Council Annual Plan



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Annual Plan Council held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 06 May 2019, commencing at 10.28 am; Tuesday 07 May 2019 and Wednesday 08 May commencing at 9.00 am.





Mayor Dave Cull


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Chris Staynes




Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr Rachel Elder


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Aaron Hawkins

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Damian Newell


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Andrew Whiley


Cr Kate Wilson








Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial) Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi), Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions), Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Civic), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Des Adamson (Business Relationship Manager), Tom Dyer (Group Manager 3 Waters), Suz Jenkins (Finance and Operations Manager), Louise van de Vlierd (Team Leader Visitor Centre), Graham McKerracher (Communications and Marketing Manager), Joy Gunn (Manager Events and Community Development), Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader), Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor), Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst), Tanisha Fernandes (Contractor Policy)


Governance Support Officers     Lynne Adamson; Wendy Collard (Monday); Jennifer Lapham (Tuesday) and Lauren McDonald and Rebecca Murray (Wednesday)



1       Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.   


2       Apologies


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):


That the Council:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Jim O’Malley for lateness and Cr Stedman for absence and Mayor Dave Cull for absence on Tuesday 7 May and Wednesday 8 May 2019.


Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/033)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the agenda with the following alterations:

a)         In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/034)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.




Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/035)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)         Notes the Executive Leadership Team's Interest Register.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/036)


Part A Reports

5       Hearing Schedule for the Annual Plan and Late Submissions


A report from Civic provided the Councillors with a schedule of submitters wishing to present their views at the Annual Plan hearings and to consider whether or not to accept late submissions received.

The report noted that submissions had closed on 15 April 2019 with approximately 465 submissions received.  Of these, 61 submitters wished to present their submissions to Councillors and six submissions had been received since the closing date.


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the report.

b)     Accepts the late submissions.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/037)


6       Submissions


The people who had indicated they wished to be heard in support of their submissions presented to the Council.



Monday 6 May 2019


Yasmin Nowak

Ms Nowak spoke positively on the proposed pedestrianisation of George Street.  She spoke of her concern with the cost of buses in Dunedin and that it was cheaper to drive than use the bus to commute.  Bus fares should be charged at a rate of 10-20 cents per stop with a cap at $2.  Ms Nowak suggested consideration be given to using electric buses and to have more buses at night which would help minimse drunk drivers and people walking late at night.


She spoke of recycling and utilising waste as a commodity which would in turn, create jobs for the community.  Ms Nowak advised that compost was free in Vienna with compost bins around the city, and she suggested this be investigated for Dunedin.


John Brimble and Owen Booth, Sport Otago

John Brimble (Chief Executive Officer) and Owen Booth (Development and Capability Manager) spoke to the submission from Sport Otago, to request an annual funding increase of 60% to offset the lease of the Sargood Centre.


Messrs Brimble and Booth thanked Council for their support and commented that Sport Otago was struggling to cope with fixed revenues and mounting costs.  They commented that the lease costs represented a significant increase and was becoming increasingly difficult to sustain. 


Messrs Brimble and Booth then responded to questions.


Cr Vandervis left the meeting at 10.56 am.



Teresa Chan, Dunedin Shanghai Association

Ms Chan spoke to the submission from the Dunedin-Shanghai Association requesting  an increase in their annual funding grant.


Cr Hall left at 10.59 am


Ms Chan explained that the Dunedin Shanghai Association (DSA) supported the Sister City relationship between Dunedin and Shanghai.  She commented that the role had increased as the relationship between Dunedin and Shanghai and their support had grown over the last few years and she believed the annual grant of $5,000 needed to be reassessed. 


Ms Chan would like an increase of $5,000 annually, as that would provide 50% of the cost of the annual trip to China.  This was currently paid by the Chair and was no longer sustainable.  The extra funding would also support initiatives to develop resources to maximise benefits for Dunedin.


Cr Hall returned to the meeting at 11.06 am and Cr Vandervis returned at 11.08 am.

Cr Lord left the meeting at 11.10 am.



Tony Culling, Caversham Community Group

Mr Culling spoke in support of the submission from the Caversham Community Group.  He asked Council to appraise road safety in the area as the traffic volumes had increased significantly in the Caversham shopping area.


Mr Culling raised concerns with housing in the area.  There were a lot of run down, damp, cold houses which were still occupied.  They would like DCC to take on a leadership role to rejuvenate housing improvements in the area and suggested meetings be held with home owners; tenants; lending institutions; construction firms and Council representatives to work out a plan.


Cr Lord returned to the meeting at 11.14 am.


Mr Culling commented on the need for new reserves and public areas and the enhancement of existing ones, as houses in the area had small yards. There was a very real need for adequate recreational places.


The installation of amber capped LED lighting for any replacement street lights would ensure the protection of the night sky.


Norcombe Barker, Larnach Castle

Mr Barker spoke to his PowerPoint presentation in support of his submission.  Mr Barker commented that the Enterprise Dunedin budget should be increased to enable more promotion and attraction of visitors to the city. 


Mr Barker commented that 70% of the tourism market was domestic with 30% international.  He believed that there would be a slowdown in the tourism industry nationally and that if Dunedin did not provide more funding to enable the “Dunedin story” to be told, the city was at risk of losing millions.


Mr Barker responded to questions.


Liz Angelo, CITY RISE UP

Ms Angelo spoke in support of the submission from CITY RISE UP.  She noted that the total population living within community board areas within the city boundary was 35,487, which was 29.53% of Dunedin’s population.  More than 84,000 people lived outside the community boards area yet did not have a board for support. 


Ms Angelo spoke of the proposed free bus loop and urged Council to move forward with the proposal and include smaller electric or low emission buses with frequent hop on-off stops that connect with ORC bus routes.  She provided a suggestion of the area to incorporate in the bus loop and proposed stops.


Ms Angelo spoke of the local community and commented that there was no community hall and no ability to speak to Councillors apart from attending public forums.


Dave Hanan

Mr Hanan provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of his submission.  He advised that millions of dollars could be saved by keeping the Green Island Landfill open for as long as possible.


Mr Hanan advised that in 2016 there was an estimated 1.6 million cu m of capacity left at the landfill which should provide an estimated 21 years of life.  He suggested that rather than opening a new landfill at Smooth Hill, Council should obtain a 20 year resource consent extension for the Green Island landfill.  Smooth Hill should be investigated for use when the Green Island landfill reached maximum capacity.


Mr Hanan commented on recycling and suggested that the website may be of interest.  He believed that we should not impose our waste on poorer, less fortunate countries.


Mr Hanan believed Council should renegotiate the contract with Waste Management so the contract was a lump sum contract and not an incentive scheme.  Council should recapture the waste stream it had lost and have Council funded wheelie bins of various size to cater for those that do not generate much waste.  These should be funded through rates.  This would result in a better, more effective, environmentally friendly service at a lower cost. 



Ian Griffin, Otago Museum

Mr Griffin and Mr Mike Bailey spoke to the submission on behalf of the Otago Museum.  They commented on the variances in funding for museums in New Zealand.  They used the  example of the moa egg display in which Te Papa and the Otago Museum were the only ones to house moa eggs. Te Papa is financially supported by all of New Zealand whereas the Otago Museum was supported by Dunedin only. 


Mr Griffin provided and spoke to the Museum’s Strategic Plan for 2019-2024.  He commented on the challenges ahead with the redevelopment required in both the facility and ensuring the preservation of the exhibits.


They thanked Council for its support and looked forward to continuing to work together in the future.  Messrs Griffin and Bailey then responded to questions.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:

a)    Adjourns the meeting and reconvenes at 130 pm.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/038)




The meeting adjourned at 12.26 pm and reconvened at 1.30 pm.


Paul Pope and John Beekhuis, Dunedin Amenities Society

Mr Pope and Mr Beekhuis, on behalf of the Dunedin Amenities Society, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation which included the projects that the group had been undertaking along the Town Belt.


Mr Beekhuis raised concerns about weed control along the Town Belt and asked Council to give consideration to amending contracts to include the footpaths and berm.  He also requested that minor repairs be undertaken to the Frasers Gully Track which would allow the walking track to re-open.


Mr Pope spoke of the creation of a memorial gardens, to the Maori prisoners from Ngati Ruanui iwi, at the old Kaituna Bowling Club and asked that Council give consideration to contributing to the project.


Messrs Pope and Beekhuis responded to questions.


Cr O’Malley entered the meeting at 1.58 pm.


Alan Jackson and Prof Kevin Clements, The Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust

Professor Clements and Mr Jackson, on behalf of the Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation which included concept plans for the Archibald Baxter Memorial to be located in Albany Street. 


Professor Clements and Mr Jackson responded to questions.

Cr Benson-Pope requested that staff provide the current cost of maintenance at this location.


Geoff Patton, Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust

Mr Patton spoke to the submission on behalf of the Mayfair Theatre Charitable Trust which included upcoming works at the theatre.  He requested a letter of support from Council that could  be included with their funding applications for grants from other organisations.


Mayor Cull advised that Council would be able to provide a letter of support.


Kaitrin McMullan, Love the Lindsay Community Group

Ms McMullan spoke on behalf of Love the Lindsay Community                                                                                                Group, and provided an update on their clean-up day.   She requested that the toilets at the Chingford Pavilion be opened daily for casual users of Chingford Park and that a new rubbish bin be installed.


Ms McMullan responded to questions.


Cr Hawkins left the meeting at 2.27 pm.

Cr Vandervis left the meeting at 2.29 pm.


The meeting adjourned at 2.29 pm and reconvened at 2.50 pm.


Fiona Clements, Sustainable Dunedin City

Ms Clements spoke on behalf of Sustainable Dunedin City and in particular on the importance of developing a sustainable city and the role of today’s leaders to achieve this.  Ms Clements thanked Council for the actions to date which included recycling hubs and ethical investing.


Ms Clements responded to questions.


The meeting adjourned at 3.00 pm and reconvened at 3.18 pm.


Craig Werner, The Preservation Coalition Trust

Mr Werner spoke to the submission from the Preservation Coalition Trust.  He requested that Council provide additional funding for the monitoring of resource consents. 


Mr Werner responded to questions.


Amanda Reid and Steve Hayward, Greater Green Island Community Network

Ms Reid and Mr Hayward spoke to the submission from the Greater Green Island Community Network, and in particular on pedestrian safety concerns along Green Island and Concord. 


Ms Reid asked Council  to give consideration to the DCC carpark on Main South Road, Green Island having a time limit of between 2 to 4 hours, as it was currently being used as long term parking.


Ms Reid and Mr Hayward responded to questions.


Cr Hawkins returned to the meeting at 3.49 pm.


Philippa Jamieson and Alex King, Transition Valley 473

Ms Jamieson and Mr King spoke to the submission on behalf of Transition Valley 473 and thanked Council for its proactive stance on climate change.  Ms Jamieson requested that Councillors strongly oppose offshore testing and drilling off our coast.


Mr King commented on the Waterfront development and advised that they opposed the use of ratepayer funding for this project.


Ms Jamieson and Mr King responded to questions.



Bridie Lonie

Ms Lonie spoke to her submission and commented that she supported the use of performance art as a way to communicate climate change projects and adaptation. She

requested that adaptation be prioritised in the Te Ao Turoa (environment strategy) plan.


Ms Lonie responded to questions.


Scott Willis, Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust

Mr Willis spoke on behalf of the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (BRCT submission.  He  requested that Council give consideration to purchasing three of the BRCT’s “climate-safe houses” which would provide new options for social housing.  He advised that the cost of the houses was estimated at $250,000 each and would be designed to be easily assembled and relocatable.


Mr Willis responded to questions.


Judy Martin and Andy Barratt, OneCoast

Ms Martin and Mr Barratt spoke on behalf of the OneCoast submission. Ms Martin commented on their proposal for a more extensive Community Resource Recovery Centre which would include a shop front, green waste processing and a community upcycle shed.  They requested funding for the establishment of the infrastructure for the Community Recycling Centre at Waikouaiti Transfer Centre. 


Ms Martin and Mr Barratt responded to questions.


Cr Lord left the meeting at 4.52 pm.


Marty Brash and Korena Patterson, Broad Bay Boating Club

Cr Garey withdrew from this item.


Mr Brash and Ms Patterson spoke to the submission from the Broad Bay Boating Club.  They asked for $100,000 to be provided for new clubrooms to be built at Broad Bay.  Mr Brash advised that this would benefit the harbour development project and community as the current facility did not meet the needs of the club, community and city.  They responded to questions  


Peter Dowden, Bus Users Support Group, Otepoti Dunedin  

Mr Dowden spoke on behalf of the Bus Users Support Group submission and reiterated their support for the proposed bus loop and lower bus fares.


Cr Elder left the meeting at 5.12 pm


Mr Dowden responded to questions.



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)  Adjourns the meeting and reconvenes at 9.00 am on Tuesday 7 May 2019.


Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/039)


The meeting adjourned at 5.13 pm and reconvened on Tuesday, 7 May 2019 at 9.00 am







Tuesday 7 May 2019


In Attendance:                        Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services) and Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial),Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Civic), Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst), Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader), Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation) and Tanisha Fernandes (Contractor Policy)


Governance Support Officer:       Jennifer Lapham




Apologies were received from Cr Newell for lateness and Cr Hall for absence.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Newell (for lateness) and Cr Hall for absence.


Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/040)



Dougal McGowan, The Otago Chamber of Commerce

Mr McGowan spoke to the Otago Chamber of Commerce submission and highlighted key points.  In particular he commented on parking and the proposed centre city bus loop.  Mr McGowan advised that the Chamber would like more information on the proposals, including the main arterial work and the centre city upgrade.  


Mr McGowan responded to questions from the Councillors.


Michelle Reddy, South Dunedin Community Network

Michelle Reddy spoke on behalf of the South Dunedin Community Network.  She highlighted the issue of the cleaning up of King Edward Street.  She advised that the gardens were barren and filled with rubbish and did not add any value to the street.  South Dunedin people would like community gardens, green spaces and a celebration of the history of South Dunedin.


Ms Reddy responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Lee Vandervis):

That the Council:

a)         Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/041)



The meeting adjourned from 9.58 am and reconvened at 10.07 am.



Liesel Mitchell

Ms Mitchell spoke to her submission and commented on people living and moving around the city and in particular, highlighted that with the new bus hub there was  no way of getting through the city.  She was concerned about the lack of parking without sensible public transport options.


Ms Mitchell responded to questions.



John Burton

Mr Burton spoke to his submission regarding the Fraser Gully walking track which had been closed since July 2017.  He requested that the Council reopen the track as it is well used and he did not believe there were any health and safety issues to keep it closed. 


Mr Burton responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Lee Vandervis):

That the Council:

a)         Adjourns the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/042)



The meeting adjourned at 10.50 am and reconvened at 10.55 am.



Peter Miller and Stuart Strachan, Archives and Records Association of New Zealand

Messrs Miller and Strachan spoke to the submission on behalf of Archives and Records Association of New Zealand.  They advised that they were concerned that the City Archives were held in the basement of the Civic Building, as the conditions were unsatisfactory.  There was a high risk to the archived property as water pipes ran through the area.  They advised that the Hocken Library needed to expand and Council should work with the Hocken to develop suitable housing for the archives.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services provided an update on Council plans to ensure the safe storage of the archives.



Sophie Carty, Otago Southland Cancer Society

Cr Staynes withdrew from this item as he was on the Board of the Otago Southland Cancer Society.  He advised that he would Chair the meeting but would not ask any questions.


Ms Carty spoke to the submission from the Otago Southland Cancer Society and in particular commented on the need for Council to provide shade in playgrounds and smoke free public areas.


Ms Carty responded to questions.


Peter Foster

Mr Foster spoke to his submission regarding the servicing of rural roads and advised that Contractors would take the cheapest option to fix roads.  He spoke about parking at the new hospital build; the current light sequence concerns which held up traffic and the proposed bridge to the waterfront.


Cr Newell entered the meeting at 11.39 am.


Mr Foster responded to questions. 


William Dreyer and James Heath, Otago University Students’ Association

Messrs Dreyer and Heath spoke to the submission on behalf of the Otago University Students’ Associations.  In particular they asked for provision of voting booths at the University. They also sought the Council’s support for getting cheaper alcohol in licensed premises, noting  that pubs were safe places for the students to drink but the cost of the drinks was a deterrent to drinking there. 


They also commented on recycling and establishing a recycling centre in the University area. They responded to questions. 




Tahu Potiki, Kāi Tahu

Mr Potiki spoke to the submission from Kāi Tahu about a change in the way Kāi Tahu proposed to work with the Council.  They sought a funding contribution of $250,000 which would be matched by Ngai Tahu.  This would be used to work on core partnership activities, projects and treaty analysis as well as other priorities such as climate change, housing, waste management etc.


Mr Potiki responded to question from the Councillors.




Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Lee Vandervis):

That the Council:

a)         Adjourns the meeting until 9.00 am on Wednesday 8 May 2019.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/043)



The meeting adjourned at 12.20 pm and reconvened on Wednesday 8 May 2019 at 9.00 am.



Wednesday 7 May 2019



In Attendance:                        Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services) and Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial), Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Civic), Tami Sargeant (Senior Policy Analyst), Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader), Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation) and Tanisha Fernandes (Contractor Policy)


Governance Support Officer:      Lauren McDonald


An apology was received from Cr Newell for lateness.


Suzanne Menzies-Culling

Ms Menzies-Culling spoke to her submission.  She felt that the DCC black plastic rubbish bags as a collection method was out of date and cost prohibitive to ratepayers.  Council needed to change to bin collection for waste, paid for through rates.  She encouraged Council to reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill through targeted education for reduction of waste (through recycling, green and organic waste collection). 


Ms Menzies-Culling sought easier access to the routes with smaller buses in the central city due to the number of larger buses travelling on routes virtually empty outside of peak travel times .


She would like to see Council look to local procurement to foster more employment in the city and to buy locally and sustainably.


Ms Menzies-Culling responded to questions from Councillors.




Andy McLean, Otago Hockey and David Booth, Kings High School

Messrs MacLean and Booth spoke to the joint submission from Otago Hockey, Kings High School and Sport Otago for an artificial turf facility to be located at Kings High School, with the DCC as owner.  They advised that the current turf was being used to maximum capacity and another facility with artificial turf was required in the South Dunedin area.  They commented that provision of changing facilities, upgrades and maintenance at the site would be done through Kings High School and Otago Hockey as tenant.  They confirmed community access would be provided.


Mr MacLean and Mr Booth responded to questions from the Councillors.


Cr Newell entered the meeting at 9:41am


Sandra Mandic, University of Otago

Ms Mandic spoke to her submission and commented in support of the proposed free central city bus service and the use of parking revenue to provide the service.


Cr Andrew Whiley left the meeting at 9:44 am and returned at 9:46 am.


Andrea Bosshard

Cr Hawkins, Cr Benson-Pope withdrew from this item.


Ms Bosshard spoke to her submission and in particular commented on climate change, and the proposed mine at Foulden Hills which would destroy the volcanic crater’s fossil record. 


Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 10:01 a.m.


Ms Bosshard responded to questions.


Shane Loader

Mr Loader spoke to his submission.  He expressed his concern of the Sutton Bridge being used for the proposed Diatomite mine at Foulden Hill and questioned the economic value to the city.


Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 10:03 a.m.


Mr Loader responded to questions from the Councillors.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Council:

a)         Adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/044)


The meeting adjourned at 10.20 am and reconvened at 10.40 am.


Finn Campbell, Generation Zero

Finn Campbell spoke to the submission from Generation Zero and commented on the Central City Plan, advising that they would like to see continued consultation on this project. 


Mr Campbell also commented on climate change and the need for renewable power sources.  He concluded that they supported the proposed bus loop with electric buses. 




Neill Harraway, Monarch Wildlife Ltd

Mr Harraway spoke in support of the submission from Monarch Wildlife Ltd and in support of the submission from Dunedin Host.  He advised that the recommendations in the Martin Jenkin’s report needed to be followed up.  Mr Harraway commented that the Council needed to work with the tourism industry in a collaborative manner.


Mr Harraway responded to questions.



Paul Phelan, Dunedin Host

Mr Phelan (Chairperson) spoke to the submission from Dunedin Host.  He advised that they wanted to focus on the future of tourism and growing the economy of Dunedin.  He commented on the Martin Jenkins report and the need for Council to have a Marketing Manager to encourage visitors to Dunedin, and the benefit of that position to be on the Visit Dunedin Board. 


Mr Phelan responded to questions.


Rosemary McQueen

Ms McQueen spoke in support of her submission.  She felt the cost of servicing parking areas should be reflected in the parking fee to the user.  She did not support the use of powered scooters and sought a bylaw to ensure the safety of pedestrians on footpaths. She commented on the proposed bus loop which she felt should be extended to cover the area between the Town Belt and the Oval.  She supported the use of park and ride facilities and a public bus route to include Olveston and other tourist activities.


Ms McQueen responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Committee:

a)         Adjourn  the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/045)


The meeting adjourned at 11.46 and  reconvened at 11.55 am.


Elsie Taimalieutu-Freeman Dunedin Pacifica Womans Branch

Cr Laufiso withdrew from this item.


Ms Taimalieutu-Freeman spoke in support of the submission from Dunedin Pacifica Woman’s Branch for better outcomes and consideration for Pasifika whanau in the community.  She outlined the services provided in the community by the Pasifika community themselves as they best understood the changes and needs required for community development.


Ms Taimalieutu-Freeman commented on the request for additional funding of $500,000 for the Social Wellbeing Strategy.  She asked that some of this funding be specifically allocated to the Pacific Island Community for the wellbeing of Pasifika whanau and communities.  


Cr Hall left the meeting at 12.04 pm and returned at 12.06 pm.


Ms Taimalieutu-Freeman responded to questions.


Phillipa Harris and Megan Bartlett, Dunedin Symphony Orchestra

Ms Harris and Ms Bartlett spoke on the submission from the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra.  They provided an overview of the importance of the Orchestra and the programmes it covers. 


They requested that Council provide an increase of $150,000 for the Town Hall portion of the Community Access Subsidy funding, that the Council provides to DVML.  This would allow an increase in the subsidy for community users of the Town Hall.  They also asked that the Council allocate a one-off grant of $100,000 to the Orchestra to allow it to continue to progress its planned programme until the Charcoalblue Study was completed.


Ms Harris and Ms Bartlett responded to questions.


Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:

a)         Adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/046)


The meeting adjourned at 12.30 pm and reconvened at 1.30 pm.


Governance Support Officer:                 Rebecca Murray



Chris Ford, Disabled Persons Assembly (PDA) Dunedin

Mr Ford spoke to the submission from the Disabled Persons Assembly and highlighted points in the submission such as involvement in the Central City upgrade and the need to ensure that the voice of the disabled people was heard. 


Mr Ford also commented on the proposed transport changes, rubbish, recycling and the local body elections which he believed should include phone voting as it would aid the disabled and allow them to fully participate. 


Cr Vandervis entered the meeting at 1.37 pm.


Mr Ford responded to questions


Christine Kelle, Dunedin’s Loom Room

Ms Kelle spoke to the submission from the Dunedin Loom Room and in particular access to public transport by students and the cost of travelling the buses.  She commented that this was an additional expense imposed on students.


Ms Kelle responded to questions.



Glen Howell and  Kristy Booth, Mountain Biking Otago

Mr Howell and Ms Booth spoke to the submission from Mountain Biking Otago.  They thanked the Council for the support they have received over the years and requested that Council provide support in updating tracks.  They advised that the development of an iconic track would encourage mountain biking tourism in Dunedin.


Mr Howell and Ms Booth responded to questions.


Dave Sharp, The Landscape Connection Trust

Mr Sharp spoke to the submission from The Landscape Connection Trust.  He advised that their focus was to work with the communities in the area around the Orokonui Ecosanctuary.


Mr Sharp express the Trust’s appreciation of all the predator free initiatives undertaken by Council.


Mr Sharp responded to questions. 


Craig Waterhouse,  South Dunedin Business Association

Mr Waterhouse spoke to the submission from the South Dunedin Business Association.  He advised that the Association was extremely supportive of the South Dunedin Community Hub but were concerned that there was insufficient funding to complete the project.  They sought information on the proposed timeline and assurance that the community would be kept informed of progress.


Mr Waterhouse advised that the Association would like consideration to be given to the installation of a good playground in the community.



Cr Newell left the meeting at 2.51pm


Tim McMullen

Mr McMullen spoke to his submission and commented on the cycling tracks around the city which he believed should be linked.   He supported the proposed bus loop and infrastructure improvements.


Cr Lord left the meeting at 2.58 pm and returned at 2.59 pm.



Karen Anderson

Ms Anderson reiterated points outlined in her submission. She referred to the dog registration fees and the proposed increase in Official Information request fees.


Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Council:

a)         Adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried (CAPCC/2019/047)


The meeting adjourned at 3.07 pm and reconvened at 3.20 pm.


Mary O’Brien, CCS Disability Action

Ms O’Brien spoke to the submission from CCS Disability Action.  She advised that it was important to provide affordable accessible public transport as it was a benefit for everyone.  Ms O’Brien raised a concern about how people would get to the hospital.  She asked that Council undertake and audit of footpaths and their condition so work can be undertaken to make them safe to walk on.


Ms O’Brien responded to questions.



Geraldine Tait

Ms Tait spoke to her submission and in particular commented on issues around South Dunedin. 


Ms Tait would like to see the Barnes Dance lights reinstated at Cargill’s Corner and the intersection of Macandrew Road and King Edward Street where the new library was proposed.  Ms Tait asked Council to provide more funding for playgrounds and adventure facilities to cater for children of all ages.


Ms Tait responded to questions.



Tania Sharee Williams, Arai Te Uru Marae

Cr Laufiso withdrew from this item.


Ms Williams spoke to the submission from the Arai Te Uru Marae.  She provided a brief outline of the history of the marae and the role it played in the Dunedin community.


Ms Williams advised that they wanted financial support from Council as the marae was voluntary based.  She commented that priority be given to the signage for the Arai te uru Marae being corrected, firstly by shifting the sign that pointed to the Marae on Shetland St so it was opposite the Marae driveway.  Ms Williams commented that it would also be advantageous to have signage from Kaikorai Valley Road installed.


Ms Williams asked Council to consider commissioning a collaborated multi-cultural art piece to identify with Dunedin’s diversity.


Ms Williams responded to questions.



Tess Trotter, The Valley Project

Ms Trotter spoke to the submission on behalf of The Valley Project.  She advised that they appreciated the support from the Council and the funding they had received.  They would like to work with the Council on projects and in particular Parks and Recreation.  She advised that when using public spaces it would be good to have appropriate facilities i.e. Chingford Park.


Ms Trotter responded to questions.



Discussion took place on the reports that would be provided for the deliberations.  Councillors were to advise the Chief Executive officer of any requests that they had for feedback on the submissions. 



The meeting concluded at 4.20 pm. .








