Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the District Licensing Committee will be held on:


Date:                             Monday 21 August 2017

Time:                            9.30 am

Venue:                          Ex National Bank Premises, 11 George Street, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


District Licensing Committee







Colin Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Andrew Noone



Colin Lind



Senior Officer                               Kevin Mechen, Secretary, District Licensing Committee


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Apologies                                                                                                  4

2        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4     

Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

3          Report for New Off-licence, 695 Great King Street, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee                                                                                   5             



District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017




1     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

2     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.


District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



Part A Reports


Report for New Off-licence, 695 Great King Street, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee

Department: Customer and Regulatory Services






Applicant’s Name:

McCarthy Enterprises Limited

Site Address

695 Great King Street, Dunedin

Trading Name:

Super Liquor Dunedin

Style of Licence

Off-licence – bottle store

Application  Number


Date received by Council

26 May 2017


1      This is a report for an application for a new off-licence.  The criteria found at section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) apply to this application.

2      The applicant is establishing a new off-licence in the former McDuffs Brewery site. The application is accompanied by a Planning Certificate and Building Compliance Certificate advising the premises meets the requirements of the Resource Management Act, Dunedin’s District Plan and the Building Code.

3      An objection from the University of Otago has been received.  The University is considered to have an interest greater than the public generally and is therefore a valid objection.  All of the reporting agencies have opposed this application. 



4      The applicant company, McCarthy Enterprises Limited, is owned and operated by William and Patricia McCarthy.  They also own Mosgiel Super Liquor and Super Liquor Andersons Bay.

5      Mr and Mrs McCarthy are also the Directors and Shareholders of Jethro Holdings Limited and MJ Enterprises Limited which operate Super Liquor Kaikorai and Quicker Liquor respectively.

6      Super Liquor Dunedin used to be situated at 5 Malcolm Street, Dunedin, but this premises was forced to close when the building was sold and their lease not renewed by the owner.  At about the same time the owners of McDuffs Brewery decided to cease operations and this provided the opportunity for McCarthy Enterprises Limited to re-establish to that location.

7      The applicant’s companies have been before the Authority for sales to minors in the past with the last breach being in 2015.

8      The applicant is seeking to trade Monday to Sunday, 9.00 am to 10.00 pm.


9      Public notice of the application attracted an objection from the University of Otago.  They are considered to have an interest greater than the public generally.  The reasons for their opposition are:

a)     Object of the Act:  The premises will sell alcohol to a large student population living in the area.  Research has demonstrated students drink more heavily than their non-student peers.

b)     Suitability of the applicant:  The applicant has a history of breaches of the Act.  The location has a ‘high density’ of alcohol outlets, a large population of young people and a high rate of alcohol-related harm.  The applicant’s history suggests they are not suitable to operate at this location.

c)     Days and hours:  Consider the proposed hours to be excessive at this location.

d)     Amenity and good order:  Granting this licence would mean the range and amount of alcohol available in this locality would increase and this would likely reduce the amenity and good order of the locality.

e)     Not desirable to issue further licences:  The University does not believe this can be treated as the relocation of a premises.  However, if the Committee considered it was a relocation, this location is closer to the main body of student residential activity than the previous premises and therefore will increase the potential for problems to arise.

agency opposition

10    The three reporting agencies have opposed the grant of this licence.


11    The Police have considered the criteria detailed in section 105 and have opposed the application for the following reason:

a)     Object of the Act: they believe there is a large number of alcohol-related offending in a residential area.  The Police suggest allowing a new off-licensed premises in this area will not minimise alcohol-related harm.

b)     Suitability of the applicant: reference is made to Authority decision PH 361-67/2016 which details undertakings made by the applicant regarding training of staff.  The Police do not believe the undertakings have been complied with and therefore the applicant’s suitability is questioned.

c)     Amenity and good order: the Police have suggested that the area of the proposed premises in neither pleasant nor agreeable and another off-licensed premises in the area will add to the problems.  They state there is a direct correlation between alcohol consumed away from licensed premises and alcohol-related harm.

Medical Officer of Health

12    The Medical Officer of Health (MOH) has opposed the application for the following reasons:

a)     Object of the Act: similar grounds as above but in particular the vulnerable nature of the community surrounding the proposed premises.

b)     Amenity and good order: similar to the Police

c)     Staff and training: the undertaking made to the Authority referred to by the Police was considered by the MOH.  They found that while the applicant has stated some action had been taken, it was unclear whether or not the undertaking had been complied with generally and therefore they could not be sure about the training processes used by the applicant.  If the undertakings have not been complied with the MOH also questions the suitability of the applicant.

Licensing Inspector

13    The Licensing Inspector has supported the positions of both the Police and MOH.  The Inspector has made the following additional comments:

a)     There are three off-licensed premises within 200m of the proposed premises:

i.   Super Liquor Cumberland

ii.   Meenans Wines and Spirits

iii.  Baaa Sports Bar and Cafe


14    This application has attracted opposition from the University of Otago and the three reporting agencies with the areas of concern relating to:

a)     The object of the Act

b)     Suitability of the applicant

c)     Days and hours

d)     Amenity and good order of the locality

e)     Systems, staff and training.

15    This hearing will be required for the applicant to satisfy the Committee on the points mentioned.



Kevin Mechen - Secretary, District Licensing Committee








Licence Application



Host Repsonsible Policy / Risk Mitigation Report



Public Notices



University of Otago Objection



Police Opposition



Medical Officer of Health Opposition



Licensing Inspector Opposition



Miscellaneous Papers



District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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District Licensing Committee

21 August 2017



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