Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers,, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 15 October 2018, commencing at 1.00 pm





Cr Kate Wilson


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Jim O'Malley



Cr David Benson-Pope

Mayor Dave Cull


Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Christine Garey


Cr Doug Hall

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Conrad Stedman


Cr Damian Newell

Cr Chris Staynes


Cr Andrew Whiley

Cr Lee Vandervis







Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Leanne Mash (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks, Acting), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure and Networks), Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions), Catherine Irvine (Senior Strategy and Policy Officer), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport),  Lisa Clifford (Senior Transportation Engineer), and Nick Sargent (Transport Strategy Manager)


Governance Support Officer       Jenny Lapham




1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies

An apology for absence was received from Cr Laufiso.


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O’Malley)

That the Committee:


Accepts the apology from Cr Laufiso for absence.


Motion carried



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Committee:


Confirms the public part of the agenda with the following alterations:


a)        In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.

Motion carried (INF/2018/034)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Cr Hawkins advised that he had been appointed to the Otago Museum Trust Board.


Cr Newell advised that Digital Community Trust had been disestablished.


Cr Lord suggested that there should be consistency declaring appointments to the Community Boards.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (INF/2018/035)

Part A Reports

5       Waste Futures Project - Update


In a report the Group Manager of Waste and Environmental Solutions (Chris Henderson) provided an update on the Waste Futures 2023 project and responded to questions from the Committee.


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Committee:



a)         Notes the Waste Futures Project update report.

Motion carried (INF/2018/036)


6       Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan and Draft Waste Assessment - Update


In a report the Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions (Chris Henderson) provided an update on the Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) and Draft Waste Assessment.

The Dunedin City Council (Council) was approaching the statutory review period for its existing WMMP 2013.  A WMMP Steering Group was appointed in January 2018 and has progressed the Draft Waste Assessment and the WMMP Review process, which is tracking concurrently with the Waste Futures Project.

Staff engaged with stakeholders in the planning process. The stakeholders provided valuable insights on waste and resource recovery, education, and communication. Representation spanned community, industry, business, tertiary, sector groups, and other Councils. 

The WMMP Steering Group now recommends amendments be made to the current WMMP.  Further amendments may need to be incorporated as new information and data become available, before the Proposed WMMP and Proposed Waste Assessment are completed and reported to Council in December 2018.



The Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions, Chris Henderson, and the Senior Strategy and Policy Officer, Catherine Irvine, spoke to the report and responded to questions.  



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan.

b)     Notes the Draft Waste Assessment.

Motion carried (INF/2018/037)


7       Proposed Consultation Dunedin City Speed Limit Bylaw Amendment 9


In a report the Senior Transportation Engineer advised that staff have reviewed speed limits on roads throughout Dunedin with the objective of recommending the most appropriate safe speed limit for each road, taking into account how the road is used, development of the road and the surrounding environment, national consistency and how the road feels to drivers.


Following discussion it was Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


a)     Approves that the Statement of Proposal for Amendment 9 to the Dunedin City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2004 be publicly notified for consultation during the period 23 October 2018 to 20 November 2018.

b)     Appoints a Hearings Subcommittee consisting of Crs Jim O’Malley, (Chairperson), Kate Wilson and Conrad Stedman to hear and consider any submissions received and report recommendations back to the Council.

Motion carried (INF/2018/038)


8       Resolution Reports


In a report the General Manager Infrastructure and Networks (Acting), Leanne Mash advised that the purpose of the report was to inform the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee on the status of resolutions that have been adopted by the Committee since October 2016.



During the discussion Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 02:46 p.m..



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Resolution report for the period ending 1 October 2018.

Motion carried (INF/2018/039)


9       Items for Consideration by the Chair





The Chairperson advised that this was Ms Mash’s last meeting and the Committee thanked her for contribution to the Council. 






Resolution to exclude the public

Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Committee:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution


Reason for Confidentiality

C1  Proposed Road Stopping - Walsh Street


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.

Motion carried (INF/2018/040)


The meeting went into non-public at 2.49 pm.


The meeting concluded at 3.23 p.m.