Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 23 May 2018

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Karitane Hall, Coast Road, Karitane


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board






Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Geraldine Tait



Mark Brown

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock


Cr Jim O'Malley

Richard Russell


Rose Stringer-Wright



Senior Officer                               Kristy Rusher, Chief Legal Officer


Governance Support Officer      Rebecca Murray




Rebecca Murray

Governance Support Officer











Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                   PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                             4

1.1   Dark Skies Dunedin - Kyra Xavia                                                           4

1.2   Karitane School - Recreation Area Development                                       4

1.3   Blueskin Baywatch - Ecological Study of Blueskin Bay                                4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                              4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              9

5.1   Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 18 April 2018                      10   

Part A Reports (Waikouaiti Coast Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Action List                                               15

7        Possible Funding Applications for Consideration                                               19

8        Governance Support Officer's Report                                                           20

9        Board Updates                                                                                         22

10      Chairperson's Report                                                                                 23

11      Council Activities                                                                                       24

12      Items for Consideration by the Chair                                                            25             



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018




1     Public Forum

1.1  Dark Skies Dunedin - Kyra Xavia

Kyra Xavia wishes to address the meeting concerning the LED rollout.

1.2  Karitane School - Recreation Area Development

Karitane School wish to address the meeting regarding a funding application (funding application to be circulated separately).

1.3  Blueskin Baywatch - Ecological Study of Blueskin Bay

Sue Hensley (Chair) and Dr Marc Schallenbeog wish to address the meeting regarding a funding application (funding application to be circulated separately).

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








Declaration of Interest



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



PDF Creator


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Confirmation of Minutes

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting -    18 April 2018




That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 18 April 2018 as a correct record.









Minutes of Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting  held on 18 April 2018






Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the Warrington Surf Club Social Rooms, Warrington Domain on Wednesday 18 April 2018, commencing at 5.30 pm





Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Geraldine Tait



Mark Brown

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock


Cr Jim O'Malley

Richard Russell


Rose Stringer-Wright




Nick Dixon (Group Manager, Ara Toi), Gareth Jones (Contracts Manager, Project and Asset Management), Tom Simons-Smith (Coastal Specialist, Planning and Delivery), Andrew Lord (Team Leader Maintenance, Transport Delivery), Leslie Marriott (Gigcity Project Coordinator), Fraser Liggett (Manager, Economic Development Programme) and Antony Deaker (Ara Toi Project Coordinator)


Governance Support Officer      Rebecca Murray



1       Public Forum

1.1    Road Safety outside Waitati School - Stacey Honeywill (Waitati School     Principal)


Stacey Honeywill addressed the meeting regarding concerns with the Road Safety outside Waitati School. Issues raised and discussed were traffic speed, visible distance of traffic and pedestrians from the corners.  Ms Honeywill also advised of discussions held with the Transport Strategy staff regarding options of signage.  It was advised that the ideal outcome would be flashing 30km signs.


1.2    Waikouaiti Bowling Club Inc - John Dempster


John Dempster addressed the meeting concerning the Waikouaiti Bowling Club Inc funding application and responded to questions.


2       Apologies

There were no apologies.


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following alteration:


Item 8 Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Action List would be taken before Item 7 Enterprise Dunedin Update.


Motion carried (WC/2018/022)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Rose Stringer-Wright):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WC/2018/023)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 7 March 2018


Moved (Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock/Member Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 7 March 2018 as a correct record.


Motion carried (WC/2018/024)

   Part A Reports

6       Update from the Local Police


Otago Coastal Area Commander Inspector Jason Guthrie and Senior Constable Lesley Eason, New Zealand Police provided an update on Policing matters within the area, which included:


·      A high level overview of the area;

·      Reported crime in the area was down;

·      The Road Policing Team were focused on State Highway One; and

·      The new Police Officer for Palmerston will start on 21 May 2018


8       Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Action List


Discussions took place on the Action List which included the Matanaka Drive Plantation, Karitane Spit, Shortcut Road and Bus Shelters.


Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


a)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (WC/2018/025)


7       Enterprise Dunedin Update


Enterprise Dunedin staff provided an update on Enterprise Dunedin activities, which  included:

·      Film

·      GigCity

·      Rural Broadband


Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Enterprise Dunedin April 2018 update.

Motion carried (WC/2018/026)


Richard Russell left the meeting at 7.53pm and returned at 8.02pm


9       Funding Application


An application for funding was received from the Waikouaiti Bowling Club Inc, requesting $1800.00 towards replacing the decayed timber framing and artificial grass lining in ditches around the perimeter of the bowling green.


Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


a)     Approves a grant of $1200.00 for the Waikouaiti Bowling Club Inc, towards replacing the decayed timber framing and artificial grass lining in ditches around the perimeter of the bowling green.

Motion carried (WC/2018/027)


10     Governance Support Officer's Report


In a report from the Governance Support Officer, an update was provided on the matters of interest, including:

a)     Project Fund.

b)     Incoming Correspondence.

c)     Proposed naming of a Private Way – Errols Court, Warrington.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

Motion carried (WC/2018/028)


11     Board Updates


Board members provided an update on activities, which included:

Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock (Board Representative) provided a verbal update.


Waikouaiti Recycling Centre Project

Geraldine Tait provided a verbal update.


Waikouaiti Plantation Replanting Project

Mark Brown provided a verbal update.


Application Process Assistance

Richard Russell provided a verbal update.


Assist Fund Recipients with Reporting Back

Rose Stringer-Wright provided a verbal update


BRAG Walking Group

Mark Brown provided a verbal update.


Truby King Recreation Reserve Committee

Geraldine Tait and Rose Stringer-Wright provided a verbal update.



Moved (Chairperson Alasdair Morrison/Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (WC/2018/029)


12     Chairperson's Report


A verbal report was provided by the Chairperson, which included:


·      The report back from the Waitati Music Festival

·      OAR FM Radio Group Membership and Morning Show segment

·      ANZAC Day, Mandy to present the wreath at Waitati

·      10 Year Plan submission, will be presented by Geraldine.

·      Freedom Camping



Moved (Member Mark Brown/Member Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the reports

b)      Approves the OAR Radio Group Membership and Morning Show segment cost of $270.00 per annum to be paid from the Project Fund.

Motion carried (WC/2018/030)


13     Council Activities


Councillor Jim O'Malley provided an update on matters of interest to the Board, which included:

·      10 Year Plan

·      One Roads Network meeting


14     Items for Consideration by the Chair


Items for consideration by the Chair, included:

·      Waitati School road safety issue outside school, Cr O’Malley and Mr Morrison to inspect issue at peak time and meet with staff.

·      Mr Morrison to write to Safe Roads.




The meeting concluded at 8.53pm.









Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Part A Reports


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Action List

Department: Civic






1      This report is to provide an update to the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board on their Action List.

2      The updated Action List is attached.

3      Staff may be in attendance to speak to the action list.


That the Board:

a)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.







Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






Action List




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



PDF Creator


PDF Creator


PDF Creator

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Possible Funding Applications for Consideration




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1      This report is to inform the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.



Project Fund

2      $5,406.04 remains in the Project Fund taking into account expenditure on grants.  The expenditure made so far this financial year is as follows:

Meeting Date



23 August 2017


Progress of Waikouaiti – purchase a flag

27 September 2017


Warrington School – Polyfest uniforms

27 September 2017


Blueskin Youth & Community Amenities Association – purchase gravel and a tree

8 November 2017


Bunches & Bows - Flowers

15 November 2017


2018 Waitati Music Festival – Toilet Hire

31 January 2018


Blueskin A&P Society – advertising costs

7 March 2018


Full page ad in Blueskin Bay Community Directory – Approved but still to be actioned

9 April 2018


Miss Reid Florist - Flowers

18 April 2018


Waikouaiti Bowling Club Inc – Timber framing/artificial grass around bowling green







Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic


There are no attachments for this report.



Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans



Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018




Board Updates

Department: Civic






Board members to provide updates on activities including:

1      Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

        Mandy Mayhem-Bullock (Board Representative) will provide a verbal update.


2      Waikouaiti Recycling Centre Project

        Geraldine Tait will provide a verbal update.


3      Waikouaiti Plantation Replanting Project

        Mark Brown will provide a verbal update.


4      Application Process Assistance

        Richard Russell will provide a verbal update.


5      Assist Fund Recipients with Reporting Back

        Rose Stringer-Wright will provide a verbal update


6      BRAG Walking Group

        Mark Brown will provide a verbal update.


7      Truby King Recreation Reserve Committee

        Geraldine Tait and Rose Stringer-Wright will provide a verbal update.




That the Board:

a)     Notes the report.







Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018




Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






A verbal report will be presented from the Chairperson at the meeting.





That the Board:

a)     Notes the report






Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Council Activities



Councillor Jim O'Malley will provide an update on matters of interest to the Board.


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

23 May 2018



Items for Consideration by the Chair



Items for consideration by the Chair.