Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board held in the Downes Room, Mosgiel Service Centre, Hartstonge Avenue, Mosgiel on Wednesday 18 July 2018, commencing at 12.00 pm




Deputy Chairperson

Joy Davis



Phillipa Bain

Cr Mike Lord


Dean McAlwee

Maurice Prendergast




Kristy Rusher (Chief Legal Officer), Chris Henderson (Group Manager, Waste and Environmental Solutions), Rachael Eaton (Recreational Planning and Facilities Manager, Parks and Recreation), Gareth Jones (Contracts Manager, Parks and Recreation) and Hjarne Poulsen (Transport Engineering and Road Safety Team Leader).




Governance Support Officer       Wendy Collard



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies


Moved (Joy Davis/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Board:


Accepts the apologies from Martin Dillon and Sarah Nitis.


Motion carried (MTCB/2018/033)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Dean McAlwee/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (MTCB/2018/034)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.




Moved (Maurice Prendergast/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/035)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting - 13 June 2018


Moved (Maurice Prendergast/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 13 June 2018 as a correct record.


Motion carried (MTCB/2018/036)


Part A Reports

6       Naming of a new Private Way off Marjorie Lane, Mosgiel


A report from Transport provided options for the naming of a private way off Marjorie Lane, Mosgiel.

The report noted that the road name proposed by the developer was considered to comply with the Dunedin City Council Road Naming Policy and was therefore recommended for support by the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Supports naming the new private way off Marjorie Lane as “Silverview Place”

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/037)


7       Naming of a new Private Way off Bruce Street, Mosgiel


A report from Transport provided options for the naming of a private way off Bruce Street, Mosgiel.

The report noted that the road name proposed by the developer was considered to comply with the Dunedin City Council Road Naming Policy and was therefore recommended for support by the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board.



Moved (Phillipa Bain/Maurice Prendergast):

That the Board:


a)     Supports naming the new private way off Bruce Street as “Maranatha Mews”.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/038)


8       waste future 2023 update


The Group Manager, Waste and Environmental Solutions (Chris Henderson) provided an update on the Waste Future 2023 project.  He explained that the consent for the Green Island Landfill was due to expire in 2023 and the Smooth Hill site was being investigated as a possible alternative site.

Mr Henderson advised that a feasibility study would be undertaken to confirm the actual end time for the Green Island Landfill and to confirm whether Smooth Hill was an appropriate new site.  He commented that additional information was available on the Council website


9       Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board Action List Report


A report from Civic provided an update to the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board on its Action List.


The Transport Engineering and Road Safety Team Leader discussed the items on the Action List.

·      Inglis Street.  There was discussion on the increased vehicle usage along Inglis Street and it was requested that staff investigate the Board’s safety concerns.

Parks and Recreation


The Recreational Planning and Facilities Manager and Contracts Manager provided an update which included:


·      Proposed Mosgiel Aquatics Facility – an update would be presented to the next Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting.

·      East Taieri Dog Park.  Following discussion on the condition of the dog park the Board requested that staff investigate options for extending the walkway.



Moved (Phillipa Bain/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


a)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/039)


10     Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic provided an update on activities relevant to the Board’s area which included:

a)     Project Fund

b)     Inwards Correspondence



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Joy Davis):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/040)


11     Chairperson's Report


A report from the Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest since the previous meeting which included:

·      Recent meetings attended

·      Otago Access Radio Show

·      Mosgiel – the Motorhome friendly town

·      I-Site Information Kiosk situated in the Mosgiel Library


Moved (Dean McAlwee/ Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson's report.

b)     Notes that Dean McAlwee will be representing the Board at its August slot on the OAR show.

c)     Notes that Phillipa Bain will be representing the Board at its September slot on the OAR show.

d)     Notes the location for the installation of the two Motorhome Friendly Town signs.

e)     Provides the Chair with suggestions for the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board Plan.

f)     Authorises Maurice Prendergast to formulate a submission to the new “Positive Ageing Strategy for New Zealanders”.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/041)


12     Board Updates


Board members provided updates on activities which included

1      Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

Phillipa Bain (Board Representative) advised that the Keep New Zealand Beautiful awards were being held on Monday 30 July 2018 at 4 pm at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.  She commented that the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Clean Up Week was being held 10th to 16th September 2018 and advised that she had spoken to Neighbourhood Support who were supportive of this project.


2      Mosgiel Coronation Hall

        Dean McAlwee (Board representative to the Committee) advised that there was no update available.


3      Mosgiel Business Association

No report due to the absence of the Board’s representative.


4      Festival of the Plain

No report due to the absence of the Board’s representative.


5      Communications and Engagement Activities

There was a discussion on the Living Street Aotearoa membership.



13     Board Projects


1      Grants Update

It was noted that the next funding round from the Board’s discretionary fund closed on 31 July 2018.  It was agreed that an advertisement be placed in the Star.


2      Pride in our Place

Phillipa Bain advised that there was no update available.


3      The Taieri Heritage Schools Project

No update was provided due to the absence of Sarah Nitis.


4      Memorial Park Revitalisation

No update was provided due to the absence of Sarah Nitis.


5      Roundabout at the State Highway 1 Exit

No update was provided due to the absence of Martin Dillon.


6      Big Blue Wall Mural

No report due to the absence of Sarah Nitis.


7      Safe Pedestrian and Cycle accessways

No update was provided.


8      Celebrating Local Excellence on the Taieri Project

No update was provided.


9      Mosgiel and Taieri Emergency Response Group Activities

        Joy Davis advised that a combined public information evening with Neighbourhood Support was being held on 18 July 2018 at 7.00 pm at the Mosgiel Bowling Club.


10    Heritage Trail

Dean McAlwee) advised that there was no update available.


11    Beautification

It was agreed that this item would be referred to the Board’s next meeting.




Moved (Phillipa Bain/Joy Davis):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the updates.

b)     Notes the Mosgiel Business Association has gifted the planter boxes to the Mosgiel Community.

d)     Amends the Board Projects as appropriate.

e)     Approves up to $100.00 from the Board’s discretionary fund towards the advertising of the Board’s first funding round.

f)     Approves up to $395.00 from the Board’s discretionary fund towards the advertising of “Taieri over the Tea Leaves” for the 2018/19 year.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/042)



Moved (Dean McAlwee/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


c)     Refers consideration of the funding of up to $2,000.00 from the Board Initiated Project Fund for the purchase of plants for the planter boxes for the August 2018/19 year to the Board’s meeting being held on 29 August 2018.

Motion carried (MTCB/2018/043)


14     Council Activities


Councillor Mike Lord provided an update on matters of interest to the Board which included:

·      Tree House.

·      Adoption of Dunedin City Council’s 10 year plan.


Moved (Cr Mike Lord/ Maurice Prendergast):

That the Board:


Notes the Council Activities Update


Motion carried (MTCB/2018/044)



15     Items for consideration by the Chair


There were no items for consideration.



The meeting concluded at 1.11 pm.



