Otago Peninsula Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 19 April 2018, commencing at 10.05 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley





Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Dean Olsen (Manager Resource Science, Otago Regional Council), Fraser Liggett (Economic Development Programme Manager), Lesley Marriott (GigCity Project Coordinator), Antony Deaker (Ara Toi Project Coordinator), Peter McGrouther (Facilities and Contract Advisor), Andrew Lord (Maintenance Team Leader), Terry Taylor (Contract Supervisor), Evan Matheson (Fulton Hogan), Lydia Perkins (Fulton Hogan) and Winston Smith (Fulton Hogan)


Governance Support Officer      Pam Jordan



1       Opening

Lox Kellas opened the meeting with a reflection.

2       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


3       Apologies

There were no apologies.


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (OPCB/2018/015)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Graham McArthur/Christine Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/016)


6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 8 March 2018


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 8 March 2018 as a correct record.


Motion carried (OPCB/2018/017)


Part A Reports

7       Otago Regional Council - Water Testing at Macandrew Bay Beach


Dean Olsen, Manager Resource Science, Otago Regional Council, spoke to the Board about the process for water testing at Macandrew Bay Beach.

He advised that the Otago Regional Council carried out weekly sampling of beaches, rivers, lakes and the Dunedin City Council carried out testing of eight beaches.  Multiple agencies had multiple responsibilities.


If readings were high, the Medical Officer of Health and territorial authority were informed.  The Dunedin City Council was responsible for informing the public if contamination levels were exceeded and then steps were taken to remedy the situation.  E.coli and enterococci were monitored.


Water quality samples were taken weekly over summer and the process followed was outlined.  Given the time delay between taking samples and receiving results, there was an element of human judgement on whether or not to put up warning signage.


The Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) website pulled information off the system and put it on the internet and the public could find it there. 


The overall bacteria risk was explained.  At Macandrew Bay, typically enterococci levels were low except after heavy rainfall, which contained contamination from creeks etc.  A lot could change between taking a sample and getting the result.  Another sample was taken after getting the result and faecal source testing could be done.


The weekly sampling results at Macandrew Bay were outlined.  Signage was now put up after problematic results and there was discussion on appropriate signage.


Mr Olsen was asked to write a non-technical article for the Macandrew Bay newsletter prior to summer.




8       Enterprise Dunedin Update


Enterprise Dunedin staff gave a presentation which covered the role of Enterprise Dunedin, the Economic Development Strategy and Partners, work carried out by Enterprise Dunedin, and provided updates on Enterprise Dunedin activity including Film Dunedin, GigCity and Rural Broadband.

Dunedin was becoming a popular film location and film had the potential to create a lot of work.  The recent bank advertisement shot at Tomahawk was an example.  Dunedin was developing a reputation for ease of location.

An outline was given of current GigCity coverage across the city.  There was discussion on progress.

It was pointed out that Tomahawk had very poor cellphone coverage, which made it difficult for Civil Defence contacts.


The Chairperson advised that he would also like to see the red carpet rolled out for community groups, which also affected the economy.


Graham McArthur declared an interest regarding his involvement in the film industry and commented that he would like somewhere people could go to get coordinated information about funding for this. 



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Enterprise Dunedin April 2018 update.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/018)


9       Peninsula Connection Update


Representatives of the contractor, Fulton Hogan, Evan Matheson, Lydia Perkins and Winston Smith, were present at the meeting to update the Board on the Peninsula Connection Project.


The Group Manager Transport outlined the areas covered by the latest contract such as Broad Bay, including the Boat Club, plus the Turnbulls Bay slip.


There was discussion with the Fulton Hogan representatives on communication.  The Group Manager said there would be a page on the Council's website relating to the project which would be updated each week.  It was considered important to communicate with people who used the road and this could also include billboards and other notice boards. 


There was also discussion on the work being done on Back Bay roads.  Traffic would circulate one way when work was being carried out for safety reasons.   


The Chair emphasised the need to keep the Board updated prior to work taking place.


There was discussion on the importance of signage and communication.


The Group Manager advised that a meeting would be held regarding the ecological requirements of the project.


The site office would be established at Maramoana Reserve in conjunction with Parks, which would be reinstated at the end of the project.  Members of the public would be able to visit the site office.  It was important that there was only one source of information.


Project timing would take into account working in with the cruise ship season.


It was suggested that the Back Bays work should be coordinated with Christine Neill.  Lox Kellas would deal with other traffic issues.


The Chairperson also noted that flaxes to be removed as part of the project were transplantable and members of a local community group wanted them for replanting.



10     Governance Support Officer's Report


The report informed the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Action Lists.


Richard Saunders, Andrew Lord and Terry Taylor discussed Transport matters on the Action List with the Board.


Positive comments had been received about the work carried out on Highcliff Road.  The Group Manager advised that the locations of areas to receive signs would be confirmed by the Safety Team and a plan provided to the Board, with the aim that they would be in place prior to summer.


The Wellers Rock issues would be addressed as soon as contractor resources were available.  At present priorities were to complete the flood recovery work by the end of June and make sure the maintenance contract was working properly.


Hoani Langsbury entered the meeting at 11.42 am during the course of discussion.


Water table work etc on the Back Bay roads would commence the following week.


Christine Neill raised matters such as a blocked culvert on Allans Beach Road and a slip below the top of Dicksons Hill.


It was reported that work at Tidewater Drive was now complete.


A temporary bus stop was being installed near the corner of Portobello Road and Marne Street.  The Chair advised that he had made a request to the Council's Ten Year Plan for improvements to this area.


Further discussion needed to be held on the matter of slips.


Seal at Macandrew Bay opposite Marion Street needed to be repaired.


The Chair had also asked for more expenditure on Peninsula footpaths, such as Beaconsfield Road.


There was discussion on vegetation maintenance.


The seal on Hatchery Road behind the shop was starting to break away.


Peter McGrouther discussed Parks matters on the Action List with the Board.


The Chair had sought more funding through the Ten Year Plan to maintain and upgrade tracks.


Play equipment at the various playgrounds listed would be installed later than expected but by the end of the financial year.


In regards to the Portobello Domain building, staff were looking at painting and upgrading exterior lighting etc.  Work was also proposed on the interior, such as changing room showers etc.  Rodent control work would also be carried out.


The Group Manager Parks and Recreation was still to meet with the local community group regarding Tomahawk School.


The Council was committed to looking at the upgrade of the Te Rauone Reserve over several years.


The matter of barbecues at Macandrew Bay needed to be looked at.


Peter McGrouther advised that staff were looking at the best use for the Macandrew Bay beach and assets and improvements were needed, including to the pontoon. 


The problem of people leaving vehicles parked at Wellers Rock for long periods of time was raised.


The Broad Bay pontoon would be stripped and rebuilt over winter.  Peter McGrouther was asked to liaise with Graham McArthur over information for the Broad Bay newsletter.


Areas of gorse needed to be dealt with at Grassy Point.


A freedom camping debrief would be held in June.


The community was happy with progress on the lease of the former dental clinic building at the Tomahawk School site.


A request was made for the Conway Street culvert at Macandrew Bay to be added to the Action List for regular updates.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Hoani Langsbury):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report;

b)     Approves the expenditure of $190.00 (including GST) on an Anzac Day wreath.

c)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/019)


11     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)    Keep Dunedin Beautiful

It was hoped that the mural on the Company Bay bus shelter would be done soon.


b)    Rural Roads

This had been covered earlier in the meeting.


c)    Business Directory

Paul Pope and Christine Neill were still to meet about this matter.


d)    Emergency Response Plan

Some progress had been made and a meeting would be held with Lox Kellas to discuss it, with the aim of considering the matter at the July meeting. 


e)    Members' Area Updates

Reinstatement of the Maramoana Reserve site being used by Fulton Hogan was raised.


The Te Rauone Beach project had gone ahead positively. 


The pop up recycling trial had been very successful and it was suggested that Ten Year Plan submissions should be made to ask for it to be made permanent. 

Signs on poles at Pukehiki needed to be replaced.


Foliage was obscuring an Otago Peninsula sign at the entrance to the Peninsula and needed to be dealt with.



13     Councillor's Update


Councillor Andrew Whiley provided an update on the following matters of interest to the Board:

·         Ten Year Plan hearings

·         Adoption of the Festivals and Events Plan

·         Litter compliance and infringement matters considered by the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee.


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/020)



12     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson (Paul Pope) advised that since the last OPCB meeting there had been a number of issues that had attracted time and attention.  He provided a verbal update on the following matters:

i.              Letters of support provided for ECOTAGO Charitable Trust and Tomahawk-Smaills Beachcare Trust (Attachments A and B of the report).

ii.             Otago Regional Council Bus Issues

It was noted that an opinion piece had been written for the Otago Daily Times.  A meeting was also being arranged with the ORC Chair and the Mayor was arranging one for Councillors.


iii.            Portobello Ramp

This needed to be tidied up with the Council.


iv.           Long Term Plan Submission

The Chairperson had made a verbal presentation which highlighted previous issues and would make a formal submission before the closing date.


v.            Portobello Road Vegetation

The Chairperson advised that a complaint had been received about damage to a truck from overhanging vegetation.


vi.           Congratulations to Lox Kellas

Congratulations were extended to Lox Kellas on his retirement from the police force.


vii.          Weather and Road Preparedness

viii.         Freedom Camping

ix.           Emergency Response Planning

x.            Portobello Road Vegetation and Trees

xi.           Te Rauone Water Tanks

The money for this project would now be released after consideration of an offer to donate tanks, however these had ultimately deemed to be unsuitable.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Hoani Langsbury):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson's Report.

b)     Approves the letters of support.

Motion carried (OPCB/2018/021)



14     Items for Consideration by the Chair


The following items were notified:


·         Review of scholarship fund

·         Beaconsfield Road – visibility coming out by the hall was not good and a suggestion was made to make the road one-way to Nicholas Street.




The meeting concluded at 12.39 pm.





