Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee will be held on:


Date:                             Monday 20 November 2017

Time:                            9.00am

Venue:                          Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Grants Subcommittee






Cr Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Chairperson




Nick Austin

John Barkla


Desiree Williams

Amanda Dyer


Cr Christine Garey

Jonathon Hendry


Cr Marie Laufiso

Hannah Molloy


Leeanne Phillips

Lois Scott


Cr Andrew Whiley



Senior Officer                               Joy Gunn, Manager Events and Community Development


Governance Support Officer      Rebecca Murray




Rebecca Murray

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5      

Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

5          Grant Applications                                                                                     11

6        Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Applications to the September 2017 Funding Round   12

7        Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Final Reports on Completed Projects                       26

8        Small Project Grants and Neighbourhood Matching Grants                                30             



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




1     Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



Declarations of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a subcommittee member and any private or other external interest they might have.

2.     Members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Committee:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected or Independent Members' Interests.








Register of Interest Declarations as at 15 November 2017



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



Part A Reports


Grant Applications

Department: Civic and Legal






1      Copies of the applications and summary sheets have been circulated separately.  The applications will be considered in the following order:

a)     Bio Diversity

b)     Creative Arts Grants

c)     Events Grants

d)     Community Grants

e)     Ratification of Small Grants








Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


There are no attachments for this report.



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Applications to the September 2017 Funding Round

Department: Community and Planning






1      The September 2017 round of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund opened on 1 September 2017 with applications closing on 30 September 2017. 

2      A total of nine applications were received. The total funding amount requested by the applicants ($38,450) is more than the funding available for the funding round ($30,000).

All applications have been assessed in relation to the fund and prioritisation criteria.


That the Subcommittee:

a)     Considers the recommendations for the allocation of the biodiversity grants; and

b)     Decides on the allocation of the grants across the applications received to the September 2017 round of the Biodiversity Fund.



3      The September 2017 round of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund (the Fund) opened on 1 September 2017 with applications closing on 30 September 2017.  For this round of funding, $30,000 is available for allocation plus any savings from the previous funding round.  Nine applications were received, with six involving projects adjoining or within Areas of Significant Conservation Value (ASCV), QE II covenants or other protected land.  Full copies of the applications have been circulated to the Grants Subcommittee in advance.  

Funding Criteria

4      The purpose of the Fund is: “To maintain a network of viable habitats and ecosystems in Dunedin by encouraging and supporting those landowners who are committed to protecting, enhancing and managing indigenous biodiversity.”

5      Funding is to be allocated on a cost sharing arrangement of 50:50, with the Council funding up to half of the project cost and the applicant making a contribution to the costs.  The maximum total grant that can be allocated under the fund is $5,000.  Projects must be aimed at: 

a)     conserving or protecting indigenous biodiversity by fencing and permanently protecting areas through covenanting; and

b)     management of indigenous biodiversity for restoration and enhancement of biodiversity values. 

6      To be eligible for funding, applications should meet the following criteria:

·           have a protective covenant registered on the title of the land (or be entered into as part of the funding application) and/or be identified as an ASCV on Schedule 25.4 of the Dunedin City District Plan (or be entered into as part of the funding application);

·           meet the Area of Significant Conservation Value (ASCV) criteria within the Dunedin City District Plan; 

·           not be planted with exotic vegetation once protected unless provided for in an agreed management plan;

·           exclude stock from the area to be protected unless provided for in an agreed management plan; and 

·           be accompanied by a management plan. 


7      Table 1 in Attachment 1 assesses the eligibility of each application in relation to the fund criteria outlined above. 


8      The September 2017 funding round is over subscribed. Provision has been made within the fund in the event that the funding requested exceeds the amount available.  In the first instance, the fund gives priority to sites identified on Schedule 25.4 of the Dunedin City District Plan as ASCV’s over non-scheduled sites.

9      The following criteria are provided to enable the Committee to prioritise applications:

a)     significance of the site – this will include consideration of the District Plan criteria and the National Priorities for Biodiversity Protection;

b)     the sustainability of the project, that it is long-term and will have enduring environmental outcomes;

c)     contribution towards achieving the vision and goals of the Dunedin City Council Biodiversity Strategy;

d)     the natural values that will be protected by the project; and

e)     the urgency of the project.

10    To assist with the priorities outlined above the attached document provides a brief description of the Biodiversity Strategy and the National Priorities for Biodiversity Protection.

Conditions of Grants

11    All successful applications will be subject to conditions, which will form part of an agreement between the landowner and the Council.  It is noted that the Committee may impose additional conditions where considered appropriate.


12    Following consideration of the fund and prioritisation criteria, recommendations are made below for the applications. 


Applications that meet the funding criteria in full

13    Applications by Graham Parker, Orokonui Ecosanctuary, Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust, Initial Volco Trust, Rhys Millar and Landscape Connections Trust involve work carried out on ASCVs or covenanted land and meet the funding criteria.

14    It is therefore recommended the following applications receive funding in full:

a)     The application from Graham Parker 2017-12 seeks funding to continue research into karearea that is hoped to assist conservation management of the species in Otago. The application is detailed and is accompanied by a report produced following the first phase of the project, which the Biodiversity Fund contributed to.

b)     The application from Orokonui Ecosanctuary 2017-13 seeks funding to construct 20 nesting boxes for South Island kaka. The project will also involve monitoring the use of the nest boxes. The population of kaka at the Ecosanctuary is the only one known on the east coast of the South Island. The cost per box is estimated at $260. As a follow up to the application, a schematic of the kaka box was requested and is attached (Attachment 2) as developed by Zealandia in Wellington.

c)     The application from the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust 2017-14 seeks funding to carry out research into the possum control in sector 5. The research will help establish baseline data as well as examine the attitude of local to predator control. A very detailed application has been provided.

d)     The application from Initial Volco Trust 2017-15 seeks funding to buy tubestock for revegetation around cleared parts of the QE2 covenant. The plants will be supplied by Hendrick Koch’s nursery at Manuka Farm. The application is not detailed and the applicant has previously received funding from the Biodiversity Fund.

e)     The application from Rhys Millar 2017-16 seeks funding to fence off and revegetate an area of regenerating indigenous vegetation along-side a waterway. It will provide a connection between two pieces of QE2 covenant. The application is detailed and well thought out. The applicant has previously received funding from the Biodiversity Fund.

f)     The application from Landscape Connections Trust 2017-17 seeks funding to setup an education outreach project with schools in Purakaunui, Waitati and Sawyers Bay. This is a costly project and the applicant is seeking money from multiple sources, including Speights, MBIE and Curious Minds. The application to the Biodiversity Fund is the first application among these. The applicant has previously received funding from the Biodiversity Fund for a different project. There is project brief attached to the application.


Applications that meet the funding criteria in part

15    Applications by Rakesh Pandey, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society and Springwater Ag meet the fund criteria in part.  It is recommended funding be granted in part or whole to these projects:

a)     The application from Rakesh Pandey 2017-11 seeks funding to control gorse and wilding pines from a site owned by the applicant. The aside from the gorse and wilding pines present the other vegetation at the site is not apparent from the application. It is proposed that revegetation will occur following the successful removal of pest plant species. No detail on the proposed species was included, though an expert will be consulted. The applicant has previously received money from the Biodiversity Fund for pest animal control.

b)     The application from Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society 2017-18 seeks funding to monitor and protect seabirds at the DCC reserve at Lawyers head. The project will involve monitoring four seabird species located at the reserve, conducting predator control and setting up public display panels. This work will be complemented by replanting carried out by the Parks and Reserves Department at the Dunedin City Council. The application is very detailed and is associated with a site specific management plan produced by the applicant.

c)     The application from Springwater Ag 2017-19 seeks funding for revegetation. The project involves the revegetation of greenfield sites in the immediate vicinity of the farm sheds. The application is extremely brief, largely referring to a previous application, which is only slightly more detailed. The application is accompanied by a planting plan created by a consultant. Funding is requested for the second stage of revegetation. The Biodiversity Fund contributed toward the first stage.


16    No options are presented as this is an information report for committee consideration


17    The 18 applicants will be notified of the decision.  The next funding round will be in April 2018.




Garreth Kyle - Research and Monitoring Officer


Anna Johnson - City Development Manager

Nicola Pinfold - Group Manager Community and Planning 






Assessment of Applications in terms of Fund Criteria



Schematic of the Kaka box





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision relates to providing a public service and it is considered good-quality and cost-effective.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans



Māori Impact Statement

There are no known implications for tangata whenua.


The outcome of the projects considered in this report will contribute positively to the long-term sustainability of the natural environment of Dunedin.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

A total of $42,097.17 has been requested by the applicants.  There is $30,000 allocated for funding in the September 2017 round of the Biodiversity Fund.   The allocation of funding is decided by the Grants Subcommittee and will be restricted to the funding available.  Funds available for allocation have been budgeted for.


This decision is considered to be of low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement – internal

There has been no internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no identified conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

A number of the grants relate to Community Board areas i.e. Peninsula and Waikouaiti Coast.



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



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Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



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Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



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Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Final Reports on Completed Projects

Department: Community and Planning






1      This report provides a summary of the grants completed since the April 2017 funding round.

2      Eight project reports have been received from recipients of previous funding rounds of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund.  The final reports are presented to satisfy the grant conditions and outline how the projects were completed. There is $1,190.01 in unclaimed funding from the eight projects completed since the April 2017 Grants Subcommittee meeting.


That the Subcommittee:

a)     Notes the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund – final reports on completed projects.



3      The Dunedin Biodiversity Fund was established in August 2007 with the following purpose: “To maintain a network of viable habitats and ecosystems in Dunedin by encouraging and supporting those landowners who are committed to protecting, enhancing and managing indigenous biodiversity.” 

4      All successful applicants to the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund are required to enter into a formal agreement with the Dunedin City Council on receipt of the grant that specifies conditions that must be met in accepting the grant.  The conditions require applicants to provide a final report on completion of the project to satisfy release of grant monies. Eight final reports have been received since April 2017. 


5      The April 2013, April 2015, April 2016, September 2016 and April 2017 funding rounds approved grants for the following projects that have now been completed:

a)     Emma Gowing received $2,412 towards revegetation and fencing. There is $1,174.23 left over from this application.

b)     Lloyd McGinty and Sally Dicey received $1,000 towards maintenance of previous revegetation.

c)     Graham Parker received $4,975 toward karearea research.

d)     The Orokonui Ecosanctuary received $3,000 towards supplementary feed for rare native birds. There is $15.78 left over from this application.

e)     John Chapman received $1,225 toward the fencing of remnant native forest.

f)     The Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club received $3,000 towards the control of pest plant species.

g)     The Orokonui Ecosanctuary received $5,000 towards the development of an innovative predator control system.

h)     Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust received $5,000 towards the Sector 4 Hotspot Operation.

6      The documents received indicate that all the above projects have been successfully completed consistent with their applications.  Invoices presented for the projects are within the funding amounts requested and granted, with two less than the grant amount. 

Unclaimed Monies

7      Following the release of grant money for the above projects there is $1,190.01 in unclaimed monies for distribution in the September 2017 funding round.


8      All projects have been undertaken consistent with the approved applications and have contributed to the purpose of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund and the protection, enhancement and management of biodiversity in Dunedin. 


9      Not applicable as this report is for noting.


10    There is $1,190.01 to be distributed in the next funding round.




Garreth Kyle - Research and Monitoring Officer


Anna Johnson - City Development Manager

Nicola Pinfold - Group Manager Community and Planning 


There are no attachments for this report.





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report relates to providing a public service and it is considered good-quality and cost-effective.  Biodiversity enhancement fits with the purpose of local government.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


The biodiversity fund contributes to biodiversity enhancement which is a goal in the Environment Strategy and Spatial Plan.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no specific impacts for tangata whenua.


Biodiversity enhancement contributes to sustainability goals.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.  The grants are within the allocated budget.


This decision is considered to be of low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement on this report.

Engagement - internal

There has been ongoing liaison with Council’s Biodiversity Officer in Parks and Recreation. 

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no identified conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards, although a number of the grants are within Community Board areas (i.e. Peninsula and Waikouaiti Coast Community Boards).



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017




Small Project Grants and Neighbourhood Matching Grants

Department: Community and Planning






1      The attached outlines details of the applications approved by the Chairperson for grants under $500 from June 2017 to October 2017.



That the Committee:

a)     Notes the attached spreadsheet.






Paul Coffey - Community Advisor






Matching grants and Small Projects



Grants Subcommittee

20 November 2017



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