Planning and Environment Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 12 February 2019, commencing at 1.00 pm.





Cr David Benson-Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Damian Newell

Cr Conrad Stedman



Mayor Dave Cull

Cr Rachel Elder


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Chris Staynes


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson




Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services); Tom Dyer (Group Manager 3 Waters); Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation); Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services); Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services); Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services); Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial); Anna Johnson (City Development Manager); Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader); Richard Ewans (Biodiversity Advisor); Michael Bathgate (Policy Planner); Jamie Shaw (Senior Communications Advisor); Nathan Stocker (Policy Planner – Urban Development Capacity)


Governance Support Officer       Lauren McDonald



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies


Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Committee:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Marie Laufiso, Cr Chris Staynes and Cr Christine Garey (for early departure).


Motion carried (PLA/2019/001)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Deputy Chairperson Damian Newell):

That the Committee:


        Confirms the agenda with the following alteration:


       In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and

       seconding and speaking to amendments.


Motion carried (PLA/2019/002)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


The General Manager City Services, Sandy Graham advised she held delegation with the authority to resolve appeals on behalf of Council for the Second-Generation District Plan (2GP). 



Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (PLA/2019/003)


Part A Reports

5       Housing capacity assessment for Dunedin City


A report from Planning advised that due its population growth, Dunedin had been reclassified as a medium-growth urban area under the National Policy Statement for Urban Development Capacity (NPS-UDC). DCC was required to ensure sufficient housing development capacity in the short, medium and long-term. The report provided an overview of housing capacity including addressing the shortfall of residential capacity for medium and long-term growth.


Policy Planner - Urban Development Capacity (Nathan Stocker) and City Development Manager (Ms Anna Johnson) provided an overview of the report.


Mr Stoker responded to questions and provided clarification on matters including: proposed plan changes; zone capacity; impacts on planning (permitted activities, economic feasibility, infrastructure constraints, demand and supply); methodology for development or redevelopment of locations; RMA and NPS requirements and reporting to the 2GP. 


Cr Hall left the meeting at 1:04 pm and returned at 1:16 pm.


Discussion was held on identification of capacity for greenfield sites, urban/rural boundaries, solutions to encourage inner city development, and for Council consideration to enable supporting greater residential development, including through plan changes to the 2GP.



Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

There was a request that the motion be taken in two parts.

That the Committee:


a)         Notes the conclusions of the Housing Capacity Assessment for Dunedin City dated January 2019 and that work is underway to identify options to address medium and long-term housing capacity requirements.

Motion carried (PLA/2019/004)




Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:


        a) Request a report from staff considering options to encourage greater      residential development in the CBD and centres; and


b) The housing capacity assessment work be progressed in such a way as to feed     in to any proposed 2GP Plan Change process.


Motion carried (PLA/2019/005)

Cr Vandervis voted against the motion


6       Initiation of changes to the Second Generation District Plan (2GP)


Cr Doug Hall declared an interest and left the meeting at 01:46 p.m.

Cr Benson-Pope (Chair) noted that Cr Hall had removed himself from the room as an appellant to the 2GP and that Councillors Hawkins and Wilson had withdrawn from discussion of the item. Cr Benson-Pope stated he would not speak to the item.


Cr Christine Garey left the meeting at 01:47 p.m.

A report from City Development detailed the reasons for the request to approve two plan changes to the Second-Generation District Plan (2GP): Plan Change 1 to address minor issues in the 2GP and Plan Change 2. Council approval was sought to undertake work to enable additional housing capacity over the medium-term.


General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) reminded elected members of the 2GP appeal process, and the need to protect the Council’s legal position.


City Development Manager (Anna Johnson) outlined the report and responded to questions from councillors on the notifications of the plan change, regulatory costs and communication of the 2GP plan.


Cr Kate Wilson left the meeting at 01:55 p.m.


Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Deputy Chairperson Damian Newell):

That the Committee:


a)     Approves the initiation of a plan change to address minor issues in the Second-Generation District Plan (2GP) (Plan Change 1).

b)     Approves the initiation of a plan change to the Second-Generation District Plan (2GP) to enable additional residential capacity (Plan Change 2).

Motion carried (PLA/2019/006)


7       Coastal hazards and community engagement - Ocean Beach


A 3 Waters report sought support of the ‘dynamic adaptive management pathways’ approach at Ocean Beach (coast between St Clair Headland and Lawyers Head) to enable the DCC to better evaluate coastal hazard risk into the future and engage the community in recommending coastal management adaptation, consistent with central government guidance and best practise.


Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 01:56 p.m.


Group Manager 3 Waters (Mr Tom Dyer) spoke to the report and responded to questions from councillors on coastal management adaptation and use of terminology within documentation.


A request was made for the language style used within the document be reviewed to ensure it was more straightforward.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes that a dynamic adaptive management approach will be used for Ocean Beach in response to coastal issues.

Motion carried (PLA/2019/007)


8       Review of Biodiversity Fund


A City Development report provided a summary of the Biodiversity Fund (the Fund) between 2007 and 2018, the results of the review, and recommended changes to the criteria and conditions/rules relating to the Fund and outlined various methods for increasing the outreach of the Fund to engage a wider section of the community, particularly inland areas

City Development Manager (Ms Anna Johnson) and Biodiversity Advisor (Mr Richard Ewans) spoke to the report and responded to questions from councillors on the Fund application criteria.




Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Deputy Chairperson Damian Newell):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the summary of the Biodiversity Fund provided in Attachment A and the proposed methods for greater community outreach of the Fund (as listed in Paragraph 34).

b)     Approves the proposed criteria and conditions/rules of the Biodiversity Fund (as set out in Attachment B).

Motion carried (PLA/2019/008)


9       Reserves and Beaches Bylaw Implementation


A Parks and Recreation report provided an overview of the work undertaken in 2018 and planned future work in 2019-2020 regarding enforcement of the Reserves and Beaches Bylaw 2017 and the major changes contained in the bylaw.


Cr Benson-Pope complimented staff on the progress made, education and information provided to the public, and that it appeared some behavioural changes had occurred.


Group Manager Parks and Recreation, Mr Robert West spoke to the report responded to questions from councillors in regard to vehicle use on beaches.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Reserves and Beaches Bylaw Implementation report.

Motion carried (PLA/2019/009)


10     Planning and Environment Non-Financial Activity Report for the Quarter Ended 31 December 2018


A report from Community and Planning provided an update on activities including: city development; resource consents; building services; alcohol licensing; environmental health; animal control and parking enforcement.  The report included major activities for the reporting period including: Great King Street parklet; Te Rauone Beach design; Abutment Square (Warehouse Precinct) and 2GP decisions release,


Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services, Mr Adrian Blair spoke to the report and responded to a question from councillors on staffing levels.



Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Cr Lee Vandervis):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Planning and Environment Non-Financial Activity Report for the Quarter Ended 31 December 2018.

Motion carried (PLA/2019/010)


11     Items for Consideration by the Chair


No items were raised.


The meeting concluded at 2:13pm.





