
Ten Year Plan Hearings



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Ten Year Plan Hearings held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 9 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Tuesday 10 April 2018 commencing at 1.00 pm, Wednesday 11 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Thursday 12 April 2018 commencing at 1.00 pm, Friday 13 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Monday 30 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am and Tuesday, 1 May 2018 commencing at 9.03 am.





Mayor Dave Cull


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Chris Staynes



Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr Rachel Elder


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Damian Newell


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Conrad Stedman


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson





Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Sandy Graham (General Manager, Governance and Strategy), Gavin Logie (Financial Controller), Tom Dyer (Group Manager 3 Waters), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi), Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Property Services), Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services) and Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation)


Governance Support Officer      Lynne Adamson, Sharon Bodeker, Wendy Collard, Pam Jordan, Jennifer Lapham and Rebecca Murray





The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the process for the hearing.


2       Apologies


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Committee:


Accepts the apologies from Councillors Damien Newell (for lateness) and Kate Wilson (for lateness)


 Motion carried (TEN/2018/001)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (TEN/2018/002)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (TEN/2018/003)


Part A Reports

5       Hearing Schedule for the 10 Year Plan


The report provided Councillors with a schedule of submitters wishing to present their views at the 10 Year Plan hearings scheduled from 9-13 April 2018.  The schedule of speakers was subject to change as submissions would continue to be received throughout the hearing week.

Approximately 450 submissions had been received at the time the agenda was issued, with 36 submitters wishing to present their submissions to Councillors.  Submissions would not close until 23 April 2018. 




The following submitters were heard:

Councillor Vandervis entered the meeting at 9.04 am.  Councillor Wilson entered the meeting at 9.07 am and Councillor Newell at 9.08 am.



Mike Broughton, Dunedin Dark Skies Group


Mr Broughton spoke to the submission on behalf of Dunedin Dark Skies Group and emphasised their concerns with bright white LED lights on safety and well-being including the negative impact on wildlife.  He commented on the importance of the night sky to the City's tourism and economy.  Mr Broughton requested that Council give consideration to the installation of amber LED lights instead of the 4000 kelvin white LED lights.


Mr Broughton responded to questions.


Councillor O'Malley requested that staff provide information on the relationship between New Zealand Land Transport Agency (NZTA) and the 3000 kelvin LED lights.  He also asked that staff contact the New Zealand Land Transport Agency requesting that they give consideration to installing the LED lighting with lower kelvin levels.


Councillor Stedman requested that staff provide information on the type of lights that were installed at the roundabout by the Esplanade.



Andrew Cunningham, Steve Walker and Jordana Whyte, Dunedin Wildlife Hospital


Steve Walker, Andrew Cunningham and Jordana Whyte spoke to the written submission on behalf of the Dunedin Wildlife Trust. 


Mr Cunningham provided an update on the number of birds that had been treated by the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital since its opening.  He advised that of the 158 birds admitted, 52 were on either the endangered or critically threatened lists and without the hospital 107 would have been euthanised.  Mr Cunningham requested the Council's support to ensure the continued success of the facility as it was a strategic asset for the City and its economy.  He advised that the Trust would like Council to give consideration to funding either option one or two from their submission.


In response to questions, Steve Walker advised that the Trust required assistance for up to three years.



Malcolm McQueen and Afife Harris


Mr McQueen and Ms Harris spoke to their written submission and provided a background to the refuge settlement programme and the support that Ms Harris was giving to Syrian refugees.  Ms Harris advised that her involvement included assistance with visiting banks and employers, and she was currently personally covering the cost of room rental.


Mr McQueen advised that the Red Cross only provided support for the first year of the  refugees' settlement and they required up to five years of support.  He requested that Council give consideration to funding of $200,000.00 p.a. for the Refugee Settlement Programme.


Mr McQueen responded to questions on the type of support that was needed and he advised that the most important requirement was interpreters.



Hamish Seaton, Mountain Biking Otago


Mr Seaton, on behalf of Mountain Biking Otago, spoke to the power point presentation which included the projects that the group had undertaken.  He requested that Council give consideration to funding a public toilet at the new car park at the bottom of the Signal Hill tracks.


Mr Seaton responded to questions.



The meeting adjourned from 10.38 am to 11.01 am.



Steve Walker, West Harbour Community Board


Mr Walker spoke to the West Harbour Community Board's written submission which included:

·          funding be included in the 2019/20 or 2020/21 budget for the upgrade of the Port Chalmers streetscape;

·          Continuation of the funding for the sycamore tree removal programme;

·          Completion of the cycle/walkway.  He requested that the Board would like the funding for a public toilet at St Leonards to be included in the 2019/20 or 2020/21 budget;

·          Climate change planning and adaption; and

·          Establishment of green waste recycling.

Mr Walker responded to questions.



Representatives from Kai Tahu


Tahu Potiki (Otakou Runaka Representative) opened the presentation with a Mihi.  Mr Potiki commented that they were a collected voice for their community as it was now and for future generations.


Otakou kaumatua Edward Ellison advised that Ngai Tahu saw its role as a partner and participant in the development of the city.  Mr Ellison commented that the Iwi wanted to expand its financial, cultural, environmental and educational footprint in the City.  He advised that the Iwi would like Council to give consideration to the development of a "Dunedin City Council Maori Strategy" as a priority.


Suzanne Ellison spoke to the Iwi's cultural vision for the city, in particular the inclusion of Te Reo on signage; and the establishment of a shared narrative of the City.  Ms Ellison reiterated the importance of the Iwi's history and stories being more visible in the City.


Brett Ellison (Business Development General Manager, Nga Tahu) advised that Ngai Tahu was wanting to expand its investment within the City.  Mr Ellison commented that its role was to support the aspirations and goals of the local Runaka.


Tahu Potiki reiterated Nga Tahu's wish to expand its investment, however it needed to be a partnership.  Mr Potiki referenced Christchurch's "Matapopore Urban Design Guide" and "The Justice and Emergency Services Precinct Narrative" as an example.



Cr Stedman left the meeting at 12.35 pm.



Russell Lund


Mr Lund spoke to his written submission via teleconference which included:

·          The Bridge Development;

·          Central City Upgrade;

·          Tertiary Precinct; and

·          Debt.


The meeting adjourned at 12.50 pm and reconvened at 1.33 pm.


The Mayor and Cr Benson-Pope left the meeting during the adjournment at 1.33 pm.


The Deputy Mayor, Cr Staynes, chaired the meeting.



Greg Sligo


Mr Sligo said he wished to raise two topics, being the priority given by Council to projects over the next 10 years and the projected rates rise.


In speaking to the priority given to projects he advised the true costs of the projects should be identified now and not during the project i.e. the bridge and the Steamer Basin development. 


Mr Sligo said that the Council should be giving priority to the effect of climate change and sea level rise.  He advised that the impact would have a huge financial implication on the city and the Council had not started to make any plans for this.


In regards to the projected rates rise, he commented that the proposed 58% over the next 10 years was not affordable for most rates payers and asked Council to reconsider. 



Leanne Veitch


Ms Veitch spoke to the proposed expenditure in the draft 10 Year Plan and advised the proposed rates rise would affect everyone.  Council had to be responsible for ratepayers' money and ordinary people could not afford the project. 


She also commented that the Council should not invest in low lying areas such as South Dunedin and the waterfront.  She believed that money allocated to cycle ways should be spent on insulation of houses, as Dunedin was not suitable.



Jenny Bunce


Ms Bunce advised that she would like to hear policy and evidence based discussion by Council on what could be afforded prior to fixing the rates.  She would like a similar discussion to take place in regards to how much debt could be afforded.


She commented that the 10 Year Plan was basically a budget plan, and was about spending money but there was a policy gap i.e. no funding allocated for the maintenance of walking tracks.  Council should give consideration to low cost projects that provided the greatest benefit i.e., closing the Octagon to traffic.



Ron Palenski and Stuart McLauchlan – New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame


Mr Palenski thanked the Council for the support given to the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame.


He advised that the Hall could do more for the city by assisting with the development of a Walk of Fame.  The Hall could provide the history and the background for each person or provide support as required.



Lester Harvey


Mr Harvey advised that the proposed rates increase of 7.3% was much too high and he believed that people would find it very hard to find the extra money. 


He commented that the Council should provide the funding for the Mosgiel Pool which was badly needed. 


Mr Harvey advised that the maintenance of infrastructure in Mosgiel was lagging behind, the footpaths were not suitable for mobility scooters, and Factory Road needed major work carried out on it.  He believed that the Council should bring the infrastructure up to standard prior to starting any new projects.



Paul Pope – Otago Peninsula Community Board


Mr Pope spoke to his submission and tabled a presentation.  He commented on the flooding of the Back Bays.  He advised that the Council needed to prepare to cope with the effect of sea level rise so that communities were not cut off, and tourism and ecological issues were not affected.


Mr Pope also commented on the need to invest in pest control and also tourism on the Otago Peninsula.



During this presentation the Mayor, Cr David Benson-Pope and Cr Conrad Stedman entered the meeting at 2.33 pm.  The Mayor resumed the Chair.



Lyndon Weggery


Mr Weggery advised that he would be putting in a written submission on his own behalf and also the South Dunedin Action Group.


Mr Weggery commented that the proposed rates rise was not affordable to most people, and he would prefer to see the funding spent on upgrading infrastructure, particularly in South Dunedin. 



The meeting adjourned at 3.00 pm and reconvened on Tuesday 10 April 2018 at 1.00 pm.


It was noted that the Mayor was an apology for lateness as he was absent on Council business.  Councillor Chris Staynes assumed the Chair.



Sophie Carty, Cancer Society Otago and Southland


Councillor Chris Staynes declared his interest and advised that he was the Deputy Chair of the Cancer Society and withdrew from the item.  Councillor David Benson-Pope assumed the Chair.



Ms Carty spoke to a PowerPoint presentation on behalf of the Cancer Society and commented that they would like Council to commit to the creation of new Smokefree areas in Dunedin, including beaches, outdoor dining areas, the central business district and streets, and Council-owned flats.



During discussion, Cr Damian Newell entered the meeting at 1.06 pm.



Ms Carty responded to questions and advised that the Cancer Society would like vaping to be prohibited in smoke-free parts of Dunedin and commented that this would protect people from the smoking behaviour e-cigarettes created.



Councillor Chris Staynes resumed the Chair.



Paul Pope, Dunedin Amenities Society


Mr Pope spoke to a PowerPoint presentation on the submission from the Dunedin Amenities Society.  The presentation provided information on the Town Belt Education initiative and Mr Pope advised that in support, Council needed to invest more in the maintenance and upgrade of roads, footpaths and tracks in the area, replanting and weed and pest control. 



John Brimble, Sport Otago


Mr Brimble (Sport Otago Chief Executive) and Owen Booth (Capability Manager) spoke on behalf of Sport Otago and expressed concern that the Parks and Recreation Strategy was not mentioned in the 10-year plan despite it being one of the city's eight key strategies.  Mr Brimble questioned whether this was an oversight or would it be funded from the operational budget.



The Mayor entered the meeting at 1.39 pm.



Mr Booth expressed concern that the redevelopment of Logan Park had also not been included in the 10 year plan.  They spoke of the Mosgiel pool project and commented that Sport Otago believed Council should provide increased support to the project.


In closing, Mr Brimble and Mr Booth urged Council to reconsider its position and allocate funding over the ten year cycle. 



Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 1.51 pm.

The Mayor assumed the Chair at 1.55 pm.



John Evans, Friends of Chisholm Links Trust


Mr Evans requested Council provide a contribution of approximately $40,000 worth of water for the fairway.  He noted that the golf link was world class, discussed future possibilities and commented that he believed the Council should provide more support for this Council-owned course.



Cr Lee Vandervis returned to the meeting at 1.58 pm.



Ron Adams


Mr Adams commented that he was opposed to the proposed rates increases as they were in excess of inflation.  He would like to see funding set aside in the ten year plan for roading issues and methods to combat the increase in traffic.



Ken Schumacher


Mr Schumacher, organiser of the Otago Community Hospice Charity Cruise and Car Show and Mike Lea, organiser of the Great USA Day Car Show spoke on behalf of their organisations in opposition of the proposed ban on their use of Tahuna Park for the car shows.


They provided background history to the events and advised that they had been advised that they were unable to hold any future events at Tahuna Park due to a concern that the vehicles would damage the turf.  Mr Lea commented that his event had been held at Tahuna Park for the past 20 years without causing any damage.  Mr Schumacher reiterated Mr Lea's thoughts and advised that he had investigated other venues but they were not suitable for various reasons.


Mr Schumacher and Mr Lea urged Council to reconsider and allow these events to continue at Tahuna Park.



Tony Newton


Mr Newton reiterated the points raised in his submission relating to the proposed building of the Pedestrian Bridge; Central City Upgrade, Tertiary Precinct, Cycleways and proposed rates rise.



The meeting adjourned at 2.51 pm and reconvened on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at 9.00 am.


Apologies were received from Councillors Damian Newell and Conrad Stedman (for lateness), Councillor Christine Garey (from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm) and Councillor Andrew Whiley (from 11.45 am to 1.30 pm).


Councillors Doug Hall and Damian Newell entered the meeting at 9.07 am.



Rosemary McQueen


Ms McQueen spoke to her written submission and reiterated her concerns with the design of the bridge and the obstruction of the view shaft to the Loan and Mercantile Building that it would create.  She suggested that an underpass with art work would be a better option, as pedestrians and cyclists would land on a footpath and not onto a traffic island.



Dr Ian Griffin and Murray Bayly, Otago Museum


Dr Griffin and Mr Bayly spoke to their PowerPoint presentation on behalf of the Otago Museum.  Dr Griffin commented on the new facilities that the Museum had invested in which included the planetarium and Tuhura science centre.  He noted that there had been no capital expenditure budget allocated to the Otago Museum in the draft 10 Year Plan and requested that the Council give consideration to the allocation of $1.9 million over this period. Dr Griffin advised that the Museum was facing significant challenges going ahead which include nine of the major galleries needing to be upgraded; earthquake strengthening; and fire safety improvements.


In response to a question regarding a breakdown of the capital expenditure, Dr Griffin advised that they would supply this by the end of April 2018.


Mr Bayly responded to questions on the income that the Museum received from its commercial activities.


Mayor Cull requested that a report on the funding request be presented to the Council's draft 10 Year Plan Deliberation meeting.



Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 9.33 am.



Ross Tilson


Mr Tilson spoke to his written submission and PowerPoint presentation which included the Van Brandenburg design for the Steamer Basin; economic growth; and the proposed rates increases.


Mayor Cull requested that a copy of Council's 7 Strategies be sent to Mr Tilson.  Mr Tilson responded to questions



Cr Lee Vandervis returned to the meeting at 9.59 am.



Scott Willis, Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust


Mr Willis spoke on behalf of the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust and in particular on place-based funding.  He requested that Council give consideration to further increasing the funding to $500,000 p.a. to the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust. 


Mr Willis responded to questions.



Gwennyth Anderson, Stuart Strachan and Peter Miller, Archives and Records Association of New Zealand (ARANZ)


Mr Strachan spoke to the ARANZ's written submission and reiterated their concern with the Council's current storage area for its archives.


Mr Miller commented that Otago Regional Council (ORC) were proposing new premises and suggested that Council might like to give consideration to a proposing a joint  ORC/DCC purpose built archives area.  He also requested that Council gives consideration to the inclusion of funding for an archive storage facility in the first five years of the 10 Year Plan.



Neville Jemmett, Murray Hanan and Matt Gardener, Dunedin Heritage Light Rail Trust


Mr Jemmett tabled and spoke to Dunedin Heritage Light Rail Trust's submission.  He advised that the Trust would like Council to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding as a formal acknowledgement that High Street could be used as a cable car route.


Mr Jemmett responded to questions.



The meeting adjourned from 11.00 am to 11.20 am.


Cr Christine Garey left the meeting during the adjournment.

Cr Conrad Stedman entered the meeting at 11.20 am.



Colin Cheyne, Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society


Mr Cheyne spoke on behalf of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society and reiterated the importance of the Arts to the economy and people's well-being.  He commented that the Society was pleased with the Council's continued commitment to the purchase of new art works.


Mr Cheyne responded to questions.



Diane Yeldon and Liz Angelo


Ms Yeldon spoke to her written submission which included Moana Pool facilities, pedestrian safety, the proposed rate rise and public/private partnerships. 


Ms Angelo commented that she would like Council to give consideration to the creation of a "Green Heritage Trail" through the Town Belt.  She also commented that she felt this could be done by just improving the current infrastructure.



Cr Andrew Whiley left the meeting at 11.45 am.



Pam Warren


Ms Warren tabled and spoke to her submission which included her opposition to the proposed rates increases; debt; and the proposed new projects.


Ms Warren responded to questions.



Eleanor Doig


Ms Doig spoke to her written submission and reiterated her support for the proposed Harbourside Development and the South Dunedin Community Hub.  She commented that she felt that the location of the South Dunedin Community Hub was essential and needed to be on King Edward Street.


Ms Doig responded to questions.



Bernice Armstrong


Bernice Armstrong tabled and spoke to her submission, in particular her support for the proposed Central City upgrade.



The meeting adjourned at 12.31 pm and reconvened at Wednesday. 11 April 2018 at 1.30 pm.



Jason Bauchop


Mr Bauchop spoke to his submission.  He believed the DCC should encourage building owners to improve their own buildings before Council tidied up derelict buildings around Dunedin.  The Tertiary area work should not be done by the Council, but should be done by the University and local landlords.


Mr Bauchop asked that rate increases be kept to a minimum.  Low interest rates would not last forever, so Council should keep debt to a minimum.  Landfill charges would encourage further littering around the city.  Moana Pool charges kept increasing resulting in families struggling to take their children to the pool.  It was unaffordable for low income families to go on the hydro slide, so this should be part of the admission fee. 


Mr Bauchop commented that with the Hospital rebuild there would be an influx of workers, putting pressure on housing stock and causing rent increases. 



Lindsay Smith


Mr Smith spoke to his submission.  He questioned what the Councillors had seen to support the proposals made – was it more than the supporting documentation on the web site?  He noted that the plan to upgrade the central city increased the budgeted spend from $20m in the current LTP to $60m.  This increase did not include getting underground works, Octagon work, and the bus hub completed, and it was not clear what the increase did include.  He questioned where the link was between existing problems and the $60m to fix them. 


Mr Smith commented that the GPD for Otago was 7% last year and 4% in Dunedin.  Unemployment was not addressed.  People would not get income increases matching rating increases.  He proposed that the Council should use the current Council plan that runs through to 2025. 


While the bridge was a stunning idea, Council needed to look at how people were going to get there and access it. 


Current budget allows for $84m in depreciation, this should be more than enough to cover repairs and maintenance costs. 


Mr Smith responded to questions. 



Jo Millar, Grey Power Otago Ltd


Ms Millar noted that members of Grey Power had a problem with two items in the plan, the first being the $33 charge per year for parking permits, being an increase from $5 for 5 years.  Ms Millar asked Council to urgently relook at this.  The Mayor advised that the $33 for parking permits for the 75+ group was an error, and should not have been included in the consultation document. 


Ms Millar talked about the rates increase.  Retired people were being priced out of the market, and were not wanted in the city.  No justification could be seen for the $60m upgrade of the city centre.  South Dunedin was being ignored. 


A Barnes Dance was needed at Cargills Corner. 


Ms Millar asked if the University paid rates on buildings that were not used for tertiary purposes.  This information was to be provided to the submitter. 


Ms Millar responded to questions from the Councillors.  In response to a question, she advised that all Grey Power members get a rates rebate, but the ceiling was wrong.



Anna Parker, The Valley Project


Ms Parker advised that the Valley Project was a place based community group and incorporated society, and activities included running the cosy homes programme.  1.4 staff mobilise over 10,000 voluntary hours. 


Ms Parker was supportive of the place-based community investment.  The Valley Project had been receiving money through Internal Affairs, but was now transitioning to self-funding.  Ms Parker advocated for genuine investment, not just a new grant scheme.  $300,000 was the beginning point.  Investment to stabilise place-based groups would encourage investment from others.  The investment should be for areas outside of community board areas.  A good process to distribute funds was needed. 


Ms Parker responded to a question from a Councillor. 



Richard Oliver, R J Oliver Design


Mr Oliver spoke to his submission.  He raised the issue of having to treat stormwater through the sewage system, and not wanting to treat water unnecessarily.  With respect to community housing, he questioned the proposal to put up rent by $9, and asked why rentals had not gone up for four years, noting $9 was significant compared to say $2 per annum. 


Mr Oliver felt that the proposal for $7 million to be raised by 16,000 people for the Mosgiel pool was asking too much of the local community.  In response to questions, Mr Oliver believed that the general population probably thought that it was up to them to raise the funds, and they were not aware the Trust would make funding applications.  Mr Oliver would like to see the Council increase the amount it was proposing to spend.  There was a need to get on with the project, as it was first talked about in 2013. 



Geoff Patton, Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust


Mr Patton was concerned that the Mayfair Theatre Trust was not mentioned in the plan.  The Theatre was important to the city, it was the only one of its size (400 seats), and was used by many groups, schools, etc.  It was an important place run by volunteers, and a manager.  Most users could not support an increase in fees which was needed for maintenance.  The Theatre had received a report by OCTA, re maintenance of the Theatre.  The priority fix was the roof (asbestos).  Mr Patton asked that DCC did not forget about the Theatre.


In response to a question, Mr Patton advised that it would cost $200,000 to fix the roof.   



Lex Sidney Hurst, Pacific View Ltd


Mr Hurst advised that his business employed five full time staff, and his property had a high capital value, however this had no relationship to his ability to pay.  He expressed concern about rates charged to the rural community.  Based on the plan, Mr Hurst would get an increase of $3,922 in year one, which is more than a household in the city would get in total.  The proposal would increase his rates to over $39,000 per year for the first year, and would be close to $65,000 at the end of 10 years.  Mr Hurst owned a dairy farm at Waikouaiti. 


The submitter was asked to contact the Council to talk to someone regarding the  rating system. 



The meeting adjourned from 2.35 pm to 2.50 pm.  Cr Conrad Stedman left the meeting at 2.50 pm.



Chris Ford, Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA)


Chris Ford spoke on behalf of the DPA.  He noted that the plan had many positive features, but some detail needed to be filled in.  Mr Ford asked that Council ensured best practice around accessibility was used for the major projects.  Walking layout should be emphasised. 


DPA supported $300,000 being devoted to place-based groups, and this should be inflation adjusted. 


DPA was opposed to the proposal to charge $33 for parking permits.  He noted that most disabled persons were on a low income, had higher costs, and this charge was considered unreasonable. 


Mr Ford advised that Council needed to ensure that the needs of the deaf community were met.  All documentation should be assessable, on the web, documents etc.  Civil defence emergency management information was very important and the DCC should work with the ORC on this. 


Mr Ford was advised that the $33 charge was a mistake and should not have been included in the document. 


Cr Garey sought clarity between the CCS parking permit and the DCC scheme. 



Norcombe Barker, Larnach Castle


Mr Barker spoke to his presentation.  He considered that tourism was not seen by the DCC as beneficial to the city.  He believed that having tourism within the Council had had adverse impacts on tourism in Dunedin, as could be seen through tourism numbers when Tourism Dunedin was disestablished, and Enterprise Dunedin commenced and was brought in-house. 


Mr Barker considered Dunedin had to stop selling itself as a cheap destination.  A fundamental change was needed to tourism in the city, and the way it was run.  An independent tourist body was needed, not in-house at Council. 


The Chief Executive advised that evaluation work was underway, and the tourism sector would have some say about that.  This would be undertaken by an independent reviewer, so people could speak freely and anonymously.


Cr Garey asked for a briefing from Enterprise Dunedin prior to making final decisions.



Nanette Linklater


Mrs Linklater spoke on behalf of residents in Surrey Street in South Dunedin.  She asked that adequate drainage be provided for the street, to ensure the health and safety of the area, and so that it stayed free of disease.  $40 million was not a lot to fix the problem.  The problem could not wait to be fixed until 2022/23.  Projects of beautification could not be a priority.


The Chief Executive provided an update of what was happening, the plan, timeframe etc.  A short term quick fix was currently being planned, and staff were getting consent applications in place to submit to the ORC. 


The meeting adjourned until the next submitter.  Cr Vandervis left the meeting during the adjournment.



Ariel Pons, Otago University Club: Students for Environmental Action


Ms Pons spoke about composting.  She was supportive of plans for green bins, but this was not enough to address waste issues.  Students needed a place to put food waste, as they generally could not compost themselves.  They also had no place to put compost even if they could compost.  The DCC needed to address waste management, especially noting the landfill consent was falling due. 


Ms Pons asked that composting be considered in the 10 year plan for the student wide area, and city wide.  Ms Pons advised that a survey of students was being undertaken to find out the interest in this.  She suggested that the Council consider seeking funding from the national waste minimisation fund to help with this. 



Kyra Xavia, Dunedin Dark Skies Group


Ms Xavia was pleased that the DCC was looking at an LED refit.  She supplied a handout to the Councillors and invited questions on this rather than speak to it.


A question for staff was asked about NZTA funding for this lighting.  Staff were to come back to Councillors on this. 


Ms Xavia emphasised that the city did not want lighting technology that turned out to be harmful.  Many countries were moving to 2700k LED as a maximum, and this lighting would soon be available in New Zealand.  She believed that Dunedin had a unique opportunity, especially with the harbour vision.  There were some issues with the NZTA guidelines on lighting, and there was pressure from NZTA to make a decision before being fully informed.  If all councils needed more time to make these decisions, then it would be good to work together to make a good decision.  Dunedin could be branded as a Dark Skies City.



Cr Aaron Hawkins left the meeting at 4.24 pm.


Mayor Cull advised that two more hearing dates would be scheduled after the close of submissions, being 26 April and 1 May.  An email would be sent out regarding this.



The meeting adjourned at 4.29 pm and resumed again on Thursday, 12 April at 1.00 pm.


An apology was received from Cr Conrad Stedman (for lateness) and Cr David Benson-Pope (for early departure).



Craig Waterhouse, South Dunedin Business Association


Mr Waterhouse asked whether there would be continuity of service for the South Dunedin hub.  He commented that major expenditure was planned for the 33 year old hydroslide but that South Dunedin had been waiting 29 years for a library.  He asked whether there would be a car park for the hub and thought the budget might be a little light.


The group supported place based groups to the amount of $300,000 and would like a place-based person for South Dunedin.  The group would also like policing of restricted parking sites in South Dunedin.  Staff of local businesses appeared to be parking in some areas.


The group thought a flat $2 bus fare was a great idea and would like buses to be routed through South Dunedin.  It would also like the Bathgate Park playground to be upgraded to the standard of the Mosgiel playground or the Margaret Mahy playground in Christchurch.  The group also hoped that Cargills Corner was on the list for installation of Barnes Dance crossings.



Neil Collins


The Mayor advised that Mr Collins had wished to speak on the over 75s Parking Permit Charge, but no longer wished to appear, as the Mayor had explained to him this had been included in the Plan in error.



Duane Donovan


Mr Donovan supported projects in the plan that were core business eg infrastructure projects.  He was concerned about the bridge, the CBD upgrade and tertiary upgrade as these were all starting prices in the plan and he considered there could be likely cost overruns.  He commented that the proposed bridge was being ridiculed in the community.


Mr Donovan observed that rates would increase by approximately 50%, however wages would not increase accordingly.  This would make it difficult for older people on fixed incomes.  It would also increase Council debt.  He considered that the Council should focus on infrastructure and pay down on the debt, pause, restrain and reflect.  The plan included the expenditure of a lot of money in a short space of time.



Mike Hulleman


Mr Hulleman considered that the Green Island wastewater treatment upgrade was a good idea.  He also felt that Kaikorai Valley waste water should be taken out of the Tahuna plant and that stormwater could be pumped out at St Clair.


He noted that the South Dunedin community hub was still seeking a site and that this had been promised for over 10 years.


Mr Hulleman felt that LED streetlights were a good idea.  However he considered that the proposed bridge cost was too much, the central city upgrade cost was too much as there was a need to pay off more of the stadium first, and the tertiary precinct upgrade amount was too much.  He considered that more should be spent in the Exchange and Princes Street which had been forgotten about.  His view was that the proposed rates rise was far too much.



Terry Morris


Mr Morris commented that he loved Dunedin.  He noted that much of the 10 Year Plan consisted of a few expensive items that had nothing to do with Dunedin's future.  Some businesses were dying and there were empty spaces in George Street.  Various recent events did not help many people and could lead to long-term damage to Dunedin's ambience.


Mr Morris considered that Dunedin should be developing small industries.  Dunedin still had an opportunity to show leadership in the technology area.  He thought that rates increases would be too much for superannuitants.  He also asked for better bus services and felt that the library needed to be open for longer hours.



Tony Marcinowsky


Mr Marcinowsky noted that compound interest was a powerful force which would have a great effect on rates.  8% of household income would be paid in rates in future and there would also be other increasing costs for older people.  He believed the central city upgrades were not necessary as they were mainly replacing pavers.  He also commented that the University had deep corporate pockets and should take care of its own area.


Mr Marcinowsky did not understand the need for the bridge to the waterfront when there used to be a level crossing.  He applauded the efforts being made for cycle facilities. 



Mona Wells


Ms Wells considered that rates were increasing out of pace with inflation and were not going to be sustainable.  She found it aggravating as a ratepayer when she read about projects such as the proposed bridge.  She also commented on a recent subdivision application which she considered needed more parking.



Irene Mosley, Taieri Community Facilities Trust


Mrs Mosley tabled a fundraising booklet for the Mosgiel Pool containing a pledge form.  The Trust wanted to achieve a fit-for-purpose facility that would serve the community for the next 50 years.  She considered that a second indoor aquatic facility available year-round would be useful for the city given the poor parking at Moana Pool.  Swimming and aquatics were becoming more popular.


Mrs Mosley considered that it was good to be able to work with Councillors and staff on the Mosgiel Aquatic Facility Project Advisory Panel.  The Trust had done its homework and its figures on the pool were based on national standards that the Council used.  The Trust had agreed to pay half of the cost of the facility however their portion was larger than the Council's.  Fundraising was going well, however the Trust was at a point where fundraising would stall unless a commitment was obtained from the Council.


Mrs Mosley responded to questions on timeframes and fundraising and lines of communication.



Jonathan Howard, Heritage New Zealand


Mr Howard expressed support for the Peninsula Connection project proceeding via an agreed methodology for harbour walls etc.  The harbour walls were unique and a Category 1 historic place.  They had been a visible landmark for 120 years.


Heritage New Zealand supported the proposed bridge, which would open up the waterfront considerably, providing a potential for greater use of area, opening up the use of heritage buildings etc.  There was a need to respect existing heritage buildings.


In regard to heritage revitalisation eg the Jetty Street area, flexibility was needed in timeframes and projects.


HNZ supported the substantial investment option for the Dunedin Heritage Fund.  Heritage funding supported urban revitalisation and Council investment made a difference between heritage restoration and revitalisation and buildings falling into disrepair.



The meeting adjourned from 2.32 pm to 2.48 pm.



Mike Coggan, Otago Cricket Association


Mr Coggan commented that the plan provided a big vision.  He thanked the Council for its continued development of the University of Otago Oval in recent years.  He also commented on the facilities and relationship with Dunedin Venues, which had enhanced the reputation of the venue.  Plans for development of the facility over the next 12 months included dismantling old nets, building a new picket fence around the field, and building a further five training pitches.


In regard to the Logan Park development, if work could be carried out, even towards the end of the 10 year period, this would show that Logan Park was considered an asset.



The meeting adjourned from 2.55 pm to 3.18 pm.



Rene Sterk


Mr Sterk was a Warrington resident and advised that he had experienced some issues with freedom camping.  He felt that the social community was not the way it was and proposed self-contained campers only at Warrington.  Freedom camping needed to be controlled/regulated and traffic was now so busy at Warrington at certain times that children could not cross the street safely any more.


There was a lot of traffic and foreigners did not know the local roads or fully understand the road rules.  Streets that were usually quiet were no longer. 


Things needed to change with regard to freedom camping.  He did not necessarily have a problem with freedom camping, just the problems campers caused.



Sarah Nitis, Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board


Mrs Nitis advised that the Board supported the investment plan (by a majority).  It also supported infrastructure investment, as with growth in the Mosgiel-Taieri area, infrastructure was under pressure.  The Board would like to see improvements and plans for the area linking to Council strategies.  It would also like to see the new pool.


Mrs Nitis reminded the Council of the community's priorities, including a vision for the Taieri, which she would like to see dealt with through the 2GP, the provision of a Strategic Transportation Plan for the area, improvements in the 3 waters area, and a new pool.  In regard to the budget to build a pool, the community wanted to partner with the Council to build a better pool than the Council would do on its own.  This would be achieved through community fundraising.  She thanked the Council for its support.



Warren Jowett


Mr Jowett emphasised the importance of road safety for pedestrians.  He had found it frustrating not to be able to have a serious pedestrian safety issue addressed by Council at the corner of Allandale Road and Seaview Terrace.  The Council did not seem to employ a pedestrian safety advocate. 


Mr Jowett's recommendations were to establish a goal for Dunedin to become a pedestrian friendly city.  He considered it was important to establish a role within the Council specifically for pedestrian safety, and funding for it.  He also asked for the intersection to be fixed, as currently there was a need to listen for traffic coming uphill and downhill.



Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 3.50 pm.



Angus Mackay


Mr Mackay congratulated the Council on a bold and ambitious plan.  He was concerned about the financial impact on ratepayers, especially those elderly and unemployed and asked whether increases could be spread out so they did not impact so much in the first year.  He also asked for the Council to advertise rates rebates and where help could be found eg the South Dunedin hub.


In regard to the waterfront vision, he supported the architectural bridge.  He felt the city would get great value for money and needed to cater for larger amounts of traffic.  Protection from winter elements was needed and this would become a vibrant quarter of the city.  He also considered that Ngai Tahu should be involved.


Mr Mackay also asked for robust plantings on the cycleway.  The Council needed to access as much funding as possible from the regional development fund.  There were various other improvements that would make Dunedin more attractive and pedestrian friendly.



Cr Lee Vandervis returned to the meeting at 4.03 pm.



Alex King and Peter Dowden, BusGo (Bus Users Support Group Otepoti)


Mr King advised that people would generally prefer the DCC to be running buses rather than the ORC.  He suggested joint governance between the two, which had worked in Queenstown.  He had not found the ORC to be reasonably responsive to public concerns.  He noted that the DCC had more resources and staff/expertise.  Recent changes made by the ORC to bus services had tended to be unpopular.


Mr Dowden was concerned about the accessibility of bus stops and advised that he would like to make a presentation to the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee at a later date.



Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 4.18 pm.



Comments were made on bus stops and designs, and improvements to bus stops.  It was reported that the Otago Regional Council did not have a programme to improve bus stops.



Cr Lee Vandervis returned to the meeting at 4.20 pm.



Craig Werner


Cr David Benson-Pope left the meeting at 4.25 pm.


Mr Werner tabled a submission advocating delaying expenditure on the bridge and CBD upgrade, and suggesting means of improving George/Princes Streets through special rating zones.  He considered that the biggest beneficiaries of urban improvement spending would be the owners of derelict buildings in those areas who would see an increase in the market values of their buildings.  He felt that the proposed bridge would be a bridge to nowhere unless there was a concerted renewal plan for the harbourside area.



Mary O'Brien, CCS Disability Action


Ms O'Brien was concerned at the proposed increase in permit parking charges.


She noted that access for disabled people was difficult and commented on a programme Hamilton developed which led to improvements. This was simple and involved counting people at crossings and also those with visible mobility aids, then comparing them with the New Zealand average.  There had been an increase in the number of people with disabilities.


There was a need to consult in depth as often feedback was received about places where people were not able to go or not able to get disability parks.


There was comment on a pedestrian audit process developed, pedestrian street calming, a recent Porirua project and the need to address disability in planning facilities.



Geraldine Tait, Waikouaiti Coast Community Board


Ms Tait advised of the Board's "wish list" which had been submitted at an earlier stage of the process.  The Board was concerned the Council was not coping with current projects eg maintenance.  She also noted that young families etc would not get an income increase to match rates increases.  There was a need to curb spending.


Ms Tait used the example of Waitati which had no sewerage.  Visitors to the township asked to use toilets at businesses, which caused stress on sewerage and water etc.  Waitati would need a sewerage system eventually.


The Board would like freedom camping to be spread around the city.  Large numbers were at Warrington after the Ed Sheeran concert.


There had been several big floods in the area and there did not appear to be details in the plan of where the Council saw it going in terms of climate change.



Geraldine Tait, Senior Link


Ms Tait advised that rates rises were a big concern to those on a limited income.  Big projects had little or no interest for this group


It was good to see the new Barnes Dance crossings in the city.  People had been knocked down at intersections.  A Barnes Dance crossing should be re-installed at Cargills Corner.


The group was concerned at the proposed increase in permit parking charges.


South Dunedin favoured a library.  She was not sure that the community hub library worked well or that the location was very good.  The community was disappointed and the project needed a kick along.


In regard to place based community funding, many small groups relied on it to remain afloat and were concerned that other groups may get funding.  The group felt that any extra funding could be opened up to all.



The meeting adjourned from 5.10 pm to 5.27 pm.

Cr Conrad Stedman entered the meeting at this point.



Gordon Tocher, Aramoana League


Mr Tocher noted that Aramoana Road was the only access to town for people in the community.  There had been a lot of damage to the sea wall which led to the erosion of the road and undermining.  Sea level rise also impacted and he showed a photo of a calm bay but overtopping of the sea wall, and noted that this was not necessarily related to storm damage.  The sea took the top level of rocks off the sea wall and sucked out the fill and caused collapses.


Mr Tocher showed photos of damage and high tides and noted that roughly 16 tides per month caused damage.  The League would like to see a programmed maintenance schedule.  The previous contractor had done a good job.  There had been a problem with the large institutional turnover within the Council, as the group needed to keep reminding people of the history of the road.


Mr Tocher also reaffirmed the League's support for the Aramoana wharf restoration.



Merrin Brewster, Mountain Bike Action Group


Ms Brewster provided a film of 3 Peaks and other tracks around Dunedin used for mountain biking.  She commented on a workshop held late the previous year to discuss off road cycling in Dunedin which was attended by a wide range of representatives from different groups.  The group would like to see the completion of the 3 Peaks track, have a mountain biking track on the Otago Peninsula, build strong local trail connections, further develop Signal Hill, have a chair lift installed at Signal Hill, be able to host a cycling festival etc.


Mountain biking was becoming more popular and there was a need to market Dunedin as a mountain biking destination.  Ms Brewster commented on the economic impact of mountain biking that had been recorded in other regions.


Other items the Mountain Bike Action Group would like included funding for toilets and showers at some track starts and endings, funding for mountain bike marketing, signage, funding to the Tunnels Trust, funding to complete 3 Peaks track etc



Veronica Eastell


Ms Eastell advised that young people needed to know that the Council was representing them.  She considered that young people did not come to these events because they felt intimidated and there were some great efforts to connect with young people.


There were two sides to the idea of development.  As a small city Dunedin wanted development.  The question was whether it wanted large projects or whether it could be done in a smaller and more collaborative way.  People were friendly and the community was strong so Dunedin had the bones.  There was a need to get the quality of the basics right.


The Council needed to stand up for new modes of transport and new technologies and to stay on track.


Ms Eastell favoured cycle lanes, public services, public spaces etc.  She was not discouraging big projects but wanted the Council to make sure they were good for the wellbeing of the majority.  It was important to keep the beautiful, authentic character of the city.


Comments were made on getting youth engaged, the details that draw people in eg Vogel Street, and the importance of amenity to public good of the city.



Jasmin Taylor and Josje Lelijveld


Ms Taylor was a deaf member of the community and was supported by members of the deaf community, including her interpreter, Bridget Brown, and Josje Lelijveld, another deaf member of the community.


She asked the city to invest in accessibility and inclusion, including signage in NZ sign language, and training staff in it.  There was a need to build in and adhere to rights of people with disabilities.  Support was expressed for the organisers of community forums or family events which included NZSL signage eg Anzac services.  She also raised the matter of swimming lessons where children with cochlear implants could not wear them and suggested that instructors be given lessons in sign language.


Ms Lelijveld commented on events such as the Ed Sheeran concert.  She noted that things for hearing people were ok but the ukulele event had an NZSL interpreter on stage which was great for deaf people.


She noted that people who were deaf may be able to speak but even with cochlear implants they may not be able to hear.  A lot of information was missed out in captions and it was more relaxing for deaf people to watch an interpreter as they could not get inflexions etc from captions.



The meeting adjourned at 6.20 pm and reconvened on Friday, 13 April 2018 at 9.00 am.



An apology was received from Cr Rachel Elder for absence and Cr Marie Laufiso (for early departure).


Cr Kate Wilson entered the meeting at 9.04 am.



Mere Taana-Jouandies, Corstorphine Community Hub


Ms Taana-Jouandies spoke to the submission on behalf of Corstorphine Community Hub and emphasised the need for a permanent South Dunedin Hub to support many services.  She advised that due to being in an isolated suburb of Dunedin, whanau struggled to attend appointments.  Ms Taana-Jouandies spoke of the need to vacate the Lockerbie Street facility in 2015 and that the building they occupied now was in need of repair.


Ms Taana-Jouandies responded to questions.



Cr Doug Hall and Cr Lee Vandervis entered the meeting at 9.07 am.



Desiree Williams and Rebecca Twemlow, The Malcam Charitable Trust


Ms Williams and Ms Twemlow spoke to The Malcam Charitable Trust submission.  They supported the $300,000 place-based community grants scheme and emphasised the need to consider the needs and future of youth.  They also advised that it was essential that the place-based grants scheme was not limited, there was a lot of red tape to navigate through.  They spoke of wonderful support from the Dunedin City Council on various projects.


Ms Williams and Ms Twemlow responded to questions which included having the need for a red carpet representative for individuals as well as for business and a single point of contact for help and guidance.



Cr Mike Lord left the meeting from 9.25 am to 9.29 am.



Paul Naidu, Dunedin Migrant Sector Partners


Mr Naidu spoke on behalf of the Dunedin Migrant Sector Partners.  He also advised that he would be submitting a more formal and robust submission.  Mr Naidu spoke to slides provided, he reiterated the need to welcome and retain migrants when they arrived. 


Mr Naidu responded to questions.



Lynley Hood, VICTA, Pedestrian Action Network


Ms Hood spoke to the VICTA, Pedestrian Action Network submission.  She reiterated the need for a walkable city.  Ms Hood invited the Mayor to sign the Walk 21 Charter, which had been signed by over 500 Mayors and provided the framework for authorities for people who chose to walk.  Ms Hood advised the move to a pedestrian friendly city should be in the 10 Year Plan.


Ms Hood responded to questions.


The Mayor asked Ms Hood to send a link to the walking charter.



Cr Marie Laufiso left the meeting at 9.57 am.


Crs Aaron Hawkins, Kate Wilson and David Benson-Pope withdrew from Mr Medlicott's presentation at 9.57 am.



Chris Medlicott


Mr Medlicott spoke to his submission and reiterated the need for the 4 stage plan project for the Kaikorai Valley overflow to be completed; it seemed the last stage had been put off.  He was pleased with Council's intention to upgrade the Green Island plant as this would aid in the sewage flow being diverted from Kaikorai Valley.  Mr Medlicott advised that Green Island plant upgrade should take place sooner rather than later.


Mr Medlicott responded to questions.


Cr Jim O'Malley requested that a workshop be held on the flooding at Surrey Street.


Crs Wilson, Hawkins and Benson-Pope returned to the meeting at 10.05 am.



David Cooper, Federated Farmers


Mr Cooper spoke to the submission on behalf of Federated Farmers.  He advised that the 7.3% rates increase was too high.  Mr Cooper advised that Federated Farmers supported a targeted rate for projects.  They felt that the Tertiary Precinct upgrade should be deferred or reduced.  Mr Cooper commented that the organisation supported Council's $200,000 place-based grants scheme.


Mr Cooper responded to questions.


Cr Jim O'Malley asked if the University owned flats were rated.


Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 10.26 am.



Keith Lamb


Mr Lamb spoke on behalf of himself and his wife.  He advised that the Council should ensure that infrastructure was maintained and upgraded before undertaking other major projects.



The meeting adjourned from 10.20 am to 10.50 am.

Crs Conrad Stedman and Doug Hall left the meeting during the adjournment.

Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 10.50 am.



Jan Tucker


Mrs Tucker requested that the Council future-proof access to the West Harbour Bays.  She advised that the staff had promised to have a public meeting to discuss the sea walls and ongoing maintenance.  Mrs Tucker commented that the demographics at Aramoana had changed over the years and there was now a permanent population living there.  If something happened to the road there was no other access, including sea.



John Gallaher, Chairperson Digital Community Trust


Mr Gallaher spoke on the concept of Dunedin becoming a "Smart City" and provided an update on the activities since Dunedin won the GigCity Competition.


During the discussion Crs Doug Hall and Conrad Stedman entered the meeting at 11.00 am.  


Mr Gallaher advised that the Council needed to put in place a strategy for Dunedin to become a "Small Smart City".  He advised that the city would be able to create a unique blend of innovation, lifestyle and growth so that it would become part of the Dunedin Brand.



Denise Ross


Ms Ross spoke on the Mosgiel Pool and the importance of providing an opportunity to make children safe in the water.  She commented that the Mosgiel Pool was closed for half the year and the Council needed to provide two pools that were open all year round.  She expressed concern regarding the Council's stance on the Mosgiel Pool and why it was only providing partial funding.



Lesley Smith, Friends of Dunedin Botanic Garden


Ms Smith spoke on the importance of the Botanic Garden in raising awareness of plants and fostering a love of nature in children.  The Friends of the Dunedin Botanic Garden requested that the Council allocate $120,000 for an education officer to put in place an education programme to teach children about the natural environment, particularly focusing on plants.



Richard Kinley, Rugby Union


Mr Kinley spoke regarding the usage of Sports Grounds and also the proposed increase in ground rental fees.  


He advised that they had undertaken a survey and most players wanted rugby to be fun and have the opportunity to socialise with friends and family.  The majority still saw Saturday as the key day to play Club Rugby and therefore it was important to have sufficient fields to allow all participants to play.


Mr Kinley advised that if the ground fees were increased most clubs would pass the additional cost on to the players and the Union did not want cost to be a barrier to playing sport.


Mr Kinley also commented on the redevelopment of Logan Park, and felt that Council needed to acknowledge the importance of Logan Park and put in place a clear plan to maximise use for all groups including day-to-day users.



Alan Mark


Sir Alan Mark spoke to his submission and tabled additional information.  He also commented on the proposed rate rise and advised that local authorities must modify their aspirations to be consistent with the ability for people to pay.



Alan Westwood


Cr Conrad Stedman left the meeting at 12.01 pm.


Mr Westwood commented on communication and cycleways.  He advised that there was a need for better communication with the residents of South Dunedin and this could be done by developing a permanent community hub.  He commented that by dismantling the cycleways this had stopped children from traveling to parks and the swimming pool.



The meeting adjourned from 12.18 pm to 12.25 pm.



University of Otago


Dr Royden Somerville (Chancellor) spoke on behalf of the University of Otago.  Also in attendance was Mr David Perry (Director of Campus Development), Mr Gordon Roy (Strategic Architect) and Ms Kirsten Tebutt (Resource Planner).


Dr Somerville spoke on the Proposed Tertiary Precinct upgrade and commented that it was important that the University was accessible to everyone.  He also commented that a small section at the end of Albany Street had been missed off the plans.  He felt it was important this part was included so there was a seamless integration.


Dr Somerville commented on a number of other issues and advised that a formal submission would be provided in due course.



The meeting adjourned from 12.45 pm to 12.53 pm. 


Cr Marie Laufiso entered the meeting at 12.53 pm.



Jenny Coatham – Generation Zero


Ms Coatham advised that she liked the ambition of the plan, but was concerned that not all initial actions in the Ara Toi Strategy were funded.  She also commented that the Council should help fund the public transport system by taking money from parking budget.


Ms Coatham commented that she would like to see more solid plans on the Council's policy for dealing with Climate Change. 


In response to her submission Councillors asked for a report on how much it would cost to implement all the actions in the Ara Toi Strategy. .



The meeting adjourned at 1.00 pm and reconvened on Thursday 26 April 2018 at 9.00 am.



Apologies were received from Crs Chris Staynes and Andrew Whiley (for absence) and Crs Christine Garey and Damian Newell (for lateness).



Donna Peacock


Ms Peacock spoke on climate change and the need to include a goal of zero carbon in the plan.  She advised that the Council should have a vision and work towards it.



Mike Waddell, Otago Polytechnic


Mr Waddell tabled a presentation and advised that the Otago Polytechnic fully supported the proposed tertiary precinct project. 



During the presentation Cr Christine Garey entered the meeting at 9.41 am.



Mr Waddell spoke on the future planning for the Otago Polytechnic and ongoing programmes it was developing.  Discussion took place on the need for additional parking and the Logan Park upgrade. 



Robert Hamlin, Senior Lecturer, Otago University


Mr Hamlin spoke to a tabled submission on the Council's debt structures and security arrangements. 


In response to questions the Chief Executive Officer advised that the submission and recommendations would be given to the Treasury Manager and a report would be given to the Councillors on the comments made in the submission.



Robert Wansink


Mr Wansink spoke on the proposed increase in rates and the flooding in South Dunedin.  He requested that the Council repay debt and reduce rates.



Joshua Perry


During the presentation Cr Conrad Stedman left the meeting at 10.13 am, Cr Damian Newell entered the meeting at 10.19 am and Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 10.21 am.


Mr Perry commented on his submission and advised that the Council needed to include initiatives to make the city and activities more accessible for people with disabilities, including wheel chair access. 



Peter Dowden


During the presentation Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 10.22 am and Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 10.23 am.


Mr Dowden spoke to his written submission and commented on South Dunedin.  He advised that the houses in South Dunedin should be raised by increasing the height of the piles.  He commented on his experience raising his house. 


He also suggested that the Council create a walking track the length of the town belt. 



Liz Angelo


During the presentation Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting from 10.35 am to 10.40 am.  Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 10.44 am and Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 10.45 am.


Ms Angelo spoke her written submission and commented on the proposed projects, the proposed direction of the 10 Year Plan and the lack of a community board for the Arthur Street area.



Patricia Scott, Seniors Climate Action Network


Ms Scott spoke on climate change and its effects and tabled a written submission.  She advised that the Council needed to prepare for the challenges ahead.  The group supported the $300,000 a year into place-based Community Grants Scheme and suggested that the Council set up a forum 0of local growers to established a market garden in Dunedin.  She also suggested that the Council should move towards making Citifleet all electric.



Adam Currie, Oil Free Otago and 350 Dunedin


Mr Currie spoke to the key points in his submission and in particular commented on the provision of a free bus for low economic areas, and that the Council needed to provide a progressive rates rise to cope with the impact of climate change.  He also asked that the Council advocate for a change to the bus laws regarding management of the buses. 



Rosemary Penwarden


During the presentation Cr Rachel Elder left the meeting at 11.34 am.


Ms Penwarden spoke to her submission and, in particular, commented on climate change and advised that the Council's plans over the next 10 years were going to be very important. 



Andrew Rutherford


Mr Rutherford spoke to his submission and advised that the Council needed to spend money on upgrading and maintaining the infrastructure.  Once these had been completed and the debt had been paid they would generate wealth for the city then Council could spend money on the 'nice to have projects'. 


He also commented that to increase economic well-being the Council needed to have better transport links between Dunedin and the world.



Megan Brady, Studio 2


Ms Brady advised that Studio 2 provided a creative space for artists with intellectual and physical disabilities.  She commented that they would like the Council to see them as a resource to assist with future planning for the city.



Michael Ovens


Michael Ovens spoke to his written submission regarding Development Contributions.


During the presentation Cr Christine Garey left the meeting from 11.55 am to 12.00 noon.


Mr Ovens advised that he felt that the cost of development contributions should be spread over a wider group because the benefits of development were more than just the targeted area. 



Brian Dixon


Mr Dixon spoke to his submission and, in particular, commented on climate change.  He tabled documents regarding Rotterdam's Urban Water Systems as an example of how to protect the city from sea level rise.



Jacob La Rooy


Mr La Rooy spoke to his submission and, in particular, commented on inner city housing and the opportunity to use parcels of unused land to create small but liveable town house-style properties.



Barry Simpson


Mr Simpson spoke his written submission and commented on the proposed bridge which he felt was too expensive, and requested that the Council continue to reduce debt.



The meeting adjourned from 12.30 pm to 12.50 pm.


During the adjournment Crs Rachel Elder and Conrad Stedman left the meeting.



Alex McKirdy


Mr McKirdy said he was concerned regarding the CCTV around North Dunedin and felt that this was an initiative beyond the University.  He felt that this should be the responsibility of the Council. 


He would also like the city to create a large creative sector similar to the one in Wellington.




Resolution to exclude the public

Moved (Chairperson Dave Cull/Cr Damian Newell):

That the Committee:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered



C1  Fortune Theatre

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter


S7(2)(a) protect the privacy of individuals



Would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution



The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

Reason for Confidentiality




This submission is confidential to protect the privacy of individuals and the commercial position of the submitter.

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.


Motion carried (TEN/2018/004)



The meeting moved into non-public at 12.55 pm and reconvened in public on Monday 30 April 2018 at 9.00 am.



6a     Hearing of Submissions (Continued)


Claire Carey


Ms Carey spoke to her submission and reiterated points which included that the Aramoana Road required extensive work.  She advised that sections of the roadway required elevating and sections of the rock wall needed to be tightened.  Ms Carey also believed that Port Otago should have responsibility for some of the costs.  She advised that this issue required not only serious consideration but priority


Ms Carey responded to questions.


Crs David Benson-Pope, Aaron Hawkins and Kate Wilson withdrew from Alice Wouters' presentation.


Alice Wouters 


Ms Wouters spoke to her submission and reiterated the need for the Halfway Bush area to stay semi-rural.  She advised that the paddocks soaked up the rain and that they were used for ponies and horses to graze in. 


Ms Wouters responded to questions which included whether she had made a submission to 2GP.  She also enquired when the Frasers Gully walking track would re-open.



Crs David Benson-Pope, Aaron Hawkins and Kate Wilson withdrew from Angela Ruske's presentation.


Angela Ruske, Halfway Bush Semi-Rural Inc


Ms Ruske spoke to her submission and reiterated that the area should be kept as a semi-rural area.  She also spoke of the historical features, recreational use, landscape and tourism in the area.


Ms Ruske responded to questions which included whether she had made a submission to 2GP.



Kuini Scott and Maureen Howard, Transition Valley 473


Ms Scott and Ms Howard spoke to the Transition Valley 473 submission.  They reiterated points in the submission which included a fruit and nut project, the worry of South Dunedin and an idea of making it wetlands.  Ms Scott and Ms Howard spoke of the need to have a map on the Dunedin City Council website showing where the community gardens were and an information piece on how and who runs them.  They spoke also of an option to have reduced rental of Dunedin City Council land that the community gardens were on.


Ms Scott and Ms Howard responded to questions which included how many members were in the Transition Valley 473 group and mapping of the fruit and nut trees.



The meeting adjourned from 2.42 pm to 2.43 pm.



Scott Willis, Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust


Mr Willis spoke to the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust submission and reiterated the need for climate safe housing.


Mr Willis responded to questions which included the model of house being used, project stages and what level of support from Council.



Rebecca Williams, Dunedin Community Builders


Ms Williams spoke to the Dunedin Community Builders submission and reiterated supporting the $300,000 place-based plan.  She acknowledged and commended the Council for providing a visionary plan for the community.


Ms Williams responded to questions which included the place based-fund and options around this.



Kirio Birks, Otago University Students' Association


Mr Birks spoke to the Otago University Students' Association submission and reiterated a need for increased litter collection and to provide compost facilities.


Mr Birks responded to questions which included ways on how to engage with students for consultation.



Cr Rachel Elder left the meeting at 3.39 pm.



Allan Baddock, Transforming Dunedin


Mr Baddock spoke to his submission and reiterated the need for an increase in funding for the creative sector.  Mr Baddock advised that arts and culture was falling behind other services.


Mr Baddock responded to questions which included what action plan and funding level was required, and what a breakdown of the funding levels would look like for the central city upgrade once a budget was set.  Mr Baddock advised there was a need for more staff members and more support for the community with regards to arts and culture.



Brittani Beavis, WellSouth


Ms Beavis spoke to the WellSouth submission and reiterated support for the pedestrianisation of the lower Octagon and supported the Council's emphasis on making this a great small city.


Ms Beavis responded to questions which included drinking fountains, the roll out of smoke and vape free areas within the business district, and what other areas that would be covered and that it would be 24/7.



Philip Mirfin, Andersons Bay Tennis Club


Mr Mirfin spoke to the Andersons Bay Tennis Club submission and reiterated the need for funding towards the Logan Park redevelopment.



Nathan Parker, Blueskin Recreational Access Group


Mr Parker spoke to the Blueskin Recreational Access Group submission and reiterated the need for access to paper roads in the area and the need for a cycling path to connect Evansdale to Waitati. 


Mr Parker responded to questions which included that the road between Evansdale and Waitati was an NZTA road, the development of a cycleway, and issues with access to paper roads in other areas of Dunedin



Crs Mike Lord and Doug Hall left the meeting at 4.20 pm and Cr Lord returned to the meeting at 4.22 pm.



Otto Schmid


Mr Schmid spoke to his submission and reiterated the issue around the Hadley Close Reserve uncompleted footpath.


Mr Schmid responded to questions which also included that after being advised that this should be put forward as part of the 10 Year Plan that this request should be operational.



The meeting adjourned from 4.30 pm to 4.39 pm.




Moved (Chairperson Dave Cull/Cr David Benson-Pope):


That the Committee:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered:




Predator Free

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter



Would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution



The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

Reason for Confidentiality





This submission is confidential to protect the commercial position of the submitter.

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.


Motion carried (TEN/2018/005)




The meeting moved into non-public at 4.40 pm and reconvened in public on 1 May 2018 at 9.03 am.


An apology was received from Cr Conrad Stedman.


6B     Hearing of submissions (continued)


Dougal McGowan, Otago Chamber of Commerce


Mr McGowan spoke to the submission from the Otago Chamber of Commerce. 



During the presentation Cr Aaron Hawkins entered the meeting at 9.13 am.



Mr McGowan spoke on the feedback received from their members on the projects proposed in the 10 Year Plan and responded to questions.



Maureen Howard and Lynn Vare, Dalmore Reserve Community Garden


The submitters spoke about the Dalmore Reserve Community Garden and the benefits of community gardens to communities.  They were seeking Council support to establish more community gardens and co-ordinate resources.  They advised that Community Gardens have a licence agreement with the Council for $325 pa.  This was a lot of money for the groups when membership fees were not charged.  She advised that any funds created by the garden went back into purchasing plants.



Alex MacMillan


Alex MacMillan spoke in support of her submission and provided a PowerPoint presentation. In particular, she commented on the benefits of cycling, in regards to health and climate change.



Lux Selvanesan and Andrew Rudolph, Dunedin Multi-Ethnic Council


Lux Selvanesan and Andrew Rudolph spoke to a PowerPoint presentation and, in particular, commented on the importance of the connection with the Maori culture.



Cr Doug Hall left the meeting from 10.14 am to 10.16 am.  Cr Christine Garey left the meeting from 10.14 am to 10.17 am.  Cr Damian Newell entered the meeting at 10.14 am.



Chris Wright, Football South


Mr Wright spoke to the submission and in particular the proposed artificial turf at Logan Park.  He commented that the costs had risen and they continued to fund raise.


In response to a question he advised that the Highlanders had committed financially to the project and the University and Otago Polytechnic already provided significant support.



Mark Brown


Mr Brown commented that the Council needed to ensure the infrastructure to deal with the numbers coming to Dunedin.  He commented that the Council did not need to provide new facilities but upgrade and maintain the facilities that already existed ie walking tracks. 



Jinty MacTavish


Ms MacTavish advised that the Council needed to complete its current commitments and make sure that the existing strategies were sufficiently funded.  She also commented on climate change, social housing and public transport.




Irene Mosley


Ms Mosley spoke to her PowerPoint presentation.  She advised that the old pool was built in the 1930s, catering for a population of around 2,000.  The population was now about 16,000, which was considerably greater than when the pool was built.  Comparison of pool size/design had been made with other centres.  Reducing the amount of glass increased safety, reduced temperature issues, and provided cost savings.  A 10 lane lap pool was considered, but eight lanes had been accepted, and leisure pool space.  There was a need to cater for the whole community, allowing everyone access.  The working party was fully committed to raising funds, but knew it would be difficult. 


In response to questions, Ms Mosely noted that the current Mosgiel residents did not consider that the DCC was putting enough funding into the project.  She advised that the committee was working extremely well. 


With respect to growth projections statistics from the NZ census has been used, and they show a 14% increase in population.  The 2018 census results are needed to see what further growth has taken place. 


Retirement villages have been visited so find out what those residents would like from the pool.  A hydrotherapy pool would be desirable, especially if physio pool goes in Dunedin.  Note was also made of the increase in retirement villages in Mosgiel and further subdivisions. 


In response to a question, Ms Mosely noted that plans to reduce costs included looking at ground source heat pumps, and energy efficiency to save on opex as well.  She noted that if there was an average of 4.5 swims per population, there would be a small deficit, 6.5 swims would break even.  She advised that the pool can still be done for $15 million, but if it isn’t done now then would need to factor in an 8% per increase in build cost. 



Bridget Irving, Dunedin Tunnels Trail Trust


Ms Irving spoke to her written submission.  This project aligns with the strategies of council.  Ms Irving asked that reasonable funding be set aside for cycleway projects, and if this is done, there are some advantages through the ability to advocate for further funding from other organisations.  Not asking for large amounts of funding, but recognition of this project could leverage funding from other organisations.


In response to questions, Ms Irving agreed that the estimates need to be developed further, and need to be relooked at given Kiwi Rail decision of 5 meter clearance, and potential need for alternative reconstruction options.  It is a question of alignment, as may need to go down banks, and in other places build up.  There are options, and need to work through them. 


The trail would provide a link between Dunedin and Mosgiel, be used by commuters and used for recreational purposes.  It would also link Green Island and Abotsford. 



Ray Macleod, Greater South Dunedin Action Group


Mr Macleod spoke about one major concern, being the need for action in the mid-term, in the Forbury corner area.  Mr Macleod was aware of plans for short term improvements, and believed these to be a step in right direction, but he was concerned that there is no information about those improvements.  The real issues is sewage entering properties, and in some case homes, being a public health issue, and third world - not one for this city.  He noted that it also had a toll on mental health etc.  The need for fixing is now and further degradation cannot be neglected. 


Mr Macleod noted that while the Radius Fulton Home proposal was good for them, but will move the problem to a new location. 


In response to a question, Mr Macleod was in favour of holding a public meeting once the details of the short term improvements could be discussed publicly.  He noted that any communication is important to the city. 



Olive Tabor


Did not present.



Meg Davidson


Ms Davidson spoke to her powerpoint presentation.  She questioned the need for the van Brandenburg building/bridge, instead believing that the city had more urgent needs.  The council needed to get the basics right. 


Ms Davidson spoke of the problem with SH1 running through the city, which is congested, and cyclists are not safe.  The highway needs to get it shifted, it needs a bypass.  Planning needs to start now.  A major review of transport across the board is needed, irrespective of who provides.


Ms Davidson advised that she is pleased with mayoral taskforce for housing. 


Ms Davidson spoke about the Warehouse precinct, noting that heritage is next area to protect.  She propose that a residential heritage working party be established, to address the challenges of residential housing.  She would like to see funding from central city and campus upgrade go here instead. 



Ngaire Sutherland


Ms Sutherland spoke about mobility parking and the many levels of mobility.  She asked that consideration be given to the length of time that parking is required.  It is becoming hard to find suitable, timely parking, to meet needs for those with mobility issues.  It is important for those with mobility issues to be able to retain independence.  Parking is particularly hard around the hospital, dental school, and central city.  She suggested having colour coding parking with 2 hour parking limit.



Karen Anderson


Ms Anderson spoke about accounting for dog funds, and using them for specific purposes.  More dog recreational areas are needed.  Trees drop berries that impact on dogs, and there are issues with broken down plastic fencing.  Dogs have the right to be safe.





The meeting concluded at 12.20 pm.





