


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Dunedin City Council held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 30 April 2019, commencing at 1.00 pm





Mayor Dave Cull


Deputy Mayor

Cr Chris Staynes




Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr Rachel Elder


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Damian Newell

Cr Jim O’Malley


Cr Conrad Stedman

Cr Lee Vandervis


Cr Andrew Whiley

Cr Kate Wilson




Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Graham McKerracher (Manager, Council Communications and Marketing), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial), and Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Civic), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Maria Sleeman (Property Officer) and Ashley Reid (Parks and Recreation Planner)


Governance Support Officer       Lynne Adamson



1       Opening

Dr Lux Selvanesan and Prandit Lalesh Maharaj from the Hindu community opened the meeting with a prayer.

2       Public Forum

2.1    Public Forum - Diane Yeldon


Diane Yeldon responded to questions on her pre-circulated submission on  roading changes and freedom of expression, especially with respect to public engagement and restrictions imposed.




2.2    Public Forum - Eleanor Doig


Eleanor Doig (Chair, South Dunedin Community Network) addressed the Council on the South Dunedin Library/Community Complex work. 

Ms Doig commented on the improvement in the relationship between Council and the community following the 2015 floods.  She advised that she was highly supportive of the proposed site for the South Dunedin Community Hub and looked forward to it being widely used.  Ms Doig commented that the initial funding budget for the hub had been $11m whereas it was now $5.2m over the next couple of years.  The hub had the potential to be a venue for people to gather and meet as well as have library facilities and she urged Council to ensure there was appropriate funding available.  Ms Doig suggested that the community be engaged on the design of the hub.

Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Council:

        a)     Extends the Public Forum.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/070)


Ms Doig responded to questions and spoke of the success of the latest South Dunedin Festival which, she advised was due to more of the community being involved.



3       Apologies


There was an apology from Cr Marie Laufiso for absence.


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


        Accepts the apology from Cr Laufiso for absence.


        .Motion carried (CNL/2019/071)


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the agenda with the following alterations:

-      In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.

-      That Item 13 – Extraordinary Water Connection at 261 Tomahawk Road be withdrawn from the agenda as the applicant has withdrawn their application for an extraordinary water connection.

-   That item C5 be taken before C4 due to availability of external representatives attending the meeting.


.Motion carried (CNL/2019/072)



5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


The Mayor declared an interest in Item 23 and advised that he would vacate the chair and leave the room for consideration of that item.  The Deputy Mayor would assume the chair.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/073)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)         Notes the Executive Leadership Team's Interest Register.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/074)

6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Ordinary Council meeting - 26 March 2019


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 26 March 2019 as a correct record.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/075)


6.2    Extraordinary Council meeting - 16 April 2019


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 16 April 2019 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (CNL/2019/076)



  Minutes of Committees

7        Finance and Council Controlled Organisations Committee - 19 March 2019


Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the Finance and Council Controlled Organisations Committee meeting held on 19 March 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/077)


8        Economic Development Committee - 19 March 2019


Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held on 19 March 2019.

b)     Takes Part C items of the minutes of the Economic Development Committee held on Tuesday, 19 March 2019, in the non-public part of the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/078)


9        Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee - 15 April 2019


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the Infrastructure Services and Networks Committee meeting held on 15 April 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/079)

Minutes of Community Boards

10     Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board - 5 February 2019


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 5 February 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/080)



11     Saddle Hill Community Board - 7 February 2019


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 7 February 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/081)


12     West Harbour Community Board - 30 January 2019


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:

a)     Notes the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 30 January 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/082)



13     Extraordinary Water Connection at 261 Tomahawk Road


This item was withdrawn from the agenda. 


14     Waste Futures Project - Update #3


A report from Waste and Environmental Solutions updated Council on the progress of the Waste Futures project.



The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions (Chris Henderson) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the Waste Futures Project update 3 report.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/083)




15     Proposed parking changes


A report from Transport advised that at a meeting held on 27 March 2019, the Bylaws Subcommittee considered minor proposed changes to parking controls.  These were appended to the report for consideration by Council.


The report also outlined further proposed changes to the Council’s parking controls and sought approval to release them for public consultation.  The proposed changes supported the achievement of a safe and efficient transport network for all modes.



The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) spoke to the report and responded to questions on the proposed changes and consultation process.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)     Approves the changes to parking controls shown in the Dunedin City Council's traffic and parking controls database, 27 March 2019 update, .

b)     Notes that all parking controls previously approved by Council and not shown as a change on the 27 March 2019 traffic and parking controls database, remain unchanged.

c)     Approves the further proposed parking changes described in this report for public consultation. 

Motion carried (CNL/2019/084) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against


16     Naming of a New Road off Irwin Logan Drive, Mosgiel


A report from Transport presented the options for the naming of a new road off Irwin Logan Drive, Mosgiel.

The report noted that the road name proposed by the developer did not fully comply with the Dunedin City Council Road Naming Policy as it was named after a living person. It was, however, recommended for approval as it followed an established theme within the residential development.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) spoke to the report.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


a)     Approves naming the new private way off Irwin Logan Drive as “Jocelyn Way”.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/085)




17     Thornly Park Classification and Naming of Recreation Reserve, 10 Windermere Drive, Mosgiel


A report from Property and Parks and Recreation advised that an area of land in Mosgiel had recently been subdivided and was known as the Highland Park subdivision.  Part of the subdivision development included the vesting in Council of a Recreation Reserve at 10 Windermere Drive, Mosgiel.

The purpose of the report was to classify the reserve for recreation purposes and name it Thornly Park Recreation Reserve under Sections 16(1) and 16(10) of the Reserves Act 1977 respectively.

The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham), Property Officer (Maria Sleeman) and Parks and Recreation Planner (Ashley Reid) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:


a)         Resolves that under Section 16(1) of the Reserves Act 1977, the reserve at 10 Windermere Drive, Mosgiel described as 6672m2 more or less being Lot 700, Deposited Plan 482487 all Computer Freehold Register 726393 be classified as Recreation Reserve.

b)        Resolves to exercise the power conferred on it under Instrument of Delegation dated 12 June 2013 from the Minister of Conservation to classify the reserve at 10 Windermere Drive, Mosgiel described as 6672m2 more or less being Lot 700, Deposited Plan 482487 all Computer Freehold Register 726393 be classified as Recreation Reserve.

c)     Resolves that under Section 16(10) of the Reserves Act 1977, the reserve at 10 Windermere Drive, Mosgiel described as 6672m2 more or less being Lot 700, Deposited Plan 482487 all Computer Freehold Register 726393 be named Thornly Park Recreation Reserve.

d)     Notes that public notification was not required for the classification as under Section 16(5) of the Reserves Act 1977, the classification proposed was a condition subject to which the land was acquired for reserve purposes; There is no public notification required under the Reserves Act 1977 for the naming of reserves.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/086)


18     Fairfield Tavern Reserve part proposed classification and naming to William Martin Recreation Reserve, 48 Main Road, Fairfield


A report from Property and Parks and Recreation advised that in 1989 a large area of land was vested in the Council as Local Purpose (Recreation) Reserve.  The land adjoined the property on which the former Fairfield Tavern was situated and was known as the Fairfield Tavern Reserve but was not formally named.  The land was subsequently classified as Recreation.

The Fairfield Tavern was later demolished, and the land subdivided.  As a result, in 2007 a small area adjoining the larger reserve was also vested in Council.  This land was never classified. 

Members of the Fairfield Community proposed that the reserve be named the William Martin Reserve in honour of the famed horticulturalist who was credited as the founding father of modern-day Fairfield.  Remnants of the nursery he established are found in the Reserve.  The purpose of the report was to classify the small area of reserve for recreation purposes and name the whole area William Martin Recreation Reserve under Sections 16(1) and 16(10) of the Reserves Act 1977 respectively.



The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham), Property Officer (Maria Sleeman) and Parks and Recreation Planner (Ashley Reid) spoke to the report.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Council:


a)     Resolves that under Section 16(1) of the Reserves Act 1977, the reserve at 48 Main Road, Fairfield described as 306 square metres more or less being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 381869, all Computer Freehold Register 384264 be classified as Local Purpose (Recreation) Reserve.

b)     Resolves to exercise the power conferred on it under Instrument of Delegation dated 12 June 2013 from the Minister of Conservation to classify the reserve at 48 Main Road, Fairfield described as 306 square metres more or less being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 381869, all Computer Freehold Register 384264 be classified as Local Purpose (Recreation) Reserve.

c)     Resolves that under Section 16(10) of the Reserves Act 1977, the reserve at 48 Main Road, Fairfield described as 0.7532 hectares more or less being Lot 1, Deposited Plan 20031, no registration and 306 square metres more or less being Lot 2 Deposited Plan 381869 all Computer Freehold Register 384264 be named William Martin Recreation Reserve.

d)     Notes that public notification is not required for the classification as under Section 16(5) of the Reserves Act 1977, the classification proposed was a condition subject to which the land was acquired for reserve purposes; There was no public notification required under the Reserves Act 1977 for the naming of reserves.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/087)


19 ORC annual plan 2019/20 submission


A report from Policy sought approval for the Dunedin City Council (DCC) submission to be submitted to the Otago Regional Council (ORC) on its draft Annual Plan 2019/20.  


The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) and Group Manager Community and Planning (Nicola Pinfold) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Kate Wilson):


That the Council:


a)     Approves the submission to the Otago Regional Council (ORC) on the proposed ORC Annual Plan 2019/20 with the inclusion of the following:


i)      The Dunedin City Council (DCC) notes that NZTA has announced a review of the Farebox Recovery Rate system for public transport, and intends to work with local Councils to develop local patronage strategies better suited to their specific context.  Encouraging greater use of public transport would contribute positively to many of Council’s strategic objectives, and, as such DCC requests that the ORC and DCC work collaboratively and be actively involved in this review.


ii)     The DCC notes that resourcing was included in the Annual Plan for this current year (2018/19) to produce a feasibility study for public transport links between the city and Dunedin Airport. The DCC requests the opportunity to discuss the findings of the study. If this work has not yet been commissioned, the DCC requests that this funding be carried forward to 2019/20 and be undertaken in that year.


iii)     Evidence presented to the DCC during panel hearings for the Second-Generation District Plan (2GP) raised concerns around the monitoring of wastewater discharges into Blueskin Bay. The DCC requests resourcing be included in the Annual Plan to ensure adequate monitoring, particularly to ensure compliance with relevant resource consents.


iv)    While the Triennial Agreement was not a matter for discussion as part of the Annual Plan, the DCC would like to engage with the ORC as early as possible regarding priorities for inclusion in the next iteration of the Triennial Agreement. While these recommendations would not bind future councils, they may provide a useful resource to inform the next agreement.


        b)     Delegate to staff the ability to make minor editorial changes to the above.




There was a discussion on harbour management.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:


a)      Acknowledges and appreciates the collaboration from the ORC on the Dunedin Waterfront redevelopment and Provincial Growth Fund bid and seeks further collaboration with regards to joint planning for Otago’s harbours and harbour access. The DCC would welcome the ORC's agreement to resourcing Harbourside Management Plans, focusing on joint planning for the adjoining jurisdictions around the edges of Otago’s harbours.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/088)



Concerns had been raised with Councillors on the lack of action in the control of rabbit numbers and it was agreed this would be included in the submission.



Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:

a      Notes that the ORC was currently undertaking a review of its Pest Management Plan. 

          b)      Requests that the ORC reinstates rabbit management.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/089)



During discussion Cr Newell left the meeting at 2.36pm and Cr Elder left the meeting at  2.37 pm


Cr Newell returned to the meeting at 2.38 pm.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Recommends that the ORC supports the Tomahawk community with proactive management of the lagoon and undertake a management plan process that manages the lagoon for conservation, biodiversity, community safety and recreational values. The DCC requests that this is treated as a priority and adequate funding is allocated through direct regional council projects and an increase in the ECO funding for Tomahawk community groups.


Cr Elder returned to the meeting at 2.39 pm


Motion carried (CNL/2019/090)



Following further discussion the substantive motion was then put.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/091)


20     Election matters 2019 - order of candidate names


A report from Civic outlined three options available for ordering candidate names on voting documents for the October 2019 election, with these being random, pseudo-random and alphabetical.  In the past two elections, Council used random order without any issues.

The report sought Council approval for the use of random order for ordering candidate names on voting papers for the 2019 election. 


The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) and Team Leader Civic (Sharon Bodeker) spoke to the report.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)     Approves the continued use of random order for ordering candidate names on voting papers for the 2019 election.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/092)


21     Request for Support of a Remit to the LGNZ Annual General Meeting


A report from Civic advised that the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was to be held on Sunday 7 July 2019, in Wellington.  It  noted that the proposed remits to be considered at the AGM required formal support from five councils, or at least one zone or sector group meeting prior to being submitted.    

The report noted that the Mayor of Thames-Coromandel District Council, Sandra Goudie, sought the support of five councils for a proposed remit as follows:

“That LGNZ request the Government to amend the Camping - Ground Regulations to allow councils to approve remote camp facilities on private property, subject to any such conditions as deemed required by a council, including the condition that any approved campground is x distance away from an existing campground, unless the existing campground operator agrees to waive this condition in writing.”


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)         Provides formal support for the proposed remit from Thames Coromandel District Council to LGNZ:

That LGNZ request the Government to amend the Camping - Ground Regulations to allow councils to approve remote camp facilities on private property, subject to any such conditions as deemed required by a council, including the condition that any approved campground is x distance away from an existing campground, unless the existing campground operator agrees to waive this condition in writing.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/093)


22  Notice of Motion - Unitary Authority Investigations


In accordance with Standing Order 23.1, a Notice of Motion was received from Cr David Benson-Pope for Council to rescind the resolution of 23/24 January 2017 in respect of Unitary Authority Investigations. 

Councillor Benson-Pope spoke to the Notice of Motion.



Moved (Cr Kate Wilson/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:

               Puts the Motion in accordance with Standing Orders 24.2b




The Council voted by division:


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Chris Staynes, Conrad Stedman, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (9).

Against:     Crs Rachel Elder, Aaron Hawkins, Jim O'Malley, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley (5).


The division was declared CARRIED by 9 votes to 5


Cr Vandervis left the meeting at 3.04 pm


Motion carried (CNL/2019/094)




Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


a)         Rescind the resolution (CNL/2017/035) of 23/24 January 2017 in respect of Unitary Authority Investigations.


        The Council voted by division.


For:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Chris Staynes, Conrad Stedman, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (10).

Against:     Cr Jim O'Malley (1).

Abstention: Crs Andrew Whiley, Rachel Elder


The division was declared CARRIED by 10 votes to 1


Motion carried (CNL/2019/095)


The Mayor left the meeting at 3.05 pm and the Deputy Chair (Councillor Staynes) assumed the Chair.



23     Notice of Motion - Proposed Rule Change for  LGNZ 2019 Annual General Meeting


In accordance with Standing Order 26.1, a Notice of Motion was received from Cr Jim O’Malley, seconded by Cr Damian Newell.  The Notice of Motion proposed a rule change for consideration at the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Sunday 7 July 2019, in Wellington. 

It was noted that under the LGNZ rules, a change may be initiated by a resolution of the National Council, or by a member authority giving more than one month’s notice to LGNZ before the Annual General Meeting for any Special General Meeting. 

The Notice of Motion proposed the following:

a)     that LGNZ amends the current policy which describes eligibility for the position of the President of LGNZ, to allow the position to also be able to be filled by a person who has been a mayor or chair of a council within the last five years.

In all cases, written notice of the proposal to change the Rules must be given to every member authority at least 10 working days before the AGM or the Special General Meeting.


Councillor O’Malley spoke to the Notice of Motion.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Damian Newell):

That the Council:

a)     Requests for consideration at the 2019 Local Government New Zealand meeting that:

LGNZ amends the current policy which describes eligibility for the position of the President of LGNZ, to allow the position to also be able to be filled by a person who has been a Mayor or Chair of a council within the last five years.


The Council voted by division:



For:          Crs Rachel Elder and Jim O'Malley (2).

Against:     Crs David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Chris Staynes, Conrad Stedman, Andrew Whiley and Kate Wilson (10).


The division was declared LOST by 10 votes to 2


Motion carried (CNL/2019/096)



Resolution to exclude the public

Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Aaron Hawkins):

That the Council:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution


Reason for Confidentiality

C1  Ordinary Council meeting - 26 March 2019 - Public Excluded


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.



The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).



The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.




C2  Extraordinary Council meeting - 16 April 2019 - Public Excluded


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).






C3  Economic Development Committee - 19 March 2019 - Public Excluded





C4  DCC Branding


The withholding of the information is necessary to prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

To protect the trade mark until approved..

C5  Centre of Digital Excellence


The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.

That Richard Blaikie (DVC Research) and Mike Collins, Members of the CODE Steering Group and Project Team Member Andrea Kydd Law (independent consultant) be permitted to attend the meeting to speak to Item C5 to provide assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/097)



The meeting moved into confidential at 3.35 pm and concluded at 4.42 pm.







