Bylaws Subcommittee



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Bylaws Subcommittee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 21 August 2017, commencing at 1.00 pm and Tuesday 22 August 2017 commencing at 9.05 am





Andrew Whiley






David Benson-Pope



Christine Garey





Kristy Rusher (Managing Civic and Legal), Jendi Paterson (Operations Manager Parks and Recreation) and Ashley Reid (Parks and Recreation Planner)


Governance Support Officer      Greg Sligo (Monday 21 August) and Janet Favel (Tuesday 22 August)





1       Apologies

There were no apologies.


2       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (BYL/2017/004)



3       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Cr Whiley declared an interest in the submission from the Otago Peninsula Community Board. He also declared an interest in Classic Jaguars Limousines, and indicated that no potential conflict was identified in this hearing.




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register.

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (BYL/2017/005)



4       Hearing Schedule





The hearing schedule for the Proposed Camping Control Bylaw 2017 had been circulated, and was noted.




5       Proposed Camping Control Bylaw 2017- Summary of Submissions


The proposed Camping Control Bylaw 2017 went out for public consultation on 12 July 2017.  250 submissions were received and 17 submitters have requested to speak at the hearing.

The report summarises the details of the submissions for consideration by the Bylaws Subcommittee.



The Parks and Recreation Planner indicated that he had nothing to add to his report. There was some discussion on the potential for confusion that submitters might have felt when viewing the options. The members noted that a Local Government Task Force would be meeting later in the year to consider a coordinated approach to this issue.


A number of submitters had indicated that they wished to speak to their submissions, and comments from these submitters were then received by the Hearings Panel.


Mr Colin Weatherall spoke to his submission, adding that perhaps a third of users at the Brighton Domain did not comply with the current Bylaw, and that there was no control of the Ocean View site.


Mr Mark Brown informed the Panel that there had been approximately 23,000 people who stayed at the Warrington Domain in the last year. He noted that Destination Dunedin was encouraging visitors, but the Council appeared to be reluctant to make additional areas available for freedom campers.  In his view numbers did need to be managed.


Speaking to his submission, Mr Alan Cooper noted that campers were arriving as late as midnight, and current restrictions were not being enforced. He suggested that only fully self-contained vehicles should be allowed onto the Warrington Domain, and that a permit system should be in place.


Mr Scott Weatherall then spoke to the submission from the Saddle Hill Community Board. He felt that infrastructure should be expanded to cope with the larger number of visitors and that in general terms the community support was confined to self-contained vehicles.


Dr Jacqueline Hughes reiterated her support for the Council proposal encouraging CSC (Certified Self Contained) vehicles, and asked that, in Warrington, vehicles be confined to a clearly marked area at the south end of the Domain, as the current parking of vehicles over the entire Domain meant the community had effectively lost the ability to use the reserve for recreation services.


Before the Panel received comment from Mr Paul Pope on behalf of the Otago Peninsula Community Board, Cr Whiley withdrew from the meeting at 2.15pm and Cr Benson Pope took the Chair.


The submission from the Otago Peninsula Community Board was augmented by comments from its Chair, Mr Paul Pope. Mr Pope acknowledged the work of Council staff, and noted that the Peninsula had 1600 households, but there were more than 17,000 visitors to Taiaroa Head last year.  It was the Board's view that uncertified vehicles should use registered camping grounds, and there should be a modest charge to campers for using a site, so that they would in fact be cost neutral.


The Subcommittee adjourned at 2.33pm, and resumed at 2.50pm with Cr Whiley resuming the Chair


Mr Neil Morris then spoke to his submission in support of freedom campers.  He noted that camper vans could park for the entire day at Macandrew Bay, but not overnight. He also highlighted inconsistencies across the country, giving the example of the Te Anau area, where no campervans are permitted parking overnight at all.


The Subcommittee adjourned again at 3pm, and resumed at 3.21pm.


The next speaker was Mr Ross Davies, who spoke as a freedom camper and a resident. He pointed out that there were no D.O.C camping grounds in the Dunedin area, and suggested that camper vans preferred to park in scenic areas, and there should be basic facilities (water supply and toilets) in those areas.


Ms Suzi Flack then addressed the Committee on behalf of Kati Huirapa Ki Puketeraki Runaka.  She noted that it was acknowledged there was a burial site in the Warrington Domain area, and also noted that there was also an adjacent NZ Sea Lion birthing site.


There was support for the Council's pro-active stance from Mr Tony Marcinowski, who also mentioned the need to be aware of climate change, while supporting Option One in the report.


Mr Rhys Owen asked that camper van zones should be 200 metres from residential properties, and that there be no more than 10 vans in any area.


Community use of the Warrington Domain was supported by Mr Gareth Hughes, who supported Option One, and submitted that vehicles should be confined to the south end of the Domain, with a maximum of 10-15 vehicles. He felt that additional vehicles should be directed to registered camping grounds.


There was also support for Option One from Mr Neil Kennedy, who spoke on behalf of the Motor Caravan Association. He felt most members of the Association would support the new standards that have been proposed, but felt there should be some consistency in prices charged across the country.


Mr Alasdair Morrison spoke in support of the submission from the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board. He advised that there had been 157 vehicles parked at the Warrington Domain on one evening, and there was a need to find more sites. There was a need to limit, monitor and control use, and a pressing need to provide adequate infrastructure.


There was support for the Community Board's submission and Mr Morrison's comments from Ms Geraldine Tait, who questioned the practicality of requiring permits to be obtained in advance.


Further information in support of the submission from the Leith Valley Holiday Park was  presented by Mr John Aubrey, who gave details of the charges made by the Holiday Park, and suggested that the Council should not build facilities for non-complying vehicles.


The Chair then indicated that deliberations would begin at 9am on Tuesday 22 August, and the meeting was adjourned at 5.37pm.


The meeting reconvened On Tuesday 22 August 2017 at 9.05 am.


Discussion took place on the submissions both written and verbal and the recommendation from Ms Paterson.




Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


        a)     Adjourn at 10.10 am.


Motion carried (BYL/2017/006)


The meeting adjourned at 10.10 am and reconvened at 10.25 am.



In response to a question Ms Paterson advised that if Option 1 was approved then there would be increased enforcement, publicity would also be undertaken through app providers, social media and DCC website, pamphlets.  She advised that drivers of non- certified self-contained vehicles could use commercial facilities such as public camping grounds or backpackers.   Ms Paterson also commented that processes were being put in place for large events such as the Ed Sheeran concert.



That the Subcommittee:


a)     Adopts Option 1 and that staff be requested to explore other options for visitors travelling in non-self-contained vehicles.







The meeting concluded at 10.40 pm.






