Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Thursday 8 March 2018

Time:                            10.00 am

Venue:                          Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Otago Peninsula Community Board






Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley



Senior Officer                               Richard Saunders, Group Manager Transport


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan




Pam Jordan

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Opening                                                                                                   4

2        Public Forum                                                                                             4

2.1   Public Forum - Harington Point Community Society Inc                               4

3        Apologies                                                                                                  4

4        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

5        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

6        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              9

6.1   Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 1 February 2018                    9     

Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

7          Introduction to Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic                                       16

8        Introduction to Group Manager, Parks and Recreation                                     17

9        Update on Predator Free Dunedin/Pest Control, Volunteer Programme, Ecological Contract and Tracks                                                                                  18

10      Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           19

11      Funding Application - Harington Point Community Society Inc                            27

12      Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates                                                  42

13      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 43

14      Councillor's Update                                                                                   54

15      Items for Consideration by the Chair                                                            55             



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



1     Opening

Paul Pope will open the meeting with a reflection.

2     Public Forum

2.1  Public Forum - Harington Point Community Society Inc

Jim Shanks, Project Convenor, Harington Point Community Society Inc, wishes to address the meeting concerning the group's application for funding to provide static water storage for firefighting purposes in the Te Rauone Beach area.

3     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

4     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








OPCB Register of Interests as at 28 February 2018



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Confirmation of Minutes

Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 1 February 2018




That the Board:

Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 1 February 2018 as a correct record.









Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting  held on 1 February 2018






Otago Peninsula Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 1 February 2018, commencing at 10.03 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley





Kristy Rusher (Chief Legal Officer)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan



1       Opening

Graham McArthur opened the meeting with a reflection.

2       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  


3       Apologies

There were no apologies.


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Lox Kellas/Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition:


- Councillor's Update


Motion carried (OPCB/2018/001)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/002)


6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 16 November 2017


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Christine Neill):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 16 November 2017 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2018/003)


Part A Reports

7       Introduction to Group Manager, Parks and Recreation


The Group Manager, Parks and Recreation (Robert West) was unable to be in attendance to update the Board on matters of interest due to Civil Defence commitments.


8       Introduction to Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic


The Team Leader, Civic (Sharon Bodeker) was unable to be in attendance to update the Board on matters of interest due to Civil Defence commitments.


9       Governance Support Officer's Report


The report updated the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Action Lists.


The Group Manager Transport was unable to be in attendance to speak to his items due to Civil Defence commitments.


The maintenance of walking tracks, an important Peninsula attraction, was discussed, with the Chairperson advising he had made mention of this during his Ten Year Plan presentation to the Council.


Comment was made on the Latham Park slide replacement, and discussions had been held with Parks staff over issues with the contractors and the tendering process.  Playground work had been included in one overall tender document.


Information was still awaited on the Portobello Domain building.


It was considered that a workshop was needed on the future of the Tomahawk School buildings.


Christine Neill updated the Board on recycling.  Kerbside collection possibilities for Pukehiki would be looked at in the Long Term Plan.


It was considered that the Taiaroa Head toilets needed to stay on the list, along with consideration of toilet provision at other locations.


The pull-over areas had been largely completed, with Lox Kellas to follow up with Josh von Pien.


The Chairperson would meet with Richard Saunders about the Peninsula Connection project the following Monday and would email an update to the Board following that.


Hoani Langsbury updated the Board on the most recent parking problems at Wellers Rock and an investigation was requested into parking, boat trailers and the boat ramp in relation to the Peninsula Connection reclamation.


It was noted that recreation around the entire harbour was a large issue for both the Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council.  Due to a lack of investment in recent years, the harbour was underutilised as a recreational facility.


Lox Kellas updated the Board on Back Bay roads.  The Action List was to be updated to include "Shaping of drainage – Weir Road" and "Papanui Road – geotechnical inspection between Cape Saunders Road/Papanui Road".


Work on Tidewater Drive would begin in February.


Edna Stevenson would discuss an issue with Beaconsfield Road with Richard Saunders.


Southdale Road was to be removed from the Action List.


With regard to the Hatchery Road, it was suggested that Task Force Green workers could be used to plant flaxes to stabilise the banks.


The Chairperson advised that he would like to see large 50 km/h signs erected at all townships and that this should be discussed again at the next meeting.  This would include the Beaconsfield Road entrance to Portobello, plus Coronation Hall and before Portobello School, and also on both sides of Broad Bay.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report;

b)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/004)


10     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)  Keep Dunedin Beautiful

Graham McArthur commented on the imminent Portobello bus shelter repainting.


b)  Rural Roads

Lox Kellas advised that roads were holding up well given the summer conditions, but the rain that day would provide a test.


c)  Business Directory

It was reported that some progress had been made and that Paul Pope and Christine Neill would meet to discuss it.


d)  Emergency Response Plan

It was agreed that the Board would assist Lox Kellas with this task so it was completed by the end of June.


There was discussion on information to be ascertained such as cellphone coverage and how various areas coped during past incidents.  Resources such as hall keys also needed to be listed.  Members were asked to find out about local halls, whether communities were happy for them to be used, where keys could be found etc, and the information provided to Lox Kellas.


e)  Members' Area Updates

Graham McArthur raised an issue relating to a road surfacing problem in Matariki Street, Broad Bay and it was agreed that he should email Andrew Lord (cc to Richard Saunders and Paul Pope) to enquire about a reseal.


Hoani Langsbury raised an on-going pothole problem at Otakou, which he would follow up with Richard Saunders.  Information had also been received from Aalbert Rebergen regarding upgrading the Te Rauone Reserve.


Christine Neill advised that with the increasing popularity of recycling at Hoopers Inlet, she had had to arrange for more bins to be supplied.  There had been some problems with the dumping of rubbish.


There was discussion on the large numbers of vehicles using Allans Beach Road, which had been very dusty.  It was considered that the numbers of vehicles using the road needed to be determined.  Richard Saunders would be asked to arrange a traffic count and the matter would be added to the Board's Action List.


Edna Stevenson would approach Richard Saunders to discuss various items of traffic signage at Macandrew Bay.


A preliminary design was needed for the upgrade of the reserve at Te Rauone.  Port Otago would not commit funding to the project unless there was a recreational purpose.  It was hoped to have a plan by Easter that could be taken to the community for input.  There was discussion on what the Board could do.  It was noted that the project had changed from the initial concept ie there was now a demand for the reserve to be upgraded, however Port Otago had now made a commitment to the project.  This was a big project and Te Rauone needed to be a destination site.  The Council also needed to commit to the plan once it was agreed.  The Chairperson advised that he would arrange a meeting with the Council's Chief Executive and Cr Whiley to discuss the matter.


The Chairperson advised that he would post updates on the current weather event on the Board's Facebook page.



11     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson (Paul Pope) advised that since the last meeting there had been a number of issues that had attracted time and attention.  The Chairperson provided a verbal update for discussion on issues raised with the Chair and matters not covered by other reports on the agenda including:

i.      Meeting with Chief Executives for the DCC and Port Otago onsite to discuss the Te Rauone Project.

ii.     Attendance at the Tomahawk Lagoon Project Symposium.

iii.     Presentation of the Board Long Term Plan vision to the Council in December (Attachment A of the Chairperson's Report).  It was noted that this was the first time the Board had consulted on the Community Plan.  Some people had wanted priorities included, such as Te Rauone as a priority in the capital expenditure section.

iv.    Meeting with DCC staff over drainage issues at Otakou and Harwood.

v.     Meeting with Department of Conservation about the provision of portaloo toilets at Sandfly Bay and Sandymount.

vi.    Consultation with Portobello business community over road design.

vii.    Meeting with DCC staff and consultants over the proposed road widening landscape plans.  The Chairperson reported that pohutukawas would be part of the landscaping.

viii.   Meeting with Broad Bay School Principal.

Other issues that were further discussed included:

i.      Drainage programme for Harwood and Otakou.

ii.     Tomahawk Lagoon.  It was noted that the lagoon was currently off limits because of an algal bloom.

iii.     Next steps follow up on Broad Bay road issues.

iv.    Reinstatement of roads from cable laying.  There was a need to check conditions of reinstatement with Roading staff.

v.     Condition of seal on Portobello Road at Portobello and Macandrew Bay.  The Chairperson would discuss the poor condition of the seal with Richard Saunders.

vi.    Scholarship criteria would be looked at for the next meeting.

vii.    Funding changes for the Long Term Plan slip replanting and future programme.

viii.   Otakou pothole and speed bumps request.  The question was asked whether speed humps were needed.

ix.    Maintenance of Hereweka Street (Leith) Track.  It was reported that Task Force Green workers were supposed to have been clearing gorse.  This area needed to be maintained permanently.  The Chairperson would discuss this with Roading staff.

x.     ORC bus issues (including email from Lucy Atkinson re Bus Services to Bayfield High School – Attachment B of the Chairperson's Report).  Board members noted that Lucy Atkinson had raised some good points in her email regarding stops close to Bayfield High School and the desirability of a stop at the Rongo memorial site.  A bus stop in Portobello Road would be added to the Action List and the Otago Regional Council and Dunedin City Council asked to make minor changes to the bus service so it was better for everyone.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Christine Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson's Report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/005)



11A   Councillor's Update


Councillor Andrew Whiley provided an update on matters of interest which included:

·      The Council's Ten Year Plan meeting prior to Christmas and the Chairperson's excellent presentation at that meeting on behalf of the Board.


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Hoani Langsbury):

That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/006)



12     Items for Consideration by the Chair


The following item was suggested for consideration:

·      Provision of barbecues at Macandrew Bay

·      Request for a workshop regarding the former Tomahawk School buildings.




The meeting concluded at 11.50 am.











Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Part A Reports

Introduction to Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic



The Team Leader, Civic (Sharon Bodeker) will be in attendance to update the Board on matters of interest.





Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Introduction to Group Manager, Parks and Recreation



The Group Manager, Parks and Recreation (Rob West) will be in attendance to update the Board on matters of interest and respond to questions.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Update on Predator Free Dunedin/Pest Control, Volunteer Programme, Ecological Contract and Tracks



Aalbert Rebergen (Biodiversity Officer) and Catherine Hosted (Volunteer Projects Facilitator) will be in attendance to update the Board on Predator Free Dunedin/pest control, the volunteer programme, the ecological contract (weeds/re-vegetation) and tracks.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Action Lists.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report;

b)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.



Project Fund

2      $5,803.80 remains in the Project Fund taking into account expenditure on grants and scholarships.  The following expenditure has been made so far this financial year:

Meeting Date



6 July 2017


Pukehiki Public Library – Maintenance and painting

6 July 2017


Otago Harbour Ferry Inc. – Elsie Evans

6 July 2017



24 August 2017



28 September 2017


Christine Neill  - Reimburse catering for Biodiversity Forum

28 September 2017


Portobello Broad Bay Play Centre – First aid training/supplies

28 September 2017


Southern Heritage Trust – Printing brochures

16 November 2017



16 November 2017


Dunedin Wildlife Trust – Wild Dunedin Festival 2018

16 November 2017


Anne-Sophie Page, Scholarship, travel to Sub-Antarctic islands







Action Lists

3      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachments A and B.





Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






Action List Transport



Action List Parks and Recreation





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans



Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018




Funding Application - Harington Point Community Society Inc

Department: Civic






1      This report provides a copy of a funding application which has been received for the Otago Peninsula Community Board's consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      The funding application is from the Harington Point Community Society Inc to provide static water storage for firefighting purposes in the Te Rauone Beach area and was received within the required timeframe.

3      Sufficient money remains in the Project Fund should the Board wish to grant the application. 



That the Board:

a)     Grants/declines the funding application from the Harington Point Community Society Inc for $5,000.00 to provide static water storage for firefighting purposes in the Te Rauone Beach area.





Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






Harington Point Community Society Inc Funding Application, February 2018



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates



a)  Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)  Rural Roads

c)  Business Directory

d)  Emergency Response Plan

e)  Members' Area Updates


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






1      Since the OPCB last meeting there have been a number of issues that have attracted time and attention.  The Chairperson (Paul Pope) will provide a verbal update for discussion on issues raised with the Chair and matters not covered by other reports on the agenda including:

i.      Cyclone Gita – The Peninsula area coped well with the recent bad weather and roads remained opened.  However, as always we need to remain watchful and continue to advocate for infrastructure updates in our area.

ii.     Otago Access Radio – Attached is a proposal to have a community board radio slot for our Board and other Boards from around the city (Attachment A).

iii.     Civil Defence – I met with Paul Allan of Civil Defence to discuss further our emergency response plan.

iv.    Te Rauone – I met with DCC Chief Executive Sue Bidrose.

v.     Ten Year Plan – The Board will need to discuss its second opportunity to submit on this as well as the attached programme of public consultation (Attachment B).  Dates, times and venues for drop-in sessions need to be confirmed.

vi.    Community Clinics – Board members are asked to look at the dates for community clinics this year.

vii.    Tomahawk – The consultation process on the lagoon has begun with the ORC.

viii.   I visited film crew filming an advertisement with horses for Lloyds Bank at Tomahawk Beach.

ix.    Buses – I have received further correspondence on the bus issues facing school children in our area. 

a)     Notice of public meeting re school buses on 8 March 2018 (Attachment C).

b)     Letter re pedestrian safety and bus stops for Bayfield High School students from Kjesten Nilsson (Attachment D).  This has been forwarded to the Otago Regional Council and to relevant Dunedin City Council staff.

x.     Facebook – Social media has become a proven success for the Board in its efforts to communicate with people in the Peninsula area. There are times when our reach to people has exceeded 15-18,000 people. The statistics in Attachment E provide some insight into our audience.


Paul Pope





That the Board:

a)     Notes the Chairperson's Report.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer








Otago Access Radio Proposal for Community Boards Radio Slot



OPCB Ten Year Plan Engagement Plan



Notice of Public Meeting re School Buses 8 March 2018



Letter from Kjesten Nilsson re pedestrian safety and bus stops for Bayfield High School students



OPCB Facebook Statistics, February 2018



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



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Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018




Councillor's Update

Department: Civic






1      Councillor Andrew Whiley will provide an update on matters of interest to the Board.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.






Pam Jordan - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.  

Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 March 2018



Items for Consideration by the Chair