Otago Peninsula Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 14 March 2019, commencing at 10.02 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley







Senior Staff Support                    Chris Henderson, Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions


Governance Support Officer       Lauren McDonald



1       Opening


Christine Neill opened the meeting with a prayer.

2       Public Forum

        2.1    Broad Bay Boating Club


Club member Marty Brash spoke in support of the Club’s grant application. He advised that the Broad Bay Boating Club has been a community club for almost 100 years, with the current club building established by the community in the 1960s. The redevelopment project and timeline were outlined, planning and resource consent in place, and a feasibility study underway. It is hoped the building redevelopment would be completed for the Club’s centenary celebrations, in 2023.


The Community Board members agreed to bring forward the discussion of Item 9 – Funding Application for the Broad Bay Boating Club, to be taken as the first item of the meeting.


2.2   The Centre for Science Communication


Dr Fabien Medevecky from the Centre for Science Communication at the University of Otago spoke about the study entitled What is it worth?  an economic assessment of options for managing the Otago Peninsula biodiversity.  A print copy of the study report was provided to members.


Dr Medevecky outlined the survey undertaken with the public, on their willingness to pay for biodiversity management of the Otago Peninsula. Three main areas focussed on in the survey were: pest control; economic ecosystem restoration and weed control.  He advised the report could be used as a supporting document, to assist community boards in gaining funding support from councils.


2.3   Road slips and blocked culvert complaint


A member of the public, Mr Gareth Cadzow addressed the Community Board to make a complaint about road maintenance by the Council.  He advised that post the heavy rain weather event in November 2018, there were still a number of road slips in the area and a major culvert blocked which had still not been cleared.  Mr Cadzow provided the culvert address details on Highcliff Road and asked if the Community Board could follow this up on his behalf.


Action - The details to be added to the Action List for Transport and Paul Pope to speak with the Richard Saunders, Transport Group Manager directly on the matter.


The Public Forum closed at 10:37 am.




Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:

Accepts the apology of Hoani Langsbury.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/011)


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Member Christine Neill/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/012)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Christine Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/013)


6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 31 January 2019


Moved (Member Lox Kellas/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 31 January 2019 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2019/014)

     Part A Reports

7       Introduction to new City Development Staff


Richard Ewans (Biodiversity Advisor, City Development) and Michael Whitehouse (Policy Planner) introduced themselves to the Board and outlined the mandate for the Biodiversity Advisor Role (held by Richard Ewans) including working with private land owners to undertake restoration of land and to administer the Biodiversity Fund.


Richard Ewans outlined his work background and advised his intention was to engage with private landowners and the rural communities for ideas on pest management and to assist with access to funding work (through the Biodiversity Funding rounds) for biodiversity, including planting, fencing etc.


A brochure on the Biodiversity Fund and its funding rounds was provided to members at the meeting.


Richard advised that production of a vegetation map was underway for all of the Dunedin City area to identify all vegetation, especially indigenous vegetation, forestry, wetlands, production grasslands.  The map would be available on the Council website once completed, which was hoped to be at the end of June 2019.


Paul Pope commented that the Biodiversity Fund needed increased promotion with the community and highlighted the networks available to council through community newsletters, Facebook etc.


Richard Ewans and Michael Whitehouse left the meeting at 10:50am.




8       Governance Support Officer's Report


1      This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)     Project Fund

b)     New Zealand Community Boards’ 2019 Conference

c)     Action Lists.



Paul Pope advised that Community Board members Francisca Griffin (West Harbour) and Mandy Mayhem-Bullock (Waikouaiti Coast) had received Council funding to attend the New Zealand Community Boards’ 2019 Conference.  He asked if any Otago Peninsula Community Board members still wished to attend and be funded by the Board’s project fund.  Edna Stevenson advised that she was happy to attend the conference at another time to save the cost to the Board.


The Transport and the Parks and Recreation Action Lists were reviewed and updated.


Action items to be added:



·         blocked culvert #3237 at 486 Highcliff Road be cleared.

·         Hilton Road – slumping of the road to be followed up by DCC staff with the contractor (Downer) and for road maintenance to be completed in the area. Action: Hjarne Poulsen to address for 2 May 2019 meeting.

·         Camp and Highcliff Roads intersection - Utilisation of the road reserve land (if possible) at the intersection of Camp and Highcliff Roads, by Pukehiki Church to improve the turn into Highcliff Road when travelling down to Portobello.  Request Richard Saunders and Hjarne Poulsen to investigate.


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/015)


9       Funding Application - Broad Bay Boating Club


The report provided a copy of a funding application from the Broad Bay Boating Club for funding towards safety boat refurbishment, as part of the club’s rebuild project.


Members agreed for the item to be taken as the first report of the meeting, at the end of the Public Forum address by Marty Brash, Secretary of the Broad Bay Boating Club.


The motion was put as the item was discussed under Public Forum



Moved (Member Lox Kellas/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)     Grants the funding application from Broad Bay Boating Club for $2,617.00 towards refurbishment of the club’s safety boat.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/016)


10     Scholarship Funding Application - Hannah Cross


The report provided a copy of a funding application from Hannah Cross for an amount of $300.00 to support her attendance at the 2019 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championships tournament, representing the Ice Fernz (New Zealand Women’s Ice Hockey National Team) in Romania.


Members noted that sponsorship requests needed to be received by the Community Board in a more timely manner.  Paul Pope acknowledged this and commented that sponsorship application deadlines needed to be advertised clearly in the community newsletters for the next funding round commencing - 1 July 2019.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Grants the funding application from Hannah Cross for $300.00 to support her attendance at the 2019 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championships tournament.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/017)


11     Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


a)    Keep Dunedin Beautiful

Graham advised that Dunedin will host the Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards at Toitu on 24 October 2019 with 150-160 expected to attend and 15 award categories being considered.  Keep Dunedin Beautiful were represented at the University of Otago Orientation Week with good responses and volunteer registrations.  Upcoming events: “Make A Change Expo” Sunday 28 April; “Trees for Families” on Sunday 12 May.  Graham advised that funding was still available for mural work through Keep Dunedin Beautiful.


b)    Rural Roads

Lox advised that Allans Beach Road still in a bad condition, Hoopers Inlet road improved but needs a small tidy up.  He expressed his concern that sealed rural roads needed centre lines marked (where possible) from a safety perspective.  Action: Lox to contact Richard Saunders at DCC re work still required on Highcliff and Portobello Roads.


c)    Te Rauone

Edna advised the reprint of the Te Raoune booklet was now underway.


d)    Emergency Response Plan

Lox advised a community meeting with Broad Bay would be held post completion of the roadway work.  Flyers on the Community Response Plan have been sent to households, with the next step being the production of a plan for evacuation locations.  He advised there is a need to speak with the public and Lions Club to update them on what to be aware of.

Paul advised that he saw the main role of the Community Board as intelligence liaison and where required, to work with local Fire brigade.

e)  Members' Area Updates



·         recycling depot regular emptying over the summer season has worked well, will be returning to regular programme now.

·         Pukehiki intersection of Camp and Highcliff Roads – suggested Council look to see if the reserve area by the intersection be used to improve the sharp angle of the turn left into Camp Road.  Action: Christine to email Richard Saunders.

·         Allans Beach Road – work has been undertaken by grader, but not all areas done (Cape Saunders Road) which is a concern due to the volume of traffic.  Christine has queried this with DCC.



High level of tourist traffic on the peninsula roads – he felt traffic management was required on the roads in high season and suggested install of traffic counters.  Wanted to see a push for sealing of Cape Saunders and Allans Beach Roads. Action: install of traffic counters – add to Transport Action list.

Gun Emplacement project update – newspaper article on project to appear in March.  Still awaiting response from the Trust.  Lox will be in attendance for the article interview and photos. Archive information for site are being sought.


Drainage issue (water seepage from drain across road) at corner of Seaton and Beaconsfield Roads still ongoing. Action: Edna to follow up with staff.  Cr Whiley to provide address details and email correspondence he has on the matter.

Fletcher House – grass trimmed back well but flaxes still need trimming as protruding into the road edge.




12     Chairperson's Report


Paul Pope provided a verbal update on:


ANZAC Day service – Wreaths to be provided for both Portobello and Macandrew Bay services.   Edna to represent the Community Board at the Macandrew Bay service. Lauren to arrange for payment of wreath for the Macandrew Bay service.


Annual Plan 2019-2020 – provided an information sheet on the links to the Annual plan consultation.


Community Plan 2017-18 – Members were requested to review the current plan ready for discussion at the 2 May 2019 Community Board meeting.


Smails Beach Freedom Campers - confirmed communications circulated to members via email.


Bike breakfast – provided feedback on the event.


Glenfalloch Night Garden Event - email feedback on event received from Glenda Druce and circulated to members.


Harington Point Water Tanks – email received from Jim and Elaine Shanks to advise the first water tank in place and operational and trialled by the local brigade.  They offered their thanks to the Community Board for the financial and moral support of the project.



Paul advised that the Council has traditionally supplied one wreath for Anzac Day services on the Otago Peninsula.  In recent years the Board had requested wreaths to be supplied for both the Portobello and Macandrew Bay commemorations and agreed to fund the cost of the second wreath at Macandrew Bay ($190.00 including GST).  He requested confirmed of the expenditure for the 2019 service.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)       Notes the Chairperson's Report.

b)       Approves the expenditure of $190.00 (including GST) on an Anzac Day wreath.


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/018)


13     Councillor's Update


Councillor Andrew Whiley advised the draft Annual Plan is out for public engagement, discussion on the Dunedin Waterfront project application progressing with the Regional Growth Fund.





Moved (Member Edna Stevenson/Chairperson Paul Pope):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/019)


14     Items for Consideration by the Chair


No items were raised.






Date of next meeting – Thursday 2 May 2019, 10:00am.  

Venue the Otaru Room, Level 2, Civic Centre, with a pre-meeting discussion at 9:30am on the Otago Peninsula Community Board’s Community Plan



The meeting concluded at 12:29pm.





