Otago Peninsula Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday, 31 January 2019, commencing at 10.04 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson




Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions; David Bainbridge (Group Manager Property Services, Andrea Barker, Huang Lam Item 7); Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Items 8 and 11; Peter McGrouther (Asset Programme and Project Manager)


Governance Support Officer       Lauren McDonald



1       Opening


Paul Pope opened first meeting of 2019 and outlined the opportunity he saw for the board to contribute to the 2019 Annual Plan.

2       Public Forum

2.1    Public Forum


Harington Point Gun Emplacements

Peter Travathern provided the military history to the gun emplacements and tunnels. He advised the project was to restore the gun emplacements and tunnels which has been badly affected by graffiti, overgrown vegetation and rubbish over time. It was expected to take 2 to 3 years to restore the site and he wanted to encourage tourist and locals alike to visit the historical site.

Peter requested the community board’s involvement/support as part of the local community. He advised that there were six core community groups involved in the project.

Lox Kellas accepted the request by Paul Pope to be a member of the project committee on behalf of the community board.

Hoani Langsbury arrived at the meeting at 10:15am.

Public Forum concluded at 10:16am.

Moved (Member Christine Neill/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


Support the Harington Point gun emplacement and tunnels restoration venture in which ever way applicable

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/001)



3       Apologies


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Cr Andrew Whiley and for Hoani Langsbury for lateness.


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/002)


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition of the scholarship application from Tasman Charteris-Wright to Item 12 - Chairperson’s Report

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/003)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Hoani Langsbury declared an interest in the Peninsula Biodiversity Trust, as the Chairperson.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/004)


6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 15 November 2018


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 15 November 2018 as a correct record.


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/005)


     Part A Reports

7       Ocean Grove Recreation Hall
Invitation to assist with formation of steering committee


The report sought support from the Otago Peninsula Community Board to help with the establishment of a steering committee for the Ocean Grove Recreation Hall (known as the Grants Braes Football Club).


Group Manager Property Services (David Bainbridge) advised the school was due to be demolished during March /April 2019.  The intent is to speak with the community at the end of 2019 regarding the use of the site for a community facility. He advised there are currently 36 community volunteers to be involved with a steering committee.


The first community meeting was scheduled for 15 February, 5:00pm in the Ocean Grove community when community feedback would be sought to advise Council on: what they want; support/guidance that may be needed from the Otago Peninsula Community Board, in establishing a steering committee.


David Bainbridge requested that a community board member attend the first meeting, in a support role.


Discussion was held on:

·         the timing for community discussion to be closer to the conclusion of the demolition of the site, rather than towards the end of the year.

·         Assistance required around governance (such as a ‘community hall’ committee approach) and OPCB’s role in being a link between the community and Council.

·         Use of the steering group to assist in gaining feedback from the community for the use of the land.

·         Replanting on the site.

·         Integration of other projects underway in the area (waterway work), the ORC project on the Tomahawk Lagoon and the re-engineering of the bridge at the bottom of the carparking area.


Paul Pope suggested a representative from the ORC could be on the steering group.



Moved (Deputy Chairperson Hoani Langsbury/Member Christine Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report

b)     Decides for Paul Pope to represent the Otago Peninsula Community Board to assist with the initial set-up of a steering committee for the Ocean Grove Recreation Hall.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/006)


8       Proposal to Rename Desert Road


The purpose of the report was to present a proposal for the renaming of Desert Road (which joins Harington Point Road) to Moepuku Road.

It was confirmed that the proposed road name complied with the Dunedin City Council Road Naming Policy (the Policy) and recommended the support by the Otago Peninsula Community Board.


Action: That Edward Ellison be advised that the renaming to be put forward to Council for approval.



Moved (Member Lox Kellas/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)     Supports renaming “Desert Road” to “Moepuku Road”

b)     Notes that this recommendation will be included in the final road naming report to be presented to the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/007)


9       Community Board Remuneration


The report set out the Remuneration Authority (the Authority) request for feedback on how Community Boards should be remunerated for the determination it will issue on 1 July 2019.  Feedback to Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Governance) was requested in advance of the 19 February deadline.


Discussion was held on remaining with the status quo for remuneration or through a “governance pool” via DCC allocation, and representation by population per member. Concerns were expressed over increasing workload for board members.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Community Board Remuneration report.

b)     Considers the Remuneration Authority request and members provide feedback to Paul Pope, who will prepare a submission back to Sharon Bodeker. 

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/008)


10     Governance Support Officer's Report


The report informed the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     New Zealand Community Boards’ 2019 Conference

The theme for the New Zealand Community Board’s 2019 Conference was confirmed as “Community Boards in a time of change”.


Nominees to attend agreed as Lox Kellas and Edna Stevenson.  Christine Neill advised her interest in attending and would pay for herself (excluding the registration cost).


c)     Action Lists.



Overgrown vegetation encroaching on roadway between Portobello and the entrance to Harbour Cone.  Action: Richard Saunders to have staff include this to the programme for grass mowing.


Tomahawk Road – Safety matters - Speed humps – Richard Saunders confirmed looking at improvements in road safety.  Action: The Community Board to receive a copy of the letter before it is issued to the community on feedback re installation of speed humps.


Highcliff Road – Direction arrows and signage. Christine Neill requested that directional arrows be painted at both ends of the pull over areas (and signage with a distance to area shown) on Highcliff Road as a reminder for tourists. Action: Christine to email the details to Richard Saunders, Group Manager Transport (cc Paul Pope).


Peninsula Connection Project - Hoani Langsbury, Edna Stevenson and Paul Pope confirmed as part of the working party.


Richard Saunders advised that the existing cabbage trees could not be transplanted and would be removed. Replanting will occur with large specimen trees sympathetic to the environment on the seaward side.  The macrocarpa tree would be retained.


Concern was expressed for the safety of road users and pedestrians from the macrocarpa tree during a weather event


Wellers Rock – An update to be provided at the next Community Board meeting on the accessibility at Wellers Rock for boating access and protection of historical site.  Richard Saunders will check paths below the road for suitability for armourail. A suggestion was made for rails like those installed on Highcliff Road.


Conway Street culvert, Macandrew Bay – Paul Pope advised at the 2019 Annual Plan hearings, issues to be raised included: lack of footpaths; curb and channelling; storm water.  He noted that watercourse clearance work was still to be completed. Action: Richard Saunders will provide an update on 3 Waters to the community board’s March meeting.


Weir Road – Richard Saunders working with Fulton Hogan on an appropriate completion date and opening date celebration (Otago Peninsula Community Board to take the lead).


Pineapple Rock – signage for a pull over area at Pineapple Rock.  Committee members agreed overnight parking for freedom campers should not be in place. Action: Richard Saunders to speak with Fulton Hogan re options for a pull over area across the road in the reserve area.


Portobello Ramp – Richard Saunders to bring the management plan to the Community Board for discussion. The final layout for the site was still being developed.


Lighting – Richard Saunders advised that the design team had met and that specific sites had been identified for lighting, such as bus stops and intersections. No lighting to be placed on the seaward side.  He confirmed that this would be included as part of the street lighting upgrade.


Tidewater Drive/Otakou Drainage Issues – Peter McGrouther confirmed work has finished.  Monitoring to continue.



Parks and Recreation


Peninsula tracks - Intern will provide a report to be tabled at the March meeting of the community board (and be in attendance if possible).


Tomahawk School Options - Agreed that Paul Pope would represent the Community Board on the steering committee.


Peninsula Connection Project – Richard Saunders advised that the existing cabbage trees cannot be transplanted and will be removed. Action: Peter McGrouther to investigate a site for the felled trees to be delivered to for a community fundraising project. (A&P Show grounds a possibility)


Peninsula toilets - Upgrade of public toilets will be raised at Annual Plan hearings.


Litter control for pull over areas. Action: to be added to the routine control checks


Tomahawk Beach update on signage programme to be provided to the March (including signage for when access gates open/closed,


Playgrounds – to be included in the next round of repairs and upgrades.


Rock outcrop – request for broom to be poisoned


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Nominates Board Members Lox Kellas and Edna Stevenson as the community representatives to attend the 2019 New Zealand Community Boards’ Conference

c)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/009)


11     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


Fulton Hogan update:

Water shutdown at Bacon Street for work in the culvert.  Letter drops out to the community on 31 January, advising of shutdown 10am to 4pm on Saturday 2 February (Action – electronic version of notice to be provided to Paul Pope by Fulton Hogan)


Curb and channelling at 770 Portobello road – Winston advised the work was a LINZ issue and outlined how the hollowing out of the road was being addressed.


Fletcher House, Broad Bay – Fulton Hogan and DCC water team to locate the source of the water around this address, a possible water leak.


a)  Keep Dunedin Beautiful -  Graham McArthur advised he will attend next meeting – 5 February 2019

b)  Rural Roads – Lox Kellas reported:

·         Overgrown vegetation on Highcliff Road had been dealt with

·         Two major potholes (locations details provided) required attention

·         Overgrown vegetation in Latham Bay a traffic hazard.

·         Four major crashes – driver error rather than environment

·         Temporary speed humps in Beaconsfield Road not as effective as hoped due to drivers not using them safely, full speed humps may need to be put in place.

·         Electronic speed signals (request for Council to place on the rotation list)

Action: Lox Kellas to summarise points and provide to Richard Saunders to delegate to staff for action.

c)  Business Directory

d)  Emergency Response Plan –Lox advised still awaiting a plan from OCDEM – Michele Poole.  There is a need for a community meeting.

     Action: Lox Kellas to provide a date for a community meeting to the community board’s March meeting.

e)  Members' Area Updates

Graham – advised the road issues have been dealt with.



Hoani    Rank grass an issue at Taiaroa Head carpark

           (Action: Peter McGrouther and Richard Saunders to investigate)

           Blocked culvert at Taiaroa Head

           (Action: Richard Saunders to add to the regular servicing schedule)

           Te Rauone – rabbit numbers still an issue

           Requested an update on the collapsing walkway at the wall just passed the Otaki Fisheries (Action: Paul Pope and Richard Saunders to investigate)


Edna -   Water seepage issue in Bayne Terrace, Macandrew Bay, which may have been caused by Chorus during install of broadband (which may have disturbed water under-ground).  Two instances in Macandrew Bay and Portobello for properties below the Chorus work with water draining through these properties than previously occurred.  Edna advised she would attend a meeting on Friday 1 February at Bayne Terrace, Macandrew Bay to look at this.  Richard Saunders advised this is inspected by DCC.

Action: Edna to provide the information to Richard Saunders.


Christine Allans Beach Road and Cape Saunders Road -The conditions of the roads to the beach is worse than it has ever been with potholes.  Urgent worked required. Contact with the DCC a fortnight ago and was advised it should have been addressed

Action: Christine Neill to contact Terry Taylor (contractor) to liaise on progressing action.


Recycling Centre – Christine advised the centre is overloaded with rubbish and needs emptying weekly.  She was concerned about general rubbish collection from bins outside of the recycling centre.

Action: Christine Neill to contact Peter Moroney re rubbish collection.


Lox       Wanted electronic speed signals on the peninsula road

Action: Lox to submit a request to Council to place the peninsula on the list for the speed signals which are placed on rotation around the city.


12     Chairperson's Report


a) Annual Plans ORC/DCC

b) External workshops for the community

c) Community Plan

d) Scholarship application from Tasman Charteris-Wright



Paul Pope advised he intended to update the Community Board in March and to put notes out to the community seeking their feedback on capital issues raised in the ORC/DCC Annual Plans. He also intended to discuss external workshops at the March meeting.


Clarification was sought on the scholarship funding level able to be granted.  Action – GSO to check and advise.  Ms Charteris-Wright was considered a worthy candidate by the board.



Moved (Member Lox Kellas/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)        Notes the Chairperson's Report.

b)        Allocates scholarship funding to Tasman Charteris-Wright of $320.00


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/010)


13     Councillor's Update



No update was provided as Cr Whiley was an apology for the meeting.



14     Items for Consideration by the Chair



Mr Pope advised that due to the meeting running over time, no items would be tabled for discussion.





The meeting concluded at 12:11pm.




