the Mayfair Theatre Trust.


Motion carried (GS/2017/036)



Connections Education and Development Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from Connections Education and Development Trust for support towards salary costs for the programme facilitators at Studio 2.



Moved (Desiree Williams/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Connections Education and Development Trust.

b)        Grants $10,000.00 to Connections Education and Development Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/037)



Just Atelier Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from Just Atelier Trust for support for a part time Co-ordinator.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Just Atelier Trust.

b)        Grants $6,000.00 to Just Atelier Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/038)



Vogel Street Party Charitable Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Vogel Street Charitable Trust for core costs towards amenities, infrastructure, marketing and printing towards VSP 2017.


It was noted that as this was an event, it was not eligible for Grants funding.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Declines the funding application from the Vogel Street Party Charitable Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/039)



Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust (DCMT)


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust for core costs for overheads, artistic and management costs to create and run a Carnival Arts Workshop.



Staff explained that key drivers for the application included the Trust’s proposal to develop an arts hub in the city, and the carnival’s sustainability.  He noted that the Trust was seeking support for operational costs for storage and workshop space, and wanted to create an umbrella arts space with other arts organisations.




Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Sub-Committee:

a)        Declines the funding application from the Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust.

b)        That staff work with the Trust to explore other sources of funding and non-financial support.

Motion carried (GS/2017/040)



Dunedin Designed Incorporated (DDI) t/a Guild


Consideration was given to the funding application from Dunedin Designed Incorporated t/a Guild for core costs to pay for a part time Co-ordinator and a part time Curator.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Dunedin Designed Incorporated t/a Guild.

b)        Grants $6,000.00 to Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/041)







Landscape Connections Trust (LCT)


Consideration was given to the funding application from Landscape Connections Trust.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Landscape Connections Trust.

b)   Grants $10,000.00 to Landscape Connections Trust.


Motion carried (GS/2017/042)



Coastguard Dunedin Incorporated


Consideration was given to the funding application from Coastguard Dunedin Incorporated to contract an independent feasibility investigation to establish a joint venue and a collaborative approach to Search and Rescue in Dunedin.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):


That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Approves the funding application from Coastguard Dunedin Incorporated.

b)        Grants $10,000.00 to Coastguard Dunedin Incorporated.

Motion carried (GS/2017/043)



Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust to help fund wages of the Field Manager.


It was noted that the application did not specify exactly what the funding would be used for.  Staff advised that a funding application process had not yet been developed for the Council’s Environmental Strategy.  It was intended that the Strategy would have broad categories and where applicable, those turned down in this process could seek funding support from the Strategy.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:


a)        Declines the funding application from the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust.

Motion carried (GS/2017/044)



Orokonui Ecosanctuary


Consideration was given to the funding application from the Orokonui Ecosanctuary to bring the biodiversity conservation work to a higher level.





Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)        Declines the funding application from the Orokonui Ecosanctuary.

Motion carried (GS/2017/045)



Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community


Consideration was given to the funding application from Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community to help fund the Keepers salary and help with improvements and upgrades.


The benefit to the community from the voluntary planting and conservation work carried out on the island by school and other community groups was noted.  The sub-committee also discussed challenges including the cost of access to the island.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Leeanne Phillips):

That the Sub-Committee:

a)        Approves the funding application from Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community.

b)        Grants $5,000.00 to Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community.

Motion carried (GS/2017/046)



The West Harbour Beautification Trust


Councillor Hawkins withdrew from the discussion and consideration of this item.  Councillor Whiley assumed the Chair.


Consideration was given to the funding application from the West Harbour Beautification Trust for costs towards the strategic and operational plan to control sycamore across West Harbour noting this is a pilot for a city wide strategy.



Moved (Leeanne Phillips/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Sub-Committee:

a)        Approves the funding application from The West Harbour Beautification Trust.

b)      Grants $10,000.00 to the West Harbour Beautification Trust.


Motion carried (GS/2017/047)



Councillor Hawkins returned to the Chair.



There was a discussion on alternative methods of consideration of funding for community groups which delivered on the city’s strategic framework.




Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Lois Scott):

That the Sub-Committee:


Recommends that Council consider the appropriateness of contestable funding rounds to support community groups delivering on the city’s strategic framework as part of the LTP process.


Motion carried (GS/2017/048)




The meeting concluded at 12.44 pm.







