Grants Subcommittee

Biodiversity, Community, Community Events, Community Arts, Professional Theatre,  Creative Communities Grants



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 19 November 2018, commencing at 9.00 am





Cr Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Andrew Whiley



Nick Austin

John Barkla


Carolyn Campbell

Amanda Dyer


Cr Christine Garey

Peter Hayden


Hannah Molloy

Lois Scott


Desiree Williams




Joy Gunn (Manager Community Development and Events), Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor), Rema Smith (Community Advisor), Wai Piggott (Financial Analyst), Kirsten Glengarry (Relationship Manager – Creative Industries and Strategic), Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi), Garreth Kyle (Research and Monitoring Officer), Richard Ewans (Biodiversity Advisor) and Marilyn Anderson (Community Events Advisor)


Governance Support Officer       Rebecca Murray




Cr Whiley chaired the meeting.


1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   



2       Apologies

Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):


That the Subcommittee:


Approves the apology received from Cr Laufiso and apology for lateness from Cr Hawkins.


Motion carried



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Lois Scott):

That the Subcommittee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (GS/2018/032)



The new Grants Subcommittee members were welcomed.  Carolyn Campbell (Manawhenua Representative) and Peter Hayden (Arts Sector Representative) introduced themselves to the Subcommittee.

4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Peter Hayden advised an interest in Wild Dunedin (Wife – Administrator/Organiser), John and Anna Caselberg Trust (Trustee/Member) and Stage South (Member).


Nick Austin advised an interest in the University of Otago Hocken Collections – Uare Taoka o Hākena Department (Employee).



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Amends the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register;

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected or Independent Members' Interests.

Motion carried (GS/2018/033)



Part A Reports

5       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Applications to the September 2018 Funding Round


A report from Community and Planning provided a copy of the applications for the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund for the September 2018 funding round. 

The Research and Monitoring Officer (Garreth Kyle) and Biodiversity Officer (Richard Ewans) spoke to the report.  They advised that ten applications had been received, with the total funding amount requested being $30,186, which was less than the $40,000 funding available for the funding round.

There was an in-depth discussion on the applications which were assessed according to the fund and prioritisation criteria.

Peter Hayden declared a conflict of interest in the biodiversity applications as he had made a submission.  He left the room at 9.15am.

The meeting adjourned at 10.00am and reconvened at 10.24am.






Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Carolyn Campbell):

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Approves the following funding:


Approved funding

2018-07    Braes Farm Ltd


2018-09    Orokonui Ecosanctuary


2018-12    Quarantine Island Community


2018-14    Peter Hayden MNZM


2018-16    Katie Barnes with clarification of structure ownership and           consents.


2018-08    Michael and Sacha McNabb for the gorse control


2018-10    GV & VM Kerr


2018-15    Araiteruru Marae






Motion carried (GS/2018/034)



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Carolyn Campbell):

That the Subcommittee:


        a)     Declines the following funding:



2018-11    Dunedin Environment Centre declined as grant is only for labour

2018-13    Brent Smith but encouraged to resubmit with a more appropriate              plant list


Motion carried (GS/2018/035)


6       Dunedin Biodiversity Fund - Final Reports on Completed Projects


A report from Community and Planning provided a summary of the grants completed since the April 2018 funding round.

The report noted that three project reports had been received from recipients of previous funding rounds of the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund.  The final reports presented satisfied the grant conditions and outlined how the projects were completed. It was advised that all approved funding was claimed from the three projects completed since the April 2018 subcommittee meeting.


Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Desiree Williams):

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Notes the Dunedin Biodiversity Fund – final reports on completed projects.

Motion carried (GS/2018/036)


John Barkla left the meeting and Peter Hayden re-entered the meeting at 10.43am. 









7       Community and Creative Communiites Grants September 2018


Community Grants


The Manager Community Development and Events (Joy Gunn) took the report as read.  The Senior Community Advisor (Paul Coffey) and the Community Advisor (Rema Smith) spoke to the funding applications and responded to members questions.


Cr Christine Garey declared an interest in items No. 2 Curtain Bank and No. 21 Parkinson’s New Zealand, and withdrew from the table while these applications were discussed.


Lois Scott declared an interest in No. 12 Presbyterian Support Otago and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Desiree Williams):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

1      Chai and Chat


3      Downie Stewart Foundation Moana House Programme


4      Dunedin Community Transport Trust


5      English Language Partners Dunedin              


7      Lending Matters Dunedin (Presbyterian Support Otago         are the fundholder)


8      Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support Group Dunedin


9      Taieri Christian Care Trust


10    ChatBus


11    Otago Youth Wellness Trust


13    The Scout Association of New Zealand


14    Youthline Otago Inc


15    SeniorNet Otago Inc


16    Alzheimer’s Society Otago Inc


17    Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ Charitable Trust


18    CCS Disability Action Otago Inc


19    Dunedin Community Learning Centre


20    Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc


22    The Brain Injury Association (Otago) Inc


23    The Hearing Association Dunedin Branch Inc


24    Andersons Bay Community Kindergarten


25    Brighton Pony Club


26    Ignite Consultants


27    Waikouaiti/Palmerston Toy Library


28    Garden to Table


31    The Balmacewen Lions Club Inc condition plan for         maintenance





Motion carried (GS/2018/037)


Moved (Nick Austin/Peter Hayden):

That the Subcommittee:

a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

2      Curtain Bank


12    Presbyterian Support Otago


21    Parkinson’s New Zealand






Motion carried (GS/2018/038)



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Desiree Williams):

That the Subcommittee:

a)    Declines funding requests as follows:


6      Koru Dunedin Migrant Support (also known as the Refugee Support         Centre) - The Subcommittee acknowledges the work of this new group         but have declined to fund in this instance.  Staff are to work with         the group on how it will record and evaluate its work and the value         and satisfaction with former refugees not already being supported         through the Red Cross programme.  With this work completed, the         Subcommittee encourage an application to the March round.


29    Methodist Mission Southern - The Subcommitteee acknowledged that in         the past the Methodist Mission received two grants each year as it         took over the operation of Arahina House in Mosgiel.  This service no         longer exists, therefore the logic of receiving more than one grant no         longer applies. The Methodist Mission had received both City Service         and City Project grants this year.


30    Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust - The subcommittee noted that         the Trust had received a Place Based Community Grants fund (Place         based groups can only receive one grant in a 12 month period for         community development work).  It was also noted that other place         based groups are working with Emergency Management Services         without additional funding from the Dunedin City Council.


Motion carried (GS/2018/039)


The meeting adjourned at 12.11pm and reconvened at 12.38pm.



Community Art Grants


The Relationship Manager – Creative Industries and Strategic (Kirsten Glengarry) introduced herself to the Subcommittee members.  She spoke to the applications and responded to members questions.


Cr Aaron Hawkins entered the meeting at 12.49pm.


Peter Hayden declared an interest in No. 6 Anna and John Caselberg Charitable Trust and Dunedin Wildlife Trust and withdrew from the table while these applications were discussed.


Carolyn Campbell declared an interest in No. 2 Te Roopu Tautoko Ki Te Tonga and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed


Cr Aaron Hawkins declared an interest in No. 7 Trickster and No. 8 Metonymic Trust and withdrew from the table while these applications were discussed.


Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Lois Scott):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

1      Community Arts and Circus Trust New Zealand


2      Te Roopu Tautoko Ki Te Tonga


3      Orokonui Ecosanctuary


4      Down in Edin Magazine


5      Taieri Dramatic Society Inc


6      Anna and John Caselberg Charitable Trust


7      Trickster


8      Metonymic Trust


9      NZ Music Managers Forum


10    Little Scorpion Productions


11    Allbell Artist Studios – Erica Sklenars






Motion carried (GS/2018/040)



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Lois Scott):

That the Subcommittee:

a)    Declines the following funding application:


Dunedin Wildlife Trust - staff to work with the applicant to research other applicable funding avenues.


 Motion carried (GS/2018/041)



Professional Theatre Grants


Cr Aaron Hawkins chaired the meeting from 1.21pm.


Cr Aaron Hawkins acknowledged the passing of dancer and choreographer Douglas Wright and photographer Peter Peryer, two national figures of which the loss would be felt locally. 



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Subcommittee:

a)         Congratulates Marilynn Webb for being awarded the Nga Tohu a Ta Kingi Ihaka for her lifetime of achievement in art and leadership as a Māori artist, which was awarded at the Creative New Zealand Te Waka Toi Awards.   

Motion carried (GS/2018/042)



Cr Aaron Hawkins declared a conflict of interest in No. 3 Afterburner and No. 4 Ruth Carraway and withdrew from the table while these applications were discussed. 


Desiree Williams declared a conflict of interest with No. 4 Ruth Carraway and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed.


Cr Christine Garey declared a conflict of interest in No. 5 Wolfgang Creative and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed.


Cr Aaron Hawkins withdrew from the meeting while Afterburner and Ruth Carraway were discussed and Cr Andrew Whiley chaired the meeting from 1.45pm to 1.50pm.


Cr Aaron Hawkins chaired the meeting from 1.50pm.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Hannah Molloy):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

1      The Unity Creative – Charlie, Estelle and the Poppazoid         School Tour


2      WAITI Productions Ltd


4      Ruth Carraway


6      University of Otago


8      Arcade Theatre Company





Motion carried (GS/2018/043)


Moved (Peter Hayden/Lois Scott):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

5      Wolfgang Creative PH, LS / MC Cr G stood aside



Cr Christine Garey withdrew.


Motion carried (GS/2018/045)


Moved (Peter Hayden/Carolyn Campbell):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

7      Ruaimoko Charitable Trust PH, CC / MC



Motion carried (GS/2018/046)


Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Hannah Molloy):

That the Subcommittee:

a)    Declines a funding application as follows:


The Unity Creative – New Project’ devising workshop with John Bolton


Motion carried (GS/2018/047)



Creative Communities Grants


The Relationship Manager – Creative Industries and Strategic (Kirsten Glengarry) spoke to the applications and responded to members questions.


Cr Aaron Hawkins declared a conflict of interest with No. 7 Abby Howells, No. 8 The Dangerfield and Vladevescu Steampunk Theatre, No. 10 Form and Compression v3.0, No. 15 The Down Low Theatre Company, No. 17 Lily Jay Ross and Jordan Dickson, No. 19 Holly Aitchison and withdrew from the meeting while these applications were discussed.  Cr Whiley chaired the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 2.52pm and reconvened at 3.00pm. Cr Aaron Hawkins Chaired the meeting.


It was noted that the meeting would exceed the allowable timeframe of six hours and therefore would need to be extended as set out in standing order 4.2.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Resolved to continue the meeting beyond six hours as set in accordance         with Standing Order 4.2.


Motion carried (GS/2018/048)



Moved (Desiree Williams/Hannah Molloy):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

1      iD Dunedin Fashion Society Inc


3      Script to Screen


7      Abby Howells


14    Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations


17    Lily Jay Ross and Jordan Dickson


        Rad Dunedin Ltd






Cr Aaron Hawkins withdrew



Motion carried (GS/2018/049)



Moved (Hannah Molloy/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Subcommittee:


a)         Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

2      Dunedin Opera Company (Opera Otago)


4      East Otago Musical Theatre Inc


5      Scout Association of NZ Otago Gang Show


6      Taieri Dramatic Society Inc


8      The Dangerfield and Vladevescu Steampunk Theatre


9      Dunedin Chinese Art/Instrument Association


10    Form and Compression v3.0


11    Dunedin Theatre Reviewers’ Collective


12    Christine Keller


13    Struck by Lightning Ltd


15    The Down Low Theatre Company


16    Hills Radio Trust/OAR FM Dunedin (Otago Access         Radio)


18    Kaitrin McMullan and Brydee Strang


19    Holly Aitchison


20    Sweet Adelines International NZ Region Inc


21    South Dunedin Business Association


22    Youthline Otago Inc


23    Connected Media Trust


25    New Edinburgh Folk Club


26    Poems in the Waiting Room (NZ)


27    Trickster


28    The Waitati Music Festival Inc






Motion carried (GS/2018/050)



Moved (Carolyn Campbell/Peter Hayden):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

24    Baroque Music Community and Educational Trust of         New Zealand



Motion carried (GS/2018/051)



Moved (Hannah Molloy/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Subcommittee:

a)    Declines the funding applications as follows:


Richard Carlos Torr

Fraser Thompson


Motion carried (GS/2018/052)


Nick Austin and Peter Hayden left the meeting at 3.10pm.



Small Projects and Neighbourhood Matching Grants and Landfill Grants


The report noted the applications approved by the Chairperson for grants under $500.00 from 1 April to 28 September 2018 and the Annual Landfill Grants Allocated for Landfill use by Non-Profit Organisations.


Amanda Dyer declared a conflict of interest with the Roslyn Bowling Club and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Subcommittee:

a)     Notes the funding allocated between 1 April and 28 September 2018 for Small Project, Neighbourhood Matching and Landfill Grants.

Motion carried (GS/2018/053)



Community Event Grants


Cr Aaron Hawkins left the meeting at 3.14pm and Cr Andrew Whiley chaired the meeting.


Lois Scott declared a conflict of interest with the Valley Project and withdrew from the table while this application was discussed.


The Community Events Advisor (Marilyn Anderson) spoke to the applications and responded to members questions.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Subcommittee:


a)        Approves the funding as follows:


Approved funding

1      Royal New Zealand Pipe Band Association-Otago         Centre


2      Otago University Sri Lankan Students’ Association


3      Otago Scout Gang Show


4      Dunedin Ice Staking Club


5      The Valley Project


6      The Waitati Music Festival Inc


7      Dunedin Poultry, Pigeon & Cage Bird Club Inc


8      Piping and Dancing Association of New Zealand Inc –         Otago Centre


9      NZ Chinese Association, Otago & Southland Branch Inc


10    Festival of the Plain Inc


11    Nook & Cranny Music Festival


13    Mosgiel Memorial RSA


14    Weet-Bix Foundation


15    Dunedin Burns Club


16    Otago Rose Society Inc


17    Brighton Gala Experience


18    Otago Cricket Association


19    Vintage Car Club


20    New Edinburgh Folk Club





Motion carried (GS/2018/054)



Moved (Desiree Williams/Hannah Molloy):

That the Subcommittee:

a)    Declines the funding applications as follows:


The Social Experiment

Pioneers Childcare


Motion carried (GS/2018/055)



The meeting concluded at 3.34pm.



